1 Dear Theophilus:
In my first book I wrote about all the things that Jesus did and taught from the time he began his work 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven. Before he was taken up, he gave instructions by the power of the Holy Spirit to the men he had chosen as his apostles. 3 For forty days after his death he appeared to them many times in ways that proved beyond doubt that he was alive. They saw him, and he talked with them about the Kingdom of God. 4 And when they came together, he gave them this order: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised. 5 John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus Is Taken Up to Heaven
6 When the apostles met together with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time give the Kingdom back to Israel?”
7 Jesus said to them, “The times and occasions are set by my Father's own authority, and it is not for you to know when they will be. 8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 9 After saying this, he was taken up to heaven as they watched him, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10 They still had their eyes fixed on the sky as he went away, when two men dressed in white suddenly stood beside them 11 and said, “Galileans, why are you standing there looking up at the sky? This Jesus, who was taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way that you saw him go to heaven.”
Judas' Successor
12 Then the apostles went back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, which is about half a mile away from the city. 13 They entered the city and went up to the room where they were staying: Peter, John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Patriot, and Judas son of James. 14 They gathered frequently to pray as a group, together with the women and with Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers.
15 A few days later there was a meeting of the believers, about a hundred and twenty in all, and Peter stood up to speak. 16 “My friends,” he said, “the scripture had to come true in which the Holy Spirit, speaking through David, made a prediction about Judas, who was the guide for those who arrested Jesus. 17 Judas was a member of our group, for he had been chosen to have a part in our work.”
( 18 With the money that Judas got for his evil act he bought a field, where he fell to his death; he burst open and all his insides spilled out. 19 All the people living in Jerusalem heard about it, and so in their own language they call that field Akeldama, which means “Field of Blood.”)
20 “For it is written in the book of Psalms,
‘May his house become empty;
may no one live in it.’
It is also written,
‘May someone else take his place of service.’
21-22 “So then, someone must join us as a witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. He must be one of the men who were in our group during the whole time that the Lord Jesus traveled about with us, beginning from the time John preached his message of baptism until the day Jesus was taken up from us to heaven.”
23 So they proposed two men: Joseph, who was called Barsabbas (also known as Justus), and Matthias. 24 Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the thoughts of everyone, so show us which of these two you have chosen 25 to serve as an apostle in the place of Judas, who left to go to the place where he belongs.” 26 Then they drew lots to choose between the two men, and the one chosen was Matthias, who was added to the group of eleven apostles.
1 Yaa Sǝyyiḏ Ṯaawfulus, kiṯaab-na kiinyi kiŋna kǝthi kerreny-ŋwɔ, nǝŋǝ lɔcca kwomne tatap ŋgwa kwǝrrǝ Yǝcu nǝ kwaari-ŋgi @allima tok, ki-lɔɔmɔr-la kila laarɔŋw-li ibṯǝḏi ŋothɽor ŋuuŋun, 2 mindaŋ nǝ laamin iila limǝŋw-li dimmǝnni ki-leere. Laakin kinaŋw niti nidimmǝnnǝ-ŋgwɔ kinnǝni ki-leere mac tǝ, nɔŋw icci yaavɔra kiya yicca-ŋwsi-na rejmethi ŋɔma-ŋi ŋǝthi Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter, ethisi mithǝ. 3 Nǝ ki-ŋwaamin-la ŋwa ŋwir ruɽi-riɽǝn ŋwɔmǝŋw-ŋwi diiɽǝ ki-ŋiɽany-na, nɔŋwsi ruwǝnnicǝlɔ nyaamin-na nyittǝzir, mindaŋ etheere oro rɔgwor-na riɽǝ-riɽǝn mac, ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi miithi kwuuŋwun. Nǝreese yǝy-yi naana yeeŋen, mindaŋ nɔŋwsi andaci ŋiɽaŋal ŋǝthi Ŋeeleny ŋǝthi Allah. 4 Mǝr aaɽathi dɔŋw, nɔŋwsi inḏǝthǝ waamira wuuŋwun wǝni-ŋwɔ, “Ǝṯi ruccǝ Urshaliim-ŋwɔna mac, laakin ǝkkici haḏiiyyǝ kizǝn wandica-ŋǝsi-yi, wir haḏiiyyǝ waari-yi Papa kwiinyi wa@ḏa. 5 Yuhanna kwǝṯaari @ammiḏa ŋaaw-ŋi, laakin ki-ŋwaamin-la ŋwɔ ŋwokwo ŋwinḏi ethiila, ǝṯaari ŋaaŋa @ammiḏa Ṯigɽim-thi Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter.”
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ allanni ki-leere-na.
6 Mǝ yaavɔr aaɽathi dɔŋw Yǝcu-ŋǝli, nǝr uṯicǝlɔ nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Kweeleny a kwaɽicǝ Israa-iila Ŋeelenyi ki-lɔɔmɔl-la ṯǝ lir kaka kɔlɔ-a?”
7 Nǝsi Yǝcu ǝccǝŋw, “Ŋaalɔ ŋiti ŋir mac ŋǝthi-ŋi elŋe ŋwaaminɔ-ŋwɔsi ŋwɔɔmɔr-ŋi ŋwɔgittasi Papa kwiinyi sɔlṯa-gi kwuuŋwun, nǝreere oro ŋaalɔ mac ethisi elŋe ŋinḏi ethi naani ṯaccaŋ tuk. 8 Laakin mǝ Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter ɔɽatha daŋgal-na tǝ, kwɔŋǝsi urǝzi ŋɔma-na deddep, mindaŋ ǝŋi ɔnḏi kiyǝnǝ ŋǝni nyii, ki Urshaliim-na nǝ Yahuuḏiiyyǝ-ŋwɔ naana tatap, nǝ Saamira tok, nǝ ǝzir naana wandi-gwɔ ṯurmun-lɔ cuk-cuk.” 9 Mɔŋwsi andaci ŋɔ tǝ, nɔŋw dimmǝnni-lǝ ki-leere, mindaŋ mǝr iccasila tǝ, nǝ lebleth kwuɽubǝthǝ ŋunduŋw kiyǝnǝ yeeŋen.
10 Nǝ kinaŋw mɔŋwsi ɔrlacci ŋwɔdoŋw etheele, nǝr ɔnḏasi yǝy yeeŋen leereya naana kwɔrop, e-ta nǝsi lɔr ndǝn liginna yirethi yifiithɔ per-per irlacalɔ. 11 Mindaŋ nǝrsǝccǝŋw, “Lɔr lǝthi Jǝliil-ŋwɔ, ŋaaŋa laaritha nirliŋa kinaŋw niccasa-ŋa leereya-la? Yǝcu-ṯǝ ŋgwa kwɔmǝr-ŋǝsi dimmǝthǝ ethigeele ki-leere-na, kwaaɽa kaka-ṯaŋw niisaŋa-gwɔ ǝllithi-ŋgwɔ ki-leere-na.”
Kaavɔr kimǝr mɔrthasi ki-lɔɔbi lǝthi Yahuutha.
12 E-ta nǝ yaavɔr diiɽǝ kinaŋw kaayin wǝni Zeṯuun wir ŋaajara nus miil min mǝḏiinǝ, nǝr aaɽitha Urshaliim. 13 Mǝr ɔnḏi ki-mǝḏiinǝ-nǝ nǝreele nǝr dallɔ ki-lithmin-na kǝzir wǝṯir-gwɔ naani, Bɔṯrɔs-ŋǝ Yuhanna-gi, Ya@guub Anḏraaws-gi, Fiilibbus-ŋǝ Ṯɔɔma-gi, Barṯulamaaws-ŋǝ Maṯṯa-gi, Ya@guub kwir tǝr tǝthi Halfa, Sim@aan kwǝṯi ṯogthi ethi kǝdu bǝlǝḏǝ kwuuŋwun, nǝ Yahuuthǝ kwir tɔr tǝthi Ya@guub. 14 Ǝṯir andindathi dɔŋw ethi ǝrri-ri kiyiiriny laaw-li nǝ Mǝryǝm kwir lǝnyin kwǝthi Yǝcu-ŋǝ, nǝ liyeŋgen tok lir lɔr.
15 Mǝ ŋwaamin ŋwokwo ere tǝ, nǝr aaɽathi dɔŋw mindaŋ nǝ Bɔṯrɔs diiɽi kelgeny-na kǝthi ṯalaamiiz, nǝ kila linaanɔ kinaŋw nǝroro tatap ruɽi-nyirlil, 16 nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Liyǝŋgǝri liinyi ŋiɽaŋal ŋɔlɔɔthɔna Kiṯaab-na Kirllinǝlɔ ter ŋimǝ rattathi ŋandisasi Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter Ḏaawḏ-ŋgi kerreny tuk, ŋǝthi Yahuuthǝ ŋgwa kwɔmǝ mɔlca Yǝcu-ŋwɔ lizi mindaŋ nǝr mithǝ. 17 Nɔŋworo kwette kwǝthi lɔdɔgw lǝri ki-ŋothɽor-na.” 18 Nǝ Yahuuthǝ iila ṯɔrɔny gwuruush-gi ŋgwa kwaava-ŋwɔ kwǝthi ŋiɽaŋal ŋuuŋun ŋigii, nɔŋw iidi nda-li, nɔŋw ɔvi kaari wɔlac, mindaŋ nǝ kwomne tatap kiwǝthi kaarinanw balthalɔ balac. 19 Nǝ lizi tatap linannɔ Urshaliim neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋɔ, ŋwɔṯaŋw mindaŋ nǝr ǝnyjici ṯɔrɔny yiriny kandisa-gi keeŋen yǝniŋw, “Hagil Ḏamakh”, ŋǝniŋw ṯɔrɔny ṯǝthi ŋin.
20 “Kaka lɔɔthɔnar-gwɔ Kiṯaab-nǝ kǝthi Mazaamiir ŋaarɔŋw,
‘Ethi dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun ɔpannalɔ, ǝgwɔ kwizi kweere ere nanni-na mac’.
Nǝr lothone kwokwony ŋaarɔŋw,
‘Ethi kwette mɔrthathi ki-ŋothɽor-la ŋuuŋun’.
21 Nǝrṯoroŋw, nǝr saawi ethi kwette kwǝthi kila lǝṯir-li rɔɔmɔthi ŋwaamin tatap ŋwa ŋwɔnaani-ŋi Kweeleny kwǝni Yǝcu dǝŋgǝr-nǝ, ŋwɔṯɔŋw-ŋi irǝrǝlɔ, 22 min ki-laamin-la limǝ-li Yuhanna aari ibṯǝḏi ethaari @ammiḏa, lahaḏḏɔ ki-laamin-la limǝŋw-li dimmini kithaay kimaara dǝŋgǝr-nǝ, nǝ laazim ŋworo shuhuuḏ kwǝthi ṯidiiɽǝ ṯuuŋwun ki-ŋiɽany-na.”
23 Nǝr alla lɔɔrɔ ndǝn Yuusuf kwǝni Baarsaaba kwǝṯir ǝccǝ Yuusṯus nǝ Miṯṯiyaas tok, 24 mindaŋ nǝraari kiyiiriny nǝraarɔŋw, “Kweeleny a kwilŋithi ǝfkǝrǝ wǝthi lizi tatap, ŋwɔṯaŋw ilŋithinǝ-nyji ǝyǝ kwɔrɔ kwette kwɔmǝ allana kwǝthi kɔlɔ lir ndǝn, 25 ethi akkɔ ŋothɽor ŋǝthi paavɔr ki-lɔɔbi lǝthi Yahuuthǝ, ŋa ŋimǝ-ŋwsi ṯayyalɔ mindaŋ nɔŋweele kǝzir wɔvthannica.” 26 Ṯaŋw nǝr kaṯṯɔ gwɔra@ minaaŋ nɔŋw iidi ethi Miṯṯiyaas-la, mindaŋ nǝr ɔɽɔmaṯṯi yaavɔr-yi dɔŋw yir wrii-kwette.