Zo'desi Miri ro Solomo ro
1 Solomo be zo'desi miri rote andivo ndaro ri, ago ru nda te ndroa 'butealo fonätu ondene.
2 Nda be Zo Vocoko Lebanona ro rote; ocana orivoya kpikpina kama alo 'butenji (150) käkpuna orivoya kpikpina 'butenjidrieri fonji (75) ago ogwana orivoya kpikpina 'butesu fonji. 3 Ago abete läŋgyiri wiri ro gyeree na nätu ro drisi, alala loro wiri rote läŋgyiri drisi, se rite joce nai drisi, orivoya 'butealo fonji gyeree na alo dri, ago oti loro nai ro orivoya 'butesu fonji. 4 Ago vouŋbo nätu äwumite vouŋbo azi be lamadri tiṛi ritu ro yasi. 5 Käläsikala na cini ndi vouŋbo na be orivoya gbetevo be su, ago vouŋbo äwumite vouŋbo azi be lamadri nätu yasi.
6 Nda ede Zo Ya 'Desi läŋgyiri si kpate; ocana orivoya kpikpina 'butenjidrieri fonji (75) ago käkpuna orivoya kpikpina 'butesu fonji, tiṛi orivoya mile na ya läŋgyiri be, boŋgo be driigyesi.
7 Ago Solomo be Zo Ya Giti rote, se äzi kpate Zo 'Desi Vureopero, se Solomo ka vureope kigye, egbetete wiri si ni gyinidrisi le kurusina ya.
8 Zo modo Solomo ro se oriza ndäri kigye, orivoya goko aza ya Zo 'Desi Vureopero kundusi, a'dote orivoya oso zoi azi iyi ronye. Solomo be zo 'desi kpate oso inye toko ndaro se ŋguti 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ro ana ri.
9 Zoi se cini kwoi ndi tro goko 'desi be abete kuni liŋgyiekye si, se apate ojoojoro, otolote nyara si, kundu yasi ago tesisi, etoni kotopa na ya le kurusina ya. 10 Kotopana edete kuniŋwà 'desiro liŋgyiekye ro si, rukäna ojobe ocana orivoya kpikpina 'butealo foritu ago azakana ocana orivoya kpikpina 'butealo fonji. 11 Ago kurusina orivoya kuniŋwà liŋgyiekye yi, apate ojona voro, ago wiri kpa inye. 12 Goko zo'desi miri ro ro, goko ya yasi Yekalu ro ro ndi ecivo zo ya Yekalu ro ro orivoya tiṛii be alala gyeree loro wiri rote alodi gyeree nätu kuni opaoparo drisi.
Losi Urama ro
13 Ago 'Bädri'ba Solomo zo lazo te Urama se ni 'bakici Tura ro yasi vo, se orivoya tauni be losi atala edero roya. 14 Nda orivoya ŋgwa ävuzi aza ro ni 'bakala Nafatali ro yasi, oko täpi ndaro orivoya ni lidri Tura ro, ago nda kpa ṛo orivoya losi'ba yi vo atala roya. Urama orivoya tauni be, ago tauni ŋga cini edero be ni atala yasi. Nda ikyite 'Bädri'ba Solomo re, ago ye losi cini ndaro te.
Läŋgyiri Ritu Atala ro
(2 Ambâ 3:15-17)
15 Urama di atala caricari ritu te ogwa alona ro ojona orivoya kpikpina 'buteritu fonjidrieri, ago ŋguluro ojona orivoya kpikpina 'butealo fonjidriena, ago 'ba ànya te ecivo Yekalu ro ya. 16 Nda ede dridonjo ritu kpate ni atala yasi, edrene läŋgyiri drisi, ogwa alo ro orivoya kpikpina njidrieri kpäkyi. 17 'Dooko nda wurä dridonjo nyori läŋgyiri alo alo ro te nyori to'dito'diro rosi, 18 ago nda ede ŋga oso gäṛä'bu ronye te ni atala yasi gyeree na ritu drî dridonjo se läŋgyiri drisi kai ro takozana. 19 Ago dridonjo se orivoya läŋgyiri drisi kai betina oso kolele ronye, ogwana orivoya kpikpina njidrialo, 20 ago ara ànya te aree vona se kurusi ŋgulu itirabe gbikyi nyori si ana drisi. Ŋga azaka oso gäṛä'bu ronye orivoya kama ritu (200) arate gyeree na ritu dridonjo alo alo drisi.
21 Urama edre läŋgyiri ritu atala ro kwoi te mile ecivo Yekalu ya yasi; anya gi ogone ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi 'do äzite Jakina, ago anya ogone mä'dudrisi 'do äzite Boaza. 22 Ago dridonjo kolele ronye 'do a'bate ba läŋgyiri drisi.
Ago ande losi läŋgyiri rote.
Karaṛi Atala ro
(2 Ambâ 4:2-5)
23 'Dooko Urama ede karaṛi te atala si, orivoya ŋguluro, ocina orivoya kpikpi na njidrieri kpäkyi, pätäkäwäna orivoya kpikpina 'butealo fonji ago sidri na ŋguluro orivoya kpikpina 'butesu fonji. 24 Ara kuru atala ro te sidri tesisi karaṛi ro yasi gbikyi gyeree na orivoya ritu, se ebete kpakyialo karaṛi be. 25 Karaṛi rite kundu 'daŋgoi atala ro 'butealo foritu se za mite tesisi ro iyi drisi, nätu zamite mä'dudri, nätu zamite aŋgoya, nätu zamite ŋgäṛiŋwadri, ago nätu zamite 'buzele. 26 Lamadri karaṛi ro uŋgyina orivoya nji'dinji'di na nätu. Sidri na orivoya oso sidri kofo ro ronye, tendelero oso fo kolele ro ronye. Karaṛi ka ya 'boṛo ro uruna kutu ritu (2,000).
Arabia Atala ro
27 Urama ede arabia atala ro kpate 'bute alo; alona ocana orivoya kpikpina njidrialo, käkpuna kpikpina njidrialo ago ogwana orivoya kpikpina su kpäkyi. 28 Ede ànya te lamadri be cukudri su be gbetegbetero, 29 beti ibii, 'daŋgoi ndi malaikai vookwaro be be, lamadrina yasi, ibii ndi 'daŋgoi be orivoya kurusina ndi vurusina yasi, ŋga biṛibiṛiro beti be ätizana. 30 Arabia alo orivoya pa atala ro ŋguluro be su ago unjuvo atala robe. Ago cuku su drisi vo saani edrero orivoya, vo saani edre ro itirate ŋga biṛibiṛiro beti be ätizana. 31 Kalana kurusi orivoya gärä'buṛuro saani o'baza, ojobe kuru ro orivoya nji'dinji'dina 'butealo fonjidriena ago vuru ro le yana ya orivoya nji'dinji'dina njidrieri. Orivoya ŋguluro lomvoigyesi. 32 Ago pa su orivoya lamadrii zele si; ago unjuvo pa ŋguluro ro edete kpakyialo arabia be; ogwa pa ŋguluro ro orivoya 'buteritu fonji. 33 Pa ŋguluro na edete oso pa ŋguluro arabia kyila ro ronye, ŋga ànya unjuro, sidri ànyaro, logoŋwà to'dina ro ndi unjuvona be edete kpeye atala si. 34 Ŋga ätina ro orivoya su zevo cukui arabia alo alo ro yasi, se a'bote kpakyialo arabia be. 35 Drî arabia alo alo roya iba atalaro ŋguluro orivoya ogwana orivoya nji'dinji'dina njidriesu; ätivona ndi lamadrina be orivoya kpakyialo arabia be. 36 Ätivona ndi lamadrina be nda tirate beti malaikai vookwaro rosi, ibii ndi ice itu robe ndi ŋga biṛibiṛiro be gbikyi lomvoigyesi. 37 Nda ede arabia iyi te oso inye; vo ànyaro cini betina ndi mäŋguna be ojoojoro.
38 Ago Urama ede saani 'butealo kpate, ni atala yasi; saani alo tana arabia alo. Saani alo ka uruna 'boṛo 'butesu, ago ojo saani alo ro pätäkäwäna orivoya kpikpina njidrialo ni sidri ya le sidri ya. 39 Nda 'ba arabia nji te telesi Yekalu ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ya, ago nji telesi mä'dudrisi ya; ago nda 'ba karaṛi te cukudri se lakole ŋgäṛiŋwa ro 'buzele be ya.
Ora Lakazà Yekalu ro ro
(2 Ambâ 4:11–5:1)
40 Urama ede lakazà, ŋga asi epero ndi deŋbelei be kpate. Urama nde losi se cini nda kabe oyene 'Bädri'ba Solomo ri ta Yekalu OPI ro rota te.
41 Läŋgyiri ritu, dridonjo ritu deŋbele ronye be orivoya läŋgyiri drisi, ago uwurä beti nyori rote to'dito'diro dridonjo alo alo drisi; 42 beti gäṛä'bu ro atala ro orivoya kama su (400), gyeree na ritu ba gbikyi ŋgase uwuräbe dridonjo alo drisi iyi drisi, 43 arabia 'butealo ndi saani 'butealo be, 44 karaṛi alo, ndi 'daŋgoi 'butealo foritu be se edre karaṛi be driigye ana.
45 Lakazà, ŋga asi epero ndi deŋbele be, se cini kwoi ni lakazà Yekalu OPI ro ro, se Urama kedebe 'Bädri'ba Solomo ri ni atala yasi owo. 46 'Bädri'ba 'ba ede ànya cini te vo ludri roya lakole Sukota ndi Zaretana be ro ya Vodele Yaradene roya. 47 Ago Solomo e'be lakazà atala ro cini kwoi te ojoako, tana ànya orivoya amba; ago äni läŋgyi ànyaro kote.
48 'Bädri'ba Solomo 'ba ede lakazà cini Yekalu ro kpate ni logo läguläguro yasi: vo tori oloro, tara'biza ambata se abe ozona ondoalo Lu ri o'baro, 49 ŋga lamba edrero orivoya 'butealo se edrete mile Vo Alokado Fondra roya, nji orivoya lama telesi ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi ago nji lama telesi mä'dudrisi yasi; foi, lambai, ŋga asi izwero, 50 kofoi, ŋga lamba izwero, deŋbelei, saaniŋwai ta ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro rota, kagyi asikyele epero ndi unjuvo käläsi Vo Alokado Foparandra ro ndi käläsi tesisi Yekalu ro ro be. Lakazà se cini kwoi edete logo läguläguro si.
51 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Solomo konde losi cini Yekalu rote oko, nda dro ŋgase cini se Dawidi täpi ndaro kodi be to OPI ri kai te Zo ya ŋgaodro ro Yekalu ro ya, mo'di, logo läguläguro ndi ŋga azaka be.
Solomon's Palace Is Built
1 Solomon's palace took 13 years to build.
2-3 Forest Hall was the largest room in the palace. It was 44 meters long, 22 meters wide, and 13.5 meters high, and was lined with cedar from Lebanon. It had 4 rows of cedar pillars, 15 in a row, and they held up 45 cedar beams. The ceiling was covered with cedar. 4 Three rows of windows on each side faced each other, 5 and there were three doors on each side near the front of the hall.
6 Pillar Hall was 22 meters long and 13.5 meters wide. A covered porch supported by pillars went all the way across the front of the hall.
7 Solomon's throne was in Justice Hall, where he judged cases. This hall was completely lined with cedar.
8 The section of the palace where Solomon lived was behind Justice Hall and looked exactly like it. He had a similar place built for his wife, the daughter of the king of Egypt.
9 From the foundation all the way to the top, these buildings and the courtyard were made out of the best stones carefully cut to size, then smoothed on every side with saws. 10 The foundation stones were huge, good stones—some of them four and a half meters long and others three and a half meters long. 11 The cedar beams and other stones that had been cut to size were on top of these foundation stones. 12 The walls around the palace courtyard were made out of three layers of cut stones with one layer of cedar beams, just like the front porch and the inner courtyard of the temple.
Hiram Makes the Bronze Furnishings
(2 Chronicles 3.15-172 4.1-10)
13-14 Hiram was a skilled bronze worker from the city of Tyre. His father was now dead, but he also had been a bronze worker from Tyre, and his mother was from the tribe of Naphtali.
King Solomon asked Hiram to come to Jerusalem and make the bronze furnishings to use for worship in the Lord's temple, and he agreed to do it.
15 Hiram made two bronze columns eight meters tall and almost two meters across. 16 For the top of each column, he also made a bronze cap just over two meters high. 17 The caps were decorated with seven rows of designs that looked like chains, 18 with two rows of designs that looked like pomegranates.
19 The caps for the columns of the porch were almost two meters high and were shaped like lilies.
20 The chain designs on the caps were right above the rounded tops of the two columns, and there were 200 pomegranates in rows around each cap. 21 Hiram placed the two columns on each side of the main door of the temple. The column on the south side was called Jachin, and the one on the north was called Boaz.
22 The lily-shaped caps were on top of the columns.
This completed the work on the columns.
23 Hiram also made a large bowl called the Sea. It was just over two meters deep, about 4.5 meters across, and 13.5 meters around. 24 Two rows of bronze gourds were around the outer edge of the bowl, ten gourds to every 45 centimeters. 25 The bowl itself sat on top of twelve bronze bulls with three bulls facing outward in each of four directions. 26 The sides of the bowl were 75 millimeters thick, and its rim was like a cup that curved outward like flower petals. The bowl held about 40,000 liters.
27 Hiram made ten movable bronze stands, each one over a meter high, almost two meters long, and almost two meters wide. 28-29 The sides were made with panels attached to frames decorated with flower designs. The panels themselves were decorated with figures of lions, bulls, and winged creatures. 30-31 Each stand had four bronze wheels and axles and a round frame 68 centimeters across, held up by four supports 45 centimeters high. A small bowl rested in the frame. The supports were decorated with flower designs, and the frame with carvings.
The side panels of the stands were square, 32 and the wheels and axles were underneath them. The wheels were about 68 centimeters high 33 and looked like chariot wheels. The axles, rims, spokes, and hubs were made out of bronze.
34-35 Around the top of each stand was a 22-centimeter strip, and there were four braces attached to the corners of each stand. The panels and the supports were attached to the stands, 36 and the stands were decorated with flower designs and figures of lions, palm trees, and winged creatures. 37 Hiram made the ten bronze stands from the same mold, so they were exactly the same size and shape.
38 Hiram also made ten small bronze bowls, one for each stand. The bowls were almost two meters across and could hold about 800 liters.
39 He put five stands on the south side of the temple, five stands on the north side, and the large bowl at the southeast corner of the temple.
40 Hiram made pans for hot ashes, and also shovels and sprinkling bowls.
A List of Everything inside the Temple
(2 Chronicles 4.11—5.1)
This is a list of the bronze items that Hiram made for the Lord's temple: 41 two columns; two bowl-shaped caps for the tops of the columns; two chain designs on the caps; 42 400 pomegranates for the chain designs; 43 ten movable stands; ten small bowls for the stands; 44 a large bowl; twelve bulls that held up the bowl; 45 pans for hot ashes, and also shovels and sprinkling bowls.
Hiram made these bronze things for Solomon 46 near the Jordan River between Succoth and Zarethan by pouring melted bronze into clay molds.
47 There were so many bronze things that Solomon never bothered to weigh them, and no one ever knew how much bronze was used.
48 Solomon gave orders to make the following temple furnishings out of gold: the altar; the table that held the sacred loaves of bread; 49 ten lampstands that went in front of the most holy place; flower designs; lamps and tongs; 50 cups, lamp snuffers, and small sprinkling bowls; dishes for incense; fire pans; and the hinges for the doors to the most holy place and the main room of the temple.
51 After the Lord's temple was finished, Solomon put into its storage rooms everything that his father David had dedicated to the Lord, including the gold and the silver.