OPI Kani Samuele Uzi
1 Ago ŋgagaŋwa Samuele ugu ruindu te OPI ri drikaca Eli ro zele. Ago tu gi kai si, ata OPI ro eri koko ondoalo, ago ta rulofo ro a'do kote ondoalo.
2 Tu ana si, mi Eli ro eto uzwe te, ago ni kote vo ondrene kado ro, ago u'dute u'duvo ndaro ya; 3 ago Samuele orivoya u'duvoya Yekalu OPI roya, vo se Sänduku Tao'baro Alokado Lu ro orivoya kigye ana ya, 'dooko drigba izwe lamba ko. 4 Ago OPI zi läzi te ekye: “Samuele, Samuele!” Ago nda ekye: “Ma begi ono!” 5 Ago nda mute Eli re, ago atate ekye: “Ma begi ono mizi ma ni.”
Oko Eli zatadri te ekye: “Mäzi mi ko'de, migo kovole u'dune.” Ago Samuele gote kovole u'dune.
6 Ago OPI go zi läzi te to'di ekye: “Samuele!” Ago Samuele ŋgate ago mute Eli re, ago atate ekye: “Ma begi ono, mizi ma niya?” Oko nda ekye: “Mäzi mi ko'de ŋgwa maro; migo kovole u'dune.” 7 Tana drigba Samuele ni OPI ko, ago drigba ata OPI ri wi kätina ko ndäri.
8 Ago OPI go zi Samuele te kpa to'di pere ninana si. Ago Samuele ŋgate ago oyite Eli re, ago atate ekye: “Ma begi ono, mizi ma ni?”
Ago Eli nite anjioko OPI kani ugu ŋgagaŋwa uzi. 9 Ago nda atate Samuele ri ekye: “Migo kovole u'dune; ago ondro nda kuzi mi te oko, nyata mikye: ‘Nyata OPI, tana ruindu'ba miro ka erina.’ ” Ago Samuele gote kovole ago u'dute vo ndaro ya.
10 Ago OPI ikyi edrete lau, ago zi läzi te oso käti kai ronye ekye: “Samuele! Samuele!”
Ago Samuele atate ekye: “Nyata, ruindu'ba miro ka erina.”
11 'Dooko OPI atate Samuele ri ekye: “Mindre, ma oye ta aza oyene Yisaraele ya, ago ànya se cini kabe tana erina iyi a'dona 'da larolaro ro amba. 12 Tu gi ana si ma'bana tase cini matabe katidri Eli ro lomvo ta katidri ndaro rota tana osana 'da mina ya, ni etovoya le äduna ya. 13 Ago Matate Eli ri makye ma oye katidri ndaro ezane äduako tana ŋgwàagoro ndaro atayi ta undiro te ma lomvo se Eli nite oko nda rita drî ànyaro kote. 14 Tana ta'doro mäṛurute katidri Eli ro ri anjioko taenji ànyaro änina kote drîna utwene ta tori oloro kode ŋgapäṛi ozo ro be si alona.”
15 Samuele u'dute lau madale kyenoŋbo si; 'dooko nda ŋgate ago pi käläsii vo alokado OPI ro rote. Ago Samuele a'dote turituri ro ta rulofo ro itine Eli ri. 16 Oko Eli zi Samuele te ago atate ekye: “Samuele, ŋgwa maro.” Ago nda ekye: “Ma begi ono.” 17 Ago Eli eji nda te ekye: “Opi iti ta e'diro miri ya? Nyada'do ta aza ko ni märi. Lu ezana mi, ondro ka'do nyiti tase cini nda kiti tana be miri kote märi owo.” 18 Ndi Samuele iti ta cini te ndäri ago da'do ta aza kote ni ndäri. Eli atate ekye: “Nda ni OPI owo; mi'ba nda koye ŋgase landrebe kado mi ndaro ya 'do ayani.”
19 Samuele ugu ombate ago OPI a'dote tro nda be ago 'ba ta cini se Samuele kabe atana te osane mina ya. 20 Ago Yisaraele'bai cini ni Dana yasi le Beraseba ya niyite anjioko Samuele orivoya endaro nebi OPI ro. 21 Ago OPI ka'darute rriro Silo ya, ago lau nda ka'da andivo ndaro te Samuele ri ata ndaro si.
The Lord Speaks to Samuel
1-2 Samuel served the Lord by helping Eli the priest, who was by that time almost blind. In those days, the Lord hardly ever spoke directly to people, and he did not appear to them in dreams very often. But one night, Eli was asleep in his room, 3 and Samuel was sleeping on a mat near the sacred chest in the Lord's house. They had not been asleep very long 4 when the Lord called out Samuel's name.
“Here I am!” Samuel answered. 5 Then he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. What do you want?”
“I didn't call you,” Eli answered. “Go back to bed.”
Samuel went back.
6 Again the Lord called out Samuel's name. Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “What do you want?”
Eli told him, “Son, I didn't call you. Go back to sleep.”
7 The Lord had not spoken to Samuel before, and Samuel did not recognize the voice. 8 When the Lord called out his name for the third time, Samuel went to Eli again and said, “Here I am. What do you want?”
Eli finally realized that it was the Lord who was speaking to Samuel. 9 So he said, “Go back and lie down! If someone speaks to you again, answer, ‘I'm listening, Lord. What do you want me to do?’ ”
Once again Samuel went back and lay down.
10 The Lord then stood beside Samuel and called out as he had done before, “Samuel! Samuel!”
“I'm listening,” Samuel answered. “What do you want me to do?”
11 The Lord said:
Samuel, I am going to do something in Israel that will shock everyone who hears about it! 12 I will punish Eli and his family, just as I promised. 13 He knew that his sons refused to respect me, and he let them get away with it, even though I said I would punish his family forever. 14 I warned Eli that sacrifices or offerings could never make things right! His family has done too many disgusting things.
15 The next morning, Samuel got up and opened the doors to the Lord's house. He was afraid to tell Eli what the Lord had said. 16 But Eli told him, “Samuel, my boy, come here!”
“Yes, sir!” Samuel answered.
17 Eli said, “What did God say to you? Tell me everything. I'll ask God to punish you terribly if you don't tell me every word he said!”
18 Samuel told Eli everything. Then Eli said, “He is the Lord, and he will do what's right.”
The Lord Helps Samuel
19 As Samuel grew up, the Lord helped him and made everything Samuel said come true. 20 From the town of Dan in the north to the town of Beersheba in the south, everyone in the country knew that Samuel was truly the Lord's prophet. 21 The Lord often appeared to Samuel at Shiloh and told him what to say.