In Iconium
1 The same thing happened in Iconium: Paul and Barnabas went to the synagogue and spoke in such a way that a great number of Jews and Gentiles became believers. 2 But the Jews who would not believe stirred up the Gentiles and turned them against the believers. 3 The apostles stayed there for a long time, speaking boldly about the Lord, who proved that their message about his grace was true by giving them the power to perform miracles and wonders. 4 The people of the city were divided: some were for the Jews, others for the apostles.
5 Then some Gentiles and Jews, together with their leaders, decided to mistreat the apostles and stone them. 6 When the apostles learned about it, they fled to the cities of Lystra and Derbe in Lycaonia and to the surrounding territory. 7 There they preached the Good News.
In Lystra and Derbe
8 In Lystra there was a crippled man who had been lame from birth and had never been able to walk. 9 He sat there and listened to Paul's words. Paul saw that he believed and could be healed, so he looked straight at him 10 and said in a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!” The man jumped up and started walking around. 11 When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they started shouting in their own Lycaonian language, “The gods have become like men and have come down to us!” 12 They gave Barnabas the name Zeus, and Paul the name Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. 13 The priest of the god Zeus, whose temple stood just outside the town, brought bulls and flowers to the gate, for he and the crowds wanted to offer sacrifice to the apostles.
14 When Barnabas and Paul heard what they were about to do, they tore their clothes and ran into the middle of the crowd, shouting, 15 “Why are you doing this? We ourselves are only human beings like you! We are here to announce the Good News, to turn you away from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven, earth, sea, and all that is in them. 16 In the past he allowed all people to go their own way. 17 But he has always given evidence of his existence by the good things he does: he gives you rain from heaven and crops at the right times; he gives you food and fills your hearts with happiness.” 18 Even with these words the apostles could hardly keep the crowd from offering a sacrifice to them.
19 Some Jews came from Antioch in Pisidia and from Iconium; they won the crowds over to their side, stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town, thinking that he was dead. 20 But when the believers gathered around him, he got up and went back into the town. The next day he and Barnabas went to Derbe.
The Return to Antioch in Syria
21 Paul and Barnabas preached the Good News in Derbe and won many disciples. Then they went back to Lystra, to Iconium, and on to Antioch in Pisidia. 22 They strengthened the believers and encouraged them to remain true to the faith. “We must pass through many troubles to enter the Kingdom of God,” they taught. 23 In each church they appointed elders, and with prayers and fasting they commended them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.
24 After going through the territory of Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. 25 There they preached the message in Perga and then went to Attalia, 26 and from there they sailed back to Antioch, the place where they had been commended to the care of God's grace for the work they had now completed.
27 When they arrived in Antioch, they gathered the people of the church together and told them about all that God had done with them and how he had opened the way for the Gentiles to believe. 28 And they stayed a long time there with the believers.
Buulusŋa Barnaaba gwai gi Iguuniiya
1 Dina jilo Iguuniiya, aluni ram gi majmaⓐ gwa Yahuud, alabiŋaijo lijo, di a liji uminyi loinyadho gwuleny lina liro Yahuud a lina liro Yuunaaniyiin. 2 Abi Yahuud, lina lati luthejo Kaloŋa nyuni no dhiŋa Liumam, alkiye dugore degen dilapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike gi limegen. 3 Albije ŋwamun ŋwoinyadho dabiŋaijo lijo, alre ganu gi Kweleny, gwina gwiro shaahid gwa dhuŋun dha niⓐma gwuŋun, a ŋwuldhedha ŋoma ŋadhapai ŋiro ŋina ŋipiŋipa a ŋina ŋathalije lijo galo dir doi dai degen. 4 Abi liji la mediina guginudhini ganu; a coŋ degen uminyi dhuŋuna dha Yahuud, a coŋ degen uminyi dhuŋuna dha liji lina lukejinu. 5 A dina ma dhuŋun je gi Liumamŋa Yahuud gwai a leleny legen dini dhagirini allaice nyol nyai, 6 alliŋa dhuŋuna ibidha, alabire alela gi Listra a Darba, lina liro limediina la Liikaayuuniiya, a gi ŋwen ŋwina ŋwurejo galo. 7 Athil abiŋaijo lijo mine Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir.
Gi Listra
8 A kwiji gweta je gi Listra gwina gwaio ŋwora nono ŋwuŋun; gwiro kiriga ro dina liŋidhina nana gwuŋun, athuŋw idhidhi gatur no. 9 A kwiji ibigwa diŋini Buulusuŋw duŋwabiŋi a Buulus teje je, ŋwuliŋa darnu kwiji ibigwa gwuthi imaan darnu gwagitini momaŋ. 10 Ŋwabiŋi ŋwal ŋwai ŋwina ŋwipa ŋwarnu, Diredhalaŋ ŋa dhuna ŋwora ŋwai ŋwuŋa. Ŋwudirelaŋ ŋwelila. 11 A dina ma liji aŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhapo Buulus, alure gwula gwuleny, alabiŋi gi dhuŋun dha liji la Liikaayuuniiya alarnu, Kalo gimula dega gina giro ŋinena liji. 12 Aldhedha Barnaabaŋw jiriny jan Zafus; a aldhedha Buulusuŋw jiriny jan Harmaas, ŋinena ruŋw gwina gwathabiŋi kwerkwereny. 13 A gasiis ga Zafus, gwina gwijo dhuwa por dha mediina, apa nyidhra a dar dina digitinu ŋwaur ŋwai kour ŋediŋa liji lai ŋwari lalidhugijo. 14 Abi dina ma Barnaabaŋa Buulus gwai diŋini dhuŋuna ibidha, aliŋiretha ciraŋa ganu jegen, alorta gi liji ganu, alure gwula alarnu, 15 Liji lai, kworaŋ nyabapai dhuŋuna ibidha? Anaŋa ko liro liji, lina luthi dhuŋuna dhiro ŋinena dhina dhuthanya, anaŋa limajabiŋaijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir, danya orla galo ŋidi ibiŋa ŋina ŋiro tur nyela di Kalo gina gimidho, gina gigeto Sama a gidhila a baẖr a ŋidi peth ŋina ŋijina ganu. 16 Gina gabrico lijo peth lina liro liumam alela gi dai degen gi ŋwamun ŋwa jidhila jina jimerna. 17 Athuŋw babrico gwidom gwuŋun dathuŋw uthi shahaada no, abi ŋeda gwapo dhuŋuna dhina dhiŋir, jidhedha kaua gi Sama, a ŋwamun ŋwina ŋwuthi ŋida ŋa dheny ŋoinyadho, athuŋw oinyaje dugore dega ŋidi ŋai ŋa dheny a iŋir ganu. 18 A dina malabiŋi dhuŋuna ibidha aldhuneje lijo dhuŋun dhai dhina dhibur dilidhugijo. 19 Abi Yahuud ila lina lidhi Anṯaakiiya a Iguuniiya; almirejo lijo galo loinyadho, alaice Buulusuŋw nyol nyai, alodhitha galo albitu mediina por, alarnu gwimai. 20 A dina ma calmiz urejo galo, ŋwudire, ŋwuni gi mediina. A bigunu alela Barnaaba gwai gi Darba.
Aura gi Anṯaakiiya
21 Alabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir gi mediina ibigwa, alruje lijo calmiz loinyadho, albaji alaura gi Listra a Iguuniiya a Anṯaakiiya, 22 albiriye dugore nono da calmiz, allabiŋaijo dilmuthini galo gi imaan, allaicinu aram aluni kidhila ga Kalo dhuŋun dhai dhina dhathijumeye ŋiya dhoinyadho. 23 Aligitijo shiyuuk gi kanaayis peth, a dina malabiŋaijo Kaloŋa alje jamu, allabricijo Kwelenya gwina gwuminyilo. 24 A dina mal madhina Biisiidiiyuŋw, alila gi Bamfiiliiya. 25 A dina malabiŋaijo lijo dhuŋuna dha Kalo gi Barja, alule gi Attaaliya; 26 a mine alela Anṯaakiiya felluuka gwai, kalo gina gabiŋadhaijina liji Kaloŋa degen kwereny dilapai niⓐma gwa Kalo gwan ŋiro ŋina ŋimalli meaje. 27 A dina malobani mine, alwureje lijo la kaniisa liduŋw, allabiŋaijo dhuŋuna peth dhina dhapilo Kalo ŋalai, a darnu gimigijo Liumam gibura galo ga imaan. 28 Alje mine ŋwamun ŋwoinyadho calmiz jai.