Bereazi Dawidi ro Jonatana be
1 'Dooko Dawidi mute ni Naiota ya Rama yasi, ago ikyite Jonatana re ago atate ekye: “Maye e'diyi ya? Taenji maro ni e'di ya? Ago takozi se mayebe täpi miro lomvo se nda kabe ma uṛi ufune tana ro ni e'di ya?”
2 Ndi Jonatana atate ndäri ekye: “Miri odrane i'do. Mindre, täpi maro ye ŋga 'desi kode giṛiŋwa aza koko teinye tana iti ako märi. Tana e'di täpi maro da'dona ta ono gwo märi niya? Ta 'do a'done inye i'do.”
3 Oko Dawidi zatadrite ekye: “Endaro, täpi miro ni ŋgalu miro märi tana ṛote kado, ago nda usutavote ekye: ‘Mi'ba Jonatana kuni tase ono ko, ukyi nda a'do 'da tusuro.’ Oko endaro, ma ruäṛu OPI se kabe ori lidriidriro ono si ago oso nyabe dri gi ori ono ronye, pa otovo e'be toto alodi lakole maro ndi odra be ya.”
4 'Dooko Jonatana atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Ŋgase nyabe tana atana, mayena ndi miri.”
5 Dawidi atate Jonatana ri ekye: “Mindre, ondo 'do Karama Imba To'di ro, ago aba märi a'done ŋgaonya onyavoya 'bädri'ba be. Oko mi'ba moyi, tana mada'do andivo maro robe lowo ya madale tandrole u'du nina rosi. 6 Ondro täpi miro kusu vote ekye ma i'do, 'dooko nyata ndäri mikye: ‘Dawidi lo'barute ekye yile oyine Beteleme 'ba'desi ndaro ya; tana tori olo ndroa cini ro orivoya lau tana ta katidri cini ndaro rota.’ 7 Ondro ka'do nda katate ekye: ‘Kado yi!’ 'Dooko ta a'dona ndi kado ruindu'ba miro ri; oko ondro ka'do nda koŋgate kyilaro, 'dooko minina ndi nda le ma oyene koziro. 8 Ka'do inye miye takado ayani ruindu'ba miro ri, tana ama mibe mòloci ama te tao'baro alokado ya. Oko ondro taenji ka'dote orivoya ya maro ya, andivo miro mifu ma ni, mi'bana ma gwo ni ufune täpi miro ri etaya?”
9 Ago Jonatana atate ekye: “Nyata ko oso inye! Ondro ka'do mänite anjioko täpi maro le ŋgakozi oyene miri, inye'do marina ndi tana opeako miri ya?”
10 'Dooko Dawidi atate Jonatana ri ekye: “Ondro ka'do täpi miro kozatadri miro te kyila si a'di itina tana ni märi ya?”
11 Ndi Jonatana atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Nyikyi, mi'de mòyi lowo ya.” Ago ànya riti foyite lowo ya.
12 Jonatana atate Dawidi ri ekye: “OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ka'do tazevoedre'ba ro! Ondo saa oso ono ronye si, kode u'du ṛiri si mejina täpi maro 'da, ondro ka'do nda kaka'da te takado ayani miri, mitina tana 'da miri. 13 Oko ondro ka'do täpi maro kolete mi oyene koziro, OPI koye ma koziro, ago koye ṛo ndra, ondro ka'do ma'ba tana kote unine miri, ago mi o'bane oyine rritiako owo. Ka'do inye OPI ka'do ndi tro mibe, oso nda ka'dobe täpi maro be ronye. 14 Oko ondro ma'do dri gindi 'du lidriidriro, nyaka'da a'do 'diri bereazi ro märi, oso OPI ri ronye, oko ondro ka'do madrate 15 nyaka'da a'do 'diri 'do katidri maro ri 'duro. Ago ondro OPI kutufu kyila'baazii cini miro teni 'bädri yasi, 16 mi'ba ävuru Jonatana ro kokye ko ni katidri Dawidi ro yasi. Ka'do inye OPI kologo votaro kyila'baazii Dawidi ro dri.”
17 Ago Jonatana 'ba Dawidi te ru äṛune kpa to'di ta ŋgalu ndaro ro ndäri ta; tana Jonatana lu Dawidi tawi oso nda kulu modo ndaro be ronye.
18 'Dooko Jonatana atate ndäri ekye: “Ondo 'do Karama Imba To'di ro ago usuna vo miro a'doro i'do 'da, tana vooriro miro a'dona 'da awi. 19 Ago u'du nina si usuna vo a'do miro ro i'do 'da ndra; 'dooko nyoyi vose nyada'do andivo miro be kigye tu käti si ana ya, ago nyada'do mi kuni donjo 'do kundu si. 20 Ago mä'bona ätu nätu 'da driigyero, osoago ma dirina ayani gya. 21 Ago mindre, mazona ŋgaga maro 'da ätu iyi uṛine. Ago ondro matate ndäri makye: ‘Mindre ätu iyi orivoya lama telesi miro nasi ana ya, miru ànya,’ 'do takacina anjioko miri te efone tesi ni ruda'dovo yasi. Ndi nya'dona ndi rritiako, ma ruäṛu OPI si anjioko ŋgakozi aza unina ko a'done miri. 22 Oko ondro matate ŋgagaŋwa ri makye: ‘Mindre, ätu iyi orivoya ndra mikundu si,’ 'dooko nyoyi teri, tana OPI 'ba mi te oyine. 23 Ago ta gi matabe mibe ono, mindre OPI ka'do orivoya tazevoedre'ba ro lakole amaro mibe ya äduako.”
24 Ago Dawidi da'do andivo ndaro te lowo ya. Ago ondro tu Karama Imba To'di ro kosate oko, 'Bädri'ba Saulo rite vuru ŋgaonya onya. 25 'Bädri'ba rite vooriro ndaro dri; oso ondoalo ronye, tiṛi lomvosi. Ago Jonatana rite miäwuäwu ro nda be, ago Abinera rite lama Saulo ro yasi, oko vo Dawidi ro rite awi.
26 Caoko tu ana si Saulo ata ta aza kote; tana nda kusu iro be, ekye: “Ta aza 'do a'dote Dawidi ri se 'ba nda kote a'done wäṛiro.” 27 U'du ṛiri si, kyenono Karama Imba To'di ro vosi vo Dawidi ro gi 'du awi. Ago Saulo atate Jonatana ŋgwa ndaro ri ekye: “Tana e'di Dawidi ŋgwa Yisai ro ikyi ko ŋgaonya, ca tandrobe ago ca ondro niya?”
28 Jonatana zatadri Saulo rote ekye: “Dawidi eji tate oyine Beteleme ya; 29 nda eji ma te ekye: ‘Mi'ba ma oyine; tana katidri maro ka karama tori olo 'ba'desi ro oyena; ago ädrupi maro atate märi a'done lau. Ondro ka'do mile ndi märi oyine, mi'ba ma oyine, mandre 'didiri maro yi robe.’ Tana ta'doro 'bani nda ikyi kote tara'biza 'bädri'ba ro lomvo.”
30 'Dooko Saulo ŋgate kyilaro Jonatana be, ago nda atate ndäri ekye: “Mi orivoya ŋgwa toko, se ko orivoya ŋgye ro, inye'do mäni ṛo ko mi'be bereazi te Dawidi be driupi eziza modo miro dri ago endre miro dri ya? 31 Dawidi ka'dobe gi orine dri lidriidri ro 'bädri ya, ca mi ca miri 'bädri'ba miro ro a'done liatokpe ro i'do. Ka'do inye mizo lazo ndri nda vo; äfu nda robe.”
32 'Dooko Jonatana zatadri Saulo täpi ndaro rote ekye: “Ale nda o'ba odrane etaya? Inye'do nda ye e'di ya?”
33 Oko Saulo ru äzu iro te aba nda le Jonatana u'dine; ta'dota Jonatana nite anjioko täpi ndaro lete ṛo Dawidi ufune endaro. 34 Ago Jonatana ŋgate ni tara'biza lomvosi kyilaro ago nya ŋga aza kote tu 'dosi, u'du ṛiri 'do orivoya Karama Imba To'di ro ro owo. Nda a'dote tusuro ta Dawidi rota, tana ya täpi ndaro ro kwo tawi nda lomvo.
35 Kyenonosi, Jonatana oyite tesi lowo ya drio'bene Dawidi be saa se ànya konjibe ana si, nda ru ŋgagaŋwa ndi tro nda be. 36 Ndi nda atate ŋgagaŋwa ndaro ri ekye: “Mimu ago nyusu ätu se mä'bobe iyi.” Ago ŋgagaŋwa kadri ugu umu oko, nda 'bo ätu aza te ndra nda kundu si. 37 Ago ondro ŋgagaŋwa kesate vo ätu se Jonatana ku'bobe ana roya oko, Jonatana zi ŋgagaŋwa te ago atate ekye: “Inye'do ätu ṛo ko orivoya ndra mikundu siya?” 38 Ndi Jonatana zi ŋgagaŋwa te ekye: “Nyimu ri ndrindri, miri ko.” Ago ŋgagaŋwa Jonatana ro oto ätu te, ago egote 'desi ndaro re. 39 Oko ŋgagaŋwa ni ta aza ko; toto Jonatana ndi Dawidi be niyi tana ni. 40 Ago Jonatana ozo lakazà ndaro kyila rote ŋgagaŋwa rigye, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Nyugu ànya kovole 'ba'desi ya.”
41 Ago ndriŋwa oyi ŋgagaŋwa ro vosi oko, Dawidi ŋgate ni kuni donjo ro kundusi ago 'dete militi si vuru, ago ändite perena nätu. Ago Ànya njunjuyi iyi te, ago 'deyigwo liyine, ago tusu Dawidi ro a'dote ndrani Jonatana ro drisi. 42 'Dooko Jonatana atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Nyoyi liatokpero. Tana ama riti mäṛu andivo amaro te ävuru OPI rosi màkye: ‘OPI ni tazevoedre'ba yi äduako lakole amiro mibe ya ago lakole zelevoi miro ro ndi maro be ya.’ ” 'Dooko Dawidi oyite, ago Jonatana gote kovole 'ba'desi ya.
Jonathan Helps David Escape
1 David escaped from Prophets Village. Then he ran to see Jonathan and asked, “Why does your father Saul want to kill me? What have I done wrong?”
2 “My father can't be trying to kill you! He never does anything without telling me about it. Why would he hide this from me? It can't be true!”
3 “Jonathan, I swear it's true! But your father knows how much you like me, and he didn't want to break your heart. That's why he didn't tell you. I swear by the living Lord and by your own life that I'm only one step ahead of death.”
4 Then Jonathan said, “Tell me what to do, and I'll do it.”
5 David answered:
Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival, and I'm supposed to eat dinner with your father. But instead, I'll hide in a field until the evening of the next day. 6 If Saul wonders where I am, tell him, “David asked me to let him go to his hometown of Bethlehem, so he could take part in a sacrifice his family makes there every year.”
7 If your father says it's all right, then I'm safe. But if he gets angry, you'll know he wants to harm me. 8 Be kind to me. After all, it was your idea to promise the Lord that we would always be loyal friends. If I've done anything wrong, kill me yourself, but don't hand me over to your father.
9 “Don't worry,” Jonathan said. “If I find out that my father wants to kill you, I'll certainly let you know.”
10 “How will you do that?” David asked.
11 “Let's go out to this field, and I'll tell you,” Jonathan answered.
When they got there, 12 Jonathan said:
I swear by the Lord God of Israel, that two days from now I'll know what my father is planning. Of course I'll let you know if he's friendly toward you. 13 But if he wants to harm you, I promise to tell you and help you escape. And I ask the Lord to punish me severely if I don't keep my promise.
I pray that the Lord will bless you, just as he used to bless my father. 14-15 Someday the Lord will wipe out all of your enemies. Then if I'm still alive, please be as kind to me as the Lord has been. But if I'm dead, be kind to my family.
16 Jonathan and David made an agreement that even David's descendants would have to keep. Then Jonathan said, “I pray that the Lord will take revenge on your descendants if they break our promise.”
17 Jonathan thought as much of David as he did of himself, so he asked David to promise once more that he would be a loyal friend. 18 After this Jonathan said:
Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival, and people will wonder where you are, because your place at the table will be empty. 19 By the day after tomorrow, everyone will think you've been gone a long time. Then go to the place where you hid before and stay beside Going-Away Rock. 20 I'll shoot three arrows at a target off to the side of the rock, 21 and send my servant to find the arrows.
You'll know if it's safe to come out by what I tell him. If it is safe, I swear by the living Lord that I'll say, “The arrows are on this side of you! Pick them up!” 22 But if it isn't safe, I'll say to the boy, “The arrows are farther away!” This will mean that the Lord wants you to leave, and you must go. 23 But he will always watch us to make sure that we keep the promise we made to each other.
24 So David hid there in the field.
During the New Moon Festival, Saul sat down to eat 25 by the wall, just as he always did. Jonathan sat across from him, and Abner sat next to him. But David's place was empty. 26 Saul didn't say anything that day, because he was thinking, “Something must have happened to make David unfit to be at the Festival. Yes, something must have happened.”
27 The day after the New Moon Festival, when David's place was still empty, Saul asked Jonathan, “Why hasn't that son of Jesse come to eat with us? He wasn't here yesterday, and he still isn't here today!”
28-29 Jonathan answered, “The reason David hasn't come to eat with you is that he begged me to let him go to Bethlehem. He said, ‘Please let me go. My family is offering a sacrifice, and my brother told me I have to be there. Do me this favor and let me slip away to see my brothers.’ ”
30 Saul was furious with Jonathan and yelled, “You're no son of mine, you traitor! I know you've chosen to be loyal to that son of Jesse. You should be ashamed of yourself! And your own mother should be ashamed that you were ever born. 31 You'll never be safe, and your kingdom will be in danger as long as that son of Jesse is alive. Turn him over to me now! He deserves to die!”
32 “Why do you want to kill David?” Jonathan asked. “What has he done?”
33 Saul threw his spear at Jonathan and tried to kill him. Then Jonathan was sure that his father really did want to kill David. 34 Jonathan was angry and hurt that his father had insulted David so terribly. He got up, left the table, and didn't eat anything all that day.
35 In the morning, Jonathan went out to the field to meet David. He took a servant boy along 36 and told him, “When I shoot the arrows, you run and find them for me.”
The boy started running, and Jonathan shot an arrow so that it would go beyond him. 37 When the boy got near the place where the arrow had landed, Jonathan shouted, “Isn't the arrow on past you?” 38 Jonathan shouted to him again, “Hurry up! Don't stop!”
The boy picked up the arrows and brought them back to Jonathan, 39 but he had no idea about what was going on. Only Jonathan and David knew. 40 Jonathan gave his weapons to the boy and told him, “Take these back into town.”
41 After the boy had gone, David got up from beside the mound and bowed very low three times. Then he and Jonathan kissed each other and cried, but David cried louder. 42 Jonathan said, “Take care of yourself. And remember, we each have asked the Lord to watch and make sure that we and our descendants keep our promise forever.”
David left and Jonathan went back to town.