Kyila Abija ro Yeroboama be
(1 'Bädri'bai 15:1-8)
1 Ndroa 'butealo fonjidriena ŋgamiri Yeroboama 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele rosi oko, Abija a'dote 'bädri'ba Yuda ro, 2 nda mirivote ndroa nätu Yerusalema ya. Endre ndaro ävuruna ni Mikaya ŋguti Uriela ro, ni 'bakici Gibea yasi.
Kyila a'dote lakole Abija ro Yeroboama be ya. 3 Abija oyite kyila ya kyila'bai turiako'bai kyila oyero kutu kama su (400,000) alo be; ago Yeroboama raa kyila'bai ndaro te kutu kama njidriena (800,000) kyila oyene nda be.
4 Kyila'bai kai usuyi iyi te 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya. 'Dooko Abija tute kuru 'Bereŋwa Zemaraima ro dri ago ayotate Yeroboama ndi Yisaraele'bai be ri nda ekye: Nyeri ta maro! Yeroboama mi ndi Yisaraele cini be! 5 Inye'do mini ṛoko OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro 'ba tao'baro se pereako ono te Dawidi be, kozo a'do 'bädri'ba robe ndäri ago zelevoi ndaro ri orine Yisaraele dri äduako ono ṛoko ya? 6 Caoko Yeroboama ŋgwa Nebata ro, ogbote Solomo 'bädri'ba ndaro be. 7 Kovolesi oko nda otokala lidri kozi azaka rote, se ànya leyi Rehoboama ŋgwa Solomo ro tezo, se orivoya pari agoanjiŋwa ro tauniako amba ago ni kote komba otone ànya be. 8 Ago yauono nyusutavote kyila oyene dri'bai miri ro se OPI kozobe zelevoi Dawidi ro ri ono be. Ami orivoya kyila'bai be lowa ro ago 'daŋgoi läguläguro se Yeroboama kedebe lu ro ämiri kwoi orivoya ami be. 9 Minja kohanii OPI ro, ŋgwàagoro Arona rote, ndi Lewe'bai be. Ago migo mi'ba kohanii te vo ànyaro yasi oso tu'dei azaka kayibe oyena ronye. 'Diaza kikyite 'daŋgo alodi kode timelegogo njidrieri be, a'ba nda te kohani ro ŋgase mizibe lui iyi ri.
10 Oko mà drigba ruindu OPI Lu amaro ri ago me'be nda kote. Kohanii zelevoi Arona ro kayi kama ànyaro oyena, ago Lewe'bai kayi ànya opa. 11 Ànya kayi ŋgapäṛi ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro ndi koronya se ozaro cu tori ro 'do be ozana kyenoŋbo cini ndi tandrole cini be si. Ànya kayi ŋgapäṛi ambata ro o'bana tara'biza se alokado wäṛiro ono dri, ago tandrole cini si ànya kayi lamba eyi logo läguläguro lamba edrero dri. Mà tase OPI kozo otana be oyena, oko nye'be nda te. 12 Lu modo ni dri'ba amaro, ago kohanii orivoya ama be noŋwa cekuṛei be, te nja ovone ama uziza kyila oyene ami yibe. Ami lidri Yisaraele ro, miye kyila ko OPI, Lu zutui amiro robe! Tana minina ko opene ṛe!
13 Anjioko Yeroboama zo kyila'bai ndaro azaka te uvune kyila'bai Yuda ro kundusi; ago kyila'bai azaka orivoya mileyasi. 14 Ondro lidri Yuda ro kondrevote gbikyi oko, ànya ndrete anjioko ämudri ànyaro te. 'Dooko ànya ayodrite OPI ri ta ŋgaopa rota, ago kohanii voyi cekuṛe te. 15 'Dooko lidri Yuda ro treyi otre kyila oyero te, Abija 'dete mileya; ago ànya gotayi ŋga te; Lu pe Yeroboama ndi kyila'bai Yisaraele robe te ṛe. 16 Lidri Yisaraele ro muyite ni lidri Yuda ro risi, ago Lu 'ba lidri Yuda ro pe ànya te ṛe. 17 Abija ndi kyila'bai ndaro be peyi Yisaraele'bai te pari ṛe, tufuyi kyila'bai kadopara Yisaraele rote orivoya kutu kama nji. 18 Ta'dota lidri Yuda ro peyi lidri Yisaraele rote ṛe, tana ànya ätirute OPI, Lu zutu ànyaro ro lomvo.
19 Abija sote kyila'bai Yeroboama ro vo, ago kyi ru 'bakicii ndaro Betele, Jesana ndi Eferona be, ndi 'baŋwai se lototi 'bakicii kwoi lomvosi be te. 20 Tu ŋgamiri Abija ro rosi Yeroboama go a'do kote mbara be alona. Äduro OPI 'bi nda te ago nda drate.
21 Oko Abija a'dote mbaraekye. Ago nda gye 'ditoko te 'butealo fosu, ago ti ŋgwàagoro te 'buteritu foritu ndi ndiriŋwa 'butealo fonjidrialo be. 22 Ta rukä ambâ Abija ro ro, tase nda katabe ndi tase nda koyebe be, egyi tana te Ambâ Nebi Ido ro roya.
King Abijah of Judah
(1 Kings 15.1-8)
1 Abijah became king of Judah in Jeroboam's eighteenth year as king of Israel, 2 and he ruled from Jerusalem for three years. His mother was Micaiah the daughter of Uriel from Gibeah.
Some time later, Abijah and King Jeroboam of Israel went to war against each other. 3 Abijah's army had 400,000 troops, and Jeroboam met him in battle with 800,000 troops.
4 Abijah went to the top of Mount Zemaraim in the hills of Ephraim and shouted:
Listen, Jeroboam and all you Israelites! 5 The Lord God of Israel has made a solemn promise that every king of Israel will be from David's family. 6 But Jeroboam, you were King Solomon's official, and you rebelled. 7 Then right after Rehoboam became king, you and your bunch of worthless followers challenged Rehoboam, who was too young to know how to stop you.
8 Now you and your powerful army think you can stand up to the kingdom that the Lord has given to David's descendants. The only gods you have are those gold statues of calves that Jeroboam made for you. 9 You don't even have descendants of Aaron on your side, because you forced out the Lord's priests and Levites. In their place, you appoint ordinary people to be priests, just as the foreign nations do. In fact, anyone who brings a bull and seven rams to the altar can become a priest of your so-called gods.
10 But we have not turned our backs on the Lord God! Aaron's own descendants serve as our priests, and the Levites are their assistants. 11 Two times every day they offer sacrifices and burn incense to the Lord. They set out the sacred loaves of bread on a table that has been purified, and they light the lamps in the gold lampstand every day at sunset. We follow the commands of the Lord our God—you have rejected him! 12 That's why God is on our side and will lead us into battle when the priests sound the signal on the trumpets. It's no use, Israelites. You might as well give up. There's no way you can defeat the Lord, the God your ancestors worshiped.
13 But while Abijah was talking, Jeroboam had sent some of his troops to attack Judah's army from behind, while the rest attacked from the front. 14 Judah's army realized they were trapped, and so they prayed to the Lord. The priests blew the signal on the trumpet, 15 and the troops let out a battle cry. Then with Abijah leading them into battle, God defeated Jeroboam and Israel's army. 16 The Israelites ran away, and God helped Judah's soldiers slaughter 17 500,000 enemy troops. 18 Judah's army won because they had trusted the Lord God of their ancestors.
19 Abijah kept up his attack on Jeroboam's army and captured the Israelite towns of Bethel, Jeshanah, and Ephron, as well as the villages around them.
20 Jeroboam never regained his power during the rest of Abijah's rule. The Lord punished Jeroboam, and he died, but Abijah became more powerful.
21 Abijah had a total of 14 wives, 22 sons, and 16 daughters. 22 Everything Abijah said and did while he was king is written in the records of Iddo the prophet.