Losi se Adibe Kohanii ri
1 Kwoi ni gboko zelevo Arona ro ro owo. Arona orivoya ŋgwàagoro be su: ni Nadaba, Abihu, Eleazara ndi Itamara be. 2 Oko Nadaba ndi Abihu be drayite käti ni täpi ànyaro ri, teinye ŋgwai ako, ta'dota ädrupii ànyaro Eleazara ndi Itamara be a'doyi teni kohanii ro. 3 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ra zelevoi Arona rote ba gboko ro kama ànyaro voro. Ŋgaopa Zadoka zelevo Eleazara ro, ndi Abimeleka zelevo Itamara robe si. 4 Ara zelevo Eleazara rote gboko na 'butealo fonjidrialo, oko ara zelevoi Itamara ro gbokona te njidriana, tana dri'bai katidrii ro manoàgoro zelevo Eleazara ro lako a'dote ndrani Itamara ro risi. 5 Ara dri'bai losi Yekalu ro ro ndi dri'bai ta Lu ro robe te riti ni zelevoi Eleazara ndi Itamara robe lakosi, adi ànya te vodo ovo si. 6 Zelevoi Eleazara ndi Itamara robe voyi vodo na ni. 'Dooko Semaya ŋgwa Netalela ro egyi'ba Lewe'ba ro egyi ànya te. 'Bädri'ba, dri'bai ndaro losi ro, kohani Zadoka, Aimeleke ŋgwa Abiatara ro, dri'bai katidrii kohanii ro ro ndi katidrii Lewe'bai robe kandra. 7 Ono ni ora gboko katidri 'buteritu fosu se adibe ro owo: Vodo käti 'dete Joariba ri, ṛirina Jedaya ri, 8 ninana Arima ri, lisuna Sorima ri, 9 linjina Malekija ri, njidrialona Mijamina ri, 10 njidrierina Akoza ri, njidrienana Abija ri, 11 njidriesuna Jesua ri, 'butealona Sekania ri, 12 'butealo foalona Eliasiba ri, 'butealo forituna Jakima ri, 13 'butealo fonätuna Upa ri, 'butealo fosuna Jesebaba ri, 14 'butealo fonjina Bilega ri, 'butealo fonjidrialona Imera ri, 15 'butealo fonjidrierina Ezira ri, 'butealo fonjidrienana Apizeza ri, 16 'butealo fonjidriesuna Petaya ri, 'buterituna Jezekela ri, 17 'buteritu foalona Jakina ri, 'buteritu forituna Gamula ri, 18 'buteritu fonätuna Delaya ri, 'buteritu fosuna Mazaya ri. 19 Egyi lidri kwoi te odi ànyaro voro, ocine Yekalu ya kama ànyaro zutu ànyaro Arona kora tana be taoro ndaro OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ri ronye.
Ora Lewe'bai ro
20 Kwoi ni rukä dri'bai katidri Lewe ro ro owo: Zelevo Amorama ro, Subaela ro yasi, ni Jedaya. 21 Zelevo Reabaya ro yasi: ni Isaya. 22 Zelevo Izara ro, Selomota yasi ni Jata. 23 Ŋgwàagoro Eberona ro ro: ni Jeraya, Amaraya, Jaziela, ndi Jekamema be, ono arate a'do utiro voro. 24 Zelevo Uziela ro, Maika yasi: ni Samira. 25 Zelevo Uziela ro Isaya ädrupi Maika ro yasi: ni Zekaria. 26 Zelevo Merari ro ro: ni Mali, Jazaya ndi Musi be. 27 Jazaya orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni soama, Zakura ndi Iberi be. 28 Mali orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu: ni Eleazara ndi Kisi be. Eleazara teinye ŋgwàagoro ako, 29 oko Kisi orivoya ŋgwaagoro be alodi: ni Jeramela. 30 Musi orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni Mali, Edera ndi Jeremota be. Kwoi ni katidrii Lewe'bai ro owo.
31 Dri'bai katidri alo alo ro kpa tro ädrupii täduŋwai ànyaro zelevo Aro ro, voyi vodo ànya odiro ni, kpa oso 'didiri ànyaro koyeyibe ronye, 'bädri'ba Dawidi, Zadoka, Aimeleke, dri'bai katidrii kohanii ro ro ndi Lewe'bai robe kandra.
David Assigns the Priests Their Duties
1 Aaron's descendants were then divided into work groups. Aaron had four sons: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 2 But Nadab and Abihu died long before their father, without having any sons. That's why Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests.
3 David divided Aaron's descendants into groups, according to their assigned work. Zadok, one of Eleazar's descendants, and Ahimelech, one of Ithamar's descendants, helped David.
4 Eleazar's descendants were divided into 16 groups, and Ithamar's were divided into eight groups, because Eleazar's family included more family leaders. 5 However, both families included temple officials and priests, and so to make sure the work was divided fairly, David asked God what to do.
6 As each group was assigned their duties, Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the Levite wrote down the name of the family leader in charge of that group. The witnesses were David and his officials, as well as Zadok the priest, Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the family leaders from the clans of the priests and the Levites.
7-18 Each group of priests went by the name of its family leader, and they were assigned their duties in the following order: Jehoiarib, Jedaiah, Harim, Seorim, Malchijah, Mijamin, Hakkoz, Abijah, Jeshua, Shecaniah, Eliashib, Jakim, Huppah, Jeshebeab, Bilgah, Immer, Hezir, Happizzez, Pethahiah, Jehezkel, Jachin, Gamul, Delaiah, Maaziah. 19 These men were assigned their duties at the temple, just as the Lord God of Israel had commanded their ancestor Aaron.
The Rest of the Levites Are Assigned Their Duties
20 Here is a list of the other descendants of Levi:

Amram was the ancestor of Shubael and Jehdeiah.21 Rehabiah was the ancestor of Isshiah, the oldest son in his family.22 Izhar was the father of Shelomoth and the grandfather of Jahath.23 Hebron had four sons, in the following order: Jeriah, Amariah, Jahaziel, and Jekameam.24 Uzziel was the father of Micah and the grandfather of Shamir.25 Isshiah, Micah's brother, was the father of Zechariah.26 Merari was the father of Mahli, Mushi, and Jaaziah.
27 Jaaziah had three sons: Shoham, Zaccur, and Ibri. 28-29 Mahli was the father of Eleazar and Kish. Eleazar had no sons, but Kish was the father of Jerahmeel. 30 Mushi had three sons: Mahli, Eder, and Jerimoth.
These were the descendants of Levi, according to their clans. 31 Each one was assigned his duties in the same way that their relatives the priests had been assigned their duties. David, Zadok, Ahimelech, and the family leaders of the priests and Levites were the witnesses.