1 Ni Paulo lazo'ba Kristo Yesu ro resi, ota Lu Opa'ba amaro ro ndi Kristo Yesu mio'ba amaro be rosi.
2 Timoteo, ŋgwa paca maro taoma ya ri: Lu Täpi ago Kristo Opi amaro kozo tai'dwero, yauni ndi taliatokpe be miri.
Ta Miomba ozo ro ta Ŋgaembaro Ŋgaodo si rota
3 Male miri orine Epeso ya, oso mata mi be tuse mabe oyi Makedonia ya si ronye. Lidri azaka orivoya lau kayi ugu ŋgaemba ŋgaodo si emba, ago miri drî nayi otane. 4 Nyata ànyari tase awi ago tase gyoroŋgolo arabe zutui ro kayi e'bene, se ka gialo kalawasa ezi; ànya payi losi Lu ro kote, se unina taoma si. 5 Takaci ota ono ro orivoya ni ŋgalu se kefo ni ya wäṛiro, ya tausu kadoro, ago taoma ŋgye be ro yasi. 6 Lidri azaka narute pere ni ta kwoi yasi ago ijeyi liti ànyaro ta ata rote ata amaama rosi. 7 Ànya leyi a'done miemba'bai ota Lu ro ro, oko ànya niyi ata ànyaro modona ko ca tase ànya kayibe atana turiako si ono niyi tavona edre ko.
8 Mä̀ni ndi Ota orivoya kado ondro aye tana te oso se beṛo oyene ronye owo. 9 Endaro, beṛo tana oyine a'ba ota ko ta lidri kado rota, oko ta otapere'bai, taoroako'bai, luako'bai, takozi'bai, mätuako'bai, kode ta a'doro Tori voro ako'bai, ànya se kayibe täpii ànyaro kode endrei ànyaro ufuna, ta 'diufu'bai, 10 ronyi'bai, taoye'bai agoazi be, ànya se kayibe iyeäṛii ogye tesi, koweoga'bai, taedre'ba kowesi ago se kayibe tase ojo ko ta miembaro ŋgye be embana be iyi rota. 11 Ta ŋgaembaro ana usute lazokado se ozobe märi opene ya, lazokado para yi ni Lu 'desi Alokado resi.
Aro'boya ta Yauni Lu ro rota
12 Ma aro'boya ozo Kristo Yesu Opi amaro ri, se kozo mbara be märi ta losi maro rota. Ma aro'boya oye ndäri tana nda usu ma te 'diri ago ka'da ma te ruindune ndäri, 13 kyenona mata ta gica undiro nda lomvo ago meza nda ca, ago ma'da nda ca. Oko Lu a'dote yauni amba be märi tana 'dooko ma drigba taoma ako ago mäni tase mabe ugu oyena kote. 14 Ago Opi amaro eda tai'dwero ndra te mädri ago ozo taoma te märi ndi ŋgalu be se ni amaro rudro'be si Kristo Yesu be. 15 Ata ono orivoya ŋgye, ṛo urune kpeye ago omane; Kristo Yesu ikyite 'bädri ya takozi'bai opane, se ma ni ndrana owo, 16 oko Lu orivoya yauni amba be märi tana Kristo Yesu kaka'da yaiŋgyi amba ndaro robe taoye si märi, ma se kozipara ndrani takozi'bai azi ri, a'done taka'daro ro ànya se cini kovolesi oko komanayi 'da nda ya ago usunayi adri äduako 'da ri. 17 Taoro ndi 'desi be ka'do 'Bädri'ba äduako, oŋgwaako ago ondreako, Lu alodi ri ago rriro äduako! Amen.
18 Timoteo, ŋgwa maro, mozo driba ta ono ro mirigye, se äŋgute taope nebii rosi ṛo kyeno ta miro ta. Miye ta ata kwoi si oso lakàza kyila ro ronye tana miye kyila robe kado sina. 19 Ago nyäti taoma miro ndi tavousu kado ya robe. Lidri azaka eriyi tavousu kado ya ànyaro ro tana ko ago enjiyi taoma ànyaro te. 20 Se orivoya ànya lako ni Umenaio ndi Alegezanda be, se mezate ànya ozosi mbara Satani ro ri; ta ono embana ànya 'da ko Lu o'dane.
1 From Paul.
God our Savior and Christ Jesus commanded me to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, who gives us hope.
2 Timothy, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind and merciful to you. May they bless you with peace!
Warning against False Teaching
3 When I was leaving for Macedonia, I asked you to stay on in Ephesus and warn certain people there to stop spreading their false teachings. 4 You needed to warn them to stop wasting their time on senseless stories and endless lists of ancestors. Such things only cause arguments. They don't help anyone to do God's work that can only be done by faith.
5 You must teach people to have genuine love, as well as a good conscience and true faith. 6 There are some who have given up these for nothing but empty talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the Law of Moses. But they don't know what they are talking about, even though they think they do.
8 We know the Law is good, if it is used in the right way. 9 We also understand it wasn't given to control people who please God, but to control lawbreakers, criminals, godless people, and sinners. It is for wicked and evil people, and for murderers, who would even kill their own parents. 10 The Law was written for people who are sexual perverts or who live as homosexuals or are kidnappers or liars or won't tell the truth in court. It is for anything else that opposes the correct teaching 11 of the good news the glorious and wonderful God has given me.
Being Thankful for God's Kindness
12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me the strength for my work because he knew he could trust me. 13 I used to say terrible and insulting things about him, and I was cruel. But Christ had mercy on me because I didn't know what I was doing, and I had not yet put my faith in him. 14 Christ Jesus our Lord treated me with undeserved grace and has greatly blessed my life with faith and love just like his own.
15 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all! 16 But since I was worse than anyone else, God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life. 17 I pray that honor and glory will always be given to the only God, who lives forever and is the invisible and eternal King! Amen.
18 Timothy, my son, the instructions I am giving you are based on what some prophets once said about you. If you follow these instructions, you will fight like a good soldier. 19 You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. 20 Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God.