Oyi Paulo ro Toŋbo si Roma ya
1 Ondro aratate ämäri oyine Italia ya oko, ànya ozoyi Paulo te rukä kamba'bai robe Yulia rigye, nda orivoya dri'ba kyila'bai Roma'bai ro se äzibe “vo 'Bädri'ba ro ondre ro 'doro.” 2 Moyite macite toŋbo ni Adramutiuma yasi ya, se te ṛo nja oyine vo lakazà lofo ro wari Asia ro roya, ago mädite. Arisetareku, Makedonia'ba yi ni Tesalonika yasi orivoya ama yibe. 3 Kyenonosi oko mesate Sidona ya. Yulia a'dote yauni be Paulo ri ago letadrite ndäri oyine bereazii ndaro ondrene, ago ŋgase nda kolebe ozone ndäri. 4 Ago moyite ni nasi, ago tana oli eligwo ämädri, mädite vose oli kozi i'do kigye telesi roŋga Saiporosi ro dri. 5 Mazadri gyi'desi rote ni Silisia ndi Pamefulia be yasi ago mikyite Mura se Lukia ya ana ya. 6 Ni nasi dri'ba usu toŋbo aza teni Alegezandria ya se ka ugu oyi Italia ya, ago nda 'ba ama te kigye.
7 Mädite liyaro u'duna amba rriti amba si äduro oko masate le 'ba 'desi Kenido ro lomvo. Oli laga ama zo oyine lozo ni vo ana yasi, ago mädite le vose oli kozi i'do kigye telesi roŋga Kurete ro roya, mugu lävute cuku Salemone ro lomvosi. 8 Mugu udite loto gyi kalasi ago rriti amba si mesate vose äzibe Voedrero Kado toŋboi ro ana ya, se ko lozo ni 'ba'desi Lasea ro lomvosi.
9 Marite madaro lau, madale a'dote rritiro udine mileya, tana karama 'didro'be ro tuna lävute nja. Ago Paulo edretavote ànyari nonye ekye: 10 “Mano kwoi, mandrebe oyi amaro ni nosi mileya a'dona ndi rritiro, lakazà enjiruna 'da ndi toŋbo be, ago adrana kpa.” 11 Oko dri'ba kyila'bai ro lete ta otaozo'ba ndi toŋbo kuzupi be ro erine ndra, ni ta Paulo ro ri. 12 Vo ana ko kado orine meṛi si kigye; ago amba lidri ro lete oyine ni gyi'desi yasi ago ojoyite ruutrine osane Foenesia ya, ondro ka'do gindi rritiako, tana ari robe meṛi si lau. Foenikia orivoya vo edrero yi Kurete ya miäwuvo lakole ŋgäṛiŋwa ro aŋgoya be ago mä'du ro aŋgoya be ya.
Oligbiriṛibe Gyi'desi Dri
13 Oli liyaro ni ŋgäṛiŋwa drisi eto oli te, ago lidri usutate ekye änina ndi tase ànyaro ànya korayibe oyene, ago ànya eseyi ŋga toŋbo oyiro te ago diyite loto kototi wari Kurete ro lomvosi. 14 Ago ndriŋwa oko oli mbaraekye gbiriṛi be, se äzibe lakole mä'dudri ro 'Buzele be roya, elite ni roŋga drisi, 15 kanda toŋbo te, ago 'dooko te rritiro toŋbo ri udine driya oli mi, me'be ruutrite ago e'bete oli ri ni uŋgyine. 16 Musu vo edrevo aza te ondro mälävu ŋgäṛiŋwa dri roŋga giṛiŋwa Kauda rote owo. Ago lau rriti amba si, mojote toŋbo giṛiŋwa se toŋbo 'desi ya o'bane kadoro. 17 Ànya eseyite kototi ago 'dooko embeyi iba te anda gbikyi toŋbo lomvosi. Ànya te orivoya turi ro ukyi ànya umu'da kototi se siŋgwa be wari Libiya roya ya, ndi ànya isiyi boŋgo udiro gwo vuru ago 'bayi toŋbo teni oli ri ubine. 18 Oli gbiriṛibe rigi 'du oline, ago kyenonosi oko ànya etoyi lakazà azaka toŋbo ya lovote tesi, 19 ago tu kinja si oko ànya lovoyi lakazà toŋbo ya te tesi. 20 Ago u'duna te amba mäni kote kitu ndi 'bi'bi be ondrene, ago oli ugu usite mbarasi. Äduro ama te mio'ba ako ta ruopa rota.
21 Ondro lidri korite tuna amba ŋgaonya ako oko, Paulo edrete ànya lako ago atate ekye: “Mano kwoi, aba nyeri ta maro gwo 'da aba ṛo ko udine ni Kurete yasi; aba mänina ko ŋgase cini kenjirube ago kujebe kwoi ijene. 22 Oko yauono ma rulo'ba ämiri, a'done yaiŋgyibe. Alo aza amiro ri adri ndaro ijene i'do, e'be gialo toŋbo ayani. 23 Tana ŋgäkyibe malaika Lu se ma ni nda ro ago se mabe mätuna ikyite mare. 24 Ago atate ekye: ‘Paulo, nyuturi ko! Beṛo miri edrene 'Bädri'ba kandra, ago Lu takado ndaro miri si nda pa adri ànya se cini kayi ugu udi mibe kai rote.’ 25 Nyà'do yaiŋgyi be mano kwoi! Tana mayitate Lu ya ta a'dona ndi oso itibe märi ronye. 26 Oko äbina ama 'da kototi roŋga aza roya.”
27 Ŋgäkyina te 'butealo fosu ago oli gbiriṛibe ka drigba ugu ama ubi Gyi'desi Mediteraneana drisi. Te oso o'bwaro oko toŋbo'bai kusuyi iro be ekye mesate loto kototi. 28 Ago ànya voyi iba ŋgaläŋgyiläŋgyi ro embe si kigye te oci gyi ro ojoza ago usuyi oci gyi ro cite kpikpina kama alo 'buteritu (120), fere voigyesi ànya ojoyi kpate ago usuyi ocina te kpikpina 'butenjidriesu (90). 29 Ànya te orivoya turituri ro ukyi toŋbo o'beru'da kuni lomvo, ago ànya evoyi logo ŋga oyiro su teni kundu toŋbo ro yasi ago mätuyite ta voiwi rota. 30 Ago toŋbo'bai ojoyite vo opane ni toŋbo yasi; ànya voyi koṛoŋbe te gyi ya ago yeyi miomba te osoago ànya kayi oye logo ŋgaoyiro azaka evona ni mile toŋbo ro yasi. 31 Oko Paulo atate dri'ba kyila'bai ro ri ndi kyila'bai be ekye: “Ondro toŋbo'bai koriyi kote toŋbo ya ami te mio'ba ako ta ruoparo ta.” 32 Ago kyila'bai loyi iba se käti koṛoŋbe be ana te ago e'beyite oyine.
33 Teinye 'buzevo osiako, Paulo lo'barute ànya cini ri ŋga aza onyane; ekye: “Mirite yauono u'duna 'butealo fosu, ago tu gi cini kwoi ya mìnya ŋga aza kote. 34 Ka'do inye, molo'baru ämiri ŋga aza onyane; tana nyàdri robe, tana ca drikyiri alodi drî amiro ro ri ruenjine i'do.” 35 Ta ono ugu atana vosi oko, Paulo ru ambata aza te ozo aro'boya te Lu ri ànya cini milesi, wa te, ago eto onyana te. 36 Ànya a'dote agoago be ago vo ànyaro cini alo alo nyàyi ŋgaonya kpate. 37 Ago oti amaro cini toŋbo ya orivoya kama ritu 'butenjidrieri fonjidrialo (276). 38 Ondro ŋgaonya kojo 'dicini te oko, ànya 'bayi toŋbo te a'done tefe inya cini lovo si gyi'desi ya.
Laŋgo Toŋbo ro
39 Ondro vokiwite oko, toŋbo'bai niyi wari ana kote, ago ànya ndreyi cuku aza te kototi be ago rayitate ondro ka'do ndi rritiako ànyari te toŋbo ubine lau. 40 Ago ànya loyi boŋgoi ŋgaoyiro te ago e'beyi ànya te ocine gyi'desi ya, ago tuna gi ana si ànya onjiyi iba se kabe boŋgo toŋbo ro o'bana ni udine te. 'Dooko eŋgayi boŋgo udiro te mile toŋbo roya tana oli kubi toŋbo robe mileya, ago mugu oyite kototi. 41 Oko toŋbo 'berute kototi siŋgwa be lomvo ago lelete; mile telesi toŋbo ro cite akpo ago ni kote ruushwene, ago telesina kundu yasi laŋgote ronyoronyo ni gbulä gyi 'desi ro ri.
42 Kyila'bai rayitate kamba'bai cini tufune, ni ànyari ugu elevoya kototi ukyi opayivo 'da. 43 Oko dri'ba kyila'bai ro lete Paulo opane, ago nda laga ànya tezo ta ono oyevoya, nda ozo tate lidri cini se kuni gyi ele te ri efone ni toŋbo ya ago elene kototi; 44 Ago anjokona soyite, ruyi ice kyelekpe te ndi ŋga azaka se kotoŋgorube ni toŋbo yasi be. Ago ama cini mapavote londroro oso inye.
Paul Is Taken to Rome
1 When it was time for us to sail to Rome, Captain Julius from the Emperor's special troops was put in charge of Paul and the other prisoners. 2 We went aboard a ship from Adramyttium that was about to sail to some ports along the coast of Asia. Aristarchus from Thessalonica in Macedonia sailed on the ship with us.
3 The next day we came to shore at Sidon. Captain Julius was very kind to Paul. He even let him visit his friends, so they could give him whatever he needed. 4 When we left Sidon, the winds were blowing against us, and we sailed close to the island of Cyprus to be safe from the wind. 5 Then we sailed south of Cilicia and Pamphylia until we came to the port of Myra in Lycia. 6 There the army captain found a ship from Alexandria that was going to Italy. So he ordered us to board that ship.
7 We sailed along slowly for several days and had a hard time reaching Cnidus. The wind would not let us go any farther in that direction, so we sailed past Cape Salmone, where the island of Crete would protect us from the wind. 8 We went slowly along the coast and finally reached a place called Fair Havens, not far from the town of Lasea.
9 By now we had already lost a lot of time, and sailing was no longer safe. In fact, even the Great Day of Forgiveness was past. 10 Then Paul spoke to the crew of the ship, “Men, listen to me! If we sail now, our ship and its cargo will be badly damaged, and many lives will be lost.” 11 But Julius listened to the captain of the ship and its owner, rather than to Paul.
12 The harbor at Fair Havens wasn't a good place to spend the winter. Because of this, almost everyone agreed that we should at least try to sail along the coast of Crete as far as Phoenix. It had a harbor that opened toward the southwest and northwest, and we could spend the winter there.
The Storm at Sea
13 When a gentle wind from the south started blowing, the men thought it was a good time to do what they had planned. So they pulled up the anchor, and we sailed along the coast of Crete. 14 But soon a strong wind called “The Northeaster” blew against us from the island. 15 The wind struck the ship, and we could not sail against it. So we let the wind carry the ship.
16 We went along the island of Cauda on the side that was protected from the wind. We had a hard time holding the lifeboat in place, 17 but finally we got it where it belonged. Then the sailors wrapped ropes around the ship to hold it together. They lowered the sail and let the ship drift along, because they were afraid it might hit the sandbanks in the gulf of Syrtis.
18 The storm was so fierce that the next day they threw some of the ship's cargo overboard. 19 Then on the third day, with their bare hands they threw overboard some of the ship's gear. 20 For several days we could not see either the sun or the stars. A strong wind kept blowing, and we finally gave up all hope of being saved.
21 Since none of us had eaten anything for a long time, Paul stood up and told the men:
You should have listened to me! If you had stayed on in Crete, you would not have had this damage and loss. 22 But now I beg you to cheer up, because you will be safe. Only the ship will be lost.
23 I belong to God, and I worship him. Last night he sent an angel 24 to tell me, “Paul, don't be afraid! You will stand trial before the Emperor. And because of you, God will save the lives of everyone on the ship.” 25 Cheer up! I am sure that God will do exactly what he promised. 26 But we will first be shipwrecked on some island.
27 For 14 days and nights we had been blown around over the Mediterranean Sea. But about midnight the sailors realized we were getting near land. 28 They measured and found that the water was about 40 meters deep. A little later they measured again and found it was only about 30 meters. 29 The sailors were afraid that we might hit some rocks, and they let down four anchors from the back of the ship. Then they prayed for daylight.
30 The sailors wanted to escape from the ship. So they lowered the lifeboat into the water, pretending that they were letting down some anchors from the front of the ship. 31 But Paul said to Captain Julius and the soldiers, “If the sailors don't stay on the ship, you won't have any chance to save your lives.” 32 The soldiers then cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it fall into the sea.
33 Just before daylight Paul begged the people to eat something. He told them, “For 14 days you have been so worried that you haven't eaten a thing. 34 I beg you to eat something. Your lives depend on it. Do this and not one of you will be hurt.”
35 After Paul had said this, he took a piece of bread and gave thanks to God. Then in front of everyone, he broke the bread and ate some. 36 They all felt encouraged, and each of them ate something. 37 There were 276 people on the ship, 38 and after everyone had eaten, they threw the cargo of wheat into the sea to make the ship lighter.
The Shipwreck
39 Morning came, and the ship's crew saw a coast they did not recognize. But they did see a cove with a beach. So they decided to try to run the ship aground on the beach. 40 They cut the anchors loose and let them sink into the sea. At the same time they untied the ropes that were holding the rudders. Next, they raised the sail at the front of the ship and let the wind carry the ship toward the beach. 41 But it ran aground on a sandbank. The front of the ship stuck firmly in the sand, and the rear was being smashed by the force of the waves.
42 The soldiers decided to kill the prisoners to keep them from swimming away and escaping. 43 But Captain Julius wanted to save Paul's life, and he did not let the soldiers do what they had planned. Instead, he ordered everyone who could swim to jump into the water and head for shore. 44 Then he told the others to hold on to planks of wood or parts of the ship. At last, everyone safely reached shore.