How to Please God
1 Keep on loving one another as Christians. 2 Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it. 3 Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them. Remember those who are suffering, as though you were suffering as they are.
4 Marriage is to be honored by all, and husbands and wives must be faithful to each other. God will judge those who are immoral and those who commit adultery.
5 Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” 6 Let us be bold, then, and say,
“The Lord is my helper,
I will not be afraid.
What can anyone do to me?”
7 Remember your former leaders, who spoke God's message to you. Think back on how they lived and died, and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 9 Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you from the right way. It is good to receive inner strength from God's grace, and not by obeying rules about foods; those who obey these rules have not been helped by them.
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
10 The priests who serve in the Jewish place of worship have no right to eat any of the sacrifice on our altar. 11 The Jewish high priest brings the blood of the animals into the Most Holy Place to offer it as a sacrifice for sins; but the bodies of the animals are burned outside the camp. 12 For this reason Jesus also died outside the city, in order to purify the people from sin with his own blood. 13 Let us, then, go to him outside the camp and share his shame. 14 For there is no permanent city for us here on earth; we are looking for the city which is to come. 15 Let us, then, always offer praise to God as our sacrifice through Jesus, which is the offering presented by lips that confess him as Lord. 16 Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God.
17 Obey your leaders and follow their orders. They watch over your souls without resting, since they must give to God an account of their service. If you obey them, they will do their work gladly; if not, they will do it with sadness, and that would be of no help to you.
18 Keep on praying for us. We are sure we have a clear conscience, because we want to do the right thing at all times. 19 And I beg you even more earnestly to pray that God will send me back to you soon.
Closing Prayer
20-21 God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of his blood, by which the eternal covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
Final Words
22 I beg you, my friends, to listen patiently to this message of encouragement; for this letter I have written you is not very long. 23 I want you to know that our brother Timothy has been let out of prison. If he comes soon enough, I will have him with me when I see you.
24 Give our greetings to all your leaders and to all God's people. The believers from Italy send you their greetings.
25 May God's grace be with you all.
Gathaje uwa gwina gwuthi ŋoma dupini
1 Abrico uminyuŋw gwa ŋimega ŋwumuthini galo. 2 Athanya dhudhani ganu digeta lijo ŋirin lina lathila dagalo no, gi dhuŋun ibidha liji coŋ ligeto malaayka ŋirin athilbi ŋediŋa liŋidhi darnu lapaŋa no. 3 Aŋidhanul lijo lina lo gi sijn, gwiro ŋinena manyan gukini ŋeda ŋalai; a lina luthi ŋwuredenya, ŋinena janya gi aŋinu ko. 4 Abricul agiyuŋw ŋwuthi nejuŋw gi liji peth, a dhuŋun dha dhidhre la lai dhati dhiro ŋirle no; abi lidhir a liji lina lathildhre la lai liter laji lal Kalo akimiye. 5 Abricul midhuŋw gwalo athuŋwuthi uminyuŋw gwa ŋidi ŋa gidhila no, iŋiriyul dugore gi ŋidi ŋina ŋuthanyalo; ŋinena aruŋwnu, Nyi gwati gwaŋan dhudhani ganu, i nyi gwati gwaŋa gathani gatur no. 6 Anaŋa luthi ŋoma dare minoŋ uminyi gwai, Kweleny gwiro gathaje uwa gwiny, a nyi gwati gwadhenya no; kwiji gwinyurijo aŋa?
Dhuŋun dhadhi uthejo dhuŋuna nyuni dha liji lina lathiji gathaje uwa gi dhuŋun dha Kalo
7 Aŋidhanul ŋediŋaije lina lathajigathaje uwa gi dhuŋun dha Kalo, ireyul dhuŋuna dha midhe gwegen dhina dhiro gidon je nono, apul dhuŋuna dhiro ŋinena dhina dhuthilo gi imaan gwegen. 8 Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwiro gweta gweta dilaŋina, a ŋinenaŋina, a gi gwortal. 9 Athanya abrico taⓐliim dhitidhiter dhina dhati dhiliŋinu dhaji odhadha gi dhai dhiter no. Gwiŋiranu di dhugor muthini galo niⓐma gwai; athuŋw muthinu galo ŋidi ŋai ŋa dheny, ŋina ŋati ŋuthi ŋoma ŋaŋai liji lina luthejo nyuni buje kwoiny gweda no. 10 Anaŋa luthi loboŋ, lina luthi amr gi liji lina lathapai ŋiro gi gutu ganu dathin ithi ganu no. 11 Kweleny gwa gusus gwathapai ŋina ŋa dhola muŋwuni gi kalo gina giŋir didirel ŋan ŋidi ŋina ŋike, athibi aŋinu yegen dunini por gi khiyaam. 12 A minoŋ Yasuuⓐ ko gwapo ŋwuredenya por gi our duŋw juriye lijo ŋin ŋai ŋuŋun. 13 A minoŋ abricije anutu dugun por gi khiyaam, lapo dhara dhuŋun. 14 Ŋinena athana uthi mediina mina gwadhanan je gwortal no, albi bupe gwina gwaji gwila. 15 A ŋeda gwai abricije aldhedha Kaloŋa ŋida ŋadhi dhugini ŋina ŋuthi orthadhaŋw ganu ŋwamun peth, a dhuŋun ibidha dhuthi maⓐna gwan, fruuta gwa ŋwinyu ŋwuri dilteje jiriny galo juŋun. 16 Abi athanya dhudhanu ganu dapai dhuŋuna dhina dhiŋir a didhedha lijo ŋida no; ŋinena athi ŋidi ŋina ŋathidhugini ŋina ŋiro minoŋ iŋiriye Kaloŋa dhugore. 17 Uthejul ŋediŋaije lina lathajigathaje uwa gi dhuŋun dha Kalo nyuni a nyal deŋinaijo; ŋinena athilje galo je jai gi dhuŋun dhan dugor dalo liro ŋinena liji lina laji ladhedha Kaloŋa ẖisaab, dilapai ŋiro ibiŋa iŋir gwai dugore, athilapo are gwai gi dugor ganu degen no, ŋinena athi dhuŋun ibidha iŋirii dagalo no.
Dhuŋun dhina dhimirudhi
18 Abiŋadhaijul Kaloŋa daguri gwai, ŋinena uminyana darnu anaŋa luthi dugore dina diŋir, anabupe danamidhe dhuŋun dhai dhina dhiŋir gi ŋidi peth. 19 Abi nyi gwibupo gwoinyadhanu danyapai dhuŋuna ibidha dinyaura dagalo kaija gina gitinyunu. 20 A Kalo ga audhaijiye galo, gina gidireyo Kwelenya gwuri gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ, gwina gwiro gwora gwa jaŋal gwina gwinaŋ gi liji ganu lina laio, ŋin ŋai ŋa dhuŋun dhina dhidiminu dhina dhathije gwortal, 21 daji ruje didima gi ŋiro peth ŋina ŋiŋir danyapai dhuŋuna dhina dhibupuŋw, gwina gwapo ŋiro dagalo ganu ŋina ŋathiŋiriye ŋeduŋw dhugore gi je ganu juŋun Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwai; gwina gwuthi majdh gwortal a gwortal. Amiin. 22 A nyi gwibupo dagalo, limega lai, danya mutha dugore gi dhuŋun dhina dhabiŋaijaje, ŋinena nyi gwimajulijo dhuŋuna dhitiny. 23 Liŋidhul darnu mega gwina gwan Tiimuuthaawus gwimuthi ẖurriiya gwuŋun. Ada gwimila gwaji gwitiny, anaŋa laji lajaŋa ŋeda gwai. 24 Salimeyul ŋediŋaije peth lina lathajigathaje uwa gi dhuŋun dha Kalo, a ŋediŋa peth lina liŋir didirel. Liji lina lo Iṯaaliiya lisalimiyaje. 25 A niⓐma je dagalo peth. Amiin.