Lu Ka'darute Solomo ri kpa To'di
(2 Ambâ 7:11-22)
1 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Solomo konde Yekalu OPI ro obena te ndi zo'desi miri robe ndi zo se cini nda kolebe obene be te oko, 2 OPI ka'darute ndäri kpa to'di, oso se nda kaka'darube ndäri Gibeona ya ana ronye. 3 Ago OPI atate ndäri ekye: “Meri mätu miro se miyebe ono te. Ago mäṛu Yekalu ono te, se mibete vose ma mätuzana kigye äduako ono. Mandrena vona 'da ago magagana 'da tu cini si. 4 Ondro ka'do nyindurute märi ta'dirisi ago ŋgyero oso täpi miro Dawidi koyebe ronye, ago ondro ka'do miro ota maro te ago miye tase cini mata mibe sina kwoi te, 5 'dooko ma'bana giti 'desi miro ro oriro Yisaraele dri 'da orine äduako oso se ma'ba tao'ba be täpi miro Dawidi ri ronye, se makye: Zelevoi ndaro mirina Yisaraele ni ono. 6 Oko ondro ka'do mi kode zelevoi miro mìku teni osovoya mavo, ago ondro mìro ota ndi tase mata ami be sina kwoi kote, ago nyä̀mätu lui azaka te, 7 'dooko manana lidri maro Yisaraele ro 'da ni wari se mozobe ànyari ono yasi, ago me'bena Yekalu se mäṛube ma mätuzana ono ndi. Lidri vo cini yasi ugunayi Yisaraele 'da ago mawonayi ànya 'da. 8 Ago Yekalu se ono a'dona 'da tandro ro, ago 'dise cini kabe ugu lävu lomvoigyesi a'donayi 'da lä'bilä'biro ago larolaro ro, ago atanayi 'da ekye: ‘Tana e'di OPI ye ta gwo wari ono ri ndi Yekalu ono be nonye niya?’ 9 'Dooko lidri ozanayi tadri 'da ekye: ‘Tana ànya e'beyi OPI Lu ànyaro se kolofo zutui ànyaro be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi ana te. Ànya ruyi dri lui azaka rote, ago mätuyi ànya te ago induruyite ànyari. Tana ta'doro ni OPI ezi tase cini kozi ono te ànya dri wo.’ ”
Tadriole Solomo ro Irama be
(2 Ambâ 8:1-2)
10 Ru Solomo ndroa na 'buteritu Yekalu ndi zo'desi miri ro ndaro be obevoya. 11 Irama 'bädri'ba Tura ro, ozo joce cini ni Solomo ri, wiri ndi kyiyi be ndi logo läguläguro cini be, oso se nda kolebe ronye, ago 'Bädri'ba Solomo ozo 'ba'desii 'buteritu wari Galilaya roya te Irama ri. 12 Oko ondro Irama kikyite ni Tura yasi 'ba'desii se Solomo kozobe ndäri ana ondrene oko, nda le ànya kote. 13 Ta'doro nda atate Solomo ri ekye: “Ädrupi maro, 'ba'desii nonye kwoi nyozo gwo ayani märi tana e'diya?” Tana ta ono ro äzi vo ana dri gi 'du Kabula le tu ono si ono. 14 Irama zo logo läguläguro te Solomo ri läŋgyina orivoya mu'du talentaro kama alo (100).
Losi Oye Solomo ro Mileya
(2 Ambâ 8:3-18)
15 'Bädri'ba Solomo 'ba losi'bai se a'ba be losi oyene mbara si 'do be Yekalu ndi zo'desi miri ro ndaro be te, Milo ndi tiṛi Yerusalema robe, ago Azora, Megido ndi Gezera be. 16 ('Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro gota Gezera te ago rute, tufu Kanana'bai se koribe kigye te ago za 'bakici te asi si. Ago ozote ŋgapäṛi lagye ro ro ŋguti ndaro, toko Solomo ro ri; 17 ndi Solomo go be Gezera te.) Ago Solomo go be Lowera Bete Orona Vurulesi kpate, 18 Baalata ndi Tamara be vocowa Yuda roya, 19 'bakicii lakazà ndaro odroro kigye, 'bakicii se farasii ndi arabia kyila ro ndaro be kabe ori kigye iyi be, ndi ŋga cini azaka se nda kolebe obene Yerusalema ya, Lebanona ya, ndi wari se cini miri ndaro zele ana be. 20 Lidri azaka orivoya wari ana ya lau se ko Yisaraele'bai: Amora'bai, Ete'bai, Pereza'bai, ago Jebusa'bai. 21 Ànya ni zelevoi lidri se Yisaraele'bai ke'bebe ufuako tuse ànya kuruyi 'bädri ànyaro be ana si owo. Solomo gbiri ànya te losi oyene mbarasi ndäri oso iyeäṛii ronye, ago le tu ono si ono zelevoi ànyaro drigi 'du iyeäṛii ro. 22 Oko Solomo 'ba Lidri Yisaraele ro azana kote iyeäṛi ro; ànya yeyi losi te orivoya kyila'bai ndaro ro, dri'bai kyila'bai ro, otaozo'bai arabia kyila ro ro ndi farasi'bai robe ro.
23 Kwoi ni orivoya oti dri'bai 'desiro se a'ba be losi'bai Solomo ro dri owo oti ànyaro orivoya kama nji 'butenji (550).
24 Ŋguti 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ro oyite ni 'Bakici Dawidi ro yasi zo modo anyaro se Solomo kobebe anyari ya; 'dooko ono vosi Solomo be Milo te tisi wari se kogobe 'buzele 'bakici ro yasi te.
25 Solomo ka ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe alo perena nätu ndroa alo ya vo tori oloro se nda kobebe OPI ri ana dri. Nda za ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro be te OPI ri. Ago nda nde obe Yekalu rote.
26 'Bädri'ba Solomo ede toŋbo amba te Ezionegebera ya se orivoya loto Elata ya kototi Gyi'desi Okaro roya, wari Edoma roya. 27 'Bädri'ba Irama zo ruindu'bai ndaro te toŋbo be, se ni lidri se ni ta gyi'desi robe iyi losi oyene troalo ruindu'bai Solomo robe. 28 Ànya oyiyite Ofira ya, ago eziyi logo läguläguro läŋgyina talentaro kama su 'buteritu (420) teni nasi; ago ànya eziyite 'Bädri'ba Solomo ri.
The Lord Appears to Solomon Again
(2 Chronicles 7.11-22)
1 The Lord's temple and Solomon's palace were now finished, and Solomon had built everything he wanted. 2 Some time later the Lord appeared to him again in a dream, just as he had done at Gibeon. 3 The Lord said:
I heard your prayer and what you asked me to do. This temple you have built is where I will be worshiped forever. It belongs to me, and I will never stop watching over it.
4 You must obey me, as your father David did, and be honest and fair. Obey my laws and teachings, 5 and I will keep my promise to David that someone from your family will always be king of Israel.
6 But if you or any of your descendants disobey my commands or start worshiping foreign gods, 7 I will no longer let my people Israel live in this land I gave them. I will desert this temple where I said I would be worshiped. Then people everywhere will think this nation is only a joke and will make fun of it. 8 This temple will become a pile of rocks! Everyone who walks by will be shocked, and they will ask, “Why did the Lord do such a terrible thing to his people and to this temple?” 9 Then they will answer, “We know why the Lord did this. The people of Israel rejected the Lord their God, who rescued their ancestors from Egypt, and they started worshiping other gods.”
Other Things Solomon Did
(2 Chronicles 8.1-18)
10 It took 20 years for the Lord's temple and Solomon's palace to be built. 11 Later, Solomon gave King Hiram of Tyre 20 towns in the region of Galilee to repay him for the cedar, pine, and gold he had given Solomon.
12 When Hiram went to see the towns, he did not like them. 13 He said, “Solomon, my friend, are these the kind of towns you want to give me?” So Hiram called the region Cabul because he thought it was worthless. 14 He sent Solomon only five tons of gold in return.
15 After Solomon's workers had finished the temple and the palace, he ordered them to fill in the land on the east side of Jerusalem, to build a wall around the city, and to rebuild the towns of Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer.
16 Earlier, the king of Egypt had captured the town of Gezer; he burned it to the ground and killed the Canaanite people living there. Then he gave it to his daughter as a wedding present when she married Solomon. 17 So Solomon had the town rebuilt.
Solomon ordered his workers to rebuild Lower Beth-Horon, 18 Baalath, and Tamar in the desert of Judah. 19 They also built towns where he could keep his supplies and his chariots and horses. Solomon ordered them to build whatever he wanted in Jerusalem, Lebanon, and anywhere in his kingdom.
20-22 Solomon did not force the Israelites to do his work. They were his soldiers, officials, leaders, commanders, chariot captains, and chariot drivers. But he did make slaves of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites who were living in Israel. These were the descendants of those foreigners the Israelites could not destroy, and they remained Israel's slaves.
23 Solomon appointed 550 officers to be in charge of his workers and to watch over his building projects.
24 Solomon's wife, the daughter of the king of Egypt, moved from the older part of Jerusalem to her new palace. Then Solomon had the land on the east side of Jerusalem filled in.
25 Three times a year, Solomon burned incense and offered sacrifices to the Lord on the altar he had built.
Solomon had now finished building the Lord's temple.
26 He also had a lot of ships at Ezion-Geber, a town in Edom near Eloth on the Red Sea. 27-28 King Hiram let some of his experienced sailors go to the country of Ophir with Solomon's own sailors, and they brought back about 14 tons of gold for Solomon.