1 Let us go forward, then, to mature teaching and leave behind us the first lessons of the Christian message. We should not lay again the foundation of turning away from useless works and believing in God; 2 of the teaching about baptisms and the laying on of hands; of the resurrection of the dead and the eternal judgment. 3 Let us go forward! And this is what we will do, if God allows.
4 For how can those who abandon their faith be brought back to repent again? They were once in God's light; they tasted heaven's gift and received their share of the Holy Spirit; 5 they knew from experience that God's word is good, and they had felt the powers of the coming age. 6 And then they abandoned their faith! It is impossible to bring them back to repent again, because they are again crucifying the Son of God and exposing him to public shame.
7 God blesses the soil which drinks in the rain that often falls on it and which grows plants that are useful to those for whom it is cultivated. 8 But if it grows thorns and weeds, it is worth nothing; it is in danger of being cursed by God and will be destroyed by fire.
9 But even if we speak like this, dear friends, we feel sure about you. We know that you have the better blessings that belong to your salvation. 10 God is not unfair. He will not forget the work you did or the love you showed for him in the help you gave and are still giving to other Christians. 11 Our great desire is that each of you keep up your eagerness to the end, so that the things you hope for will come true. 12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to be like those who believe and are patient, and so receive what God has promised.
God's Sure Promise
13 When God made his promise to Abraham, he made a vow to do what he had promised. Since there was no one greater than himself, he used his own name when he made his vow. 14 He said, “I promise you that I will bless you and give you many descendants.” 15 Abraham was patient, and so he received what God had promised. 16 When we make a vow, we use the name of someone greater than ourselves, and the vow settles all arguments. 17 To those who were to receive what he promised, God wanted to make it very clear that he would never change his purpose; so he added his vow to the promise. 18 There are these two things, then, that cannot change and about which God cannot lie. So we who have found safety with him are greatly encouraged to hold firmly to the hope placed before us. 19 We have this hope as an anchor for our lives. It is safe and sure, and goes through the curtain of the heavenly temple into the inner sanctuary. 20 On our behalf Jesus has gone in there before us and has become a high priest forever, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.
1 Ŋwɔṯaŋw, ǝri illatha keereny-gi ṯa@liim-thi ṯir min-min, ǝri duŋgwǝcǝ ḏuruusǝ kitha kwaathan-gi ṯir ŋwɔɽa ŋwɔthi ṯa@liim ṯǝthi ŋiɽaŋal ŋǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ. Ŋende ŋɔvthanna kwokwony ethi kwuuru ṯɔgwagiza ṯǝniŋw; ṯɔrlacca ŋothɽor ŋigii ŋwɔdoŋw, nǝ ŋǝniŋw; ethi ǝmminci Allah; 2 nǝ ŋǝthi ṯa@liim ṯǝthi ma@muuḏiiyya mindaŋ, nǝ ṯigitta rii ki-ŋwɔɽala mindaŋ, nǝ ṯǝthi ṯidiiɽǝ ki-ŋiɽany-na mindaŋ, nǝ ṯǝthi hɔkwɔm wǝṯi nannitha dok-dok tok. 3 Na ǝri kǝniny illatha keereny-gi, kaka nɔrɔr-ṯǝ ŋɔ ŋinḏirsi ethisi ǝrri, mǝnyji Allah ǝmminici. 4 Nǝ kila limǝ ɔrlacci ṯǝmminǝ ṯeeŋen ŋwɔdoŋw, e-ta ǝri-mǝ urlǝ rɔgwor-lɔ reeŋen aŋgwɔrɔ? Lǝni-pǝ linaanɔ kerreny ki-fɔɔri-na kwǝthi Allah; ṯaŋw nǝr nyeŋle haḏiiyyǝ wǝthi ki-leere-naŋw, mindaŋ nǝraavi lɔɔɽɔŋi lǝthi Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter; 5 na nǝr elŋe ŋisanna ŋǝthi ŋiɽaŋal ŋǝthi Allah ki-ŋwɔɽa-na ŋweeŋen, nǝ ŋɔma ŋǝthi lɔɔmɔr linḏi tok. 6 Na mǝr ɔrlacci ṯǝmminǝ ṯeeŋen ŋwɔdoŋw tǝ, ŋende ŋinḏi ethoro mǝmkin kwokwony mac ethisi ǝɽǝ mindaŋ ethi urlǝ rɔgwor-lɔ, kaka nǝnir-gwɔ liɽinyithi Tɔɔrɔ tǝthi Allah kwokwony ki-ŋwuuɽi-lǝ, mindaŋ nǝr dimmini ŋunduŋw fǝthiyǝ-lɔ por-por. 7 Allah wǝṯi ǝccǝ wurǝyuŋi baarika wǝṯii ŋaaw ŋǝthi kaaw kǝṯi-gwɔ dɔnnatha-la dok-dok, nǝ wǝṯisi riiɽici ŋwɔɔla ŋwisaaw kila lɔgwɔccarsi. 8 Laakin mɔŋw allisa yuugwiyǝ-ŋwsi karaaw-gi tǝ, ŋweere ǝthi faayitha kweere mac; mindaŋ ŋwɔ nanyji Allah-lɔ ethi ollo, nǝ kwaathan tǝ ŋwuuɽǝsi kithaay.
9 Laakin nandisany-va kinnǝni-ṯǝŋw tok liyǝŋgǝri, nǝnyji-tǝ elŋece rac ŋǝni ŋaalɔ. Nyiiŋǝ lilŋithi rac ethaarɔŋw, ŋaaŋa lǝthi barka kwɔthǝmthi beṯṯen kwǝthi ŋiglǝthǝ ŋaalɔ. 10 Allah witi wir ḏaalim mac, witi winḏi ethi ṯɔɔthina mac ŋothɽor-ŋi ŋa ŋǝrrǝ-ŋǝsi, ya ṯamɽa kitha ṯibaaŋica-ŋa ŋunduŋw ṯimǝccǝ-thi ṯimǝccǝ-ŋǝ-thi kila lirllinǝlɔ ter, nǝ kitha-ta ṯǝni ṯǝrrǝ-ŋǝ. 11 Laakin nyiiŋǝ lǝthi sɔɔrɔma kwɔppa ethi ŋaaŋa tatap aŋranni naana ṯaŋrinna-thi kɔthɔ, mindaŋ mǝ kwomne ŋgwa kwǝkkicǝ-ŋǝ kizǝn rattathi kworo rerrem. 12 Nyiiŋǝ liti linaŋna-ŋǝsi ethoro limoozo mac, laakin oro kaka kila limǝ vmmini, nǝ lǝṯisi indinyanni naana, mindaŋ mǝ aavi ŋgwa kwǝccǝ-ŋǝsi-gi Allah wa@ḏa.
Wa@ḏ wǝthi Allah wǝthi yǝnǝ.
13 Kinaŋw mǝ Allah ǝccǝ Ibraahiim-ŋwɔ wa@ḏa, nɔŋwaari haalifa ki-rogɽo-na ruuŋwun ethisi ǝrri ŋa ŋaarɔŋw-ŋi wa@ḏa. Nǝ kaka niti ninaanɔ-ŋgwɔ kweere mac kwɔthǝmthi ŋunduŋw-la, nɔŋw-ta aari haalifa yiriny-yi yuuŋwun wɔɽe-wɔɽeny. 14 Nɔŋwaarɔŋw:
“Nyii kwɔŋa ǝccǝ wa@ḏa, ethi ǝccǝ ŋaaŋwɔ baarika,
mindaŋ ŋa inḏǝthǝ ŋwɔɔla ŋwuuru.”
15 Nǝsi Ibraahiim indinyanni naana mindaŋ, nɔŋwaavi ŋgwa kwǝccǝ-gi Allah wa@ḏa. 16 Mǝ kwizi aari haalifa tǝ, ǝṯɔŋw aari haalifa yiriny-yi yǝthi ŋgwa kwuthǝmthi ŋunduŋw-lǝ, mindaŋ ǝṯi haliifa rattasi ŋiɽaŋali kworo tatap. 17 Ŋwɔṯaŋw, kaka ninaŋna Allah ethisi baaŋaci kila ŋǝmǝ-ŋǝmmǝŋi wa@ḏa wuuŋwun wuuɽucǝ-ŋwsi, ŋwɔṯaŋw nɔŋweere urlǝ karatha-lɔ kuuŋun mac, nɔŋwaaɽi nɔŋwsi kiɽǝcci haliifa kwokwony, 18 nǝ ŋiɽaŋal ṯǝ ŋɔ ŋir ŋiɽǝn, ǝṯireere aari ghayyira ḏuṯ, nǝ ŋiti ŋǝthi-ŋi Allah ŋɔma ḏuṯ ethi kǝkki ŋǝluŋi. Nyiiŋǝ kila limǝ avratha ŋunduŋw naana ethi kilaaw nǝrnyji ɔkkwazi ethi mithǝ ṯǝkkizǝ kizǝn tetter kitha ṯawicar-nyji. 19 Ṯǝkkizǝ kizǝn kɔthɔ ṯǝthir nyiiŋǝ, ṯir kaka marfa@iinǝ kwisaaw kwɔfirlli tetter, kwǝthi ŋimiitha ŋǝri, nɔŋworo kwɔmǝ ǝnḏi lac-lac kǝzir wirllinǝlɔ ter, mindaŋ nɔŋw ṯamthaci siṯaara-lɔ keereny-gi kwǝthi hǝikal wǝthi ki-leere-naŋw. 20 Ŋwɔṯaŋw Yǝcu kwɔmǝ-nyji iŋnaci keereny-gi nɔŋwɔnḏi kinanaŋw ki-lɔɔbi lǝri, nɔŋgworo Rǝ-iis Rɔppa rǝthi kahana rinannathɔ lur nizaam-gi kwǝthi Mǝlikii-saaḏig.