Odra Samuele ro
1 Samuele drate, ago Yisaraele'bai cini mbikalate liyine nda ta, ago ànya seyi nda te 'ba ndaro ya Rama ya.
Dawidi ndi Abigaila be
Ono vosi Dawidi ŋgate ago oyite vocowa Parana roya. 2 Ago mano aza orivoya Maona ya, se orivoya gyini be Karemela ya. Mano ana orivoya ŋgaamba be; nda orivoya timele be kutu nätu (3,000) ago indri be kutu alo (1,000). Ago tu ana si nda ka timele ndaro 'bina olona Karemela ya. 3 Ävuru mano ana ro orivoya Nabala, ago ävuru toko ndaro ro Abigaila. Toko ana orivoya tauni be kado ago liŋgyiekye, oko ago anyaro se Kaliba'ba yi ana, drîna koziro ago taoyena ko kado. 4 Dawidi eri tate ni vocowa ya ekye Nabala ka 'bi timele ndaro ro olona. 5 Ndi Dawidi zo agoànji 'butealo te, ago atate ekye: “Nyòyi Karemela ya, ago nyòyi Nabala re ago miye mede ndäri ävuru maro si. 6 Ago nyàta mìkye: ‘Taliatokpe ka'do mibe, ago taliatokpe ka'do katidri miro be, ago taliatokpe ka'do ŋgase cini mi sina be. 7 Meri ta be ekye nya 'bi timele miro ro olona; lekye'bai miro a'dote ama yibe ago màye ŋgakozi kote ànyari. Ago ŋga ànyaro aza jekote, tuse cini ànya be orivoya Karemela ya si. 8 Nyeji agoànji miro ago ànya itinayi tana 'da miri. Ka'do inye miye takado agoànji maro ri; tana mìkyi ono orivoya tu karama rosi. Mòlo'baru miri, nyozo ŋgase mibe sina ama ruidu'bai miro ri ago Dawidi ŋgwa miro ri.’ ”
9 Ondro agoànji Dawidi ro kikyite oko, ànya itiyi tase cini kwoi te Nabala ri ävuru Dawidi rosi. Ondro ànya kondeyi ta ata te oko, 10 Nabala zatadrite ekye: “Dawidi a'di owo ya? Ŋgwa Yisai ro a'di owo ya? Tu yau kwoi si ruindu'bai amba orivoya se kyeyi iyi teni 'desii ànyaro resi. 11 Inye'do märuna ambata maro ndi gyi be ndi iza maro se mäfube 'bi tolo'bai maro ri ono gwo, ago mozona gwo lidri se kikyibe ni vose mäniko yasi ono riya?”
12 Ndi agoànji Dawidi ro tayidrite, ago egoyite kovole ago itiyi tase cini Nabala katabe ono te ndäri. 13 Ago Dawidi atate lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Ami cini mìyi bando amiro ami lomvo!” Ago vo ànyaro cini yiyi bando ànyaro te; ago Dawidi yi bando iro kpate; ago mànoago oso kama su (400) ronye sote Dawidi vo, ago kama ritu (200) rite lakazà lomvo.
14 Oko alo aza agoànji Nabala ro ro atate Abigaila, toko Nabala ro ri ekye: “Dawidi ezo lazo'bai teni vocowa yasi mede oyene 'desi amaro ri; oko nda lo'da ànya te. 15 Caoko lidri kai orivoya kadopara ämäri, yeyi ŋgakozi kote ämäri, ago mìje ŋga aza alo kote, tuse cini màribe ànya yibe lowo ya ana si. 16 Ànya orivoya aga ro ämäri ŋgäkyi si ago kitu si, tu gi cini maribe ànya yibe 'dooko mà timele lekye ana si. 17 Ka'do inye nyusu tavo ta ono ro ago nyusu tase kado se be miri oyene. Tana rueza 'desi kate eziikyi 'desi amaro ndi katidri ndaro be dri. Tana nda eri ta 'diaza ro ko ko ta'dota 'diaza niko atane ndäri.”
18 'Dooko Abigaila ŋga te ndriŋwa, ru ambata kama ritu (200) te, ago kurukyini ro vino ro ritu, ago timele nji la'dila'diro, ago ojo inya lusilusiro te koma nji, ago dricoṛo doŋgo ewiewiro ro orivoya kama alo (100), ago duŋguṛu ambata se edeni kyi'du usiusi ro yasi ro orivoya kama ritu (200), ago 'ba ànya te doŋgyii drisi. 19 Ago nda atate agoànji ndaro ri ekye: “Nyòyi mamile, mikyi gi wo ami vo.” Oko nda iti tana kote ago ndaro Nabala ri.
20 Ago Abigaila kaumu doŋgyi anyaro si, ago anya ikyite rugämivo lutu roya, ago dori Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be ikyiyite anya driro; ago Abigaila 'bedrite ànya be. 21 Ago sedri Dawidi atate ekye: “Menji saa maro yi mano ono ŋgana gagane vocowa ya kadoro teinye ŋga ndaro aza ri ujeako. Nda go logo ro takozi ayani vo takado roya. 22 Lu kufu ma Dawidi avo ro ondro ka'do mäfu lidri se ndaro kai kote cini teinye vo ri iwiako owo.”
23 Ondro Abigaila kondre Dawidi te oko, anya odote ndrindri ni doŋgyi drisi, ago 'dete Dawidi kandra militi si gyini dri. 24 Abigaila 'dete Dawidi pa ago atate ekye: “Takozi ono kori toto mädri ayani, opi maro, molo'baru miri mi'ba ma ruindu'ba miro ono ri ta itine miri erine. 25 Mi'ba opi maro kusu ko ta mano se keri ta azi ro ko ko ono ro ayani, se ävuruna ni Nabala ono. Ävuru ndaro Nabala ono takacina anjioko amama, ago nda orivoya amama yi. Ma ruindu'ba miro ono mandre agoànji mi opi maro ro ko, se nyezobe kwoi. 26 Ka'do inye opi maro, tana OPI laga mi ni zo kari lofovoya ago ni votaro logovoya drì modo miro ro si. Ago ma ruäṛu OPI se lidriidriro ono si, oso mi bedri lidriidriro ono ronye, Mi'ba kyila'baazii miro ndi ànya se kayibe mi opi maro uṛi oyene koziro ono be ka'do ndi oso Nabala ronye. 27 Ago ŋgapäṛi se ma ruindu'ba miro mezibe miri ono, ozo ndi agoànji se kosobe mi opi maro vo kwoi ri. 28 Molo'baru miri, nye'be ma ruindu'ba miro ono takozi aza se maye te tana ro. OPI o'bana katidri miro ndi a'done äduako. Tana mi opi maro Dawidi nya kyila OPI ro oyena; ago usuna takozi aza ko miya ori cini miro ya. 29 Ondro 'diaza koŋga ca midri ago ka adri miro uṛina ufune, OPI Lu miro otina adri miro tana ndi. Oko nda ovona adri kyila'baazii miro ro 'da tesi oso mano aza se kabe kuni ovo iba ndaro si 'do ronye. 30 Ago ondro OPI koye tate mi opi maro ri oso tase cini kado se nda kata tana be ta miro ta ronye, ago ko'ba mite 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri oko, 31 opi maro a'dona teinye ta tusuro aza ako, kode ya ndaro ri a'done turi be i'do, tana nyolofo kari ko teinye taako, ago nyologo votaro kote andivo miro si. Ago ondro OPI ko'ba ŋgase nyabe oyena te a'done cini kado, 'dooko miyi ta ma ruindu'ba miro ono ro ndi.”
32 Ago Dawidi atate Abigaila ri ekye: “OPI Lu Yisaraele ro ka'do räṛuräṛu ro, se kezo mi te ondro drî o'bene mabe ono! 33 Tauni miro ka'do räṛuräṛu ro, ago räṛu ka'do miri, tana mipa ma teni taenji kari lofo roya ago tavologo ro drì modo maro rosi yasi tu ono si ono! 34 Oko ma ruäṛu Lu lidriidriro Yisaraele rosi OPI laga ma teni ŋgakozi oyevoya miri. Aba ondro mi'de ko ikyine foroforo drî maro utune, aba 'diaza katidri Nabala ro ro, ca ŋgwa alodi endre ro, e'bene lidriidriro kyenoŋbo ono si i'do.” 35 'Dooko Dawidi ru ŋgapäṛi se Abigaila kezibe ànyari kai teni anya rigyesi. Ago Dawidi atate Abigaila ri ekye: “Nyoyi 'bäru liatokpe ro. Mindre meri ata miro te, ago mayena ŋgase nyeji ta be tana ro ono ndi.”
36 Ago Abigaila ikyite kovole Nabala re, ago usu nda te karama oyevoya zo ndaro ya, oso karama 'bädri'ba ro ronye. Nabala a'dote riyäro, nda fuyite ŋgaumvu si; ta'doro Abigaila ata ta aza kote ndäri madale voiwi gwo. 37 Ago kyenonosi ondro vino kalayate ni mi Nabala ro yasi oko, toko ndaro iti ta cini te ndäri; ago tana 'ba lomvo ndaro todrate, ago nda a'dote oso kuni ronye. 38 Ago oso u'du 'butealo vosi ronye oko, OPI 'bi Nabala te, ago nda drate.
39 Ondro Dawidi keri odra Nabala ro tana te oko nda atate ekye: “Räṛu ka'do OPI ri se andivo ndaro eza Nabala te ta ma o'da rota, ago nda eta ma ruindu'ba ndaro ono teni takozi oyevoya. OPI logo taoye kozi Nabala rote modo ndaro dri.”
'Dooko Dawidi zo lazo te Abigaila ri ago eji nda te a'done toko ro ndäri. 40 Ondro ruindu'bai Dawidi ro kikiyite Abigaila re Karemela ya oko, ànya atayite anyari ekye: “Dawidi ezo ama ni mire mi ugune ndare a'done toko ro ndäri.”
41 Ago Abigaila ŋgate ago ändite militi anyaro si gyini dri, ago atate ekye: “Ma orivoya ruindu'ba ndaro, ma orivoya nja pa ruindu'bai opi maro ro ojane.” 42 Abigaila ŋgate ndrindri ago tute doŋgyi dri. Ago ruindu'bai nji ndiriŋwa ro oyite anya be, anya oyite lazo'bai Dawidi robe, ago a'dote toko ro ndäri.
43 Dawidi gye Ainoama ni Jezerela yasi kpa ṛote, ago ànya riti a'dote 'ditoko ro ndäri. 44 Saulo ozo Mikale ŋguti ndaro, toko Dawidi rote Paleti ŋgwa Laisa ro se ni 'ba'desi Galima yasi ri.
Samuel Dies
1 Samuel died, and people from all over Israel gathered to mourn for him when he was buried at his home in Ramah. Meanwhile, David moved his camp to Paran Desert.
Abigail Keeps David from Killing Innocent People
2-3 Nabal was a very rich man who lived in Maon. He owned 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats, which he kept at Carmel. His wife Abigail was sensible and beautiful, but he was from the Caleb clan and was rough and mean.
4 One day, Nabal was in Carmel where his servants were cutting the wool from his sheep. David was in the desert when he heard about it. 5-6 So he sent ten men to Carmel with this message for Nabal:
I hope that you and your family are healthy and that all is going well for you. 7 I've heard that you are cutting the wool from your sheep.
When your shepherds were with us in Carmel, we didn't harm them, and nothing was ever stolen from them. 8 Ask your shepherds, and they'll tell you the same thing.
My servants are your servants, and you are like a father to me. This is a day for celebrating, so please be kind and share some of your food with us.
9 David's men went to Nabal and gave him David's message, then they waited for Nabal's answer.
10 This is what he said:
Who does this David think he is? That son of Jesse is just one more slave on the run from his master, and there are too many of them these days. 11 What makes you think I would take my bread, my water, and the meat that I've had cooked for my own servants and give it to you? Besides, I'm not sure that David sent you!
12 The men returned to their camp and told David everything Nabal had said.
13 “Everybody get your swords!” David ordered.
They all strapped on their swords. Two hundred men stayed behind to guard the camp, but the other 400 followed David.
14-16 Meanwhile, one of Nabal's servants told Abigail:
David's men were often nearby while we were taking care of the sheep in the fields. They were very good to us, they never hurt us, and nothing was ever stolen from us while they were nearby. With them around day or night, we were as safe as we would have been inside a walled city.
David sent some messengers from the desert to wish our master well, but he shouted insults at them. 17 He's a bully who won't listen to anyone.
Isn't there something you can do? Please think of something! Or else our master and his family and everyone who works for him are all doomed.
18 Abigail quickly got together 200 loaves of bread, two large clay jars of wine, the meat from five sheep, a large sack of roasted grain, 100 handfuls of raisins, and 200 handfuls of dried figs. She loaded all the food on donkeys 19 and told her servants, “Take this on ahead, and I'll catch up with you.” She didn't tell her husband Nabal what she was doing.
20 Abigail was riding her donkey on the path that led around the hillside, when suddenly she met David and his men heading straight at her.
21 David had just been saying, “I surely wasted my time guarding Nabal's things in the desert and keeping them from being stolen! I was good to him, and now he pays me back with insults. 22 I swear that by morning, there won't be a man or boy left from his family or his servants' families. I pray that God will punish me if I don't do it!”
23 Abigail quickly got off her donkey and bowed down in front of David. 24 Then she said:
Sir, please let me explain! 25 Don't pay any attention to that good-for-nothing Nabal. His name means “fool,” and it really fits him!
I didn't see the men you sent, 26-27 but please take this gift of food that I've brought and share it with your followers. The Lord has kept you from taking revenge and from killing innocent people. But I hope your enemies and anyone else who wants to harm you will end up like Nabal. I swear this by the living Lord and by your life.
28 Please forgive me if I say a little more. The Lord will always protect you and your family, because you fight for him. I pray that you won't ever do anything evil as long as you live. 29 The Lord your God will keep you safe when your enemies try to kill you. But he will snatch away their lives quicker than you can throw a rock from a sling.
30 The Lord has promised to do many good things for you, even to make you the ruler of Israel. The Lord will keep his promises to you, 31 and now your conscience will be clear, because you won't be guilty of taking revenge and killing innocent people.
When the Lord does all those good things for you, please remember me.
32 David told her:
I praise the Lord God of Israel! He must have sent you to meet me today. 33 And you should also be praised. Your good sense kept me from taking revenge and killing innocent people. 34 If you hadn't come to meet me so quickly, every man and boy in Nabal's family and in his servants' families would have been killed by morning. I swear by the living Lord God of Israel who protected you that this is the truth.
35 David accepted the food Abigail had brought. “Don't worry,” he said. “You can go home now. I'll do what you asked.”
36 Abigail went back home and found Nabal throwing a party fit for a king. He was very drunk and feeling good, so she didn't tell him anything that night. 37 But when he sobered up the next morning, Abigail told him everything that had happened. Nabal had a heart attack, and he lay in bed as still as a stone. 38 Ten days later, the Lord took his life.
39-40 David heard that Nabal had died. “I praise the Lord!” David said. “He has judged Nabal guilty for insulting me. The Lord kept me from doing anything wrong, and he made sure that Nabal hurt only himself with his own evil.”
David and Abigail Are Married
Abigail was still at Carmel. So David sent messengers to ask her if she would marry him.
41 She bowed down and said, “I would willingly be David's slave and wash his servants' feet.”
42 Abigail quickly got ready and went back with David's messengers. She rode on her donkey, while five of her servant women walked alongside. She and David were married as soon as she arrived.
43 David had earlier married Ahinoam from the town of Jezreel, so both she and Abigail were now David's wives. 44 Meanwhile, Saul had arranged for Michal to marry Palti the son of Laish, who came from the town of Gallim.