Christ's Humility and Greatness
1 Your life in Christ makes you strong, and his love comforts you. You have fellowship with the Spirit, and you have kindness and compassion for one another. 2 I urge you, then, to make me completely happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and being one in soul and mind. 3 Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. 4 And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own. 5 The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had:
6 He always had the nature of God,
but he did not think that by force he should try to remain equal with God.
7 Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had,
and took the nature of a servant.
He became like a human being
and appeared in human likeness.
8 He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death—
his death on the cross.
9 For this reason God raised him to the highest place above
and gave him the name that is greater than any other name.
10 And so, in honor of the name of Jesus
all beings in heaven, on earth, and in the world below
will fall on their knees,
11 and all will openly proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Shining as Lights in the World
12 So then, dear friends, as you always obeyed me when I was with you, it is even more important that you obey me now while I am away from you. Keep on working with fear and trembling to complete your salvation, 13 because God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose.
14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may be innocent and pure as God's perfect children, who live in a world of corrupt and sinful people. You must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky, 16 as you offer them the message of life. If you do so, I shall have reason to be proud of you on the Day of Christ, because it will show that all my effort and work have not been wasted.
17 Perhaps my life's blood is to be poured out like an offering on the sacrifice that your faith offers to God. If that is so, I am glad and share my joy with you all. 18 In the same way, you too must be glad and share your joy with me.
Timothy and Epaphroditus
19 If it is the Lord's will, I hope that I will be able to send Timothy to you soon, so that I may be encouraged by news about you. 20 He is the only one who shares my feelings and who really cares about you. 21 Everyone else is concerned only with their own affairs, not with the cause of Jesus Christ. 22 And you yourselves know how he has proved his worth, how he and I, like a son and his father, have worked together for the sake of the gospel. 23 So I hope to send him to you as soon as I know how things are going to turn out for me. 24 And I trust in the Lord that I myself will be able to come to you soon.
25 I have thought it necessary to send to you our brother Epaphroditus, who has worked and fought by my side and who has served as your messenger in helping me. 26 He is anxious to see you all and is very upset because you had heard that he was sick. 27 Indeed he was sick and almost died. But God had pity on him, and not only on him but on me, too, and spared me an even greater sorrow. 28 I am all the more eager, then, to send him to you, so that you will be glad again when you see him, and my own sorrow will disappear. 29 Receive him, then, with joy, as a believer in the Lord. Show respect to all such people as he, 30 because he risked his life and nearly died for the sake of the work of Christ, in order to give me the help that you yourselves could not give.
Ṯǝjlinnǝ ṯǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ, nǝ ŋɔvŋa ŋuuŋun ṯok.
1 Ŋwɔṯaŋw, mǝrǝni ṯivirllasa-la ethi Kwɔrɔstɔ-na, na mǝrǝni ṯikandiza-lɔ ṯamɽa-thi, mǝrǝni ŋɔmath Ṯigɽim-thi, na mǝrǝni ŋimɽi-ŋǝ yathisi rɔgworna-ŋgi tǝ, 2 ŋǝsi tuurǝccǝlɔ ethi ṯimmaci nyuŋwɔ ṯinyiŋlana ṯiinyi kwoɔo, ethǝthi fikirǝ kwɔtɔpɔt, lǝthi ṯamɽa ṯɔtɔpɔt, nǝ ŋaɽinyi ŋɔtɔpɔt tok. 3 Ǝṯisi ǝrrǝ ŋeere ṯapranna-thi naana mac, ya ethi-ŋi ǝllini ki-rogɽo, laakin ǝṯi ajlathisina ki-rogɽo wɔɽe-wɔɽeny, nǝ ǝṯisi ruusi lithaathɔ lɔvthanna daŋgal-na nyaamin tatap. 4 Ǝṯiseere naŋnalɔ ŋǝthi rogɽo raalɔ ṯɔɽɔk mac, laakin ǝṯisi nǝŋnici lithaathɔ tok. 5 Ethi fikir-ŋgwɔ naani daŋgal-na, kwɔr-ga kwɔnaanɔ ethi Kwɔrɔstɔ-na kwǝni Yǝcu. 6 Naaɽinna-ŋgwɔ-va kinnǝni Allah tok, nɔŋwsi-tǝ ere kettice yǝy ŋɔmaŋi-na mac, ethi biɽithina Allah-yi. 7 Laakin nɔŋwsi aalitha ŋa rii tatap ṯɔgwor-thi ṯuuŋwun, nɔŋworo khaḏaam. Nǝr ilŋitha kwaaɽinna lizigwunǝŋi. 8 Nǝ kaka mɔŋgworo kwizigwunǝŋ, nɔŋw ǝjlinni ki-rogɽo kwiinyicǝ Allah naana ethi ai, aw ethi ai ki-ŋwuuɽi-lǝ ŋwɔɽɔmɔthalɔ. 9 Nǝrṯoroŋw mindaŋ nǝ Allah nii ŋunduŋw-nǝ, nɔŋw allasi-la kider, nɔŋw inḏǝthǝ yiriny yɔppa yithǝmthi yiriny-lǝ ndendeṯ. 10 Mindaŋ ethi ŋwɔrgwɔ tatap kwocce yiriny-lɔ yǝthi Yǝcu, ki-leere-na, kwurǝyulu, nǝ kwurǝyulu kuṯṯǝlɔ. 11 E-ta a riŋla tatap aarɔŋw, Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ kwir Kweeleny, ethi nii Allah-na wir Papa.
Ethi erṯelɔ fɔɔri-gi ki-ṯurmun-nǝ.
12 Ŋwɔṯaŋw limǝthgǝri liinyi lamɽa-nyji, kaka nǝṯir-nyii-gwɔ iinyici naana nyaamin tatap kinaŋw nǝṯi-nyii naani ŋaaŋa-li, nǝ kinaŋw tok niti nǝṯi-nyii naani yǝy-lɔ mac. Ǝɽir kǝniny akkɔ ŋothɽor tig-tig ŋitheny-ŋi lɔnḏɔthɔ ethi ṯimmasi ŋiglǝthǝ ŋaalɔ kworo, 13 kaka nǝṯi-gwɔ Allah akkɔ ŋothɽor nyaamin tatap daŋgal-na, ethi inḏǝthǝ ŋaaŋwɔsi ŋɔma ethisi ǝmmini ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor ṯuuŋwun, mindaŋ ethisi ǝrri ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor ṯuuŋwun.
14 Ǝsi ǝrri tatap liti lǝrmithǝthinǝ mac, walɔa ethi ɔppathalɔ, 15 mindaŋ meere ǝthi lɔɔma-na leere mac, nǝ ǝthi naani lɔsɔɔɽɔ cur-cɔɽic kaka nyɔr nyǝthi Allah, linannɔ ki-ṯurmun-nǝ ṯigii ṯɔthɔɔthɔ; ŋwɔṯaŋw laazim ǝsi ṯiŋacci fɔɔri-lɔ deŋgen-na, 16 ǝthi mithǝ ŋiɽaŋali tetter ŋir ŋimiitha. Nǝ mǝsi ǝrri ŋɔ tǝ, nyǝthi sǝbǝbǝ kwǝthi-gi ǝllini ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝni ŋaalɔ ki Laamin-la lǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ, kaka niti mǝgwɔ ŋɔma-ŋa ŋothɽor-ŋi ŋiinyi kiirannalɔ domony mac. 17 Nǝ mǝ ŋin ŋiinyi iirǝnnǝlɔ kinnǝni kaka kiraama, kiraama-la kǝthi ṯǝmminǝ ṯaalɔ, ǝnyii-tǝ aamina nǝ nyii-tǝ nyeŋlena ṯir-ṯir ŋaaŋa-li tatap. 18 Ŋwɔṯaŋw laazim aamina nǝ a nyeŋlena tok nyii-gi.
Ṯiimɔɔthaaws-ŋǝ Abafrɔɔḏiiṯus-gi.
19 Nyii ŋgwɔ kwɔgittathɔ, mindaŋ mǝroro ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor ṯǝthi Kweeleny kwǝni Yǝcu-tǝ, ŋǝsi ṯiŋacca Ṯiimɔɔthaaws-ŋwɔ fittak, mindaŋ mǝnyji neŋne ŋǝni ŋaalɔ tǝ, ǝnyii firllanni-la. 20 Nyii kwiti kwǝthi kwizi kweere kwokwony kwir kaka ŋunduŋw mac, kaka nǝni-ŋgwɔ kwǝṯi-ŋǝsi aŋraci. 21 Nǝ lithaathɔ tatap nǝŋsi kettice yǝy ŋǝthi rogɽo reeŋen, ŋiti ŋir ŋǝthi Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ mac. 22 Laakin ŋaaŋa tǝ nǝsi elŋe rogɽo-ri raalɔ ŋǝthi ŋɔvthanna ŋpuŋun, na nǝnyii-gi akkɔ ŋothɽor ndǝndǝk ŋǝthi Inyjiil kaka tɔr-ŋwɔsi tir toŋwor ṯǝrnyin-thi. 23 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nyii ŋgwɔ kwɔgittathɔ ethi ɔɔsicǝ ŋaaŋwɔsi ŋunduŋw fittak, mǝ ŋiɽaŋal ŋiinyi elŋethine ŋǝmmǝŋ. 24 Nyii kwɔgittathɔ ethi Kweeleny-na ethiila nyii tok naaniŋa-gwɔ kwaathan kwokwo.
25 Nyii kwaari fǝkirǝ nǝnyaarɔŋwa, ŋɔvthanna ethi ɔɔsicǝ ŋaaŋwɔsi ǝŋgǝriŋw kwǝni Abafrɔɔḏiiṯus, kwǝṯi-nyii-gi rɔɔmɔthalɔ ki-ŋothɽor-na, kwɔthɔgthathisany-gi ruɽumǝ-ri, kwuusucǝr-nyii ethi kǝṯṯini nyuŋwɔ wǝŋ. 26 Nǝ nɔŋwɔthi sɔɔrɔma tok beṯṯen etheese ŋaaŋwɔsi tatap, nǝ ṯaay ṯette nɔŋw ronyine tok kaka mɔŋgwɔ neŋne ethaarɔŋw ŋaaŋa limǝ neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi kimǝthi kuuŋun. 27 Aw kwani kwuuma rerrem, mindaŋ nɔŋwaaɽa ŋiɽany kwɔrɔ keṯṯɔk. Laakin na Allah aṯhici ŋimɽiya-na, laakin nɔŋweere aṯhici ŋunduŋw dak mac, laakin nyuŋwɔ tok, mindaŋ ǝŋgi ṯɔrɔɔnyɔna ere ɔrgwɔthi duŋgwiny-lǝ mac. 28 Nǝrṯoro ŋɔ ŋǝvricǝ-nyii ethi ǝthi ŋɔma ethi ɔɔsicǝ ŋaaŋwɔsi ŋunduŋw, mindaŋ meese tǝ a aamina kwokwony, nǝ ṯɔrɔɔnyɔna ṯiinyi tǝ, ŋworo ṯokwɔɽoc. 29 Ŋwɔṯaŋw aalinar ŋunduŋw ṯinyiŋla-thina ethi Kweeleny-na; ǝṯi iiɽi lizi-nǝ tatap kaka ŋunduŋw. 30 Kaka naadithi-ŋgwɔ keṯṯɔk ethi ai ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi ŋothɽor ŋǝthi Kwɔrɔsṯɔ, kaka ṯiŋacca-ŋgwɔ ŋiɽany ŋimiitha-lɔ ŋuuŋun ethi ṯimmaci ŋaaŋwɔsi ŋothɽor ŋǝni ŋaalɔ kworo, ŋa ŋiti ŋǝthicǝ-ŋǝsi ŋaaŋa ŋɔma-na ethisi ǝrrici nyuŋwɔ mac.