1 Nyèri ata ono 'ditoko Samaria ro, se oshweoshwero oso tii Basana ro ronye iyi, se nyàbe 'dise mbaraako eza, ago 'dise mäyuro tipina vuru, ago se nyàbe àgo amiro o'bana wa osoekye ozone ämiri umvune ono! 2 Oso OPI Mbarapara be orivoya alokado ono ronye, nda 'batate ekye: “Tu esana 'da se äruna ami 'da moŋgoi si, vo amiro cini nya'dona 'da oso ti'bi moŋgo si ronye. 3 Esena ami 'da tiṛi togatogaro yasi ago avona ami 'da tesi vo rueza roya.”
Yisaraele Ni kote Taunine
4 OPI Mbarapara ekye: Nyìkyi Betele ya, ago mìye takozi, nyoyi Gilegala ya, ago mìye takozi amba lau! Nyèzi ŋgapäṛi amiro oloro tori ro kyenoŋbo cini si, ago telesi alo 'bulealo ŋgacini amiro ro u'du nina cini si. 5 Nyòzo ŋgapäṛi aro'boya ro ambata loŋgaako ro Lu ri, ago nyàyo ta ŋgapäṛi dritai ro se nyèzibe 'do ro ŋbele ro tana nyùlu ro oyene inye ami lidri Yisaraele ro!
6 “Ma ni se kezi mä'bu be 'bakicii cini amiro yasi owo, caoko nyètadri kote mare. 7 Medre 'bu te u'diako ämiri 'dooko e'be drigba imba nätu jalia ri esaza. Mezo 'bu te u'dine toto 'bakici alodi dri, oko ko azakana dri. 'Bu 'dite toto ämvu alodi dri, oko ämvu se 'bu ku'di kote driigye 'do ŋgana wite. 8 Lidri 'bakicii amba ro uguyi abate gyi uṛi be 'bakici alo aza yasi umvune, oko ojo ànya kote. Caoko nyètadri kote mare.
9 “Mezi oli emero ndi kyiri be te ŋga kyi'dikyi'diro amiro enjine. Tombi nya ŋga ämvu amiro ro ndi ämvu kono robe te, nya ice kyi'du ro amiro ndi ice idoro amiro be te. Caoko nyètadri kote mare.
10 “Mazo adravo kozi te ämidri oso se Ezipeto dri ana ronye; mutufu manòto'di amiro te kyila ya ago mana farasii amiro te lozo. Ma'ba tägyi aŋgwa lidri amiro rote uŋgune konvo amiro ya gawa yasi. Caoko nyètadri kote mare.
11 “Mäfu rukä amiro te oso se mayebe Sodomo ndi Gomora be ya ana ronye. Nyàlabate oso tiza se kujebe eŋgyete ni asi yasi 'do ronye. Caoko nyètadri kote mare.” OPI atani inye. 12 “Ta'dota lidri Yisaraele ro, ma oye ta ono oyene inye ämiri. Ago tana oso ma oyebe ta ono oyene ono ronye, nyèderu nja edrene vureope maro mile ami lidri Yisaraele ro!”
13 Tana Lu ni se ko'ba 'bereŋwai be
ago ko'ba oli be owo.
Nda ka tavousu ndaro tana o'bana unine lidri ri;
nda kani kitu toza ŋgäkyi ro.
Nda kani aba gyini toŋgoro drisi.
Ävuru ndaro ni: OPI Lu Mbaraekye!
The Women of Samaria
The Lord said:

1 You women of Samaria
are fat cows!
You mistreat and abuse
the poor and needy,
then you say to your husbands,
“Bring us more drinks!”
2 I, the Lord God, have sworn
by my own name
that your time is coming.
Not one of you will be left—
you will be taken away
by sharp hooks.
3 You will be dragged through holes
in your city walls,
and you will be thrown
toward Harmon.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Israel Refuses To Obey
The Lord said:

4 Come to Bethel and Gilgal.
Sin all you want!
Offer sacrifices the next morning
and bring a tenth of your crops
on the third day.
5 Bring offerings to show me
how thankful you are.
Gladly bring more offerings
than I have demanded.
You really love to do this.
I, the Lord God, have spoken!
How the Lord Warned Israel
6 I, the Lord, took away the food
from every town and village,
but still you rejected me.
7 Three months before harvest,
I kept back the rain.
Sometimes I would let it fall
on one town or field
but not on another,
and pastures dried up.
8 People from two or three towns
would go to a town
that still had water,
but it wasn't enough.
Even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

9 I dried up your grain fields;
your gardens and vineyards
turned brown.
Locusts ate your fig trees
and olive orchards,
but even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

10 I did terrible things to you,
just as I did to Egypt—
I killed your young men in war;
I let your horses be stolen,
and I made your camp stink
with dead bodies.
Even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

11 I destroyed many of you,
just as I did the cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah.
You were a burning stick
I rescued from the fire.
But even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

12 Now, Israel, I myself
will deal with you.
Get ready to face your God!

13 I created the mountains
and the wind.
I let humans know
what I am thinking.
I bring darkness at dawn
and step over hills.
I am the Lord God All-Powerful!