A Warning against Hypocrisy
(Matthew 10.26Matthew 27)
1 As thousands of people crowded together, so that they were stepping on each other, Jesus said first to his disciples, “Be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees—I mean their hypocrisy. 2 Whatever is covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known. 3 So then, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in broad daylight, and whatever you have whispered in private in a closed room will be shouted from the housetops.
Whom to Fear
(Matthew 10.28-31)
4 “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot afterward do anything worse. 5 I will show you whom to fear: fear God, who, after killing, has the authority to throw into hell. Believe me, he is the one you must fear!
6 “Aren't five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. 7 Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!
Confessing and Rejecting Christ
(Matthew 10.32Matthew 33Matthew 12.32Matthew 10.19Matthew 20)
8 “I assure you that those who declare publicly that they belong to me, the Son of Man will do the same for them before the angels of God. 9 But those who reject me publicly, the Son of Man will also reject them before the angels of God.
10 “Whoever says a word against the Son of Man can be forgiven; but whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
11 “When they bring you to be tried in the synagogues or before governors or rulers, do not be worried about how you will defend yourself or what you will say. 12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”
The Parable of the Rich Fool
13 A man in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide with me the property our father left us.”
14 Jesus answered him, “Friend, who gave me the right to judge or to divide the property between you two?” 15 And he went on to say to them all, “Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because your true life is not made up of the things you own, no matter how rich you may be.”
16 Then Jesus told them this parable: “There was once a rich man who had land which bore good crops. 17 He began to think to himself, ‘I don't have a place to keep all my crops. What can I do? 18 This is what I will do,’ he told himself; ‘I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I will store the grain and all my other goods. 19 Then I will say to myself, Lucky man! You have all the good things you need for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself!’ 20 But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself?’”
21 And Jesus concluded, “This is how it is with those who pile up riches for themselves but are not rich in God's sight.”
Trust in God
(Matthew 6.25-34)
22 Then Jesus said to the disciples, “And so I tell you not to worry about the food you need to stay alive or about the clothes you need for your body. 23 Life is much more important than food, and the body much more important than clothes. 24 Look at the crows: they don't plant seeds or gather a harvest; they don't have storage rooms or barns; God feeds them! You are worth so much more than birds! 25 Can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it? 26 If you can't manage even such a small thing, why worry about the other things? 27 Look how the wild flowers grow: they don't work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers. 28 It is God who clothes the wild grass—grass that is here today and gone tomorrow, burned up in the oven. Won't he be all the more sure to clothe you? What little faith you have!
29 “So don't be all upset, always concerned about what you will eat and drink. 30 (For the pagans of this world are always concerned about all these things.) Your Father knows that you need these things. 31 Instead, be concerned with his Kingdom, and he will provide you with these things.
Riches in Heaven
(Matthew 6.19-21)
32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom. 33 Sell all your belongings and give the money to the poor. Provide for yourselves purses that don't wear out, and save your riches in heaven, where they will never decrease, because no thief can get to them, and no moth can destroy them. 34 For your heart will always be where your riches are.
Watchful Servants
35 “Be ready for whatever comes, dressed for action and with your lamps lit, 36 like servants who are waiting for their master to come back from a wedding feast. When he comes and knocks, they will open the door for him at once. 37 How happy are those servants whose master finds them awake and ready when he returns! I tell you, he will take off his coat, have them sit down, and will wait on them. 38 How happy they are if he finds them ready, even if he should come at midnight or even later! 39 And you can be sure that if the owner of a house knew the time when the thief would come, he would not let the thief break into his house. 40 And you, too, must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him.”
The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant
(Matthew 24.45-51)
41 Peter said, “Lord, does this parable apply to us, or do you mean it for everyone?”
42 The Lord answered, “Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant? He is the one that his master will put in charge, to run the household and give the other servants their share of the food at the proper time. 43 How happy that servant is if his master finds him doing this when he comes home! 44 Indeed, I tell you, the master will put that servant in charge of all his property. 45 But if that servant says to himself that his master is taking a long time to come back and if he begins to beat the other servants, both the men and the women, and eats and drinks and gets drunk, 46 then the master will come back one day when the servant does not expect him and at a time he does not know. The master will cut him in pieces and make him share the fate of the disobedient.
47 “The servant who knows what his master wants him to do, but does not get himself ready and do it, will be punished with a heavy whipping. 48 But the servant who does not know what his master wants, and yet does something for which he deserves a whipping, will be punished with a light whipping. Much is required from the person to whom much is given; much more is required from the person to whom much more is given.
Jesus the Cause of Division
(Matthew 10.34-36)
49 “I came to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism to receive, and how distressed I am until it is over! 51 Do you suppose that I came to bring peace to the world? No, not peace, but division. 52 From now on a family of five will be divided, three against two and two against three. 53 Fathers will be against their sons, and sons against their fathers; mothers will be against their daughters, and daughters against their mothers; mothers-in-law will be against their daughters-in-law, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law.”
Understanding the Time
(Matthew 16.2Matthew 3)
54 Jesus said also to the people, “When you see a cloud coming up in the west, at once you say that it is going to rain—and it does. 55 And when you feel the south wind blowing, you say that it is going to get hot—and it does. 56 Hypocrites! You can look at the earth and the sky and predict the weather; why, then, don't you know the meaning of this present time?
Settle with Your Opponent
(Matthew 5.25Matthew 26)
57 “Why do you not judge for yourselves the right thing to do? 58 If someone brings a lawsuit against you and takes you to court, do your best to settle the dispute before you get to court. If you don't, you will be dragged before the judge, who will hand you over to the police, and you will be put in jail. 59 There you will stay, I tell you, until you pay the last penny of your fine.”
Yasuuⓐ gwaŋidhaniyo calmiz juŋun gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro ganu ram
1 Dina abiŋilo minoŋ, a liji auradha liduŋw loinyadho gwuleny, aldotaijiye galo, a Yasuuⓐ abiŋaijo calmiz juŋun kwereny, ŋwulaici, Athanya ethadhe galo ŋijini ŋa Farriisiyiin, ŋina ŋiro dhuŋun dhina dhiro ganu ram. 2 Ŋidi ŋate ŋina ŋigirbudhinu galo ŋina ŋaji ŋutudha galo no; a ŋidi ŋate ŋina ŋigilibicinu ŋina ŋaji ŋal liji liŋa no. 3 Minoŋ dhuŋun peth dhina dhabiŋanya kalo gina girima ganu dhaji dha liji diŋini kalo gina gure ganu; a dhuŋun dhina dhabiŋanya girimu dhaji dhabai galo gi dhoda alaŋ.
Yasuuⓐ gwuludhi calmiz juŋun dilapai ŋiro momaŋ
4 Limadhiguri lai, nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Athanya dhenyo lijo lina lathirinya aŋina no; ma dhuŋun ibidhe erna, lati luthi ŋoma alapai dhuŋuna dhiter manaŋ no. 5 Abi nyi gwajaŋajo kwijo gwa dhidhenya. Athanya dhenya ŋeduŋw gwina gwuthi ŋoma gwajuleje Jahannam majirinya. Ye, nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Dhenyul ŋeduŋw. 6 Liji lati lathelaŋ ŋwijiruiny thudhina tariifa na? Lati lathin Kalo dhudhani ganu letipo no. 7 Abi uru ya ŋwura ŋwalo imadhuredhini. A minoŋ athanya dhenyo no. Nyaŋa luthi luro libuthanu ŋwijiruiny ŋwoinyadho. 8 Nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje ko, ŋajaici, Liji peth lina liminyitejo galo, alarnu liro liji liny, a Ŋari ŋa liji ŋaji luŋwultejo galo gi je ganu ja malaayka la Kalo, a ŋarnu liro liji luŋun. 9 Abi gwina gwiminyidoinya gi je ganu ja liji gwaji gwaldoinya gi je ganu ja malaayka la Kalo. 10 Liji lina lathabiŋi, aldhagirini Ŋare ŋa liji, laji lanidhudhani ganu; abi gwina gwathilo Dhigirima dhina Dhiŋir gwati gwanidhudhani ganu gatur no. 11 Maji majilodhadha gi majaamiⓐ i gi juriya i gi liji lina luthi ŋelenya, athathanya ire je galo gi dugor ganu dhuŋuna dhina dhaji dhanyalabiŋaijo no. 12 Abi Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir dhaji dhajaŋajo dhuŋuna dha dhabiŋi gi saaⓐa ibije.
Dhuŋun dhadhijidhai ŋidi amra, a odaije gwa kwiji gwina gwiro girila gwina gwuthi ŋida ŋoinyadho
13 A kwiji gweta je gi liji ganu ŋwabiŋaijo Yasuuⓐuŋw, ŋwaici, Muⓐallim gwai, abiŋaijo maguri ŋwugugina ŋida ŋa babo gwuri, nyildhedha ko. 14 Ŋwabiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Kwiji gwai, ei gwirujiny gadhi i kwiji gwa dhajiguginijo ŋida ŋalo? 15 Ŋwulabiŋaijo, ŋwulaici, Athanya ethadhe dhuŋuna galo nyabirini gi dhuŋun dha dhajidhai ŋidi amra; ŋinena midhe gwa kwiji gwati gwiro ŋidi ŋuŋun ŋoinyadho ŋina ŋuthuŋwulo no. 16 Ŋwulabiŋaijo odaije gwai, ŋwulaici, Ŋidi ŋa dhiruiny dha kwiji gweta gwina gwuthi ŋida ŋoinyadho ŋiriro gwuleny. 17 Ŋwire je galo, ŋwarnu, Nyi gwapaŋa? Nyi gwati gwuthi kaloŋa ga dhauwa ŋida ŋiny no. 18 Ŋwarnu, Nyi gware minoŋ; nyi gwupa nyiluŋu galo nyiny, nyilaice nyina nyibubithanu; nyin geta ŋida peth ŋa dhiruiny dhiny a ŋidi ŋiter ŋiny. 19 Nyi gwaji gwabiŋaijo dhigirima dhiny, nyaici, Dhigirim dhai, ŋa gwimauwa ŋida ŋa jidhila joinyadho. Athaŋa jalo tur, ŋeny, ŋeye, ŋiŋir dhugore. 20 Abi Kalo abiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Girila gai, ŋinena gile nyi gwibupo dhigirima dhuŋa; abi ŋidi ŋaji ŋaro ŋa dhei ŋina ŋauwadhaŋalo? 21 Kwiji gwiro minoŋ gwina gwathauwadhini ŋida, abi gwati gwathauwa ŋida ŋa Kalo no.
Aŋidhaniye gi dhuŋun dhina dhadhildhai irijo ŋida ŋeda je galo
22 Ŋwabiŋaijo calmiz juŋun, ŋwulaici, Gi dhuŋun ibidha nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Athaji dugor mirejo ŋida ŋa dheny no; a ŋidi ŋa dhil aŋinu yalo gena no. 23 Ŋinena midhe gwibuthanu ŋidi ŋa dheny, a aŋinu ibuthanu gi ciraŋ ja dhigena. 24 Aŋadhul ŋwugiru; ŋwati ŋwathikwoi no, a ŋwati ŋwathuni no; a ŋwati ŋwuthi nyiluŋu no; athilbi Kalo dhedha ŋida ŋa dheny, abi nyaŋa liŋiranu gwuleny gi nyira. 25 Ei gwo dagalo gwina gwuthi ŋoma gwolanalaŋ gwitiny gwiren dhuŋun dhai dhina dhuthuŋw? 26 Ada nyaŋa lati limuthi ŋoma dapai dhuŋuna ibidha dhina dhitinyunu no, kworaŋ ŋajibi dugor mirejo dhuŋuna dhiter? 27 Aŋadhul ŋwaur dibiŋa. Ŋwati ŋwathapai ŋiro no, a ŋwati ŋwathireye no; abi nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Sulemaan gi majdh gwuŋun peth gwati gwigeno ciraŋa jiro ŋinena laur leta ibila no. 28 Ada Kalo gimathigeta karo momaŋ minoŋ gina gathije kedho lamun letipo, athibi liji geta kiga bigunu; gati gwoinyadhanu dajidhedha ciraŋa na? nyaŋa lina lati luthi imaan gwoinyadho no. 29 Athathanya bupo ŋida ŋa dheny, i ŋidi ŋa dhiye, i ŋajil dugor mirejo no. 30 Ŋinena liumam la gidhila lathibupe ŋida ibiŋa peth; a Babo gwalo gwiliŋidhi darnu ŋibupanyalo. 31 Abi gwiŋiranu danya bupe gidhileo ga Kalo; a ŋidi ibiŋe peth ŋajil badhaijo. 32 Athanya dhenyo no, liji lai liny, ŋinena Babo gwalo gwiŋir dhugore dajidhedha gidhileo. 33 Ilul peth ŋina ŋuthanyalo, nyadhedha lijo gwarush lina lati luthi ŋida no. Getul nyilgu nyalo nyina nyati nyaro nyurun no; auwadhul ŋida gi Sama ŋina ŋati ŋaji ŋerna no, kalo gina gati gan gwuram doga no, a gina gati gan japipir eny no. 34 Kalo gina gathin ŋidi ŋalo ŋina ŋauwadhanyalo, a dugor dalo dathinje mine ko.
Bupe gwan datiŋa galo momaŋ
35 Abricul jurna jalo alje gi liriny, nyabrico ŋwamba ŋwalo dilora galo. 36 A nyaŋa laro ŋinena liji lina lathidhunijo kwelenya gwegen muŋw aura kimure ga dhago; di maji muŋwila ŋwupi gibura, anigiejo ganu. 37 Jadham jaji jiŋir dugore jina jaji jal kweleny buje dethadhe galo maji muŋwaura. Titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Gwaji gwagena kiraŋa ga gadham, a juŋwul abiŋaijo jaijo tharabeza galo, a juŋwulupijo ŋida ŋa dheny. 38 Ada gwimila gile thirir, i bigunu, ŋwulbuje dinare minoŋ, jiŋir dugore. 39 Liŋidhul dhuŋuna ibidha darnu ada kwiji gwina gwuthi duna gwiliŋidhi saaⓐa jina jaj gwuram ila, gwaiethadhe galo, gwati gwaiabrico gwurama gwaiuni kiru dugun no. 40 Athanya ethadhe galo momaŋ ko; Ŋari ŋa liji ŋaji ŋeladha gi saaⓐa jina jati jiliŋidhanyalo no. 41 A Buṯrus abiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Kweleny gwai, au gwodaijije, i au gwodaijo lijo peth ko?
Odaije gwa wakiil gwina gwapo ŋiro ŋuŋun momaŋ
42 A Kweleny arnu, Wakiil gwiro gwirau gwina gwiŋir a gwina gwibebra, gwina gwaji gwa kweleny gwuŋun ruje kweleny gwa dunu gwuŋun, athuŋwgugini ŋida ŋa dheny ŋwamun ŋwegen? 43 Gadham gaji giŋir dhugore gina gaji ga kweleny buje dinare minoŋ. 44 Nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, titiganu, ŋajaici, Gaji guŋwruje kweleny gwa ŋidi peth ŋina ŋuthuŋwulo. 45 Abi ada gadham ibige gimabiŋini gi dhugor ganu dhuŋun, ŋwarnu, Kweleny gwiny gwati gwila ŋinena no; athuŋwpi jadham jina jiro loma a jina jiro nyera, athuŋweny, athuŋwiye, ŋwurlele. 46 A kweleny gwuŋun gwaji gwaura gi lamun lina lati lethadhuŋwulai no, a gi saaⓐa jina jati jiliŋidhuŋwulo no; gaji guŋwpi gwuleny, a ŋwudhedha lijo ŋida ŋina ŋadhuŋwuldhedha lina lati luminyu no. 47 A gadham gina giliŋidhi dhuŋuna dhina dhibupo kweleny gwuŋun, athuŋw jarimanu no, athuŋw bapo ŋiro gwiro ŋinena arna kweleny no, gaji gapini ŋwamun ganu ŋwoinyadho. 48 Abi gina gati giliŋidhi no, ŋwubapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike dha dhipini, gaji gapini ŋwamun coŋ. Gwina gwathi liji dhedha ŋida ŋoinyadho laji labupe ŋida dugun ŋoinyadho ko; a gwina gwuthi ŋida ŋoinyadho ŋa liji liter, a laji labupe ŋida ŋoinyadhanu dugun.
Aŋini gwa lamun ibile
49 Nyi gwiledhi dukeja iga kwiyaŋ; abi nyi gwapaŋa ada imora galo di? 50 Abi nyi gwuthi maⓐmuudiiya dinyi ⓐamidhini; a akwai dinyapai dimeaje? 51 Nyaŋa larnu nyi gwiledhi diny ukeja audhaijiyuŋw galo kidhila? Nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Oo, abi gugina ganu. 52 Gi lamun ibile liji laje thudhina gi dunu gwetipo, algugini ganu, thiril orlaijiye ganu ram, a ram orlaijiye ganu thiril. 53 Babo gworlani ganu ŋari ŋai, a ŋari ŋworlani ganu babo gwai; a nana gworlani ganu ŋera ŋai, a ŋera ŋworlani ganu nana gwai gwuŋun; a gwuna gwina gwiro kwa gworlani ganu gwunen gwai gwina gwiro ŋera, a gwunen gwina gwiro ŋera ŋworlani ganu gwuna gwai gwina gwiro kwa. 54 Ŋwabiŋaijo lijo ko, ŋwulaici, Mathanya aŋa gibura didra kalo gina gathin aŋin alidha, nyaŋa latharnu, Kau gaji gani; athuŋwni titiganu. 55 A mathanya aŋa karuna dila januub gwai, nyaŋa latharnu kalo gaji gabuye; athi dhuŋun ibidhe uthi je ganu. 56 Liji lai lina luthi dhuŋuna ganu ram, nyaŋa liliŋidhi dhuŋuna dha jiburu a dha gidhila; athanyabi liŋidhi dhuŋuna dha ŋwamun ibiŋwa no akwai? 57 Kworaŋ athanyabi akimiyo gi lidom lalo aŋ gwiro gwina gwiŋir? 58 Mathaŋa ela kwiji gwai gwina gwikiaŋa gwai dina idhaŋa di mamuur, athaŋa idheje gi dhai daŋa iŋiriye; dathuŋwdhedhi di gadhi, a gadhi gaŋadhedha shawiishuŋw, a shawiish geta karkon no. 59 Nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaŋa, ŋaici, Ŋa gwati gwanagathani di ma ŋateye gamja peth no.