Yoaba Luku Dawidi te
1 Iti tate Yoaba ri ekye: “Mindre, 'Bädri'ba Dawidi kiliyi ndi kukuo'be be ta Abisolomo rota.” 2 Ta'doro ŋgaopeṛe se tu ana si ana zarute kukuo'be ro lidri cini ri; tana tu gi ana si lidri eri tate ekye: “'Bädri'ba orivoya tusu ro ta ŋgwa ndaro rota.” 3 Ago tu gi ana si kyila'bai kugu rute kugu 'bakici ya oso kyila'bai se orivoya driupiro tana ànya mute ni kyila risi ronye. 4 'Bädri'ba tako mi ndaro te, ago 'bädri'ba trete liyibe amba ekye: “Äye ŋgwa maro Abisolomo! Äye Abisolomo, ŋgwa maro, ŋgwa maro!”
5 'Dooko Yoaba ikyite zo ya 'bädri'ba re, ago atate ekye: “Mi'ba ruindu'bai cini miro te a'done driupiro tu ondro ono si, se kopayi adri miro be tu ono si ono, ndi adri ŋgwàagoro miro ro ndi ndiriŋwa miro be, ndi adri 'ditoko miro ro ndi 'ditoko ogyeako miro robe. 6 Tana nyulu gwo ànya se yanayi osobe milomvo ago ya miro oso gwo ànya se luyi mi be lomvo. Tana mi'ba te unine ŋbelero kitu ondro ono si anjioko otaozo'bai kyila'bai ro ndi ruindu'bai be orivoya ta awi yi miri. Tana mandrete, aba Abisolomo kori gwo ni lidriidriro, ago ama cini madra gwo ni tu gi ono si, 'dooko aba nya'dona ndi yai'dwesi. 7 Ka'do inye miŋga, mifo tesi ago nyata takado oso'bai mivo ri; ma ruäṛu ävuru OPI ro si, ondro ka'do nyoyi kote, mano alo aza ri orine mibe ŋgäkyi ono si te i'do; ago ono a'dona te koziro para miri ndrani takozi cini se ikyibe midri ṛoni ombato'di miro si le yauono drisi.” 8 'Dooko 'bädri'ba ŋgate, ago rite vo oriro ndaro dri dereŋwa kala. Ago iti tana te kyila'bai cini ri ekye: “Mìndre, 'bädri'ba rite dereŋwa kala”; ago kyila'bai cini ikyite 'bädri'ba kandra.
Dawidi Egote Kovole Yerusalema ya
Yisaraele'bai se kosobe Abisolomo vo'do mute 'dialo gi 'ba modo ndaro ya. 9 Ago lidri cini 'bakala cini Yisaraele ro yasi etoyi kalaopete ànyavoya ekye: “'Bädri'ba Dawidi pa ama teni drì kyila'baazi amaro ro yasi, ago pa ama teni drì Felesete'bai ro yasi; ago yauono nda mute tesi ni wari yasi ni Abisolomo ri. 10 Oko Abisolomo, se mäṛube 'bädri'ba ro ämädri ono, drate kyila ya. Tana e'di nyàta ta ko 'Bädri'ba Dawidi logone kovole niya?”
11 Ago ata Yisaraele'bai cini ro esate 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri vose nda koribe kigye ana ya. 'Bädri'ba Dawidi zo lazo ono te Kohanii Zadoka ndi Abiatara be ri ekye: “Nyàta dri'bai Yuda ro ri mìkye: ‘Tana e'di mì'de gwo äduro 'bädri'ba logovoya kovole zo 'desi miri ro ya niya? 12 Ami orivoya 'didiri maro, ami orivoya lomvo maro ago kari maro, tana e'di mì'de gwo a'done äduro 'bädri'ba logovoya kovole niya?’ 13 Ago Nyàta Amasa ri mikye: ‘Inye'do mi ṛo ko 'didiri maro ya? Lu koye ta ndi koziro märi, ago koye ndi ndra, ondro ka'do nya'do kote otaozo'ba ro kyila'bai maro dri vo Yoaba roya tu ono si owo.’ ” 14 Ago ata Dawidi ro esi ya lidri cini Yuda ro rote a'done oso manoalo ronye; ago ànya zoyi lazo te 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Nyego mi ndi ruindu'bai cini miro be.”
15 Ndi 'bädri'ba eto egote kovole ago nda esate Golo Yaradene ya; ago lidri Yuda ro ikyite Gilegala ya drî 'bädri'ba ro utune ago 'bädri'ba ezane Golo Yaradene tasi.
16 Simei ŋgwa Gera ro, se Benjamina'ba yi, ni Baurima yasi ana, ikyite foroforo lidri Yuda robe drî 'bädri'ba Dawidi ro utune. 17 Lidri kutu alo (1,000) orivoya nda be ni 'bakala Benjamina ro yasi. Ago Ziba ruindu'ba katidri Saulo ro ro; ŋgwàagoro ndaro 'butealo fonji ndi ruindu'bai ndaro 'buteritu be, esayite Golo Yaradene ya teinye 'bädri'ba ri esaako. 18 Ànya zayidri golo rote 'bädri'ba logone ndi katidri ndaro be, ago koyeyi tase kusi 'bädri'ba be robe.
Dawidi Ka'da Yauni te Simei ri
Simei ŋgwa Gera ro 'dete vuru 'bädri'ba kandra, ondro 'bädri'ba kate yi ede drî Golo Yaradene ro ozane oko, 19 atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Mi'ba opi maro kuru kode koyi tase kozi ma ruindu'ba ndaro mayebe ndäri tuse opi 'bädri'ba maro ke'be Yerusalema be ana si ana tana ko; mi'ba 'bädri'ba ko'ba tana ko idri. 20 Tana ma ruindu'ba miro mänite maye takozi te; ka'do inye, mindre, tu ono si ono, mikyite käti ni katidri cini Yosepa ro yasi drî opi 'bädri'ba maro ro utune.” 21 Ago Abisai ŋgwa Zeruya ro zatadrite ekye: “Beṛo Simei ufune, ta la'da se nda ko'da 'di äṛuäṛu OPI robe ono ro ta.”
22 Oko Dawidi atate Abisai ri ekye: “Ono ko losi amiro, ami ŋgwàagoro Zeruya ro, tu ono si ono mìlete a'done manya'baazi ro märi ya? A'bana 'diaza ndi odrane Yisaraele ya tu ono si ya? Inye'do mäni ṛo ko ma orivoya tu ono si ono 'bädri'ba yi Yisaraele dri ya?” 23 Ago 'bädri'ba atate Simei ri ekye: “Miri odrane i'do.” Ago 'bädri'ba äṛurute ndäri.
Yauni Dawidi ro Mefiboseta ri
24 Mefiboseta kwozo Saulo ro ikyite drî 'bädri'ba ro utune. Nda ja pa ndaro kote, ava tivu ndaro kote, ago ja boŋgo ndaro kpa kote, ṛoni tuse 'bädri'ba ke'be Yerusalema be si madale tuse nda kego be ondro ono si. 25 Ago ondro Mefiboseta kikyite ni Yerusalema yasi drî 'bädri'ba ro utune oko, 'bädri'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Tana e'di mi'de be ko oyine, mabe niya Mefiboseta?”
26 Nda zatadrite ekye: “Äye 'bädri'ba opi maro, oso mini be ronye ma ruindu'ba miro pa maro orivoya ciṛiciṛi ro. Mata te ruindu'ba maro ri doŋgyi maro edene tana mämu robe sina tro ami yibe, oko Ziba ruindu'ba maro odo mate. 27 Ziba iti ta te kowe si malomvo mi 'bädri'ba ri. Oko mi 'bädri'ba maro nyalaba oso malaika Lu ro ronye; dia miye tase nyusube kado oyene märi 'do. 28 Katidri cini täpi maro ro ṛo aba opi 'bädri'ba ri o'bane odrane; oko mi'ba ruindu'ba miro te ànya se kabe ŋgaonya tara'biza miro dri kai lako. Ta aza se miliyina du ndra 'bädri'ba ri tana ro e'di ya?”
29 Ago 'bädri'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Nya ta miro atana ndra etaya? Mara tate, anjioko mi ndi Ziba be ri lakaza Saulo ro lewene ami vo yasi.”
30 Ago Mefiboseta atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Mi'ba Ziba kuru ri cini, tana tase maro male be anjioko opi 'bädri'ba maro egote 'bäru londroro.”
Yauni Dawidi ro Baruzilai ri
31 Baruzilai Gilada'ba ikyite ni Rogelima yasi, ago oyite 'bädri'ba be le Golo Yaradene ya, vo ndaro o'bane Golo Yaradene tasi. 32 Baruzilai te orivoya agoambago ro ago ndroa ndaro te 'butenjidriena (80); nda ozo ŋgaonya te 'bädri'ba ri, tuse 'bädri'ba ribe Mahanaima ya si; tana Baruzilai orivoya mano ŋgaamba'ba yi.
33 'Bädri'ba atate Baruzilai ri ekye: “Nyikyi mabe Yerusalema ya ago mandrena vo miro ndi.”
34 Oko Baruzilai atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Ndroa e'be märi orine moda, märi oyine 'bädri'ba be Yerusalema ya ya? 35 Ndroa maro yauono sate 'butenjidriena (80), ago mänina gi'da tase kado kode se kozi lewene ya? Mänina gi'da ŋgase mabe onyana kode umvuna ndeṛina tembene ya? Mänina gi'da loŋgo du se mànoago ndi 'ditoko be kabe oŋgona erine ya? Tana e'di mäkyina gwo ŋgaläŋgyi o'bane opi 'bädri'ba maro dri niya? 36 Ma ruindu'ba miro moyina 'bädri'ba be toto coga Golo Yaradene tasi. 'Bädri'ba oyena takado gwo mu'du inye märi etaya? 37 Molo'baru miri mi'ba ma ogone kovole, tana madra robe 'bakici modo maro roya, loto 'budri täpi maro ro ndi endre maro robe lomvo. Oko ruindu'ba miro Kimama begi ono. Mi'ba nda koyi opi 'bädri'ba maro be. Miye ta ndäri oso se kalandrebe kadoro miri ronye.”
38 Ago 'bädri'ba zatadrite ekye: “Kimama ozana ndi tasi mabe, ago mayena tase landrebe kado miri ndi ndäri. Ŋgase cini milebe ni märigyesi mayena ndi miri.” 39 'Dooko lidri cini zate Golo Yaradene tasi, ago 'bädri'ba za kpate tasi. Ndi 'bädri'ba njunju Baruzilai te, äṛu nda te, ago Baruzilai gote 'ba modo ndaro roya.
Yuda ndi Yisaraele be Dilikala te ta 'Bädri'ba ro ta
40 'Bädri'ba oyite Gilegala ya, ago Kimama oyite nda be; ago kyila'bai cini Yuda ro ndi kpäkyi kyila'bai Yisaraele ro robe 'bayi vo 'bädri'ba rote tasi.
41 'Dooko kyila'bai cini Yisaraele ro ikyite 'bädri'ba re, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Tana e'di ädrupii amaro lidri Yuda ro uguyi mi gwo zwi, ago eziyi mi 'bädri'ba gwo ndi katidri miro be Golo Yaradene tasi ndi tro lidri cini se ni mi 'bädri'ba ro be niya?” 42 'Dooko lidri cini Yuda ro zatadri lidri Yisaraele ro rote ekye: “Tana 'bädri'ba orivoya diripaca amaro. Tana e'di nyà'do gwo kyilaro tana ro niya? Inye'do ŋgase cini màbe onyana 'bädri'ba kaogyena niya? Kode nda ozo ŋgapäṛi aza ndi ämäri ya?”
43 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro zayitadri lidri Yuda ro rote ekye: “Ta 'Bädri'ba Dawidi rota driovi amaro lävu ami perena 'bute. Tana e'di nyà ama mawo niya? Inye'do mataṛo koni käti ta 'bädri'ba amaro logo ro kovole ta ya?”
Oko ata lidri Yuda ro ro mbarana a'dote ndrani ata lidri Yisaraele ro ro drisi.
1 Someone told Joab, “The king is crying because Absalom is dead.”
2 David's army found out he was crying because his son had died, and their day of victory suddenly turned into a day of sadness. 3 The troops were sneaking into Mahanaim, just as if they had run away from a battle and were ashamed.
4 David covered his face with his hands and kept on crying loudly, “My son, Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!”
5 Joab went to the house where David was staying and told him:
You've made your soldiers ashamed! Not only did they save your life, they saved your sons and daughters and wives as well. 6 You're more loyal to your enemies than to your friends. What you've done today has shown your officers and soldiers that they don't mean a thing to you. You would be happy if Absalom was still alive, even if the rest of us were dead.
7 Now get up! Go out there and thank them for what they did. If you don't, I swear by the Lord that you won't even have one man left on your side tomorrow morning. You may have had a lot of troubles in the past, but this will be the worst thing that has ever happened to you!
8 David got up and went to the town gate and sat down. When the people heard that he was sitting there, they came to see him.
Israel and Judah Want David Back
After Israel's soldiers had all returned home, 9-10 everyone in Israel started arguing. They were saying to each other, “King David rescued us from the Philistines and from our other enemies. But then we chose Absalom to be our new leader, and David had to leave the country to get away. Absalom died in battle, so why hasn't something been done to bring David back?”
11 When David found out what they were saying, he sent a message to Zadok and Abiathar the priests. It said:
Say to the leaders of Judah, “Why are you the last tribe to think about bringing King David back home? 12 He is your brother, your own relative! Why haven't you done anything to bring him back?”
13 And tell Amasa, “You're my nephew, and with God as a witness, I swear I'll make you commander of my army instead of Joab.”
14 Soon the tribe of Judah again became followers of David, and they sent him this message: “Come back, and bring your soldiers with you.”
David Starts Back for Jerusalem
15 David started back and had gone as far as the Jordan River when he met the people of Judah. They had gathered at Gilgal and had come to help him cross the river.
16 Shimei the son of Gera was there with them. He had hurried from Bahurim to meet David. Shimei was from the tribe of Benjamin, and 17 1,000 others from Benjamin had come with him.
Ziba, the chief servant of Saul's family, also came to the Jordan River. He and his 15 sons and 20 servants waded across to meet David. 18 Then they brought David's family and servants back across the river, and they did everything he wanted them to do.
Shimei Meets with David
Shimei crossed the Jordan River and bowed down in front of David. 19 He said, “Your Majesty, I beg you not to punish me! Please, forget what I did when you were leaving Jerusalem. Don't even think about it. 20 I know I was wrong. That's why I wanted to be the first one from the northern tribes to meet you.”
21 But Abishai shouted, “You should be killed for cursing the Lord's chosen king!”
22 David said, “Abishai, what will I ever do with you and your brother Joab? Is it your job to tell me who has done wrong? I've been made king of all Israel today, and no one will be put to death!” 23 Then David promised Shimei that he would not be killed.
Mephibosheth Meets with David
24-25 Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul, also came to meet David. He had missed David so much that he had not taken a bath or trimmed his beard or washed his clothes the whole time David was gone. David asked him, “Why didn't you go with me?”
26 He answered, “Your Majesty, you know I can't walk. I told my servant to saddle a donkey for me so I could go with you. But my servant left without me, and 27 then he lied about me. You're as wise as an angel of God, so do what you think is right. 28 After all, you could have killed my whole family and me. But instead, you let me eat at your own table. Your Majesty, what more could I ask?”
29 David answered, “You've said enough! I've decided to divide the property between you and Ziba.”
30 Mephibosheth replied, “He can have it all! I'm just glad you've come home safely.”
Barzillai Returns Home
31 Barzillai came from Rogelim in Gilead to meet David at the Jordan River and go across with him. 32 Barzillai was 80 years old. He was very rich and had sent food to David in Mahanaim.
33 David said to him, “Cross the river and go to Jerusalem with me. I will take care of you.”
34 Barzillai answered:
Your Majesty, why should I go to Jerusalem? I don't have much longer to live. 35 I'm already 80 years old, and my body is almost numb. I can't taste my food or hear the sound of singing, and I would be nothing but a burden. 36 I'll cross the river with you, but I'll only go a little way on the other side. You don't have to be so kind to me. 37 Just let me return to my hometown, where I can someday be buried near my father and mother. My servant Chimham can go with you, and you can treat him as your own.
38 David said, “I'll take Chimham with me, and whatever you ask me to do for him, I'll do. And if there's anything else you want, I'll also do that.”
39 David's soldiers went on across the river, while he stayed behind to tell Barzillai goodbye and to wish him well. Barzillai returned home, but 40 Chimham crossed the river with David.
Israel and Judah Argue
All of Judah's army and half of Israel's army were there to help David cross the river. 41 The soldiers from Israel came to him and said, “Why did our relatives from Judah secretly take you and your family and your soldiers across the Jordan?”
42 The people of Judah answered, “Why are you so angry? We are the king's relatives. He didn't give us any food, and we didn't take anything for ourselves!”
43 Those from Israel said, “King David belongs to us ten times more than he belongs to you. Why didn't you think we were good enough to help you? After all, we were the first ones to think of bringing him back!”
The people of Judah argued more strongly than the people of Israel.