Ŋgaopa Elisa ro Ävuzi Mäyuro aza ri
1 Ävuzi alo aza gboko nebii ro ro oyite Elisa re ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ago maro ruindu'ba miro drate; ago mini te ruindu'ba miro turi OPI tawi, oko yauono yuŋguozo'ba aza ikyite ŋgwàagoro ritu maro urune iyeäṛi ro.” 2 Elisa atate anyari ekye: “Mayena e'di miri ya? Nyitita märi ŋgase mi sina 'bäru e'diya?” Anya zatadrite ekye: “Ma ruindu'ba miro ono cu ŋga aza ako 'bäru, e'begialo kuruŋwa ido ro.”
3 'Dooko Elisa atate anyari ekye: “Nyoyi nyezi lakazà ya awi ni oriazii cini miro rigyesi, nyeziko toto fere. 4 'Dooko mìci zo ya ŋgwaàgoro miro yibe, ago mise käläsi ämidri, ago mìso ido se kuruŋwa ido roya 'do lakazà cini kwoi yasi; se kogate twi mìdi gwo biṛi ya.” 5 Ndi toko ana oyite ni nda resi ago cite zo anyaro ya ŋgwàagoro anyaro yibe, ago se käläsi te. Ago ondro anya kate ugu ido oso lakazà yasi oko, ŋgwàagoro anyaro uguyi lakazà ezite anyare. 6 Ondro lakazà ido ro kogate twitwi oko, anya atate alo aza ŋgwaagoro anyaro ri ekye: “Nyezi lakaza aza märi.” Ago nda atate anyari ekye: “Azana te i'do.” 'Dooko idi ido ro edrete. 7 Anya gote Nebi Elisa re ago Elisa atate anyari ekye: “Nyoyi migye ido 'do tesi, ago nyozo yuŋgu miro dri, ago anjokona 'dote miri ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be orizana.”
Elisa ndi Toko se Ŋgaamba be Sunema'ba ro ana be
8 U'du alo aza si oko Elisa oyite Sunema ya, vose toko ŋgaamba be aza koribe kigye ana, se eji nda te ŋgaonya onyane. Ondro tu azaka si nda kate lävu liti ana yasi oko nda karuoza lau ŋgaonya onyane. 9 Ago anya atate ago anyaro ri ekye: “Mäni ndi endaro mano gi kabe ikyi ondoalo nosi ono, orivoya mano alokado Lu ro yi. 10 Mi'de mabe zo ya giṛiŋwa aza kurusi ndäri, ago ma'ba kitapara, tara'biza, giti, ndi lamba be kigye ndäri tana ondro nda kikyite amare oko, ma'ba nda kori robe kigye.”
11 Tu alo aza si oko Elisa go esate lau, ago cite loline zo ana ya. 12 Ago nda atate Geazi ruindu'ba ndaro ri ekye: “Mizi toko Sunema'ba ro 'do.” Ondro nda kuzi anya te oko, anya ikyi edrete nda kandra. 13 Ndi Elisa atate Geazi ri ekye: “Nyeji anya ta ŋgase ämäri oyene anyari ta rriti se cini anya koyebe ta amaro ta ono rota. Inye'do anya olena ämäri oyine takado aza atane ta anyaro ta 'bädri'ba kode otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro ri ya?” Oko anya zatadrite ekye:
“Ma ori lidri modo maro lako teinye lemeri aza ako.”
14 Elisa eji Geazi te ekye: “Ka'do inye ayena e'di anyari ya?” Geazi zatadrite ekye: “Ta begi ono, anya teinye ŋgwaagoro ako, ago ago anyaro dete.”
15 Elisa atate ekye: “Mizi anya.” Ondro nda kuzi anya te oko, anya ikyi edrete käläsi kala. 16 Elisa atate anyari ekye: “Wari kogo kiwite oso nonye ndroazi oko, nya'dona 'da ŋgwa be drì ya.” Anya atate ekye: “Hwa, 'desi maro, mano Lu ro, miga kowe ko ma ruindu'ba miro ri.” 17 Oko ondro ndroa kogo kozaru kpate duru otivoya oso se Elisa katabe ana ronye oko, toko ana kwo ŋgwa te ago ti ŋgwaagoro te.
18 Ondro ŋgaga kombate oko, tu alo si nda oyite täpi ndaro re 'dooko täpi ndaro orivoya inya olo'bai re. 19 Ago nda trete täpi ndaro ri ekye: “Äye, drî maro ni! Drî maro ni!” Täpi atate ruindu'ba ndaro aza ri ekye: “Miŋgyi nda endre ndaro re.” 20 Ondro ruindu'ba ana kuŋgyi ŋgaga ana te, ago kezi nda te endre ndaro re oko endre ndaro ŋgyi nda te miṛi anyaro dri madale kitudiri, ndi nda drate. 21 Ndi anya oyite 'be nda te kitapara nebi Elisa ro dri, ago se käläsi te nda dri, ago fote tesi. 22 'Dooko anya zi ago anyaro te ago atate ndäri ekye: “Nyezi alo aza ruindu'bai miro ro ndi doŋgyi alo aza be märi, tana moyi robe ndrindri mano Lu ro re ago mego robe ndriŋwa.” 23 Ago anyaro eji anya te ekye: “Nyaoyi ondro ndare etaya? Tana tu ono ko Karama Imba To'di royi ca kpa ko Sabata yi.” Anya zatadrite ekye: “A'dona 'da kado.” 24 'Dooko anya rite doŋgyi dri, ago anya atate ruindu'ba anyaro ri ekye: “Mi'ba doŋgyi kumu ndrindri ago keleye ko madale matana tana leni miri.” 25 Anya fote ago oyite nebi Elisa re 'bereŋwa Karemela pa.
Ondro nebi Elisa kondre anya te ikyivoya oko, nda atate Geazi ruindu'ba ndaro ri ekye: “Mindre, Sunema'ba begyi ana; 26 mimu drî anyaro utune, ago nyeji anya kode anya, ago anyaro ndi ŋgwa anyaro be gi kado ya?”
Anya zatadri Geazi rote ekye: “Ŋga cini orivoya kado.” 27 Ondro anya kesate 'bereŋwa pa Elisa re oko, anya ovo pa ndaro te. Ago Geazi ikyite anya anane, oko Elisa atate ekye: “Mi'ba anya kori, tana anya orivoya rriti 'desi be; oko OPI da'do tana teni märi ago iti tana kote märi.”
28 'Dooko toko ana atate ndäri ekye: “'Desi, inye'do meji mi ndi ta ŋgwaagoro ro ta ya? Inye'do mata ṛo ko makye nyodo ma ko ya?”
29 Elisa atate Geazi ri ekye: “Miso boŋgo miro, miru dofo maro mirigye ago nyoyi. Ondro mi'bedrite 'diaza be, miye mede ko ndäri, ondro 'diaza koye mede te miri mizatadrina ko; nyoyi mici dori zo ya ago nyalala dofo maro 'do militi ŋgwa ana ro dri.”
30 'Dooko endre ŋgwa ana ro atate Elisa ri ekye: “Mäṛuru OPI lidriidriro si, ago andivo miro si, märi mi e'bene i'do.” Ta'dota nda ŋgate ago sote anya vo. 31 Geazi lävute käti mileya ago kyi lala dofo te militi ŋgwa ana ro dri, caoko kporo ndi beti adri robe a'dote i'do. Ta'dota nda gote drî Elisa ro utune, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ŋgaga ana pi mi ko'de.”
32 Ondro Elisa kecite zo ya oko, nda ndre ŋgwa te u'duvoya avo ro kitapara ndaro dri. 33 Nda cite zo ya ago se käläsi te ànya ritu 'do dri, ago mätu OPI te. 34 'Dooko nda tute kitapara dri ago lala yite ŋgwa dri, 'ba kala ndaro te kala ŋgwa roya, mi ndaro mi ŋgwa roya, drì ndaro drì ŋgwa roya, ondro nda kozo andivo ndaro te a'dwi ŋgwa dri oko, lomvo ŋgwa ro eto emete. 35 Elisa go ŋga kpate kuru, ugu abate ya zo ro yasi kyigwo iga ago kyigwo iga, 'dooko gote tute kitapara dri ago ozo andivo ndaro te a'dwi ŋgaga dri. Ŋgwa sikovote perena njidrieri, ago pimite. 36 Elisa zi Geazi te atate ndäri ekye: “Mizi endre ŋgwa ro.” Ndi nda zi anya te. Ondro anya kikyite ndare oko, nda atate anyari ekye: “Miru ŋgwa miro.” 37 Anya ikyi 'dete Elisa pa, militisi vuru; 'dooko anya ru ŋgwa anyaro te ago fote tesi.
Talaroro Ritu Azaka
38 Elisa go egote kpa to'di Gilegala ya tuse mä'bu ko'debe wari ya ana si. Ondro nda kate gboko azaka nebii ro embana oko, nda atate ruindu'ba ndaro ri ekye: “Nyedre lakaza 'desi asi dri, ago nyala'di molai gboko nebii ro ri.” 39 Alo aza ànyaro fote ämvu ya agba uṛine, ago usu kono vocowa rote, ago pi doŋgo na te amba oso nda kuni be uŋgyine ronye, ago nda egote kovole elete lakaza ya. Oko ànya niyikote kode 'do agba e'di roya. 40 Ndi ànya sote lidri ana ri onyane. Oko ondro ànya ketembete oko, ànya treyite ekye: “Äye Elisa, äṛi orivoya lakaza ono ya!” Ago ànya niyi kote onyane. 41 Nebi Elisa atate ekye: “Nyezi ŋgaonya 'do.” Ndi nda sote lakaza ya ago atate ekye: “Miso lidri ri ànya konya robe.” Ndi 'dooko ŋgakozi aza a'dote i'do kigye.
42 Tu alo aza si mano aza ikyite ni Bala Salisa ya, ezi ambata doŋgo drikäti rote Elisa ri, ambata kaaza ro 'buteritu ndi drî inya 'bi'biro robe gunia si. Elisa atate ruindu'ba ndaro ri ekye: “Nyozo lidri ri, ànya konya robe.” 43 Oko ruindu'ba ndaro atate ekye: “Ma'bana ŋgaŋwa giṛiŋwa nonye ono lidri amba kandra eŋwanyeya?” Elisa dele tate ndäri ekye: “Nyozo lidri ri ànya konya robe, tana ono ni tase OPI kabe atana owo ekye: Ànya onyana 'da ago anjokona e'bena kpa.” 44 Ago nda 'bate ànya kandra. Ànya nyayite, ago anjokona e'bete oso ata OPI ro ronye.
Elisha Helps a Poor Widow
1 One day the widow of one of the Lord's prophets said to Elisha, “You know that before my husband died, he was a follower of yours and a worshiper of the Lord. But he owed a man some money, and now that man is on his way to take my two sons as his slaves.”
2 “Maybe there's something I can do to help,” Elisha said. “What do you have in your house?”
“Sir, I have nothing but a small bottle of olive oil.”
3 Elisha told her, “Ask your neighbors for their empty jars. And after you've borrowed as many as you can, 4 go home and shut the door behind you and your sons. Then begin filling the jars with oil and set each one aside as you fill it.” 5 The woman left.
Later, when she and her sons were back inside their house, the two sons brought her the jars, and she began filling them.
6 At last, she said to one of her sons, “Bring me another jar.”
“We don't have any more,” he answered, and the oil stopped flowing from the small bottle.
7 After she told Elisha what had happened, he said, “Sell the oil and use part of the money to pay what you owe the man. You and your sons can live on what is left.”
Elisha Brings a Rich Woman's Son Back to Life
8 Once, while Elisha was in the town of Shunem, he met a rich woman who invited him to her home for dinner. After that, whenever he was in Shunem, he would have a meal there with her and her husband.
9 Some time later the woman said to her husband, “I'm sure the man who comes here so often is a prophet of God. 10 Why don't we build him a small room on the flat roof of our house? We can put a bed, a table and chair, and an oil lamp in it. Then whenever he comes, he can stay with us.”
11 The next time Elisha was in Shunem, he stopped at their house and went up to his room to rest. 12-13 He said to his servant Gehazi, “This woman has been very helpful. Have her come up here to the roof for a moment.” She came, and Elisha told Gehazi to say to her, “You've gone to a lot of trouble for us, and we want to help you. Is there something we can request the king or army commander to do?”
The woman answered, “With my relatives nearby, I have everything I need.”
14 “Then what can we do for her?” Elisha asked Gehazi.
Gehazi replied, “I do know that her husband is old, and that she doesn't have a son.”
15 “Ask her to come here again,” Elisha told his servant. He called for her, and she came and stood in the doorway of Elisha's room.
16 Elisha said to her, “Next year at this time, you'll be holding your own baby son in your arms.”
“You're a man of God,” the woman replied. “Please don't lie to me.”
17 But a few months later, the woman got pregnant. She gave birth to a son, just as Elisha had promised.
18 One day while the boy was still young, he was out in the fields with his father, where the workers were harvesting the crops. 19 Suddenly he shouted, “My head hurts. It hurts a lot!”
“Carry him back to his mother,” the father said to his servant. 20 The servant picked up the boy and carried him to his mother. The boy lay on her lap all morning, and by noon he was dead. 21 She carried him upstairs to Elisha's room and laid him across the bed. Then she walked out and shut the door behind her.
22 The woman called to her husband, “I need to see the prophet. Let me use one of the donkeys. Send a servant along with me, and let me leave now, so I can get back quickly.”
23 “Why do you need to see him today?” her husband asked. “It's not the Sabbath or time for the New Moon Festival.”
“That's all right,” she answered. 24 She saddled the donkey and said to her servant, “Let's go. And don't slow down unless I tell you to.” 25 She left at once for Mount Carmel to talk with Elisha.
When Elisha saw her coming, he said, “Gehazi, look! It's the woman from Shunem. 26 Run and meet her. And ask her if everything is all right with her and her family.”
“Everything is fine,” she answered Gehazi. 27 But as soon as she got to the top of the mountain, she went over and grabbed Elisha by the feet.
Gehazi started toward her to push her away, when Elisha said, “Leave her alone! Don't you see how sad she is? But the Lord hasn't told me why.”
28 The woman said, “Sir, I begged you not to get my hopes up, and I didn't even ask you for a son.”
29 “Gehazi, get ready and go to her house,” Elisha said. “Take along my walking stick, and when you get there, lay it on the boy's face. Don't stop to talk to anyone, even if they try to talk to you.”
30 But the boy's mother said to Elisha, “I swear by the living Lord and by your own life that I won't leave without you.” So Elisha got up and went with them.
31 Gehazi ran on ahead and laid Elisha's walking stick on the boy's face, but the boy didn't move or make a sound. Gehazi ran back to Elisha and said, “The boy didn't wake up.”
32 Elisha arrived at the woman's house and went straight to his room, where he saw the boy's body on his bed. 33 He walked in, shut the door, and prayed to the Lord. 34 Then he got on the bed and stretched out over the dead body, with his mouth on the boy's mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hand on his hands. As he lay there, the boy's body became warm. 35 Elisha got up and walked back and forth in the room, then he went back and leaned over the boy's body. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.
36 Elisha called out to Gehazi, “Ask the boy's mother to come here.” Gehazi did, and when she was at the door, Elisha said, “You can take your son.”
37 She came in and bowed down at Elisha's feet. Then she picked up her son and left.
Elisha Makes Some Stew Taste Better
38 Later, Elisha went back to Gilgal, where there was almost nothing to eat, because the crops had failed.
One day while the prophets who lived there were meeting with Elisha, he said to his servant, “Prepare a big pot of stew for these prophets.”
39 One of them went out into the woods to gather some herbs. He found a wild vine and picked as much of its fruit as he could carry, but he didn't know that the fruit was very sour. When he got back, he cut up the fruit and put it in the stew.
40 The stew was served, and when the prophets started eating it, they shouted, “Elisha, this stew tastes terrible! We can't eat it.”
41 “Bring me some flour,” Elisha said. He sprinkled the flour in the stew and said, “Now serve it to them.” And the stew tasted fine.
Elisha Feeds One Hundred People
42 A man from the town of Baal-Shalishah brought Elisha some freshly cut grain and 20 loaves of bread made from the first barley that was harvested. Elisha said, “Give it to the people so they can eat.”
43 “There's not enough here for 100 people,” his servant said.
“Just give it to them,” Elisha replied. “The Lord has promised there will be more than enough.”
44 So the servant served the bread and grain to the people. They ate and still had some left over, just as the Lord had promised.