1 Ago losi oye amaro Lu be voaloya si ya, mà ami se ka'dobe tai'dwero Lu robe ono eji ko anya o'bane a'done ta awi ro. 2 Nyeri tase Lu kabe atana ekye:
“Ondro tu kesate märi yauni ka'dazana ämiri oko,
meri ami te,
ondro tu kesate märi ami opaza
mapa ami te.”
Nyeri! Ono ni saa yauni Lu ro usu ro owo; ondro ono orivoya ni tu ŋgaopa ro owo!
3 Màle ko 'diaza ri taenji usune losi amaro ya, ago mà ojo ko o'de toromoga o'bana liti 'diaza roya. 4 Oko, ŋgacini màbe oyena ya màka'da ta te anjioko ama orivoya ruindu'bai Lu ro yaiŋgyi si ma ugu rriti iŋgyi, gboroto ndi rriti be. 5 A'bi ama te, avote kamba ya, amote ämädri; màye losi te ndra oyene drisi ago màrite teinye u'duako ago ŋgaonya ako. 6 A'do amaro wäṛi, tauni, yaiŋgyi ndi yai'dwe be si màka'da andivo amaro te a'done ruindu'bai Lu ro ro, Tori Alokado si, ŋgalu ŋgye amaro si, 7 lazo amaro taŋgye si si, ago mbara Lu rosi. Ama orivoya taŋgye be oso lakaza kyila oyero amaro ronye, 'digotaza ago andivo amaro gagaza. 8 Aro ama te ago aro ama kote, a'da ama te ago äräṛute. Aye ama te oso koweoga'bai ronye, caoko mà taŋgye ata, 9 oso uniako, caoko 'dicini ni ama te, oso ago ama te avo yi, oko oso nyàbe ondrena ronye, mà gi ugu ori. Eza ama ca, äfu ama kote; 10 a'ba ca tusuro, ama orivoya ondoalo yai'dwesi; màlandre te ŋgaako'ba ro, oko mà lidri amba o'ba ŋgaamba be, màlandre oso ama ŋga aza ako, caoko ama orivoya ŋgacini be.
11 Ku bereazii Korineto ya! Mà ata ŋbelero ämiri, màfo ya amaro te uŋbo ämiri. 12 Ama ko ni se kose ya amaro be ni ämiri owo; oko ami ni se mise ya amiro be ni ämäri owo. 13 Ma ata ämiri yauono oso ami ŋgwai maro ronye; ämiri kpa tausu alo ono ka'dane ayani ämäri oso ama be sina ta amiro ta ronye. Nyàfo ya amiro uŋbo.
Miomba Ozo Taoye Taomaako rota
14 Nyòjo ko a'done losioye'baazi ro taomaako'bai be, ŋgakado ndi ŋgakozi be uninayi a'done losioye'baazi ro eŋwanye ya? Ŋgaeyi ndi vouni be uninayi a'done troalo eŋwanye ya? 15 Kristo unina tadriolene Kicu'ba be eŋwanye ya? Ŋgase aza taoma'ba kala'dona voaloyasi taomaako'ba be ni e'di ya? 16 Yekalu Lu ro unina a'done tadriolebe lui taomaako'ba robe eŋwanye ya? Tana ama orivoya Yekalu Lu lidriidriro ro! Oso Lu andivo katabe ronye ekye:
“Ma'bana 'ba maro 'da lidri maro be
ago marina 'da ànya lako;
ma'dona 'da Lu ànyaro
ago ànya a'dona 'da lidri maro.”
17 Ago Opi ka kpa ata ekye:
“Beṛo ämiri ànya e'bene
ago nyelewe ami ni ànya resi.
Mìye ta aza ko tase orivoya undiro be,
ago märuna ami 'da.
18 Ma'dona 'da Täpi ro ämiri,
ago nyà'dona 'da ŋgwàagoro ago ndiriŋwa ro maro,
Opi mbaraekye kani ata nonye.”
1 We work together with God, and we beg you to make good use of God's gift of undeserved grace. 2 In the Scriptures God says,

“When the time came,
I listened to you,
and when you needed help,
I came to save you.”

That time has come. This is the day for you to be saved.
3 We don't want anyone to find fault with our work, and so we try hard not to cause problems. 4 But in everything and in every way we show we truly are God's servants. We have always been patient, though we have had a lot of trouble, suffering, and hard times. 5 We have been beaten, put in jail, and hurt in riots. We have worked hard and have gone without sleep or food. 6 But we have kept ourselves pure and have been understanding, patient, and kind. The Holy Spirit has been with us, and our love has been real. 7 We have spoken the truth, and God's power has worked in us. In all our struggles we have said and done only what is right.
8 Whether we were honored or dishonored or praised or cursed, we always told the truth about ourselves. But some people said we did not. 9 We are unknown to others, but well known to you. We seem to be dying, and yet we are still alive. We have been punished, but never killed, 10 and we are always happy, even in times of suffering. Although we are poor, we have made many people rich. And though we own nothing, everything is ours.
11 Friends in Corinth, we are telling the truth when we say there is room in our hearts for you. 12 We are not holding back on our love for you, but you are holding back on your love for us. 13 I speak to you as I would speak to my own children. Please make room in your hearts for us.
The Temple of the Living God
14 Stay away from people who are not followers of the Lord! Can someone who is good get along with someone who is evil? Are light and darkness the same? 15 Is Christ a friend of Satan? Can people who follow the Lord have anything in common with those who don't? 16 Do idols belong in the temple of God? We are the temple of the living God, as God himself says,

“I will live with these people
and walk among them.
I will be their God,
and they will be
my people.”

17 The Lord also says,

“Leave them and stay away!
Don't touch anything
that isn't clean.
Then I will welcome you
18 and be your Father.
You will be my sons
and my daughters,
as surely as I am God,
the All-Powerful.”