The Message to Ephesus
1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:
“This is the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and who walks among the seven gold lampstands. 2 I know what you have done; I know how hard you have worked and how patient you have been. I know that you cannot tolerate evil people and that you have tested those who say they are apostles but are not, and have found out that they are liars. 3 You are patient, you have suffered for my sake, and you have not given up. 4 But this is what I have against you: you do not love me now as you did at first. 5 Think how far you have fallen! Turn from your sins and do what you did at first. If you don't turn from your sins, I will come to you and take your lampstand from its place. 6 But this is what you have in your favor: you hate what the Nicolaitans do, as much as I do.
7 “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!
“To those who win the victory I will give the right to eat the fruit of the tree of life that grows in the Garden of God.
The Message to Smyrna
8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:
“This is the message from the one who is the first and the last, who died and lived again. 9 I know your troubles; I know that you are poor—but really you are rich! I know the evil things said against you by those who claim to be Jews but are not; they are a group that belongs to Satan! 10 Don't be afraid of anything you are about to suffer. Listen! The Devil will put you to the test by having some of you thrown into prison, and your troubles will last ten days. Be faithful to me, even if it means death, and I will give you life as your prize of victory.
11 “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!
“Those who win the victory will not be hurt by the second death.
The Message to Pergamum
12 “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
“This is the message from the one who has the sharp two-edged sword. 13 I know where you live, there where Satan has his throne. You are true to me, and you did not abandon your faith in me even during the time when Antipas, my faithful witness, was killed there where Satan lives. 14 But there are a few things I have against you: there are some among you who follow the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak how to lead the people of Israel into sin by persuading them to eat food that had been offered to idols and to practice sexual immorality. 15 In the same way you have people among you who follow the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Now turn from your sins! If you don't, I will come to you soon and fight against those people with the sword that comes out of my mouth.
17 “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!
“To those who win the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each of them a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.
The Message to Thyatira
18 “To the angel of the church in Thyatira write:
“This is the message from the Son of God, whose eyes blaze like fire, whose feet shine like polished brass. 19 I know what you do. I know your love, your faithfulness, your service, and your patience. I know that you are doing more now than you did at first. 20 But this is what I have against you: you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a messenger of God. By her teaching she misleads my servants into practicing sexual immorality and eating food that has been offered to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her sins, but she does not want to turn from her immorality. 22 And so I will throw her on a bed where she and those who committed adultery with her will suffer terribly. I will do this now unless they repent of the wicked things they did with her. 23 I will also kill her followers, and then all the churches will know that I am the one who knows everyone's thoughts and wishes. I will repay each of you according to what you have done.
24 “But the rest of you in Thyatira have not followed this evil teaching; you have not learned what the others call ‘the deep secrets of Satan.’ I say to you that I will not put any other burden on you. 25 But until I come, you must hold firmly to what you have. 26-28 To those who win the victory, who continue to the end to do what I want, I will give the same authority that I received from my Father: I will give them authority over the nations, to rule them with an iron rod and to break them to pieces like clay pots. I will also give them the morning star.
29 “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!
Jawaab gi kaniisa gina go gi Afasus
1 Ulijo malaak gwa kaniisa ga Afasus. Dhuŋun ibidha dhiro dhina dhabiŋu ŋeda gwina gwimuthi ŋwuduma ŋwina ŋwiro kworoŋo‐thiril gi dhoi dhuŋun dhina dhiro dhiŋir, gwina gwathela keligeny ganu gi shamaⓐdaanaat gwina gwiro kworoŋo‐thiril gwina gwiro dahab. 2 Nyi gwiliŋidhi ŋiro ŋuŋa, a ŋiro ŋina ŋathaŋal apai ŋina ŋibur, a mutha dhugore gwuŋa, a darnu ŋa gwati gwuthi ŋoma daŋa mutha dhugore gi liji lina like no; abi ŋa gwimidheje ŋediŋaije lina larnu ŋediŋa liro liji lina lukejinu, abi lati liro liji lina lukejinu no, a limaŋal buje darnu liro lidhuŋun; 3 a ŋa gwimuthi dhugore, a ŋuthi muthuŋw dhugore, a ŋa buje ŋiro ŋina ŋibur gi dhuŋun dhan jiriny jiny, athaŋa mulo nono no. 4 Abi nyi gwimabuje dhuŋuna duguŋa dhina dhati dhiŋir no, ŋinena maŋa gathani uminyuŋw gwuŋa gwina gwiro kwerkwereny. 5 Abi aŋidhanu kaloŋa gina gidaŋana, a ŋa urle dhugore galo dhuŋa gi ŋidi ŋina ŋike ŋina ŋapaŋalo kwerkwereny; abi ada ŋati ŋimaŋal apai no, a nyi gwila duguŋa babraŋ a nyi gwubire shamaⓐdaan gwuŋa gi kalo guŋun, ada ŋa gwati gwimurle dhugore galo dhuŋa gi ŋidi ŋina ŋike no. 6 Abi ŋa gwuthi dhuŋuna ibidha, darnu ŋa gwidoinyo ŋiro ŋa Niiguulaawiyiin, ŋinena ŋidoinyinyilo ko. 7 Gwina gwuthi kuni, abrico ŋwudiŋini dhuŋuna dhina dhathi Dhigirim abiŋaijo kanaayis. Gwina gwadhinyi a gwinyidhedha duŋweny gi kwari gwadhi midhe, gwina gwo keligeny ganu gi Firduus gwa Kalo.
Jawaab gi kaniisa gina go gi Samiirna
8 A ulijo malaak gwa kaniisa ga Samiirna. Dhuŋun ibidha dhiro dhina dhabiŋu ŋeda gwina gwiro kwerkwereny a gwina gwiro gidon, gwina gwaio, abi gwimamidhe. 9 Nyi gwiliŋidhi ŋiro ŋuŋa, a dhuŋun dhuŋa dhina dhibur, a erna ŋida gwuŋa, (abi ŋa gwuthi ŋida ŋoinyadho) a lo gwa ŋediŋa lina larnu liro Yahuud, athilbi rui Yahuud no, abi ŋediŋa liro la majmaⓐ gwa Sheṯaan. 10 Athaŋa dhenyo ŋida ŋina ŋaji ŋaŋaŋai umi ŋiya no. Aŋadhi, Ibliis gwo githo digatho lijo coŋ dagalo ganu gi sijn, danya buje idhejinuŋw; a nyuthi dhuŋuna dhina dhibur ŋwamun die. Apul ŋiro momaŋ di gi ai, a nyi gwaŋa dhedha taaj dhadhi midhe. 11 Gwina gwuthi kuni, abrico ŋwudiŋini dhuŋuna dhina dhathi Dhigirim abiŋaijo kanaayis. Gwina gwadhinyi gwati gwa ai gwina gwiro nimra ram umeye ŋiya no.
Jawaab gi kaniisa gina go gi Barqaamus
12 A ulijo malaak gwa kaniisa gina go gi Barqaamus. Dhuŋun ibidha dhiro dhina dhabiŋu ŋeda gwina gwuthi kalala gina guthi ŋin gi ŋwimera ram. 13 Nyi gwiliŋidhi ŋiro ŋuŋa, a kalo gina gathaŋan je, kalo gina gathin kursi ga Sheṯaan je; a ŋa gwimuthedhi jiriny jiny, a ŋa gwati gwirinu imaan gwiny no, di gi ŋwamun ŋwina ŋwijiŋwai Antiibaas gwina gwiro shaahid gwiny gwina gwiŋir, gwina gwirinyinu dagalo ganu, kalo gina gathin Sheṯaan je. 14 Abi nyi gwimabuje dhuŋuna dhitiny duguŋa dhina dhati dhiŋir no, ŋinena uthaŋa mine lijo coŋ lina limuthedha taⓐliim dha Balⓐaam, gwina gwalimiyo Baalaaguŋw duŋwgeta dekajuŋw gi je ganu ja keleŋa ga Israayiil, dileny ŋida ŋina ŋathilidhuge gi ŋwoboŋ, a dildhre la lai liter. 15 A minoŋ ŋa ko gwuthi lijo lina limuthedhi taⓐliim dha Niiguulaawiyiin, dhina dhidoinyiny. 16 Urlo dhugore galo dhuŋa gi ŋidi ŋina ŋike; ada ŋa gwati gwimurle dhugore galo dhuŋa gi ŋidi ŋina ŋike no, a nyi gwila babraŋ, a linyil rinya kalala gai ga ŋwinyu ŋwiny. 17 Gwina gwuthi kuni, abrico ŋwudiŋini dhuŋuna dhina dhathi Dhigirim abiŋaijo kanaayis. Gwina gwadhinyi a gwinyidhedha duŋweny gi manna gwina gwigilibicinu, a gwinyidhedha kolya gina gipidho, a gi kol alaŋ guŋun jiriny jina jiyaŋ jina julinu, jina jati jal kwiji gweda liŋa no abi gwina gwapo dogo.
Jawaab gi kaniisa gina go gi Thayaatiira
18 A ulijo malaak gwa kaniisa gina go gi Thayaatiira. Dhuŋun ibidha dhiro dhina dhabiŋu Ŋari ŋa Kalo, ŋina ŋuthi je jina jiro ŋinena dhiŋila dha iga, a ŋwora ŋwuŋun ŋwiro ŋinena naẖaas gwina gwijuro. 19 Nyi gwiliŋidhi ŋiro ŋuŋa, a uminyi gwuŋa, a ŋiro ŋuŋa ŋina ŋathaŋal apai, a imaan gwuŋa, a mutha dhugore gwuŋa, a ŋiro ŋuŋa; a nyiliŋa darnu ŋiro ŋuŋa ŋina ŋiro gidon ŋoinyadhanu gi ŋiro ŋuŋa ŋina ŋiro kwerkwereny. 20 Abi nyi gwimabuje dhuŋuna dhitiny duguŋa dhina dhati dhiŋir no, ŋinena abricaŋa kwaio gwina gwan Yazabiil, gwina gwatharnu gwiro nebi, di athuŋw alimiye a ŋwukineje jinea ganu jiny dildhre la lai liter a aleny ŋida ŋina ŋidhugilo gi ŋwoboŋ. 21 A gwidhedhiny lamun duŋwurle dhugore galo gi ŋidhir ŋuŋun; athuŋwbi urlo dhugore galo dhuŋun no. 22 Aŋadhi, gwinyi gatho gi lagram alaŋ, a lina lathidhireye ŋeduŋw gi dhuŋun dhina dhibur gwuleny, ada lati limurle dugore galo degen gi ŋiro ŋegen ŋina ŋike no. 23 A nyi gwarinya keleŋa guŋun ai gwai; a kanaayis peth gaji galiŋa darnu nyi gwiro gwina gwathibupini galo a nyiliŋa dhuŋuna peth dhina dhigilibicinu a nyiliŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhathije gi dugor ganu, a nyi gwadhedha gweta gweta dagalo ganu gwiro ŋinena ŋiro ŋina ŋuthuŋwulo. 24 Abi nyi gwaŋa abiŋaijo, a liji liter lina lo gi Thayaatiira, peth lina lati limuthi taⓐliim ibidha no, a lina lati liliŋidhi oluŋw ganu gwa Sheṯaan no, gwiro ŋinena athinare no; nyi gwati gwageta ŋida ŋiter ŋina ŋinaŋ dagalo alaŋ no. 25 Abi ŋina ŋuthanyalo muthilo momaŋ di minyila. 26 A gwina gwadhinyi, a gwina gwadima ŋiro ŋiny di gi lamun lina liro gidon, a gwinyidhedha ŋelenya gi liumam alaŋ, 27 a luŋwulie lura lai lina liro ẖadiid; gwiro ŋinena athin nyidhe nyina nyigitinu ŋaijo ŋai kini gwitigwitiny; gwiro ŋinena apinyina ko di Babo gwiny. 28 A gwinyidhedha luduma la bigunu. 29 Gwina gwuthi kuni, abrico ŋwudiŋini dhuŋuna dhina dhathi Dhigirim abiŋaijo kanaayis.