Tori Nebukadenezara ro
1 Ndroa ṛiri 'dimiri Nebukadenezara ro si oko, tori aza ezitate Nebukadenezara dri, tana 'ba nda te milo'bene amba, ago u'du narute ni mi ndaro yasi. 2 Ndi 'bädri'ba zi taäŋgu'bai, taläkä'bai, tetedri'bai, ndi tauni'bai be te takaci tori ana ro itine ndäri. Ondro ànya kikyiyi kedreyite 'bädri'ba kandra oko, 3 'bädri'ba atate ànyari ekye: “Tori aza ezitate mädri, ago 'ba mate milo'bene amba. Male takacina unine.”
4 Ànya zayitadri 'bädri'ba rote kala Aramaika rosi ekye: “'Bädri'ba miri ndi madaro! Nyiti tori miro tana ama ruindu'bai miro ri, ago mìtina takacina ndi miri.”
5 'Bädri'ba atate ànyari ekye: “Tase musube drî maro ya endaro ni no, ondro ka'do mìni kote tori maro ono ndi takacina be itine märi otowana ami cini ndi jinyijinyi, ago eperena zoi amiro ndi riya vuru tandroro. 6 Oko ondro ka'do mìni ndi tori se ono tana itine ago takacina itine, 'dooko mozona ŋgapäṛi ndi ŋgaoro 'desi be 'da ämiri. Ka'do inye, nyìti ta tori se ono ro ndi takacina be märi.”
7 Ànya zayitadri 'bädri'ba rote kpa to'di ekye: “Mi'ba 'bädri'ba kiti tori se ono ruindu'bai ndaro ri ago mìtina takaci na ndi.”
8 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zatadrite ekye: “Mäni ndi endaro nyà tavouṛi tu usune amba, tana mìndrete ma'batate 9 ami cini ezane taezaro alodi si ondro ka'do nyìti takaci tori maro ro kote owo. Mìle tadrite amivoya kowe itine ndi ata se ko ŋgye 'do be makandra madale tu okyena gwo. Ka'do inye nyìti tori 'do märi, 'dooko mänina ndi anjioko mìnina ndi takacina itine märi.”
10 Tavoata'bai logoyi tate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “'Diaza i'do 'bädri ya se unina ndi tase mi 'bädri'ba milebe ono itine miri, tana 'bädri'ba 'desi ago mbaraekye aza i'do se 'ba taeji mbaraekye nonye ono be taäŋgu'bai, taläkä'bai, ndi tauni'bai ndaro be ri. 11 Taeji gi mi 'bädri'ba nyejibe ono orivoya rritibe ago 'diaza alodi unina ko takacina itine miri, e'be gialo lui ayani, se riyi ko lidri lako.”
12 Ta'doro 'bädri'ba a'dote kyilaro ndra, ago ozotate tavouni'bai cini Babelona ro tufune. 13 Ta'dota ondro ozotate tavouni'bai tufune oko, ozo ta kpate Daniele ndi bereazii ndaro be tufune.
Lu ka takaci Tori ana ro Ka'dana Daniele ri
14 'Dooko Daniele oyite ago ata tate tauni si Arioka, otaozo'ba gaga'bai 'bädri'ba ro se ozo tabe rigye ugu tavouni'bai Babelona ro tufune ana ri. 15 Nda eji Arioka te ekye tana e'di 'bädri'ba 'degwo ota rritibe ono ozone nonye niya? Ndi Arioka edre tase ka'dobe ana tana te Daniele ri.
16 Daniele cite ago lo'barute 'bädri'ba ri tu ozone ndäri, se ko'ba nda robe takaci tori ana ro itine 'bädri'ba ri. 17 'Dooko Daniele oyite 'bäru ago iti tase ka'dobe ana te bereazii ndaro Anania, Misaela ndi Azaria be ri. 18 Nda atate ànyari Lu vo'buyakuru ro ejine yauni ka'dane ta dämbidämbi nonye ono tana edrene, ukyi äfu ànya 'da tro tavouni'bai Babelona'bai robe. 19 'Dooko tase dämbidämbiro ana aka'date Daniele ri rulofo si, ŋgäkyi gi ana modona si. Ago Daniele räṛu Lu vo'buyakuru rote atate ekye:
20 “Räṛu ka'do Lu ri äduako ago äduako!
Tavouni ndi mbara be ni ndaro.
21 Nda kani tu toza ndi ndroa be;
nda ka 'bädri'bai onana ni ago o'bana ni;
nda kani tavouni ozo ndi tauni be tavouni'bai ri;
22 Nda kani tase gyuru ago dämbidämbiro lofona;
nda kani tase ada'dobe vouni ya unina;
ago ŋgaeyi orivoya gbikyi nda modo lomvosi.
23 Maro mi ago märäṛu mi Lu zutui maro ro.
Tana nyozo tavouni ni märi ndi mbara be;
miza mätu maro tadrina te
ago nyaka'da tase itine 'bädri'ba ri tana te ämäri.”
Daniele ka ta Tori ro Iti 'Bädri'ba ri ndi Tazevoedrena be
24 'Dooko Daniele oyi cite Arioka, se 'bädri'ba ko'babe tavouni'bai Babelona'bai ro tufune ana re. Nda atate rigye ekye: “Nyutufu tavouni'bai Babelona'bai ro ko. Nyoloci ma 'bädri'ba kandra, ago maka'dana takaci tori ana ro 'da ndäri.”
25 'Dooko Arioka ugu Daniele te 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kandra, ago atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Musu 'diaza teni 'dise ärube kamba'bai ro Yudai ro ono lakosi, se unina ndi takaci tori ono ro itine mi 'bädri'ba ri.”
26 'Bädri'ba atate Daniele se ävuruna aza kpa Beletesazara ana ri ekye: “Inye'do minina gindi tori gi kezi ta be mädri ono tana itine märi ndi takacina be ya?”
27 Daniele logotate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “'Diaza i'do tauni'ba ro taläkä'ba ro, taäŋgu'ba ro, kode tavouni'ba 'bi'bii ro se unina ndi ta dämbidämbi se nyeji be ono tana itine miri. 28 Oko Lu alodi orivoya vo'buyakuru ya se ka tase dämbidämbiro ka'dana ni, ago nda ka'da tase ka oyebe a'done tu mileya kai ya tana te mi 'bädri'ba ri. Kwoi ni tori ndi rulofo be, se ka'dobe miri tuse nyu'dube u'duvu dri ana si owo.”
29 “Mi 'bädri'ba tuse mibe u'duvoya si tori ezitate midri ta tase ka oyebe a'done tu mileya ya rota; ago Lu, se kabe ni tase dämbidämbiro ro ono ka'dana ono 'ba mi te tase ka oyebe a'done tu mileya ya ana tana unine. 30 Yauono, tase dämbidämbiro ono aka'date märi, ko ekye ma tauni'ba yi ndrani lidri azi ri, oko tana mi 'bädri'ba, mini tase ono takacina robe, tana mini tavousu se kikyibe ya miro ya ono tana robe.”
31 “'Bädri'ba, ono ni ŋgase mindrebe owo, mindre beti ŋgaedeedero 'desi ro yi. Ŋgaede edero 'desi ago läguläguro ndra ana edrete mi 'bädri'ba kandra ago betina 'ba 'di ro turituriro. 32 Drî ŋga edeedero ono ro edete logo läguläguro wäṛi ro si, kätätina ndi kufuna be orivoya mo'di ro, yana ndi turu'buna be orivoya atala ro; 33 pa nai logo ro, ago pa nai otoro vuru telesina azaka logo ro ago telesina azaka ludri ro. 34 Ago ondro nyate ugu ondrena oko kuni reṛite ni kärägu 'bereŋwa ro yasi teinye 'diaza ri odoakona, ago toŋgo pa se logo ro ago ludri ro beti ŋgaedeedero ana rote, ago tufu ànya te jinyijinyi. 35 Ago dori logo, ludri, atala, mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be vona cini lifute jinyijinyi ago a'dote oso kurumu inya ro kaladri ya meṛi si ronye, ago oli nja ànya te di, se äni kote aza alona usune. Ago kuni se ko'bi beti ŋgaedeedero robe ana a'dote 'bereŋwa 'desi ro, ago nde 'bädri cini te kpeye.
36 “'Doni tori se ana owo. Yauono mà oye takacina itine mi 'bädri'ba ri. 37 Mi 'bädri'ba mi ni 'bädri'ba parandra 'bädri'bai cini azi drisi. Lu vo'buyakuru ro 'ba mi ni 'bädri'ba ro, ago ozo mbara, aṛi ndi taoro be ni miri. 38 Nda 'ba mi te a'done miri'ba lidri cini 'bädri ya ono ro, ago miri'ba koronyai ndi arii be ro. Mi ni drî gyi logo läguläguro 'do owo. 39 Ago mi vosi miri 'bädri'ba aza ro oŋgana 'da, a'dona ko 'desi oso miro ronye, ago 'dooko miri 'bädri'ba se atala ro 'do mirina 'bädri cini 'da. 40 Miri 'bädri'ba lisu a'dona 'da ṛatararo oso logo ronye. Oso logo kabe ni ŋga cini tufu jinyijinyi 'do ronye, miri ana tufuna ago kyiyina miri 'bädri'ba ro se cini kyeno kai 'da. 41 Oso mindre pai ndi paŋgwà se telesina ludri ro ago telesina logo ro ana be ana ronye takacina anjioko miri 'bädri'ba ana ro a'dona 'da lonyilonyiro, oko miri 'bädri'ba na ro aza a'dona 'da mbara ro ago aza mbaraako. 42 Oso telesi paŋgwà na ro ka'dobe logo ro ago telesina ludri ro ana ronye, miri 'bädri'ba ana ro telesina a'dona mbararo ago telesina mbaraako. 43 Mindre kpate logo tasarute ludri be. Kpa oso inye, lidri 'bädri ana ro ojonayi 'da rudro'bene lagye ogyesi, oko ànya unina ko a'done ŋga alo ro, kpa oso logo ni ko rudro'bene ludri be 'do ronye. 44 Tu 'bädri'bai kai rosi Lu vo'buyakuru ro eŋgana miri 'bädri'ba aza ro 'da se änina ko cu perene ago ca änina ko opene ṛe alona. Oko perena miri 'bädri'bai se kwoi ro 'da riyariya, ago orina 'da äduako. 45 Mindrete kuni lekyete ni kärägu 'bereŋwa ro yasi teinye 'diaza ri odoako na, ago tufu ŋgase edebe logo, atala, ludri, mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be si 'do te. Lu 'desi ka'da ŋgase ka oyebe a'done ana tana te mi 'bädri'ba ri wo. Tori 'do orivoya taŋgye yi ago takacina ologo be 'do orivoya endaro.”
'Bädri'ba Ka Daniele Päṛi
46 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara 'dete vuru militi si ago ye taoro te Daniele ri. Nda ozotate ŋgapäṛi ndi ŋgaŋgutruro be ozone Daniele ri. 47 Ago 'bädri'ba atate Daniele ri ekye: Endaro, Lu miro ni 'desipara lui cini azi drisi, ago Opi 'bädri'bai cini ro, ago ka'da'ba ta dämbidämbiro ro, tana nya'dote mbara be tase dämbidämbiro ono ka'dane. 48 'Dooko 'bädri'ba eŋga Daniele te 'desiro ago ozo ŋgapäṛi amba te ndäri, 'ba nda kpate a'done wari'ba ro wari cini Babelona ro dri, ago dri'ba tavoata'bai cini Babelona ro ro. 49 Taeji Daniele rosi, 'bädri'ba 'ba Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be te dri'bai losi cini wari Babelona roya ro; oko Daniele andivo rite goko 'bädri'ba roya.
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
1 During the second year that Nebuchadnezzar was king, he had such horrible nightmares that he could not sleep. 2 So he called in his counselors, advisors, magicians, and wise men, 3 and said, “I am disturbed by a dream that I don't understand, and I want you to explain it.”
4 They answered in Aramaic, “Your Majesty, we hope you live forever! We are your servants. Please tell us your dream, and we will explain what it means.”
5 But the king replied, “No! I have made up my mind. If you don't tell me both the dream and its meaning, you will be chopped to pieces and your houses will be torn down. 6 However, if you do tell me both the dream and its meaning, you will be greatly rewarded and highly honored. Now tell me the dream and explain what it means.”
7 “Your Majesty,” they said, “if you will only tell us your dream, we will interpret it for you.”
8 The king replied, “You're just stalling for time, 9 because you know what's going to happen if you don't come up with the answer. You've decided to make up a bunch of lies, hoping I might change my mind. Now tell me the dream, and that will prove that you can interpret it.”
10 His advisors explained, “Your Majesty, you are demanding the impossible! No king, not even the most famous and powerful, has ever ordered his advisors, magicians, or wise men to do such a thing. 11 It can't be done, except by the gods, and they don't live here on earth.”
12-13 This made the king so angry that he gave orders for every wise man in Babylonia to be put to death, including Daniel and his three friends.
God Tells Nebuchadnezzar's Dream to Daniel
14 Arioch was the king's official in charge of putting the wise men to death. He was on his way to have it done, when Daniel very wisely went to him 15 and asked, “Why did the king give such cruel orders?” After Arioch explained what had happened, 16 Daniel rushed off and said to the king, “If you will just give me some time, I'll explain your dream.”
17 Daniel returned home and told his three friends. 18 Then he said, “Pray that the God who rules from heaven will be merciful and explain this mystery, so that we and the others won't be put to death.” 19 In a vision one night, Daniel was shown the dream and its meaning. Then he praised the God who rules from heaven:

20 “Our God, your name
will be praised
forever and forever.
You are all-powerful,
and you know everything.
21 You control human events—
you give rulers their power
and take it away,
and you are the source
of wisdom and knowledge.

22 “You explain deep mysteries,
because even the dark
is light to you.
23 You are the God
who was worshiped
by my ancestors.
Now I thank you and praise you
for making me wise
and telling me the king's dream,
together with its meaning.”
Daniel Interprets the Dream
24 Daniel went back to Arioch, the official in charge of executing the wise men. Daniel said, “Don't kill those men! Take me to the king, and I will explain the meaning of his dream.”
25 Arioch rushed Daniel to the king and announced, “Your Majesty, I have found out that one of the men brought here from Judah can explain your dream.”
26 The king asked Daniel, “Can you tell me my dream and what it means?”
27 Daniel answered:
Your Majesty, not even the smartest person in all the world can do what you are demanding. 28-29 But the God who rules from heaven can explain mysteries. And while you were sleeping, he showed you what will happen in the future. 30 However, you must realize that these mysteries weren't explained to me because I am smarter than everyone else. Instead, it was done so that you would understand what you have seen.
31 Your Majesty, what you saw standing in front of you was a huge and terrifying statue, shining brightly. 32 Its head was made of gold, its chest and arms were silver, and from its waist down to its knees, it was bronze. 33 From there to its ankles it was iron, and its feet were a mixture of iron and clay.
34 As you watched, a stone was cut from a mountain—but not by human hands. The stone struck the feet, completely shattering the iron and clay. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed and blown away without a trace, like husks of wheat at threshing time. But the stone became a tremendous mountain that covered the entire earth.
36 That was the dream, and now I'll tell you what it means. 37 Your Majesty, you are the greatest of kings, and God has highly honored you with power 38 over all humans, animals, and birds. You are the head of gold. 39 After you are gone, another kingdom will rule, but it won't be as strong. Then it will be followed by a kingdom of bronze that will rule the whole world. 40 Next, a kingdom of iron will come to power, crushing and shattering everything.
41-42 This fourth kingdom will be divided—it will be both strong and brittle, just as you saw that the feet and toes were a mixture of iron and clay. 43 This kingdom will be the result of a marriage between kingdoms, but it will crumble, just as iron and clay don't stick together.
44-45 During the time of those kings, the God who rules from heaven will set up an eternal kingdom that will never fall. It will be like the stone that was cut from the mountain, but not by human hands—the stone that crushed the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. Your Majesty, in your dream the great God has told you what is going to happen, and you can trust this interpretation.
Daniel Is Promoted
46 King Nebuchadnezzar bowed low to the ground and worshiped Daniel. Then he gave orders for incense to be burned and a sacrifice of grain to be offered in honor of Daniel. 47 The king said, “Now I know that your God is above all other gods and kings, because he gave you the power to explain this mystery.” 48 The king then presented Daniel with a lot of gifts; he promoted him to governor of Babylon Province and put him in charge of the other wise men. 49 At Daniel's request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to high positions in Babylon Province, and he let Daniel stay on as a palace official.