The Question about Food Offered to Idols
1 Now, concerning what you wrote about food offered to idols.
It is true, of course, that “all of us have knowledge,” as they say. Such knowledge, however, puffs a person up with pride; but love builds up. 2 Those who think they know something really don't know as they ought to know. 3 But the person who loves God is known by him.
4 So then, about eating the food offered to idols: we know that an idol stands for something that does not really exist; we know that there is only the one God. 5 Even if there are so-called “gods,” whether in heaven or on earth, and even though there are many of these “gods” and “lords,” 6 yet there is for us only one God, the Father, who is the Creator of all things and for whom we live; and there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created and through whom we live.
7 But not everyone knows this truth. Some people have been so used to idols that to this day when they eat such food they still think of it as food that belongs to an idol; their conscience is weak, and they feel they are defiled by the food. 8 Food, however, will not improve our relation with God; we shall not lose anything if we do not eat, nor shall we gain anything if we do eat.
9 Be careful, however, not to let your freedom of action make those who are weak in the faith fall into sin. 10 Suppose a person whose conscience is weak in this matter sees you, who have so-called “knowledge,” eating in the temple of an idol; will not this encourage him to eat food offered to idols? 11 And so this weak person, your brother for whom Christ died, will perish because of your “knowledge”! 12 And in this way you will be sinning against Christ by sinning against other Christians and wounding their weak conscience. 13 So then, if food makes a believer sin, I will never eat meat again, so as not to make a believer fall into sin.
Ŋiɽaŋal ŋǝthi ethne wǝṯir rillici riiɽuwǝlɔ.
1 Nǝ ŋǝthi ethne wa wǝṯir rillici riiɽuwǝlɔ. A kwilŋithir-pǝ rac ethaarɔŋw, “A kwǝthir-pǝ tatap ṯilŋiṯṯana.”
“Ṯilŋiṯṯana” ṯǝṯi piŋinni kwizi ki-rogɽo, laakin ṯamɽa-tǝ, ǝṯɔŋw dɔŋgwɔ-ŋgwazi kwizi. 2 Mɔŋwaari kweere fǝkirǝ ethaarɔŋw nyii kwilŋithi kwomne kweere tǝ, laakin nɔŋwteere elŋe kinnǝni ŋǝmmǝŋ tok mac, kaka ŋa ŋǝŋgwɔŋwsi elŋena. 3 Laakin mǝ kweere amɽi Allah tǝ, ǝṯi Allah elŋe ŋunduŋw.
4 Nǝ ŋa ŋǝthi yee ethneya wǝṯir rillici riiɽuwǝlɔ; ŋilŋithirsi-pǝ nyiiŋǝ rac ethaarɔŋw, “Kwomne kwiti kweere mac kwɔmiithɔ kwǝni ṯiiɽu”, na “Nǝ Allah ere naani weere kwokwony mac illi wɔtɔpɔt ṯɔɽɔk.” 5 Na mǝ kinnǝni kwomne naani kweere kwǝni “riiɽu” mɔŋw naani ki-leere-na alla kwurǝyu-lu, nǝ a-naani-va kinnǝni “riiɽu” kɔrɔ ruuru nǝ “leeleny” tok, 6 laakin nyiiŋǝ tǝ, nǝrǝthi Allah wɔtɔpɔt, wir Papa kwɔgitta kwomne tatap, nǝr miiṯhi ŋundu-ŋgi na nǝ Kweeleny naani kwɔtɔpɔt kwǝni Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ, nɔŋworo kwɔgittina-gi kwomne tatap, na nǝrǝni limiithɔ ŋundu-ŋgi.
7 Laakin lizi tatap tǝ, nǝrseere elŋe ŋɔ ŋir rerrem mac. Nǝ lizi lokwo liŋthathi ethi kwoŋwɔcce riiɽuwǝlɔ mindaŋ kirem kwɔmoro, na mǝr yee ethneya wɔ tǝ, ǝṯir ruusi kaka wǝthi riiɽu wir rerrem, mindaŋ ǝṯir iccini ki-rɔgwor-na reeŋen rajla lǝni limǝ ruuŋwunǝ. 8 Ethne witi wǝthi ŋɔma mac ethi ruusi nyuŋwsi lisaaw kiyǝnǝ yǝthi Allah. Mǝreere ethne mac tǝ, ǝreere kiirasi kwomne-lɔ kweere tok mac, wala ethǝgini kwomne kweere mǝreere ethne mac. 9 Aŋrica hɔrriyya wɔɔŋa etheere oro ṯɔthɔgdasa ṯǝthi kwizi kweere mac kwajla ki-ṯǝmminǝ. 10 Nǝ mǝŋǝ kwizi kweere ese ŋaaŋwɔ kwǝthi ṯilŋiṯṯana kwithna ki-heikal-na wǝthi riiɽu, e-ta ŋweere oro kwuugwul ethi yee ethneya wǝthi riiɽu mɔŋw ajli ṯɔgwori ki-ṯǝmminǝ-nǝ mac-a? 11 Ŋwɔṯaŋw a kwizi ŋgwa kwir aŋgalɔ kwajla kwǝyicǝ Kwɔrɔstɔ, ŋwɔ kiirathalɔ “ṯilŋiṯṯathina” ṯɔɔŋwa! 12 Ŋwɔṯaŋw mǝ ǝrrici liyaŋgalɔ-ŋwɔsi ŋikiyaŋi, ǝṯǝni kwǝrricǝ Kwɔrɔstɔ-ŋw ŋikiyaŋi tok, kaka nǝṯisi-gwɔ kwukwuɽǝthǝ rɔgwori reeŋen rajla. 13 Nǝrṯoroŋw, mǝ ethne oro ṯɔthɔgdasa ṯǝthi ǝŋgǝri kwiinyi tǝ, nyeere yee yiithi kwokwony kwullu-kwullu, mindaŋ minyeere ṯɔgdasi ǝŋgǝriŋw kweere ḏuṯ.