Tao'ba Ikyi Opi ro ro
1 Bereazii se mulube ono, ono orivoya ni taegyi ṛiri megyibe ämiri owo. Taegyi riti ya mojote tavousu wäṛiro ya amiro ro teŋgane ta kwoi logona si drî amiro ya. 2 Male ämiri atà se atabe kyeno nebii alokado si, ago ota se ni Opi ago Opa'ba resi ozobe ämiri lazo'bai amiro si tana oyine. 3 Käti ono, beṛo ämiri unine anjioko tui äduro si lidri azaka ka'daruna 'da se ori ànyaro iritate ŋgalovo ànyaro modona si. Ànya ugunayi ami 'da 4 ago ejinayi ta 'da ekye: “Nda 'batate ikyine, nda 'ba ta ṛo ko inye ya? Nda gaŋwaro ya? Täpii amaro dra rote kyeno, oko ŋgacini iro gi 'du oso ka'dobe o'ba 'bädri rosi ronye.” 5 Ànya ijeyi ota se Lu kozobe kyeno ana tana te lädruro, se a'ba vo'buyakurui ndi 'bädri be te sina. A'ba gyini teni gyi yasi ndi gyi be, 6 ago kpa gyi si, gyi gyitändri rosi, 'bädri se uku ana utufute. 7 Oko vo'buyakurui ndi gyini se yauono be ätite ata gialo Lu ro ono si, tana aza robe asi si. A ànya äti ta tuse apena vure luako'bai ro 'da ago utufuna ànya 'da sina si ta.
8 Oko nyìje ta ŋga alo ono ro ko, bereazii se mulube ono! A'do toto i'do mile Opi roya lakole u'du alo ndi ndroa kutu robe roya; ndäri ànya ritu ono ojorere. 9 Opi leye ko ni tao'ba se nda ko'babe oyevoya, oso azaka kabe usuna ronye. Oko nda orivoya yaiŋgyi be ta amiro ta, tana nda leko 'diaza alo ri ruenjine, oko nda le vona cini ri drietane ni takozi ànyaro yasi.
10 Oko Tu Opi ro esana 'da oso kugu ronye. Tu gi ana si vo'buyakurui ojena 'da kporo amba si, azana ŋgacini se ànya ya 'da asi si ago 'bädri ndi ŋgase cini kigye be okyena 'da. 11 Oso a oye be te ŋgacini kwoi tufune oso ono ronye, beṛo ämiri a'done lidri eŋwani roya? Beṛo ori amiro ri a'done alokado ago odiodi ro to Lu ri. 12 Oso nyàbe Tu Lu ro kwotena ono ronye, mìye ta ri mbarasi ago mi'ba anya kikyi ri ndri, Tu se vo'buyakurui ujena 'da asi si ago utufuna 'da sina owo, ago ŋga cini se vo'buyakurui ya alana 'da ni eme asi ro risi. 13 Oko mà tase Lu ko'ba tana be kwotena; se ni vo'buyakurui to'di ndi 'bädri to'di be, vose taŋgye a'dona 'da kigye.
14 Ago ka'do inye, bereazii maro, oso nyàbe Tu ana kwotena ronye, mìye ta ri mbara cini si a'doza wäṛiro ago taenjiako Lu mile ago a'doza liatokpero nda be. 15 Mìndrevo yaiŋgyi Opi amaro ro dri oso kandrakado se nda kabe ozona ämiri a'done ŋgaopa robe ronye, kpa oso ädrupi amaro se mulube Paulo kegyibe ämiri ronye, yete tavouni se Lu kozobe ndäri ana si. 16 Ono ni tase nda katabe taegyi ndaro vona cini yasi ondro nda kate ta ono egyina owo. Ŋga azaka orivoya rritiro taegyi Paulo roya se tavouniako'ba ndi lidri se ko ŋgyiri ro be kayi tazevona edrena kowesi, oso ànya kabe oyena vo azaka Taegyi ro yasi ronye. Ago kayi rueza ezi modo ànya ro dri.
17 Oko ami, bereazii maro, mìni ta ono ṛote nja. Ka'do inye, nyà'do vo okwa be, ukyi elepe ami 'da wairo wiri lidri otaako'ba rosi ago mì'de 'da ni vo edrero ŋgyiri amiro yasi. 18 Oko nyùgu omba 'duro tai'dwero ndi tauni Opi amaro ago Opa'ba amaro Yesu Kristo roya. Räṛu ka'do ndäri yauono ago äduako! Amen.
The Lord Will Return
1 My dear friends, this is the second letter I have written to encourage you to do some honest thinking. I don't want you to forget 2 what God's prophets said would happen. You must never forget what the holy prophets taught in the past. And you must remember what the apostles told you our Lord and Savior has commanded us to do.
3 But first you must realize that in the last days some people won't think about anything except their own selfish desires. They will make fun of you 4 and say, “Didn't your Lord promise to come back? Yet the first leaders have already died, and the world hasn't changed a bit.”
5 They will say this because they want to forget that long ago the heavens and the earth were made at God's command. The earth came out of water and was made from water. 6 Later it was destroyed by the waters of a mighty flood. 7 But God has commanded the present heavens and earth to remain until the day of judgment. Then they will be set on fire, and ungodly people will be destroyed.
8 Dear friends, don't forget that for the Lord one day is the same as 1,000 years, and 1,000 years is the same as one day. 9 The Lord isn't slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost.
10 The day of the Lord's return will surprise us like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a loud noise, and the heat will melt the whole universe. Then the earth and everything on it will be seen for what they are.
11 Everything will be destroyed. So you should serve and honor God by the way you live. 12 You should look forward to the day when God judges everyone, and you should try to make it come soon. On that day the heavens will be destroyed by fire, and everything else will melt in the heat. 13 But God has promised us a new heaven and a new earth, where justice will rule. We are really looking forward to this!
14 My friends, while you are waiting, you should make certain the Lord finds you pure, spotless, and living at peace. 15 Don't forget that the Lord is patient because he wants people to be saved. This is also what our dear friend Paul said when he wrote you with the wisdom God had given him. 16 Paul talks about these same things in all his letters, but part of what he says is hard to understand. Some ignorant and unsteady people even destroy themselves by twisting what he said. They do the same thing with other Scriptures too.
17 My dear friends, you have been warned ahead of time! So don't let the errors of evil people lead you down the wrong path and make you lose your balance. 18 Let the gift of undeserved grace and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.