Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
(Mark 2.1-12Luke 5.17-26)
1 Jesus got into the boat and went back across the lake to his own town, 2 where some people brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a bed. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the paralyzed man, “Courage, my son! Your sins are forgiven.”
3 Then some teachers of the Law said to themselves, “This man is speaking blasphemy!”
4 Jesus perceived what they were thinking, and so he said, “Why are you thinking such evil things? 5 Is it easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 6 I will prove to you, then, that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, pick up your bed, and go home!”
7 The man got up and went home. 8 When the people saw it, they were afraid, and praised God for giving such authority to people.
Jesus Calls Matthew
(Mark 2.13-17Luke 5.27-32)
9 Jesus left that place, and as he walked along, he saw a tax collector, named Matthew, sitting in his office. He said to him, “Follow me.”
Matthew got up and followed him.
10 While Jesus was having a meal in Matthew's house, many tax collectors and other outcasts came and joined Jesus and his disciples at the table. 11 Some Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such people?”
12 Jesus heard them and answered, “People who are well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick. 13 Go and find out what is meant by the scripture that says: ‘It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.’ I have not come to call respectable people, but outcasts.”
The Question about Fasting
(Mark 2.18-22Luke 5.33-39)
14 Then the followers of John the Baptist came to Jesus, asking, “Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples don't fast at all?”
15 Jesus answered, “Do you expect the guests at a wedding party to be sad as long as the bridegroom is with them? Of course not! But the day will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
16 “No one patches up an old coat with a piece of new cloth, for the new patch will shrink and make an even bigger hole in the coat. 17 Nor does anyone pour new wine into used wineskins, for the skins will burst, the wine will pour out, and the skins will be ruined. Instead, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins, and both will keep in good condition.”
The Official's Daughter and the Woman Who Touched Jesus' Cloak
(Mark 5.21-43Luke 8.40-56)
18 While Jesus was saying this, a Jewish official came to him, knelt down before him, and said, “My daughter has just died; but come and place your hands on her, and she will live.”
19 So Jesus got up and followed him, and his disciples went along with him.
20 A woman who had suffered from severe bleeding for twelve years came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his cloak. 21 She said to herself, “If only I touch his cloak, I will get well.”
22 Jesus turned around and saw her, and said, “Courage, my daughter! Your faith has made you well.” At that very moment the woman became well.
23 Then Jesus went into the official's house. When he saw the musicians for the funeral and the people all stirred up, 24 he said, “Get out, everybody! The little girl is not dead—she is only sleeping!” Then they all started making fun of him. 25 But as soon as the people had been put out, Jesus went into the girl's room and took hold of her hand, and she got up. 26 The news about this spread all over that part of the country.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
27 Jesus left that place, and as he walked along, two blind men started following him. “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” they shouted.
28 When Jesus had gone indoors, the two blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I can heal you?”
“Yes, sir!” they answered.
29 Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Let it happen, then, just as you believe!”— 30 and their sight was restored. Jesus spoke sternly to them, “Don't tell this to anyone!”
31 But they left and spread the news about Jesus all over that part of the country.
Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Speak
32 As the men were leaving, some people brought to Jesus a man who could not talk because he had a demon. 33 But as soon as the demon was driven out, the man started talking, and everyone was amazed. “We have never seen anything like this in Israel!” they exclaimed.
34 But the Pharisees said, “It is the chief of the demons who gives Jesus the power to drive out demons.”
Jesus Has Pity for the People
35 Jesus went around visiting all the towns and villages. He taught in the synagogues, preached the Good News about the Kingdom, and healed people with every kind of disease and sickness. 36 As he saw the crowds, his heart was filled with pity for them, because they were worried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 So he said to his disciples, “The harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it in. 38 Pray to the owner of the harvest that he will send out workers to gather in his harvest.”
Iŋir nono gwa kwiji gwina gwaio aŋina nono
1 Ŋwuni gi felluuka, ŋwumure, ŋwela gi len luŋun. 2 A liji upijo kwijo gweta lagram lai gwina gwaio aŋina nono; a dina ma Yasuuⓐ aŋa imaan gwegen ŋwabiŋaijo kwijo gwina gwaio aŋina nono, ŋwaici, Ŋari ŋai, iŋirii dhugore; ŋidi ŋuŋa ŋina ŋike ŋimadhudhanini ganu. 3 A jathib coŋ abiŋini gi dugor ganu degen, alarnu, Kwiji ibigwa gwa gwilui Kaloŋa. 4 Abi Yasuuⓐ liŋa dhuŋuna gi dugor ganu degen, ŋwulaici, Kworaŋ nyababiŋini dhuŋuna ibidha dhina dhike minoŋ gi dugor ganu dalo? 5 Aŋ gwijanu galo edeny diny arnu, Kwiji gwai, nyi gwimadhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋuŋa ŋina ŋike; i dinyabiŋaijo, nyaici, Diro, ŋela. 6 Abi danya liŋa darnu Ŋari ŋa liji ŋuthi ŋoma mina kidhila ŋadhi dhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋina ŋike, (ŋwabiŋaijo kwijo gwina gwaio aŋina nono, ŋwaici,) Diro, ŋapai lagram luŋa, ŋabela dunu duguŋa. 7 Ŋwudire, ŋwela dunu dugun. 8 A dina ma liji aŋa, alali galo dir, almajidhe Kaloŋa, gina gathidhedha lijo ŋoma ŋina ŋiro minoŋ.
Urnini gwa Matta
9 A dina ma Yasuuⓐ gathani kaloŋa ibige, ŋwaŋa kwijo gweta, gwina gwan Matta, gwijalo kalo ga dhimeje; ŋwabiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Diro, nyi gwuja. Ŋwudire, ŋwugwuje. 10 A dina maluni kiru aljalo alar leny, a liji loinyadho lina lathimeje a lina like ila aljalo aleny Yasuuⓐ ŋalai a calmiz juŋun ko. 11 A dina mal Farriisiyiin aŋa, alabiŋaijo calmiz juŋun, allaici, Kworaŋ athibi Muⓐallim gwalo eny liji lai lina lathimeje a lina like? 12 A dina ma Yasuuⓐ diŋini dhuŋuna ibidhe, ŋwarnu, Liji lina liŋir nono lati libupo ẖakiim no, abi lina luma lathibupe. 13 Nyabela nyaŋidhani dhuŋuna ibidhe. Dhugor dhiny dhibupo ŋimira, garini gwatu no. Nyi gwati gwiludhi durnie lijo lina liŋir no, nyi beladha dinyilurnie lina like dilurle dugore galo ŋidi ŋegen ŋina ŋike.
Dijalo jamu
14 A calmiz ja Yuuẖanna ila dugun, alabiŋaijo, alaici, Kworaŋ athibi Farriisiyiin a anaŋa jalo jamu, athibi calmiz juŋa jalo jamu gatur no? 15 Al Yasuuⓐ abiŋaijo, ŋwulaici, Liji la kwoma gwa dhago lathike dugore mal nanaŋ je kwoma ŋalai gwa dhago a? Abi ŋwamun ŋwaji ŋwila ŋwina ŋwadhuŋw ŋwai kwoma gwa dhago upini degen, a liji ibile lajalo jamu ŋwamun ibiŋwe. 16 A kwiji gwate gwina gwathogira albatha ina iyaŋ gi luga lina lurun no, i albatha ina iyaŋ yaji yaŋirithiye kiraŋa, a lubiro laji lakani. 17 A liji lati lathibuluje ŋau ŋa dugur ŋina ŋiyaŋ nyilgu nyina nyurun no. Ada dhuŋun ibidhe dhimaje, athi ŋau ŋa dugur ŋina ŋiyan kie nyilgu, athilbuludhe galo, a nyilgu nyaka; abi ŋau ŋa dugur ŋina ŋiyaŋ aram algitini gi nyilgu nyina nyiyaŋ.
Dire gwa ŋera ŋa Yaayirus dai, a iŋir nono gwa kwa gwina gwathurthi
18 A dina juŋw duŋwul abiŋaijo dhuŋuna ibidhe, a kweleny gweta ila, ŋworthadha, ŋwaici, Ŋera ŋiny ŋa githo ŋar ŋai; ŋabila, ŋamini dhoi dhai, a ŋamidhe manaŋ. 19 A Yasuuⓐ dire, ŋwugwuje, a calmiz juŋun ko. 20 A kwa ila, gwina gwathurthi gwortal jidhileo die‐a‐ram, ŋwila gi dhuro ganu dugun, ŋwari gwamini goba ga kiraŋ guŋun. 21 Gwabiŋinu gi dhugor ganu dhuŋun, ŋwarnu, Ada nyi gwimamini kiraŋa guŋun, nyi gwaji gwiŋir nono. 22 Abi Yasuuⓐ urle galo, ŋwaŋa, ŋwabiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Ŋera ŋai, iŋirii dhugore, imaan gwuŋa gwimaŋa uriye nono. Anbi kwa eŋiradhadha ganu gi saaⓐa ibije. 23 A ma Yasuuⓐ ila gi dunu gwa kweleny, ŋwaŋa lijo lina lathure nyula, a liji loinyadho luro gwula, 24 ŋwulaici, Abirul gi dhai; ŋera ŋati ŋaio no, abi ŋa ŋidhro. Albakejuma. 25 Abi malteye lijo peth por, ŋwuni dugun, ŋwumutha ŋera gi dhoi, a ŋera dire. 26 A dhuŋun dhuŋun bai galo peth gi len ibile.
Liji ram lina lirima gi je
27 A ma Yasuuⓐ gathani kaloŋa ibige, a liji ram lina lirima gi je gwuje, alurnie gwuleny, alaici, Inudhije, Ŋari ŋai ŋa Daawud. 28 A dina muŋw obani dunu, a liji lina lirima gi je ila dugun; al Yasuuⓐ abiŋaijo, ŋwulaici, Nyaŋa luminyu darnu nyi gwuthi ŋoma gwaji geta momaŋ a? Alaicinu, Ye, Kweleny gwai. 29 Ŋwumini je jegen dhoi dhai dhuŋun, ŋwulaici, Gwiro ŋinena uminyanyana dhuŋuna dhiny, nyaŋa liŋir nono. 30 A je jegen ure ganu; albi Yasuuⓐ abiŋaijo gwuleny ŋwari lati labiŋaijo kwijo gwetipo dhuŋuna ibidhe no. 31 Albitu, albai galo dhuŋun dhai dhuŋun kalo peth.
Kwiji gwina gwiro girila gwina gwuthi ŋurinya
32 A dina jilo dela gi dhai aludhijo kwijo gweta gwina gwiro girila ŋwuthi ŋurinya. 33 A dina ma Yasuuⓐ teye ŋurinya kwiji ganu, a kwiji abiŋi momaŋ; alali galo dir, alarnu, Anaŋa lati limaŋa dhuŋuna dhiro minoŋ gi liji ganu la Israayiil gatur no. 34 Abi Farriisiyiin arnu, Ŋoma ŋai ŋa kweleny gwa nyuriny athuŋw teye nyurinya gi liji ganu. 35 A Yasuuⓐ ela ŋwen peth ŋwina ŋwipiŋwipa a ŋwina ŋwitiŋwitiny, ŋwalimiye lijo gi majaamiⓐ gwegen, ŋwulabiŋaijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir dha gidhila ga Kalo, ŋwugeta lijo momaŋ lina luthi gumiye gitigiter a lina luthi ŋirainy ŋitiŋiter.
Ina gwa al Masiiẖ gwan liji
36 Abi dina muŋw aŋa lijo loinyadho, ŋwulinadhani ŋinena mulilo nono, albai galo gwiro ŋinena jaŋal jina jati juthi gwora no. 37 Ŋwabiŋaijo calmiz juŋun, ŋwulaici, Titiganu ŋiro ŋo ŋoinyadho ŋinena kwogai, abi liji je coŋ la dhapai ŋiro. 38 Othaijul Kwelenya galo gwa kwo, ŋwukeje lijo manaŋ, alothadha ŋwona ŋwuŋun liduŋw.