Warning to the Rich
1 You rich people should cry and weep! Terrible things are going to happen to you. 2 Your treasures have already rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your money has rusted, and the rust will be evidence against you, as it burns your body like fire. Yet you keep on storing up wealth in these last days. 4 You refused to pay the people who worked in your fields, and now their unpaid wages are shouting out against you. The Lord All-Powerful has surely heard the cries of the workers who harvested your crops.
5 While here on earth, you have thought only of filling your own stomachs and having a good time. But now you are like fat cattle on their way to be butchered. 6 You have condemned and murdered innocent people, who couldn't even fight back.
Be Patient and Kind
7 My friends, be patient until the Lord returns. Think of farmers who wait patiently for the autumn and spring rains to make their valuable crops grow. 8 Be patient like those farmers and don't give up. The Lord will soon be here! 9 Don't grumble about each other or you will be judged, and the judge is right outside the door.
10 My friends, follow the example of the prophets who spoke for the Lord. They were patient, even when they had to suffer. 11 In fact, we praise the ones who endured the most. You remember how patient Job was and how the Lord finally helped him. The Lord did this because he is so merciful and kind.
12 My friends, above all else, don't take an oath. You must not swear by heaven or by earth or by anything else. “Yes” or “No” is all you need to say. If you say anything more, you will be condemned.
13 If you are having trouble, you should pray. And if you are feeling good, you should sing praises. 14 If you are sick, ask the church leaders to come and pray for you. Ask them to put olive oil on you in the name of the Lord. 15 If you have faith when you pray for sick people, they will get well. The Lord will heal them, and if they have sinned, he will forgive them.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.-2
16 If you have sinned, you should tell each other what you have done. Then you can pray for one another and be healed. The prayer of an innocent person is powerful, and it can help a lot. 17 Elijah was just as human as we are, and for three and a half years his prayers kept the rain from falling. 18 But when he did pray for rain, it fell from the skies and made the crops grow.
19 My friends, if any followers have wandered away from the truth, you should try to lead them back. 20 If you turn sinners from the wrong way, you will save them from death, and many of their sins will be forgiven.
Dhuŋun dhibur dhan liji lina luthi ŋida ŋoinyadho
1 Ilal ŋinena, nyaŋa lina luthi ŋida ŋoinyadho, arul, nyure gwula gwan kadugore gwalo gwina gwaji gwila dagalo. 2 Ŋidi ŋalo ŋina ŋoinyadho ŋimadigire, a ciraŋ jalo jimal lodo eny. 3 Dahab dhalo a faḏḏa gwalo gwimayeini; a yeini gwegen gwaji gwaro shaahid dagalo, a gwaji gweny ji jalo gwiro ŋinena iga. Nyaŋa lima auwa ŋida ŋalo gi ŋwamun ŋwina ŋwimirudhi. 4 Aŋadhul, ujra ya liji lina lathuni gi diruiny galo dalo ina imanyal muthadha ŋwujimi ŋai, yathare; a are gwa liji lina lathuni gwimuni gi nyuni nya Kweleny gwa ejigur. 5 Nyaŋa limaje gwortal kidhila galo ŋidi ŋai ŋina ŋike; nyape ganu ŋidi ŋai ŋa gidhila, nyabiŋiye dugore dalo, gwiro ŋinena gi lamun ladhi rinya. 6 Gwimanya akimiye gwina gwiŋir nya rinya; a ŋeda gwati gwimaji ekajo no.
Gwabiŋu dhuŋuna dhadhi mutha dugore
7 Limega lai, muthul dugore di ma Kweleny ila. Aŋadhul, gwina gwathapai ŋiro gi dhiruiny ganu gwathidhunijo fruuta gwina gwipa luro gwina gwathituya kwiyaŋ, athuŋw dhunijo gwortal di ma kau ila gina giro kwerkwereny a gina giro gidon. 8 Nyaŋa ko muthul dugore; nyamuthiniye dugore galo dalo; ŋinena ma lamun la Kweleny je githo dila. 9 Limega lai, athanya romajo diman galo gweta gweta dagalo ganu, dathanya akiminu no. Aŋadhul, gwina gwathakimiye gwo gwidhunudhi kwereny kour. 10 Limaguri lai, apul gwiro ŋinena s̱uura gwa mutha dugore gi dhuŋun dhina dhibur a dhunijo gwa nebiŋa lina labiŋu gi jiriny ja Kweleny. 11 Aŋadhul, anaŋa lathidhura ŋediŋaije liŋir dugore lina lathimutha dugore degen momaŋ. Nyaŋa limadiŋini muthaŋw dhugore gwa Ⓐayuub, a nyaŋa limaŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhima Kweleny geta gidon, darnu Kweleny gwoinyadho inaŋw, a gwiro gwimiri. 12 Abi limaguri lai, dhuŋun dhina dhiro kwerkwereny, athanya abiŋu jiriny jai ja Kweleny gi Sama, i gi kwiyaŋ, i ẖarram gwai gwiter no; abi abricul yeŋw gwalo ŋwuro ye; a oo gwalo ŋwan oo; dathanya ido gi ẖukm no.
Ŋoma ŋadhabiŋaijo Kaloŋa
13 Gweta dagalo gwimaka dhugore a? Abricul ŋwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa. Gweta dagalo gwimiŋir dhugore a? Abricul ŋweliŋa mazaamiir. 14 Gweta dagalo gwiman umi a? Abricul ŋwurnie lelenya la kaniisa dilela dugun; anabiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa, albiruthe ŋela ŋai jiriny jai ja Kweleny. 15 A abiŋaije Kaloŋa imaan gwai gwaji gwabrico kwijo gwina gwuma diŋir nono, a gwa Kweleny direye; a ada ŋeda gwimapai ŋida ŋeda ŋina ŋike, ŋan Kalo dhudhani ganu. 16 A minoŋ tejul ŋida galo ŋalo ŋina ŋike dagalo gweta gweta, a abiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa dagalo gweta gweta, danya iŋir nono. Abiŋaije Kaloŋa gwa kwiji gwina gwiŋir gwathapai ŋiro ŋoinyadho ŋina ŋiŋir ŋoma ŋai ŋa Kalo. 17 Iliiya gwiro kwiji gwina gwuthi dhuŋuna dhadhumi ŋiya dhiro ŋinena alŋa; ŋwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa dhugor dhai peth ŋwarnu athi kau nu no; athuŋwbi nu kidhila jidhileo thiril a luweo nyiril no. 18 Ŋwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa manaŋ, a kau ula gi Sama ŋwuni, a kwiyaŋ aji ŋwuteya fruuta gwuŋun.
19 Limega lai, ada gweta gwimadhudhe dagalo ganu gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro titiganu a kwiji gwiter wura gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro titiganu, 20 abricul ŋwuliŋa darnu dina muŋwura kwijo gwina gwike dina iduŋw gi dhai dhina dhike, ŋwagilaŋiye aŋina ya kwiji gwina gwidhudho dai, ŋwugiriba ŋida galo ŋoinyadho ŋina ŋike.