Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples
(Matthew 10.5-15Mark 6.7-13)
1 Jesus called the twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases. 2 Then he sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick, 3 after saying to them, “Take nothing with you for the trip: no walking stick, no beggar's bag, no food, no money, not even an extra shirt. 4 Wherever you are welcomed, stay in the same house until you leave that town; 5 wherever people don't welcome you, leave that town and shake the dust off your feet as a warning to them.”
6 The disciples left and traveled through all the villages, preaching the Good News and healing people everywhere.
Herod's Confusion
(Matthew 14.1-12Mark 6.14-29)
7 When Herod, the ruler of Galilee, heard about all the things that were happening, he was very confused, because some people were saying that John the Baptist had come back to life. 8 Others were saying that Elijah had appeared, and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had come back to life. 9 Herod said, “I had John's head cut off; but who is this man I hear these things about?” And he kept trying to see Jesus.
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
(Matthew 14.13-21Mark 6.30-44John 6.1-14)
10 The apostles came back and told Jesus everything they had done. He took them with him, and they went off by themselves to a town named Bethsaida. 11 When the crowds heard about it, they followed him. He welcomed them, spoke to them about the Kingdom of God, and healed those who needed it.
12 When the sun was beginning to set, the twelve disciples came to him and said, “Send the people away so that they can go to the villages and farms around here and find food and lodging, because this is a lonely place.”
13 But Jesus said to them, “You yourselves give them something to eat.”
They answered, “All we have are five loaves and two fish. Do you want us to go and buy food for this whole crowd?” 14 (There were about five thousand men there.)
Jesus said to his disciples, “Make the people sit down in groups of about fifty each.”
15 After the disciples had done so, 16 Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up to heaven, thanked God for them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. 17 They all ate and had enough, and the disciples took up twelve baskets of what was left over.
Peter's Declaration about Jesus
(Matthew 16.13-19Mark 8.27-29)
18 One day when Jesus was praying alone, the disciples came to him. “Who do the crowds say I am?” he asked them.
19 “Some say that you are John the Baptist,” they answered. “Others say that you are Elijah, while others say that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.”
20 “What about you?” he asked them. “Who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “You are God's Messiah.”
Jesus Speaks about His Suffering and Death
(Matthew 16.20-28Mark 8.30—9.1)
21 Then Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell this to anyone. 22 He also told them, “The Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law. He will be put to death, but three days later he will be raised to life.”
23 And he said to them all, “If you want to come with me, you must forget yourself, take up your cross every day, and follow me. 24 For if you want to save your own life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it. 25 Will you gain anything if you win the whole world but are yourself lost or defeated? Of course not! 26 If you are ashamed of me and of my teaching, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. 27 I assure you that there are some here who will not die until they have seen the Kingdom of God.”
The Transfiguration
(Matthew 17.1-8Mark 9.2-8)
28 About a week after he had said these things, Jesus took Peter, John, and James with him and went up a hill to pray. 29 While he was praying, his face changed its appearance, and his clothes became dazzling white. 30 Suddenly two men were there talking with him. They were Moses and Elijah, 31 who appeared in heavenly glory and talked with Jesus about the way in which he would soon fulfill God's purpose by dying in Jerusalem. 32 Peter and his companions were sound asleep, but they woke up and saw Jesus' glory and the two men who were standing with him. 33 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, how good it is that we are here! We will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” (He did not really know what he was saying.)
34 While he was still speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow; and the disciples were afraid as the cloud came over them. 35 A voice said from the cloud, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen—listen to him!”
36 When the voice stopped, there was Jesus all alone. The disciples kept quiet about all this and told no one at that time anything they had seen.
Jesus Heals a Boy with an Evil Spirit
(Matthew 17.14-18Mark 9.14-27)
37 The next day Jesus and the three disciples went down from the hill, and a large crowd met Jesus. 38 A man shouted from the crowd, “Teacher! I beg you, look at my son—my only son! 39 A spirit attacks him with a sudden shout and throws him into a fit, so that he foams at the mouth; it keeps on hurting him and will hardly let him go! 40 I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn't.”
41 Jesus answered, “How unbelieving and wrong you people are! How long must I stay with you? How long do I have to put up with you?” Then he said to the man, “Bring your son here.”
42 As the boy was coming, the demon knocked him to the ground and threw him into a fit. Jesus gave a command to the evil spirit, healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. 43 All the people were amazed at the mighty power of God.
Jesus Speaks Again about His Death
(Matthew 17.22Matthew 23Mark 9.30-32)
The people were still marveling at everything Jesus was doing, when he said to his disciples, 44 “Don't forget what I am about to tell you! The Son of Man is going to be handed over to the power of human beings.” 45 But the disciples did not know what this meant. It had been hidden from them so that they could not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about the matter.
Who Is the Greatest?
(Matthew 18.1-5Mark 9.33-37)
46 An argument broke out among the disciples as to which one of them was the greatest. 47 Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he took a child, stood him by his side, 48 and said to them, “Whoever welcomes this child in my name, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, also welcomes the one who sent me. For the one who is least among you all is the greatest.”
Whoever Is Not against You Is for You
(Mark 9.38-40)
49 John spoke up, “Master, we saw a man driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn't belong to our group.”
50 “Do not try to stop him,” Jesus said to him and to the other disciples, “because whoever is not against you is for you.”
A Samaritan Village Refuses to Receive Jesus
51 As the time drew near when Jesus would be taken up to heaven, he made up his mind and set out on his way to Jerusalem. 52 He sent messengers ahead of him, who went into a village in Samaria to get everything ready for him. 53 But the people there would not receive him, because it was clear that he was on his way to Jerusalem. 54 When the disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?”
55 Jesus turned and rebuked them. 56 Then Jesus and his disciples went on to another village.
The Would-Be Followers of Jesus
(Matthew 8.19-22)
57 As they went on their way, a man said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
58 Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lie down and rest.”
59 He said to another man, “Follow me.”
But that man said, “Sir, first let me go back and bury my father.”
60 Jesus answered, “Let the dead bury their own dead. You go and proclaim the Kingdom of God.”
61 Someone else said, “I will follow you, sir; but first let me go and say good-bye to my family.”
62 Jesus said to him, “Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back is of no use for the Kingdom of God.”
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ ɔɔsi ṯalaamiiza ṯir wrtt-kwuɽǝn
(Maṯṯa 10:5-15Mɔrgus 6:7-13)
1 Nǝ Yǝcu ɔrnɔṯi ṯalaamiiza dɔŋw ṯir wrii-kwuɽǝn, nɔŋwsi inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma nǝ sɔlṯa tok kwǝthi-gi ruttu rigɽimǝ kithaay tatap rigii, nǝ ethisi sǝwici kimǝthi tok. 2 E-ta nɔŋwsi ɔɔsi etheele ethi aari bǝshirǝ Ŋeelenyi ŋǝthi Allah, nǝ ethisi sǝwi luumǝ tok. 3 Mindaŋ nɔŋwsi ǝccǝŋw, “Ǝṯi dimmǝ kwomne kweere mac kwǝthi ṯaay; wala ṯɔɔ, wala shanṯa kwǝthi ṯii, wala rǝghiiv, wala gwuruush, wala yǝmiis yiɽǝ-yiɽǝn 4 Kǝzir wette nyithak wǝrŋǝsi-gwɔ ǝnyji, ǝgwɔ nanni ki-yiŋna-na-ṯǝ kiya mindaŋ mǝ dɔŋgwatha ki-mǝḏiinǝ kwir ter. 5 Kǝzir weere nyithak witi wǝŋsi-yi lizi ǝnyji ki-dɔɔnɔ-na kweeŋen mac tǝ, a ɔrlacci mǝḏiinǝ ŋgwa ŋwɔdoŋw, mindaŋ mǝsi pǝcci kuulǝŋi ŋwaara naana ŋwaalɔ ethisi ɔɽacci lɔɔma ki-rogɽo reeŋen.”
6 Nǝ ṯalaamiiz ele nǝr irǝrǝlɔ ki ŋwilli-na tatap nǝraari bǝshirǝ Inyjiilǝ mindaŋ nǝr sǝwi lizi ǝzir naana tatap.
Hiiruuḏus mɔŋgwɔ pinni ṯɔgwor-na ṯǝni Yǝcu.
(Maṯṯa 14:1-12Mɔrgus 6:14-29)
7 Mǝ Hiiruuḏus kwir mɔhaafis kwǝthi Jǝliil-ŋwɔ neŋne kwomne ŋgwa tatap kwǝrrinǝ, nɔŋw pinni ṯɔgwor-na beṯṯen, kaka naarɔ-gwɔ lizi lokwoŋw Yuhanna Ma@maḏaan kwir kwɔmǝ miitha kwokwony. 8 Nǝ lithaathɔ aarɔŋw, kwiɽii kwɔrɔ kwɔmǝ ruwǝnnǝlɔ, nǝ lithaathɔ aarɔŋw, kwiɽii kwɔrɔ kwette kwǝthi liɽii lǝthi kerreny-ŋwɔ tuk, kwɔmǝ miitha kwokwony. 9 Nǝ Hiiruuḏus aarɔŋw, “Nyii kwɔmǝthi uɽuthǝthǝ Yuhanna-ŋwɔ nda-lɔ mindaŋ, nimǝ ǝyǝ oro ŋgwɔ kwɔniŋnany-gi kwǝṯi arri kwomne-ŋgwɔ?” Mindaŋ nɔŋw ṯǝccici etheese Yǝcu-ŋwɔ.
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ ithni lɔɔrɔ lir khamsa alf.
(Maṯṯa 14:13-21Mɔrgus 6:30-44Yuhanna 6:1-14)
10 Nǝ yaavɔr aaɽa, nǝr andaci Yǝcu-ŋwɔ kwomne ŋgwa tatap kwɔmǝr ǝrrǝ. Nɔŋwsi mɔlo nǝreele cuk-cuk ki-mǝḏiinǝ-nǝ kwǝni Beiṯ-sayḏa. 11 Mǝ ŋwɔdɔŋw neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋɔ, nǝr kwaathitha mindaŋ nɔŋwsi ele nɔŋwsi aalinna, mindaŋ nɔŋwsi andaci ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi Ŋeeleny ŋǝthi Allah, mindaŋ nɔŋwsi sǝwi kila linaŋna ṯisǝwunnǝ.
12 Mǝ aaŋwɔn naŋni ethi ɔɽi, nǝ ṯalaamiiz ṯir wrii-kwuɽǝn iila naana-ŋgwɔ nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Fǝthǝ lizi kithaay mindaŋ mǝreele ŋwilli-na nǝ kǝzir tatap wirikanna-lɔ tok ethi kaṯṯisa ethneya weere, nǝ ǝzir tok wǝthi-gwɔ inḏira. Kaka a-naanir-gwɔ ki-wuthǝr-nǝ.”
13 Laakin nǝsi Yǝcu ǝccǝŋw, “Nḏǝthǝrsi-mbǝ ŋaaŋa kwomne kweere kwǝthi yee.” Nǝr ǝŋnici nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Ŋgwa tatap kwǝthi-nyii kwir rǝghiivǝ ṯɔthni nǝ lɔm nḏǝn ṯɔɽɔk. A kwɔnaŋna-nyji etheele ethisi licca kɔlɔ tatap eḏneya?” 14 Kaka naanɔ-gwɔ lizi kinaŋw lir khamsa alf. Nɔŋwandaci ṯalaamiiza ṯuuŋwun nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Nǝnǝr lizi-lɔ ŋwɔdɔŋw-ŋwɔdɔŋw ŋwir ruɽi-riɽǝn la wrii ruɽi-riɽǝn la wrii.”
15 Mǝsi ṯalaamiiz ǝrri ŋɔ tǝ, 16 nǝ Yǝcu dimmi rǝghiivǝ rir ṯɔthni nǝ lɔm nḏǝn, nɔŋw baaŋitha leereya-la, nɔŋw-ri ǝccǝ Allah shukran, nɔŋwsi undǝthǝnǝ, nɔŋwsi inḏǝthǝ ṯalaamiiza ethisi kannaci lizi. 17 Mindaŋ nǝr ethne tatap nǝr bee, mindaŋ nǝr ɔṯi wa wǝɽinnǝ luvǝ wrii-kwuɽǝn.
Bɔṯrɔs aarɔŋgwɔŋw Yǝcu kwir Kwɔrɔstɔ.
(Maṯṯa 16:13-20Mɔrgus 8:27-29)
18 Laamin lette laari-li Yǝcu kiyiiriny kwɔtɔpɔt, nǝ ṯalaamiiz ele naanɔ-ŋgwɔ. Nɔŋwsi uṯicǝlɔ nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Ŋwɔdɔŋw ŋwɔṯi aarɔŋw nyii-ŋgi kwirtaŋ?” 19 Nǝr ǝŋnici nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Lǝṯaarɔŋw lokwo ŋa kwɔrɔ Yuhanna kwǝni Ma@maḏaan, lithaathɔ nǝraarɔŋw a kwir kwǝni Iliiyyǝ, nǝ lithaathɔ nǝraarɔŋw ŋa kwir kwette kwǝthi liɽii lǝthi kerreny-ŋwɔ kwɔmǝ diiɽǝ ki-ŋiɽany-na.” 20 Nɔŋwsi uṯicǝlɔ nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Nǝ ŋaaŋa tǝ a liṯaari nyii-ŋgi kwirṯaŋ?” Nǝ Bɔṯrɔs ǝŋnici nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Ŋa kwɔrɔ Kwɔrɔstɔ kwǝthi Allah.”
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ andasi ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi ṯurvǝ ṯuuŋwun, nǝ ŋiɽany tok.
(Maṯṯa 16:20-28Mɔrgus 8:30—9:1)
21 E-ta nǝsi Yǝcu inḏǝthǝ waamira wɔfirlli etheere andaci kwizi kweere mac. 22 Nɔŋwsi andaci tok nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Laazim a Tɔr tǝthi Kwizigwunǝŋ rǝrinni beṯṯen kwomne-gi kwittǝzir mindaŋ a lishiyuukh dirnathalɔ rɔ-asa-ri rǝthi kahana nǝ mɔ@allimiin kwǝthi Sherii@a tok. Ǝri ɽeenye, mindaŋ mǝ ŋwaamin ṯoɽol ere ǝri diiɽǝ ki-ŋiɽany-na.”
23 Nɔŋwsi ǝccǝŋw tatap, “Mɔŋw naŋni kweere ethi rɔɔmi nyuŋwɔ-tǝ laazim ŋwɔ ǝvrinni rogɽo-ri ruuŋwun, ŋwɔ dimmi ŋwuuɽi ŋwuuŋwun ŋwɔɽɔmɔthalɔ ŋwaamin tatap, kwǝnyii-ŋi rɔɔma. 24 Mǝ kweere nyithak naŋni ethi kilǝthi ŋimiitha ŋuuŋun-tǝ, ŋwɔsi ṯuusi, nǝ kweere kwuṯuusi ŋimiitha ŋuuŋun sǝbǝb-gi kwǝni nyii-tǝ, ŋwɔsi kilǝthi. 25 Kwizi kwinḏi ethi ǝgini aatha-ŋwɔ, mɔŋwaavi kwomne tatap kwǝthi ṯurmun mindaŋ mɔŋw ṯuusi rogɽɔ ruuŋwun, ya mɔŋwsi kiirasalɔ? 26 Mǝ ṯɔrony mithǝ kwizi kweere ṯǝni nyii nǝ ṯǝni ta@liim ṯiinyi a ṯɔrony mithǝ Tɔɔrɔ tǝthi Kwizigwunǝŋ ṯǝŋw tɔk ṯǝni ŋundu mɔŋwaaɽa ŋinith-ŋi ŋuuŋun, nǝ ŋǝthi Papa nǝ ŋǝthi limeleka lirllinǝlɔ ter. 27 Laakin nyii kwǝccǝ-ŋǝsi-mǝ ŋwɔ rerrem, kɔlɔ lokwo lirlɔ kɔnɔŋw liti lai mac mindaŋ mǝreese Ŋeelenyi ŋǝthi Allah.”
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ reethe reṯ kaayin-la.
(Maṯṯa 17:1-8Mɔrgus 9:2-8)
28 Mǝ ŋwaamin ṯamthɔ dɔvokwɔppa ŋwandisaŋw-ŋi ŋiɽaŋali ŋɔ, nǝ Yǝcu mɔlɔ Bɔṯrɔs-ŋwɔsi Yuhanna-gi nǝ Ya@guub tɔk, nǝr-li allɔ kaayin-la ethi-gwɔ aara kiyiiriny. 29 Nǝ kinaŋw naarɔ-ŋgwɔ kiyiiriny nɔŋw reethe kiyǝnǝ reṯ mindaŋ nǝ yireth yuuŋwun fiithi per-per mindaŋ nǝr erṯelɔ kiɽǝr-kiɽǝr. 30 Nǝ biḏaan nǝ lɔr ndǝn lǝni Muusǝ-ŋǝ Iliiyyǝ-gi ruwǝnnǝlɔ tɔc nǝr-li andasi. 31 Lirwǝnnǝlɔ ŋinith-ŋi ŋǝṯhi leere, mindaŋ nǝrandasi Yǝcu-ŋǝli ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi tǝrṯiib ṯǝthi ŋiɽany ŋuuŋun, ŋinḏi-ŋwsi ethisi rattasi kworo Urshaliim-na. 32 Nǝ ŋwaarɔ apanni Bɔṯrɔs-ŋwɔsi lizi-li liṯhaathɔ, mindaŋ mǝr avri kiyǝnǝ dar ṯǝ, nǝreese ŋinithi ŋǝthi Yǝcu nǝ lɔr ndǝn lirlɔ ŋundu-gi. 33 Na mǝ lɔr ɔrlacci Yǝcu-ŋwɔ ŋwɔdɔŋw tǝ, nǝ Bɔṯrɔs ǝccǝŋw, “Yaa Sǝyyiḏ, ŋiɽaŋal ŋimaami beṯṯen a-naanir kɔnɔŋw! Nyiiŋǝ lidaɽimatha yǝvǝŋi ṯɔɽɔl kette kɔɔŋa, nǝ kette kǝthi Muusǝ, nǝ kette kǝthi Iliiyyǝ.” Nɔŋwseere elŋǝ ŋa rerrem mac ŋandisa-ŋwsi.
34 Nǝ nandisaŋw-tǝ kinnǝni, nǝ lebleth ruwǝnnǝlɔ nɔŋwsi kwuɽubǝthǝlɔ ṯigɽim-thi ṯuuŋwun; mindaŋ nǝ ṯalaamiiz ṯeenye mǝsi lebleth kwuɽubǝthǝlɔ. 35 Nǝ ṯɔgɽɔ ɔɽa ki-lebleth-na ṯaarɔŋw, “Tɔr tiinyi tir-ṯa kirɔ ticcany-na niŋnacar ŋunduŋwɔ!” 36 Mǝ ṯɔgɽɔ uɽǝthi-tǝ, nǝ Yǝcu ǝɽinnǝlɔ kwɔtɔpɔt ṯɔɽɔk. Nǝ ṯalaamiiz naani dec nǝreere andasilɔ ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋɔ mac, nǝ ki-lɔɔmɔr-la-ṯǝ kila nǝreere andaci kwizi kweere mac kwomne ŋgwa kwiisar.
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ sǝwi tɔɔrɔ tǝthi ṯigɽimǝ-nǝ tigii.
(Maṯṯa 17:14-18Mɔrgus 9:14-27)
37 Mǝ ŋɔrpɔ-ŋgwa oro nǝ Yǝcu-ŋǝ ṯalaamiiz-thi ḏappitha-lɔ kaayin-la, mindaŋ nǝ dɔŋw lɔppa iila nǝr-li biɽithi kithaay. 38 Nǝ kwɔr kwette ɔrnɔṯila ŋɔmmaŋi ki-lɔdɔŋw-na nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Yaa Mɔ@allim! Nyii kwutuurǝccǝ-ŋǝlɔ iisa-ṯi tɔɔrɔ tiinyi; tǝthi-nyii-ṯǝ tɔtɔpɔt dak! 39 Ǝṯi ṯigɽim ṯigii aathitha ŋɔmaŋi-na kwurup, ǝṯɔŋw aari kwɔɔla ǝṯɔŋw lakkisalɔ mindaŋ ǝṯɔŋw iirǝ kitho kworo, ǝṯɔŋw kagiṯṯɔ kwurayu-lu, ǝṯɔŋw aari isṯimir ethi rǝri naana mindaŋ ǝṯɔŋweere duŋgwǝci etheele-lɔ biɽǝṯ mac. 40 Nǝnyii tuurǝcci ṯalaamiiza-lɔ ṯɔɔŋwa ethi ruttuci kithaay laakin nǝr ulǝcci abaariya.” 41 Nǝ Yǝcu ǝŋnici nɔŋwaarɔŋw, “Ŋaaŋa lirmba liira ṯǝmminǝ-gaa, na noro lizi lir lɔdɔrllathɔ too lǝthi lɔɔmɔr kɔlɔ! Nyii kwɔŋǝsi-thi naanasi ṯacca-ṯaccaŋ? Nyii kwɔŋǝsi-thi mithici ṯɔgwori ṯacca-ṯaccaŋ? Mɔlca-nyii-ṯi tɔɔrɔ tɔɔŋwa kɔnɔŋw.”
42 Nǝ kinaŋw niilathi tɔr naana, nǝ ṯigɽim ṯuruuŋwɔ allɔ naana nɔŋw ɔvthathalɔ timbɽǝk kwurǝyu-lu. Laakin nǝ Yǝcu ǝrmici ṯigɽimǝ ṯuruuŋwɔ, e-ta nɔŋw sǝwi tɔɔrɔ mindaŋ nɔŋwɔɽici ṯǝrnyin. 43 Nǝ lizi tatap liŋɽalɔ buruc ŋɔma-ŋi ŋɔppa ŋǝthi Allah.
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ andasi kwokwony ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi ŋiɽany ŋuuŋun.
(Maṯṯa 17:22-23Mɔrgus 9:30-32)
Laakin a-naanir-ṯǝ kinnǝni lithbilɔ ṯibǝk ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝrrǝsi Yǝcu, nɔŋwɔccǝ ṯalaamiiza ṯuuŋwun-ŋwɔ, 44 “Ǝṯi-ŋi ṯɔɔthɔna mac ŋɔ ŋinḏi-ŋǝsi ethisi andaci! Tɔr tǝthi Kwiziŋwunǝŋ tinḏir ethi inḏǝthǝ lizi lǝthi sɔlṯa ki-rii-na reeŋen.” 45 Laakin na ṯalaamiiz ere elŋe ma@na kwǝthi ŋiɽaŋal ŋɔ mac. Kaka nɔluccunǝthisi-gwɔ ma@na, mindaŋ nǝrsi-mǝ ere elŋe mac. Na nǝr ṯeenye kii ethi-ŋi uṯicǝlɔ.
Ǝyǝ kworo kwuthǝmthisi-lǝ tatap.
(Maṯṯa 18:1-5Mɔrgus 9:33-37)
46 Nǝ ṯalaamiiz ɔppathalɔ deŋgen-na ethi elŋe ǝyǝ kwɔrɔ kwuthǝmthisi-lǝ deŋgen-na. 47 Mǝ Yǝcu elŋe ǝfkǝrǝ wǝthi rɔgwor reeŋen, nɔŋw mɔltha tɔɔrɔ nɔŋw rilli ki-ṯuɽumǝ ṯuuŋwun. 48 E-ta nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Kweere nyithak kwǝnyji tɔɔrɔ kɔrɔ ki-lɔɔɽɔ-na yiriny-yi yiinyi, kwǝni kwǝnyjǝ-nyii nyuŋwɔ tok; nǝ kweere kwǝnyii ǝnyji ki-lɔɔrɔ-na, nɔŋwɔni kwǝnyjǝ ŋgwa kwɔɔsa-nyii. Nǝ ŋgwa kwɔrɔ kwokwɔɽony daŋgal-na tatap, kwundǝ kwɔrɔ kwuthǝmthi-lǝ.”
Ŋgwa kwiti kwir ṯuwǝn ṯaalɔ mac kwaalɔ kwɔrɔ.
(Mɔrgus 9:38-40)
49 Nǝ Yuhanna andaci nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Yaa Sǝyyiḏ! Nyiiŋǝ liisa kwɔɔrɔ kwette kwurwǝ rigɽimǝ rigii yiriny-yi yɔɔŋwa, mindaŋ nǝnyii ṯiinyini ethisi ǝrri ŋɔ, kaka niti nɔrɔ-ŋgwɔ kwǝthi dɔŋw lǝri mac.” 50 Nǝ Yǝcu ǝccǝŋw ŋundu-ŋǝ ṯalaamiiz-thi ṯithaathɔ, “Ǝṯi ṯiinyinǝ mac, mɔŋweere oro kweere ṯuwǝn ṯaalɔ mac ṯǝ, nɔŋworo kwaalɔ.”
Lilli lǝthi Saamira-ŋwɔ lidirnathɔ Yǝcu-ŋwlɔ.
51 Mǝ lɔɔmɔr luuŋwun aadithi ethi-li allanni ki-leere, nɔŋw ǝllici Urshaliim-ŋwɔ nda-na dɔṯṯɔk. 52 Nɔŋw ɔɔsi lizi ethi iŋnaci ŋunduŋw keereny, nǝreele nǝr ǝnḏi ki-lilli-na lette lǝthi Saamira-ŋw, ethi daɽimaci kwomne-lɔ tatap cɔgwo-cɔgwop. 53 Laakin nǝ lizi lǝthi kinaŋw-ŋwɔ ere ǝmmini ŋunduŋw mac, kaka ǝllicǝ-ŋgwɔ Urshaliim-ŋwɔ nda-na dɔṯṯɔk. 54 E-ta ma ṯalaamiiz ṯuuŋwun ṯǝni Ya@guub-ŋǝ Yuhanna-gi ese ŋiɽaŋali ŋɔ ŋɔmǝ rottoŋw, nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Kweeleny a kwɔnaŋna-nyji ethi ɔrnɔṯa iigvŋi ki-leere ethi ɔɽa mindaŋ ethisi uɽǝzǝlɔ wǝrǝ?” 55 Nǝ Yǝcu ɔrllalɔ nɔŋwsi ǝrmici nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Ŋaaŋa lende lilŋithi, ŋaaŋa lir lǝthi Ṯigɽim ṯǝndu; kaka inḏi-gwɔ Tɔr tǝthi Kwizigwunǝŋ etheere kiirasi ŋimiitha-lɔ ŋǝthi lizi mac, laakin ethisi kǝniny kilǝthi.” 56 E-ta na Yǝcu-ŋǝ ṯamthɔ ṯalaamiiz-thi ṯuuŋwun nǝreele ki-lilli-na lithaathɔ.
Ya ethi kwaathitha Yǝcu-ŋwɔ ya bǝri.
(Maṯṯa 8:19-22)
57 Mǝreele ki-thaay-la tǝ, nǝ kwɔr kwette ǝccǝ Yǝcu-ŋwɔ, “Nyii kwɔŋǝ rɔɔmi kǝzir wette nyithak wǝgwɔ ele.”
58 Nǝ Yǝcu ǝccǝŋw, “Lɔthlɔm lǝthi-pǝ rubuni, nǝ ndǝw ǝthi yɔɽɔɔ, laakin Tɔr tǝthi Kwizigwunǝŋ-tǝ, nɔŋweere ǝthi ǝzir-nǝ mac wǝthi-yi tɔgdasi nda-la.” 59 Nɔŋwɔccǝ kwɔɔrɔ kwɔthaathɔŋw, “Rɔɔma-nyii.” Laakin nǝ kwɔr ŋgwa accǝŋw, “Kweeleny, duŋgwǝcǝ-nyii nyeele nyaaɽi nyaanitha ṯǝrnyǝri-ŋw kerreny.”
60 Nǝ Yǝcu ǝŋnici nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Duŋgwǝcǝsi kila liira ŋimiithana ŋiyaŋ ethisi aanitha kila leeŋen laayɔ. Nḏi kǝniny ŋa aari bǝshirǝ Ŋeeleny-ŋi ŋǝthi Allah.” 61 Nǝ kwɔr kwɔthaathɔ ǝccǝŋw, “Kweeleny, nyii kwɔnaŋna-ŋa ethi rɔɔmi rac, laakin duŋgwǝcǝ-nyii nyeele nyaaginnaɔ lizi liinyi lǝthi dɔɔnɔŋw kerreny.” 62 Nǝ Yǝcu ǝccǝŋw, “Ma kwizi kweere aari ibṯǝḏi ethi kwee limen-li mindaŋ mɔŋw iccanni kwaathan-gi tǝ, ŋweere ɔvthanni mac ki Ŋeeleny-na ŋǝthi Allah.”