Kyila Oye Ezipeto'ba aza ro Yuda be
(1 'Bädri'bai 14:25-28)
1 Dori ondro Rehoboama ko'ba drikaca miri 'bädri'ba ndaro rote ŋgyiri oko, nda ndi lidri cini ndaro be e'beyi ota OPI rote. 2 Ndroa linji ŋgamiri Rehoboama ro rosi oko eza ànya te ta taoroako ànyaro OPI ri rota. Sisaka 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ikyi gota Yerusalema te 3 arabia kyila ro kitu alo kama ritu (1,200), ndi farasi'bai kutu 'butenjidrialo (60,000) be si, ndi kyila'bai amba be otiako, dro'be ndi Libiya'bai, Suka'bai ndi Kusa'bai be. 4 Nda ru 'bakicii tiṛi ṛatararo be Yuda rote ago ikyiyite le Yerusalema ya.
5 'Dooko nebi Semaya ikyite Rehoboama ndi dri'bai lidri Yuda ro robe se kotoyikalabe Yerusalema ya ruopaza ni Sisaka ri kai re. Nda atate ànyari ekye: Ono ni lazo OPI ro ämiri owo ekye: Tana nye'be mate, ago yauono me'be ami te dri Sisaka roya.
6 'Dooko 'bädri'ba ndi dri'bai be niyite anjioko ànya yeyi takozi te, ago logoyi iyi te vuru mäyuro, ago atayite ekye: Tase OPI kabe oyena ono orivoya taŋgye yi.
7 Ondro OPI kondrete ànya logoyi iyi te vuru mäyuro oko, nda atate kpa to'di Semaya ri ekye: Oso ànya koleyi tadri takozi ànyaro ro bete 'do ronye, märi ànya tufune te i'do. Oko ondro Sisaka kogota ànya ca, ànya opana vo ndi. Yerusalema ri o'dene mbara kyila maro rosi te i'do, 8 caoko Sisaka opena ànya 'da ṛe, tana ànya kuniyi ta a'do toto ruindu ro märi ago ruindu ro miri'bai 'bädri ro ri tana robe.
9 'Bädri'ba Sisaka ikyite Yerusalema ya ago oto lakazà teni Yekalu ndi zo'desi miri robe yasi. Nda oto ŋga cini te, tro ŋga 'digagaro se läguläguro Solomo kedebe ana be. 10 Rehoboama ede ŋga 'digagaro atala ro te vona ro, ago ozo ànya te drikaca dri'bai vookwaro ro zele se kayibe dereŋwai zo'desi miri ro gagana iyi. 11 Tu cini se 'bädri'ba kate oci Yekalu ya si oko, vookwa'bai ruyi ŋga 'digagaro te ago logo ànya te zo vookwa roya. 12 Kyila OPI ro pere nda kote kpeye, tana nda logo andivo ndaro te vuru OPI ri, ago ta cini a'dote kadoro Yuda ri.
Ogo Aree ta Ŋgamiri Rehoboama ro ro Drisi
13 Rehoboama mirivote Yerusalema ya ago mbara ndaro 'bädri'ba ro a'dote ndra. Rehoboama ka ori 'bädri'ba ro oko ndroa ndaro te 'butesu foalo, ago nda mirivote ndroa 'butealo fonjidrieri Yerusalema ya, 'bakici se OPI konjibe ni wari se cini Yisaraele ro yasi a'dobe vo nda mäturo ana ya. Ävuru endre Rehoboama ro ro ni Naama, ni wari Amona ro yasi. 14 Nda yete tase undiro ayani, tana nda 'ba ya ndaro kote ole OPI ro uṛine.
15 Taoye Rehoboama ro etoni etovona ya le ondevona ya, ndi taoye katidri ndaro robe egyi tana te Ambâ Nebi Semaya ro ndi Ambâ Nebi Ido robe ya. Kyila a'dote 'duro lakole Rehoboama ro Yeroboama be ya. 16 Rehoboama drate ago asete vo 'bädri'bai osero ya 'Bakici Dawidi roya ago Abija ŋgwa ndaro gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.
King Shishak of Egypt Invades Judah
(1 Kings 14.25-28)
1 Soon after Rehoboam had control of his kingdom, he and everyone in Judah stopped obeying the Lord. 2 So in the fifth year of Rehoboam's rule, the Lord punished them for their unfaithfulness and allowed King Shishak of Egypt to invade Judah. 3 Shishak attacked with his army of 1,200 chariots and 60,000 cavalry troops, as well as countless Egyptian soldiers from Libya, Sukkoth, and Ethiopia. 4 He captured every one of the fortified cities in Judah and then marched to Jerusalem.
5 Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah had gone to Jerusalem to escape Shishak's invasion. And while they were there, Shemaiah the prophet told them, “The Lord says that because you have disobeyed him, he has now abandoned you. The Lord will not help you against Shishak!”
6 Rehoboam and the leaders were sorry for what they had done and admitted, “The Lord is right. We have deserted him.”
7 When the Lord heard this, he told Shemaiah:
The people of Judah are truly sorry for their sins, and so I won't let Shishak completely destroy them. But because I am still angry, 8 he will conquer and rule them.
Then my people will know what it's like to serve a foreign king instead of serving me.
9 Shishak attacked Jerusalem and took all the valuable things from the temple and from the palace, including Solomon's gold shields.
10 Rehoboam had bronze shields made to replace the gold ones, and he ordered the guards at the city gates to keep them safe. 11 Whenever Rehoboam went to the Lord's temple, the guards carried the shields. But they always took them back to the guardroom as soon as he had finished worshiping.
12 Rehoboam turned back to the Lord, and so the Lord did not let Judah be completely destroyed, and Judah was prosperous again.
Rehoboam's Rule in Judah
(1 Kings 14.211 29-31)
13 Rehoboam was 41 years old when he became king, and he ruled 17 years from Jerusalem, the city where the Lord had chosen to be worshiped. His mother Naamah was from Ammon. Rehoboam was a powerful king, 14 but he still did wrong and refused to obey the Lord.
15 Everything else Rehoboam did while he was king, including a history of his family, is written in the records of the two prophets, Shemaiah and Iddo. During Rehoboam's rule, he and King Jeroboam of Israel were constantly at war. 16 When Rehoboam died, he was buried beside his ancestors in Jerusalem, and his son Abijah became king.