Dawidi Pe Amona'bai ndi Siria'bai be te Ṛe
(2 Samuele 10:1-19)
1 Fere ono vosi Nasa 'bädri'ba Amona'bai ro drate, ago ŋgwa ndaro Anuna gorite vo ndaro ya. 2 'Bädri'ba Dawidi atate ekye: Beṛo mari a'done bereazi ro Anuna ŋgwa Nasa robe, oso täpi ndaro koye bereazi be mabe ronye. Ta'dota Dawidi zo lazo'bai te ndare tusu oyene ta täpi ndaro rota. Ondro ruindu'bai Dawidi ro kai kesayite Anuna re wari.
Amona'bai roya nda i'dwene oko, 3 dri'bai Amona'bai ro atayite 'Bädri'ba Anuna ri ekye: “Inye'do nyusu miro be, Dawidi kezo 'di kwoi be ono, gindi mi i'dwene ta odra täpi miro rota ya? Endaro ko inye! Nda ezo ànya te noŋwa 'bädri marine ago mirina perene!”
4 'Dooko Anuna ru ruindu'bai Dawidi rote, ago vu tivu ànyaro te, ago täṛi boŋgo ànyaro te kitorisi, ibaembevo ànyaro yasi, ago 'ba ànya te oyine; 5 Ànya a'doyite driupiro egone 'bäru. Ondro iti tase ayebe ànyari ana tana te Dawidi ri oko, nda zo 'di te dri ànyaro utune, 'bädri'ba atate ànyari orine Yeriko ya madale tivu ànyaro ovona lutu 'dooko o'denayi gwo egone.
6 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Anuna ndi Amona'bai be kuniyite ànya yeyi drikyitri te Dawidi ri oko, Anuna ndi amona'bai be zoyi talentaro mo'di ro kutu ro te arabia ndi farasi'bai be eziza ni Mesopotamia, Maka ndi Zoba be yasi. 7 Ànya eziyi arabia te kutu 'butenätu foritu (32,000), ago 'bädri'ba Maka ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro be, ikyiyite ago otoyi gawa te loto Medeba lomvo. Ago Amona'bai ṛiyikalate 'bakicii ànyaro yasi ago ikyiyite nja kyila oyene. 8 Ondro Dawidi keri tana te oko, nda zo Yoaba te ndi kyila'bai cini mbaraekye ndaro be. 9 Ago Amona'bai efoyite tesi ago rayi iyi te kyila ya ecivo 'bakici Raba roya yasi, ago 'bädri'ba se kikyiyibe kai rayi iyi te vodäyiro 'bädri ana roya.
10 Ondro Yoaba kondrete ararute kyila be nda dri riti mileyasi ago kpa kunduyasi oko, nda tope lidri rukä Yisaraele rote, ago ra ànya te Siria'bai mile; 11 ago rukä kyila'bai ndaro ro nda 'bate a'done Abisai ädrupi ndaro zele, ago ara ànya te Amona'bai mile. 12 Yoaba atate ndäri ekye: Ondro mbara Siria'bai ro ka'dote ndra mädrisi, 'dooko beṛo miri ma opane, oko ondro mbara Amona'bai ro ka'dote ndra midrisi, mikyina 'da mi opane. 13 Nya'do mbararo agoagoro, ago mi'ba maye kyila turiako ta lidri amaro rota, ago ta 'bakicii Lu amaro rota; ka'do inye Opi koye ole iro. 14 Yoaba ndi lidri se nda be kai yibe ikyiyite gotayi Siria'bai te, ago Siria'bai muyite ni nda milesi. 15 Ondro Amona'bai kondreyite Siria'bai muyite oko, ànya muyi kpate ni Abisai milesi, ago ciyite 'bakici ya. 'Dooko Yoaba egote ni kyila oyevoya Amona'bai be, ago ikyite kovole Yerusalema ya.
16 Ondro Amona'bai kondreyite Yisaraele'bai peyi ànya te ṛe oko, ànya zoyi lazo'bai te ago eziyi kyila'bai Siria'bai ro se orivoya Golo Eferata ro tasi kai te, Sobaka otaozo'ba kyila'bai Adadezera ro a'dote ni otaozo'ba ro ànya dri. 17 Ondro iti tana te Dawidi ri oko, nda otokala kyila'bai Yisaraele'bai rote cini voaloya ago zayidri Yaradene rote, ago raa ànya te Siria'bai mile. Ondro Dawidi kota kyila'bai ndaro te Siria'bai mile oko, ànya etoyi kyila te. 18 Yisaraele'bai njayi Siria'bai te, ago Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be tufuyi arabia opi'bai kyila ro Siria'bai rote kama njidrieri (700), ago kyila'bai se kabe aba pa si orivoya kutu 'butesu (40,000), ànya fuyi Sobaba otaozo'ba kyila'bai Siria'bai kpate. 19 Ondro 'bädri'bai se Adadezera resi kai kondreyite Yisaraele pe ànya te ṛe oko, ànya 'bayi taliatokpe te Dawidi be, a'doyite nda zele, ago Siria'bai leyi kote Amona'bai opane tona.
Israel Fights Ammon and Syria
(2 Samuel 10.1-19)
1 Some time later, King Nahash of Ammon died, and his son Hanun became king. 2 David said, “Nahash was kind to me, so I will be kind to his son.” He sent some officials to Ammon to tell Hanun how sorry he was that his father had died.
But when David's officials arrived at Ammon, 3 the Ammonite leaders said to Hanun, “Do you really believe King David is honoring your father by sending these men to comfort you? He probably sent them to spy on our country, so he can come and destroy it.”
4 Hanun arrested David's officials and had their beards shaved off and their robes cut off just below the waist, and then he sent them away. 5 They were terribly ashamed.
When David found out what had happened to his officials, he sent a message that told them, “Stay in Jericho until your beards grow back. Then you can come home.”
6 The Ammonites realized they had made David furious. So they paid 34 tons of silver to hire chariot troops from Mesopotamia and from the Syrian kingdoms of Maacah and Zobah. 7 Thirty-two thousand troops, as well as the king of Maacah and his army, came and camped near Medeba. The Ammonite troops also left their towns and came to prepare for battle.
8 David heard what was happening, and he sent out Joab with his army. 9 The Ammonite troops marched to the entrance of the city and prepared for battle, while the Syrian troops took their positions in the open fields.
10 Joab saw that the enemy troops were lined up on both sides of him. So he picked some of the best Israelite soldiers to fight the Syrians. 11 Then he put his brother Abishai in command of the rest of the army and told them to fight against the Ammonites. 12 Joab told his brother, “If the Syrians are too much for me to handle, come and help me. And if the Ammonites are too strong for you, I'll come and help you. 13 Be brave and fight hard to protect our people and the towns of our Lord God. I pray he will do whatever pleases him.”
14 Joab and his soldiers attacked the Syrians, and the Syrians ran from them. 15 When the Ammonite troops saw that the Syrians had run away, they ran from Abishai's soldiers and went back into their own city. Joab then returned to Jerusalem.
16 As soon as the Syrians realized they had been defeated, they sent for their troops that were stationed on the other side of the Euphrates River. Shophach, the commander of Hadadezer's army, led these troops to Ammon.
17 David found out what the Syrians were doing, and he brought Israel's entire army together. They crossed the Jordan River, and he commanded them to take their positions facing the Syrian troops.
Soon after the fighting began, 18 the Syrians ran from Israel. David killed 7,000 chariot troops and 40,000 regular soldiers. He also killed Shophach, their commander.
19 When the kings who had been under Hadadezer's rule saw that Israel had defeated them, they made peace with David and accepted him as their new ruler. The Syrians never helped the Ammonites again.