The Ancestors of Jesus Christ
(Luke 3.23-38)
1 This is the list of the ancestors of Jesus Christ, a descendant of David, who was a descendant of Abraham.
2-6a From Abraham to King David, the following ancestors are listed: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers; then Perez and Zerah (their mother was Tamar), Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Obed (his mother was Ruth), Jesse, and King David.
6b-11 From David to the time when the people of Israel were taken into exile in Babylon, the following ancestors are listed: David, Solomon (his mother was the woman who had been Uriah's wife), Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, and Jehoiachin and his brothers.
12-16 From the time after the exile in Babylon to the birth of Jesus, the following ancestors are listed: Jehoiachin, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, and Joseph, who married Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was called the Messiah.
17 So then, there were fourteen generations from Abraham to David, and fourteen from David to the exile in Babylon, and fourteen from then to the birth of the Messiah.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
(Luke 2.1-7)
18 This was how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. His mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, but before they were married, she found out that she was going to have a baby by the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph was a man who always did what was right, but he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly; so he made plans to break the engagement privately. 20 While he was thinking about this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary to be your wife. For it is by the Holy Spirit that she has conceived. 21 She will have a son, and you will name him Jesus—because he will save his people from their sins.”
22 Now all this happened in order to make come true what the Lord had said through the prophet, 23 “A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called Immanuel” (which means, “God is with us”).
24 So when Joseph woke up, he married Mary, as the angel of the Lord had told him to. 25 But he had no sexual relations with her before she gave birth to her son. And Joseph named him Jesus.
Ligwurna la Yasuuⓐ
1 Kitham ga ligwurna la Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, gwina gwiro ŋari ŋa Daawud, gwina gwiro ŋari ŋa Ibraahiim. 2 A Ibraahiim liŋa Isẖaaguŋw; a Isẖaag liŋa Yaⓐguubuŋw; a Yaⓐguub liŋa Yahuudhuŋw a limegen; 3 a Yahuudha liŋa Faaris̱uŋw a Zaarah di Thaamaar; a Faaris̱ liŋa H̱as̱ruunuŋw; a H̱as̱ruun liŋa Araamuŋw; 4 a Araam liŋa Ⓐammiinaadaabuŋw; a ⓐammiinaadaab liŋa Naẖshuunuŋw; a Naẖshuun liŋa S̱almuunuŋw; 5 a S̱almuun liŋa Buuⓐazuŋw di Raaẖaab; a Buuⓐaz liŋa ⓐuubiiduŋw di Raaⓐuuth; a ⓐuubiid liŋa Yassuŋw; 6 a Yassa liŋa Daawuduŋw gwina gwimaji ŋwuro malik. A Daawud gwina gwiro malik liŋa Sulemaanuŋw di ŋeda gwina gwiro kwa gwa Uriiya; 7 a Sulemaan liŋa Raẖabⓐaamuŋw; a Raẖabⓐaam liŋa Abiiyuŋw; a Abiiya liŋa Asuŋw; 8 a Asa liŋa Yahuushaafaatuŋw; a Yahuushaafaat liŋa Yuuraamuŋw; a Yuuraam liŋa ⓐuzziiyuŋw; 9 a ⓐuzziiya liŋa Yuuthaamuŋw; a Yuuthaam liŋa Aẖaazuŋw; a Aẖaaz liŋa H̱izgiiyuŋw; 10 a H̱izgiiya liŋa Manassuŋw; a Manassa liŋa Amuunuŋw; a Amuun liŋa Yuushiiyuŋw; 11 a Yuushiiya liŋa Yakuniyuŋw a limegen, gi lamun lina limaludhini gi Baabil. 12 A dina malodha Baabil, a Yakuniya liŋa Shaaltiyiiluŋw; a Shaaltiyiil liŋa Zarubbaabiluŋw; 13 a Zarubbaabil liŋa Abiihuuduŋw; a Abiihuud liŋa Aliyaagiimuŋw; a Aliyaagiim liŋa ⓐaazuuruŋw; 14 a ⓐaazuur liŋa S̱aaduuguŋw; a S̱aaduug liŋa Akhiimuŋw; a Akhiim liŋa Aliyuuduŋw; 15 a Aliyuud liŋa Aliiⓐaazaruŋw; a Aliiⓐaazar liŋa Mattaanuŋw; a Mattaan liŋa Yaⓐguubuŋw; 16 a Yaⓐguub liŋa Yuusufuŋw gwina gwiro kwoma gwa Maryam, gwina gwiliŋidhi Yasuuⓐuŋw, gwina gwan al Masiiẖ. 17 Ligwurna kwiriny galo peth di Ibraahiim a ro di Daawud liro die‐a‐kworoŋo; a ro di Daawud di alodha Baabil alro minoŋ die‐a‐kworoŋo; a dina malodha gi Baabil di ma al Masiiẖ liŋina alro die‐a‐kworoŋo.
Liŋini gwa Yasuuⓐ
18 A Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ liŋini minoŋ. A Yuusuf abiŋi dhaga Maryam gwai gwina gwiro nana gwa Yasuuⓐ kwereny nanaŋ lati laiciyo no, ŋwubujini gwuthi ŋare kari ganu ŋadhi Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir. 19 A Yuusuf gwina gwiro kwoma gwuŋun, gwiro kwiji gwiŋir, athuŋw bupo dari gwuŋw teje galo gi je ganu ja liji no, ŋwari gwuŋw dhiŋa nyim. 20 Abi dina muŋw ireye je galo gi dhuŋun ibidhe, a malaak gwa Kweleny uŋina dugun gi dhiŋidi, ŋwaicinu, Yuusuf, gwina gwiro ŋari ŋa Daawud, athaŋa dhinyii daŋodha Maryamuŋw gwaŋa ruje kwa gwuŋa no; dhuŋun ibidhe dhina dhimaje kaŋinu dugun dhigeto Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir. 21 A ŋeda gwaji gwaliŋa ŋare, a ŋaji ŋaŋa dhedha jiriny jan Yasuuⓐ; ŋinena adhuŋwaji ŋwugilaŋiye lijo luŋun ŋidi ganu ŋegen ŋina ŋike. 22 A dhuŋun ibidha peth uthi je ganu dhina dhabiŋu Kweleny nebi gwai, 23 ŋwarnu, Aŋadhi kwaio, gwina gwoma gwati gwuthi kwoma no, gwaji gwuthi ŋare, a ŋaji ŋuŋw liŋa a ŋaji ŋaldhedha jiriny jan ⓐimmaanuwiil, gwina gwuthi maⓐna gwiro minoŋ Kalo gathanalije. 24 A Yuusuf dire ŋwar, ŋware ŋinena abiŋaijina malaak gwa Kweleny, ŋwodha, ŋwuruje kwa gwuŋun. 25 Athil gwi aiciyo no di dina maji muŋw liŋedha ŋare; ŋwudhedha jiriny jan Yasuuⓐ.