1 Ni Paulo, lazo'ba Kristo Yesu ro ole Lu rosi resi, azote ta adri se a'ba tana te ṛo opene se ma'dote sina rudro'be Kristo Yesu be si.
2 Timoteo, ŋgwa se mulu tawi ri:
Lu Täpi ago Kristo Yesu Opi amaro kozo tai'dwero, yauni ndi taliatokpe be miri.
Aro'boya Ozo ndi Agoago be
3 Ma aro'boya ozo Lu, se mabe ruindu rigye ya ŋgye si, oso zutui maro koyebe ronye. Ma aro'boya oye ndäri mate ta miro oyina ondoalo mätu maro ŋgäkyi ndi kitu be si ya owo. 4 Ma miendre miro tana oyina, ago male mi ondrene ya cini si, tana ma'do robe riyä amba be. 5 Ma taoma ŋgye se nya'dobe sina tana oyina, taoma se ladra miro Loisi ndi endre miro Yunisi ka'do kpate sina 'do. Mänite endaro anjioko nya'do kpate sina. 6 Ta ono ro ma tana logo drî miro ya ŋgapäṛi se Lu kozote miri drí maro o'ba si midri 'do mi'ba ka'do 'du lidriidriro. 7 Tana Tori se Lu kozobe ämäri ko ama o'baza turi ro; oko Tori mbara ro, ŋgalu ndi andivo rita be ro.
8 Ka'do inye, nya'do ko driupi ro, tazevoedrevoya ta Opi amaro rota; nya'do kpa ko driupi ro ta ma, kamba'ba ta Kristo rota ono ro. Oko, nyala'do rueza ta Lazokado rota, oso Lu kabe mi tomba tana ro ronye. 9 Nda pa ama te ago zi ama te a'done lidri modo ndaro, ko tase màyebe rosi, oko ta tausu modo ndaro ro ndi tai'dwero be si. Nda ozo tai'dwero ono te ämäri Kristo Yesu si teinye 'bädri etoako, 10 oko yauono aka'date ämäri ikyi 'Diopa'ba amaro, Kristo Yesu rosi. Nda pe mbara odra rote ago lazokado si nda ka'da adri oŋgwaako te.
11 Lu ka'da ma te lazo'ba ro ago miemba'ba ro Lazokado opene, 12 ago ta ta ono rota ma rueza ni ta kwoi ta no. Oko ma'do ko driupi ro, tana mäni nda se mayitate kigye ono te, ago mäni ṛote endaro nda orivoya mbara be ŋgase mäpäṛite nda rigye ta Tu ana rota ätine londro ro. 13 Nyäti atà taŋgye ro se memba mibe sina 'do ndi, ka'do taka'daro ro miri osone voigye, ago miri taoma ya ndi ŋgalu se orivoya amaro rudro'be Kristo Yesu be si ya. 14 Mbara Tori Alokado rosi, se kabe ori ama ya, nyäti ŋga kado se äpäṛite mirigye 'do.
15 Minite 'dicini wari Asia roya, Fugelu ndi Eremogene be kpa, nayirute ni maresi. 16 Opi kaka'da yauni katidri Onesiforusa ro ri, tana nda i'dwe ma te tuna amba. Nda a'do kote driupiro a'do maro kamba ya ta, 17 oko tuse nda kesabe dori Roma ya si, nda eto ma uṛite madale nda usu ma te. 18 Opi kozo yauni ndaro ndäri Tu gi ana si! Mini ṛote kado nda pa ma te liti amba yasi Epeso ya.
1 From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus.
God himself chose me to be an apostle, and he gave me the promised life that Jesus Christ makes possible.
2 Timothy, you are like a dear child to me. I pray that God our Father and our Lord Christ Jesus will be kind and merciful to you and will bless you with peace!
Do Not Be Ashamed of the Lord
3 Night and day I mention you in my prayers. I am always grateful for you, as I pray to the God my ancestors and I have served with a clear conscience. 4 I remember how you cried, and I want to see you, because this would make me truly happy. 5 I also remember the genuine faith of your mother Eunice. Your grandmother Lois had the same sort of faith, and I am sure you have it as well. 6 So I ask you to make full use of the gift God gave you when I placed my hands on you. Use it well. 7 God's Spirit doesn't make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.
8 Don't be ashamed to speak for our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, just because I am in jail for serving him. Use the power that comes from God and join with me in suffering for telling the good news.

9 God saved us and chose us
to be his holy people.
We did nothing
to deserve this,
but God planned it
because he is so kind.
Even before time began
God planned for Christ Jesus
to show kindness to us.

10 Now Christ Jesus has come
to offer us God's gift
of undeserved grace.
Christ our Savior defeated death
and brought us
the good news.
It shines like a light
and offers life
that never ends.

11 My work is to be a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher. 12 This is why I am suffering now. But I am not ashamed! I know the one I have faith in, and I am sure he can guard until the last day what he has trusted me with. 13 Now follow the example of the correct teaching I gave you, and let the faith and love of Christ Jesus be your model. 14 You have been trusted with a wonderful treasure. Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives within us.
15 You know that everyone in Asia has turned against me, especially Phygelus and Hermogenes.
16 I pray that the Lord will be kind to the family of Onesiphorus. He often cheered me up and wasn't ashamed of me when I was put in jail. 17 Then after he arrived in Rome, he searched everywhere until he found me. 18 I pray that the Lord Jesus will ask God to show mercy to Onesiphorus on the day of judgment. You know how much he helped me in Ephesus.