'Ditoko ndi Mànoago be
1 Kpa oso inye, beṛo ami 'ditoko ri kpa andivo amiro logone vuru àgo amiro zele, tana ondro azaka ànyaro koma kote ata Lu roya, a'do amiro o'bana ànya 'da taomane. Mìnina ko atane ata, 2 tana ànya ondrenayi a'do wäṛiro ndi taoro amiro be 'da. 3 Beṛo ko ämiri ŋga ruega ro tesisi o'bane andivo amiro o'baza liŋgyiekye, oso drio'di, kode kati läguläguro o'ba lomvo yasi, kode boŋgo se nyàbe osona si. 4 Oko, liŋgyi amiro beṛo a'done ya yasi ŋgye andivo amiro ro, liŋgyi se odeako, tatokyeako ago tori trwe robe, se kadona orivoya fondra Lu mile 'do. 5 Tana 'ditoko se kyeno mätu'bai ro se ko'bayi mi be Lu dri egayi andivo ànyaro te liŋgyiekye andivo ànyaro o'ba si àgo ànyaro zele. 6 Sara orivoya oso inye; anya ro Abarayama te ago zi nda te 'desi anyaro. Yauono ami ni orivoya ndiriŋwa anyaro ondro ka'do nyà tase kado oye ondoalo ago nyùturi ŋga aza kote owo.
7 Kpa oso inye ami àgo beṛo ämiri orine 'ditoko amiro be kadoro tauni si tana ànya orivoya 'di mbaraako yi. Mìye ànya taoro si, tana ànya urunayi ŋgapäṛi Lu ro adri ro kpa 'da troalo ami yibe. Mìye inye ukyi ŋga aza gburu mätu amiro 'da.
Rueza Ta Taŋgye Oye ta
8 Äduro, beṛo ami cini ri a'done ya alosi ago tavousu alo be, nyùlu azi oso ädrupii ronye, ago nyà'do yauni be ago nyòlogoru vuru azi ri. 9 Nyòlogo vo taundi ro ko taundi si ago latri ro ko latri si, oko nyòlogo vona äṛu si, tana äṛu ni orivoya ŋgase Lu ko'ba tana be ozone ämiri tuse nda kuzi ami be si owo. 10 Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye:
“Nda se kolebe orine riyäsi
ago kole ndi tui kado ondrene,
beṛo ruonane ni ugu taundi atavoya
ago ke'be koweoga.
11 Beṛo ndäri ruonane ni taundi yasi ago koye takado;
beṛo ndäri ruutrine taliatokpe ta ya cini ndaro si.
12 Tana Opi ka voondre taŋgye'bai dri
ago ka mätu ànyaro erina;
oko nda kyilaro ànya se kayibe taundi oye be.”
south sudan
13 A'di oyena ami ni koziro, ondro ka'do ami orivoya ondoalo nja tase kado oyene ya? 14 Oko ondro ka'do nyà rueza ta taŋgye oyero ta, nyà'do yai'dwesi! Nyùturi ko ni 'diaza ri, ago nyòlo'be mi ko. 15 Oko nyà'do taoro be Kristo ri ya amiro ya, ago mìro nda Opi ro. Nyà'do nja tu cini si 'diaza se kabe ami eji mio'ba se nyà'dobe sina ami ya ono ta tazevona edrene, 16 oko mìye takado ndi taoro be si. Mì'ba tavouni ya amiro ro ŋgye, tana ondro a'da ami te, ànya se kabe taundi ata ami lomvo ta a'do kado amiro oso oso'bai Kristo vo ronye rota, ànya a'donayi 'da driupiro ta tase ànya kayibe atana rota. 17 Tana orivoya kadopara ruezane ta takado oye rota, ondro ono ka'do gini ole Lu ro owo, kadona orivoya ndrani takozi oye ri. 18 Tana Kristo drate takozii ta perena alo, ago nde ta cini te, taŋgye'ba ro vo takozi'bai roya, tana nda kugu ami robe Lu re. A'ba nda te odrane lomvo ya, oko adrite tori ya, 19 ago a'do ndaro tori rosi nda oyite ago petate torii se avote kamba ya ri. 20 Kwoi ni torii ànya se koroyi Lu kote tuse nda kiŋgyi ya be madaro tui se Noa kede toŋbo ndaro be sina ana si owo. Lidri fereŋwa se toŋbo ya, vona cini orivoya njidriena, apate ni gyi yasi, 21 se ni orivoya taka'da yi ta bapatisi ro ugu ka'da ro, se yauono ka ami opa. Ko orivoya ugu undi lomvo ya ojo ro, oko tao'ba se a'bate Lu ri ni tavousu ŋgye ya ro yasi ro. Anya ka ami opa efo Yesu Kristo rosi, 22 se oyite vo'buyakuru ya, ago orivoya drígwo Lu roya, ka malaikai, drikacai ndi mbara vo'buyakuru robe mirina.
Wives and Husbands
1 If you are a wife, you must put your husband first. Even if he opposes our message, you will win him over by what you do. No one else will have to say anything to him, 2 because he will see how you honor God and live a pure life. 3 Don't depend on things like fancy hairdos or gold jewelry or expensive clothes to make you look beautiful. 4 Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special.
5 Long ago those women who worshiped God and put their hope in him made themselves beautiful by putting their husbands first. 6 For example, Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her true children, if you do right and don't let anything frighten you.
7 If you are a husband, you should be thoughtful of your wife. Treat her with honor, because she isn't as strong as you are, and she shares with you in the gift of life. Then nothing will stand in the way of your prayers.
Suffering for Doing Right
8 Finally, all of you should agree and have concern and love for each other. You should also be kind and humble. 9 Don't be hateful and insult people just because they are hateful and insult you. Instead, treat everyone with kindness. You are God's chosen ones, and he will bless you. The Scriptures say,

10 “Do you really love life?
Do you want to be happy?
Then stop saying cruel things
and quit telling lies.
11 Give up your evil ways
and do right,
as you find and follow
the road to peace.
12 The Lord watches over
everyone who obeys him,
and he listens
to their prayers.
But he opposes everyone
who does evil.”

13 Can anyone really harm you for being eager to do good deeds? 14 Even if you have to suffer for doing good things, God will bless you. So stop being afraid and don't worry about what people might do. 15 Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life.
Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope. 16 Give a kind and respectful answer and keep your conscience clear. This way you will make people ashamed for saying bad things about your good conduct as a follower of Christ. 17 You are better off to obey God and suffer for doing right than to suffer for doing wrong.

18 Christ died once for our sins.
An innocent person died
for those who are guilty.
Christ did this
to bring you to God,
when his body
was put to death
and his spirit
was made alive.

19 Christ then preached to the spirits that were being kept in prison. 20 They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood.
21 Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you. But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death. 22 Christ is now in heaven, where he sits at the right side of God. All angels, authorities, and powers are under his control.