Zelevoi Katidri Kohanii Fopara ro ro
1 Lewe orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni Geresona, Koata, ndi Merari be. 2 Koata orivoya ŋgwàagoro be su: ni Amarama, Izehara, Eberona, ndi Uziela be. 3 Amarama orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu, ni Arona ndi Musa be, ago ŋguti alodi ni Miriama. Arona orivoya ŋgwàagoro be su, ni Nadaba, Abihu, Eleazara, ndi Itamara be. 4 Eleazara ni täpi Finasa ro, Finasa täpi Abisua ro, 5 Abisua täpi Buki ro, Buki täpi Uzi ro, 6 Uzi täpi Zeraya ro, Zeraya täpi Merayota ro, 7 Merayota täpi Amaraya ro, Amaraya täpi Aituba ro, 8 Aituba täpi Zadoka ro, Zadoka täpi Aimaza ro, 9 Aimaza täpi Azaria ro, Azaria täpi Jonana ro, 10 ago Jonana ni täpi Azaria (kohani se kindurube Yekalu se 'bädri'ba Solomo kobebe Yerusalema ya ana ya ana ro.) 11 Azaria ni täpi Amaria ro, Amaria täpi Aituba ro, 12 Aituba täpi Zadoka ro, Zadoka täpi Saluma ro, 13 Saluma täpi Ilekia ro, Ilekia täpi Azaria ro, 14 Azaria täpi Seraya ro, Seraya täpi Jehozadaka ro. 15 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara oto lidri Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema robe te tro Jehozadaka be, se Opi 'ba oro ànya te kamba'ba ro 'bädri atra ya.
Zelevoi Azaka Lewe ro
16 Lewe orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni Geresoma, Koata, ndi Merari be. 17 Geresoma ni täpi Libeni ndi Simei be ro; 18 Koata ni täpi Amarama, Izehara, Eberona, ndi Uziela be ro; 19 Ago Merari ni täpi Maheli ndi Musi be ro. 20 Kwoi ni zelevoi Geresona ro owo le kovole'ba na ya: Libeni, Jahata, Zima, 21 Joa, Ido, Zera ndi, Jaterai be.
22 Kwoi ni zelevoi Koata ro owo le kovole'ba na ya: Aminadaba, Kora, Asira, 23 Elekana, Ebiasafa, Asira, 24 Tahata, Uriela, Uzia, Saula. 25 Elekana orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu: ni Amasai ndi Aimota be. 26 Kwoi ni zelevoi Aimota ro owo le kovole'ba na ya: Elekana, Zofai, Nahata, 27 Eliaba, Jeroama ndi, Elekana be.
28 Samuele orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu: Ŋgwa kayo ro ni Yoele, ago ŋgwa täduŋwa ni Abija. 29 Kwoi ni zelevoi Merari ro owo le kovole'ba na ya: Maneli, Libeni, Simei, Uza, 30 Simea, Agaya ndi Asaya be.
Loŋgo Oŋgo'bai Yekalu ro
31 Kwoi orivoya ni lidri se 'bädri'ba Dawidi ka'dabe dri'ba loŋgo oŋgoro ro Yekalu ya Yerusalema ya ugu Sänduku Tao'baro ro lau vosi owo. 32 Ànya yeyi kama ànyaro loŋgo oŋgoro te Mutuguṛi Opi ro mile teinye dri 'bädri'ba Solomo ri Yekalu obeako. 33 Katidri se kinduruyibe zelevo nai ni kwoi: Katidri Koata ro ro Emana ni dri'ba loŋgo oŋgo'bai käti ro, nda orivoya ŋgwa Yoele ro. Katidri ndaro arabe kogobe ndi kovole Yakoba ya orivoya oso nonye: Emana, Yoele, Samuele, 34 Elekana, Jerohama, Eliela, Toa, 35 Zufa, Elekana, Mahata, Amasai, 36 Elikana, Yoele, Azaria, Zefanaya, 37 Tahata, Asira, Ebiasafa, Kora, 38 Izehara, Koata, Lewe, Yakoba. 39 Asafa ni dri'ba loŋgo oŋgo'bai ṛiriro ro. Katidri ndaro arabe kogobe ndi kovole Lewe ya orivoya oso nonye: Asafa, Berekia, Simea, 40 Mikaela, Baseya, Malekija, 41 Eteni, Zera, Adaya, 42 Etana, Zima, Simei, 43 Jahata, Geresona ndi Lewe be.
44 Käläsikala Merari ro ro Etana ni dri'ba loŋgo oŋgo'bai nina ro. Katidri ndaro kogobe ndi kovole Lewe ya orivoya oso nonye: Etana, Kisi, Abedi, Maluka, 45 Asabia, Amazia, Ilekia, 46 Amezi, Bani, Semera, 47 Maheli, Musi, Merari, Lewe. 48 Lewe'bai azi ànyaro azakana adite kama azaka ruindu ro vo mätu ro roya.
Zelevoi Arona ro
49 Arona ndi zelevoi ndaro be zayi ŋgapäṛi te vo tori oloro tägyi tagyiri ro ro dri. Ànya ni losi se cini abe oyena Vo Alokado Foparandra ya dri ndi tori se abe olona Lu ri Yisaraele'bai e'bero ta takozi rota 'do be. Ànya yeyi ŋgase cini ono te oso se Musa ruindu'ba Lu ro kata tana be ronye. 50 Ono ni zelevoi Arona ro arabe owo: Eleazara, Finasa, Abisua, 51 Buki, Uzi, Zeraya, 52 Merayota, Amaria, Aituba, 53 Zadoka ndi Aimaza be.
Vose Lewe'bai Koriyibe Kigye
54 Kwoi ni wari se ozobe orizana zelevoi Arona ro käläsikalai Koata ro ri owo. Ànya riyi ni vose ozobe käti Lewe'bai ri ya. 55 Vo ono dro'be ndi Eberona wari Yuda roya be ndi wari lowo ro se gbikyi lomvoigyesi be. 56 Oko ämvu ndi 'baŋwai 'bakici ono ro be ozote Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune ro ri. 57 Ozo 'ba'desii kwoi te zelevoi Arona ro ri 'ba'desii ruoparo. Eberona, Jatira, 58 Libena, Esetemoa, Ilena, Debira, 59 Asana, ndi Beta Semesa be ndi wari lowo ro ànyaro be. 60 'Ba'desii se ozobe ànyari ni wari Benjamina ro yasi ni kwoi; ndi wari lowo ro ànyaro be: Geba, Alemeta, ndi Anatota be. 'Ba'desii se cini ozobe orizana katidrii ànyaro ri vona cini orivoya 'butealo fonätu. 61 Ozo 'ba'desii 'butealo te ni wari Manase ro aŋgoyasi yasi anjoko käläsikalai Koata ro ri vodo ovo si ba katidri ro katidri ro.
62 Ozo 'ba'desii 'butealo fonätu te käläsikalai Geresoma ro ri ba katidri ro katidri ro ni wari Yisakara, Asera, Nafatali, ndi wari Manase ro 'buzelesi Basana ya be. 63 Kpa oso inye ozo 'ba'desii 'butealo foritu te käläsikalai Merari ro ri ba katidri ro katidri ro vodo ovo si ni wari Rubena, Gada, ndi wari Zebuluna ro robe yasi. 64 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro ozoyi 'ba'desii te Lewe'bai ri orizana kpa oso inye ndi wari lowona robe. 65 'Ba'desii wari Yuda, Simeona, ndi Benjamina robe yasi gi äzi ävuruna be kurusi iyi, ozo kpate vodo ovo si.
66 Ozo 'ba'desii azaka te rukä katidrii käläsikala Koata ro ro ri ni wari Eperaima ro yasi. 67 Ànya ozoyi 'bakicii ruoparo te ànyari se ni Sekeme, 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya, ago Gezera. 68 Jokema, Bete Orona, 69 Ajalona, ndi Gaterimona, be. 70 Wari Manase ro aŋgoyasi ya ozo 'ba'desii Anera ndi Bileama be te ànyari ndi lowona se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi be.
71 Ozo 'ba'desii kwoi te katidri käläsikala Geresona ro ri wari Manase ro 'buzelesi ya ndi lowona se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iiyi be: ni Golana, Basana ya ndi Asetarota be. 72 Wari Yisakara roya ni: Kedesa, Daberata, 73 Ramota, ndi Anema be. 74 Wari Asera roya ni: Masala, Abedona, 75 Ukoka, ndi Rehoba be. 76 Wari Nafatali roya ni: Kedesa, Galilaya ya, Amona, ndi Kiriataima be. 77 Ozo 'ba'desii kwoi te katidri käläsikala Merari ro ri wari Zebuluna roya ndi lowo se gbikyi lomvoigyesi be: ni Rimono, ndi Tabora be. 78 Wari Rubena roya, 'buzele Golo Yaradene roya Yeriko kundusi: ni Bezera votoŋgoro jaraŋgalaro ya, Jaheza, 79 Kedemota, ndi Mefata be.
80 Wari Gada roya: ni Ramota, Gilada ya, Mahanaima, 81 Esebona ndi Jazera be.
The Descendants of Levi
1 Levi was the father of Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
2 Kohath was the father of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 3 Amram was the father of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam.
Aaron had four sons: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
4-14 Eleazar's descendants included Phinehas, Abishua, Bukki, Uzzi, Zerahiah, Meraioth, Amariah, Ahitub, Zadok, Ahimaaz, Azariah, Johanan, Azariah the priest who served in the temple built by King Solomon, Amariah, Ahitub, Zadok, Shallum, Hilkiah, Azariah, Seraiah, and Jehozadak. 15 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia took Jehozadak to Babylon as prisoner when the Lord let the people of Judah and Jerusalem be dragged from their land.
16 Levi's three sons had sons of their own. 17 Gershon was the father of Libni and Shimei. 18 Kohath was the father of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 19 Merari was the father of Mahli and Mushi. These descendants of Levi each became leaders of their own clans.
20-21 Gershon's descendants included Libni, Jahath, Zimmah, Joah, Iddo, Zerah, and Jeatherai.
22-24 Kohath's descendants included Amminadab, Korah, Assir, Elkanah, Ebiasaph, Assir, Tahath, Uriel, Uzziah, and Shaul.
25 Elkanah was the father of Amasai and Ahimoth. 26-27 Ahimoth's descendants included Elkanah, Zophai, Nahath, Eliab, Jeroham, and Elkanah.
28 Samuel was the father of Joel and Abijah, born in that order.
29-30 Merari's descendants included Mahli, Libni, Shimei, Uzzah, Shimea, Haggiah, and Asaiah.
The Temple Musicians
31 After King David had the sacred chest moved to Jerusalem, he appointed musicians from the Levi tribe to be in charge of the music at the place of worship. 32 These musicians served at the sacred tent and later at the Lord's temple that King Solomon built.
33-38 Here is a list of these musicians and their family lines:
Heman from the Kohathite clan was the director. His ancestors went all the way back to Jacob and included Joel, Samuel, Elkanah, Jeroham, Eliel, Toah, Zuph, Elkanah, Mahath, Amasai, Elkanah, Joel, Azariah, Zephaniah, Tahath, Assir, Ebiasaph, Korah, Izhar, Kohath, Levi.
39-43 Asaph was Heman's relative and served as his assistant. Asaph's ancestors included Berechiah, Shimea, Michael, Baaseiah, Malchijah, Ethni, Zerah, Adaiah, Ethan, Zimmah, Shimei, Jahath, Gershon, and Levi.
44-47 Ethan was also Heman's relative and served as his assistant. Ethan belonged to the Merari clan, and his ancestors included Kishi, Abdi, Malluch, Hashabiah, Amaziah, Hilkiah, Amzi, Bani, Shemer, Mahli, Mushi, Merari, and Levi.
48 The rest of the Levites were appointed to work at the sacred tent.
The Descendants of Aaron
49 Only Aaron and his descendants were allowed to offer sacrifices and incense on the two altars at the sacred tent. They were in charge of the most holy place and the ceremonies to forgive sins, just as God's servant Moses had commanded.
50-53 Aaron's descendants included his son Eleazar, Phinehas, Abishua, Bukki, Uzzi, Zerahiah, Meraioth, Amariah, Ahitub, Zadok, and Ahimaaz.
The Towns for the Levites
(Joshua 21.1-42)
54 Aaron's descendants belonged to the Levite clan of Kohath, and they were the first group chosen to receive towns to live in. 55 They received the town of Hebron in the territory of Judah and the pastureland around it. 56 But the farmland and villages around Hebron were given to Caleb son of Jephunneh. 57-59 So Aaron's descendants received the following Safe Towns and the pastureland around them: Hebron, Libnah, Jattir, Eshtemoa, Hilen, Debir, Ashan, and Beth-Shemesh. 60 From the Benjamin tribe they were given the towns of Geba, Alemeth, and Anathoth and the pastureland around them. Thirteen towns were given to Aaron's descendants.
61 The rest of the Levite clan of Kohath received ten towns from West Manasseh.
62 The Levite clan of Gershon received thirteen towns from the tribes of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and East Manasseh in Bashan.
63 The Levite clan of Merari received twelve towns from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Zebulun.
64 So the people of Israel gave the Levites towns to live in and the pastureland around them. 65 All the towns were chosen with the Lord's help, including those towns from the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin.
66 Some of the families of the Kohath clan received their towns from the tribe of Ephraim. 67-69 These families received the following Safe Towns and the pastureland around them: Shechem in the hill country, Gezer, Jokmeam, Beth-Horon, Aijalon, and Gath-Rimmon. 70 And from West Manasseh they received Aner and Bileam, together with their pastureland.
71 The Gershonite clan received two towns from the tribe of East Manasseh: Golan in Bashan and Ashtaroth, including the pastureland around them. 72-73 The Gershonites also received four towns from the tribe of Issachar: Kedesh, Daberath, Ramoth, and Anem, including the pastureland around them. 74-75 The Gershonites received four towns from the tribe of Asher: Mashal, Abdon, Hukok, and Rehob, including the pastureland around them. 76 Finally, the Gershonites received three towns from the tribe of Naphtali: Kedesh in Galilee, Hammon, and Kiriathaim, including the pastureland around them.
77 The rest of the Merari clan received the towns of Rimmono and Tabor and their pastureland from the tribe of Zebulun. 78-79 They also received four towns east of the Jordan River from the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the flatlands, Jahzah, Kedemoth, and Mephaath, including the pastures around them. 80-81 And from the tribe of Gad the Merarites received the towns of Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim, Heshbon, and Jazer, including the pastureland around them.