The Work of the Apostles
1 Think of us as servants of Christ who have been given the work of explaining God's mysterious ways. 2 And since our first duty is to be faithful to the one we work for, 3 it doesn't matter to me if I am judged by you or even by a court of law. In fact, I don't judge myself. 4 I don't know of anything against me, but this doesn't prove I am right. The Lord is my judge. 5 So don't judge anyone until the Lord returns. He will show what is hidden in the dark and what is in everyone's heart. Then God will be the one who praises each of us.
6 Friends, I have used Apollos and myself as examples to teach you the meaning of the saying, “Follow the rules.” I want you to stop saying one of us is better than the other. 7 What is so special about you? What do you have that you were not given? And if it was given to you, how can you brag? 8 Are you already satisfied? Are you now rich? Have you become kings while we are still nobodies? I wish you were kings. Then we could have a share in your kingdom.
9 It seems to me that God has put us apostles in the worst possible place. We are like prisoners on their way to death. Angels and the people of this world just laugh at us. 10 Because of Christ we are thought of as fools, but Christ has made you wise. We are weak and hated, but you are powerful and respected. 11 Even today we go hungry and thirsty and don't have anything to wear except rags. We are mistreated and don't have a place to live. 12 We work hard with our own hands, and when people abuse us, we wish them well. When we suffer, we are patient. 13 When someone curses us, we answer with kind words. Until now we are thought of as nothing more than the trash and garbage of this world.
14 I am not writing to embarrass you. I want to help you, just as parents help their own dear children. 15 Ten thousand people may teach you about Christ, but I am your only father. You became my children when I told you about Christ Jesus, 16 and I want you to be like me. 17 This is why I sent Timothy to you. I love him like a son, and he is a faithful servant of the Lord. Timothy will tell you what I do to follow Christ and how it agrees with what I always teach about Christ in every church.
18 Some of you think I am not coming for a visit, and so you are bragging. 19 But if the Lord lets me come, I will soon be there. Then I will find out if the ones who are doing all this bragging really have any power. 20 God's kingdom isn't just a lot of words. It is power. 21 What do you want me to do when I arrive? Do you want me to be hard on you or to be kind and gentle?
Dhuŋun dhina dhiro daruri dha liji lina lukejinu di Kalo
1 Minoŋ abricul kwijo jidhura, liro ŋinena jadham ja al Masiiẖ, a wukala gwa dhuŋun dhina dhigilibicinu dha Kalo. 2 Gi dhuŋun ibidha ŋidi ŋina ŋibupinu di wukala ŋiro di kwiji bujini gwiŋir. 3 Abi diginy dhuŋun dhina dhitinyunu dhiro dhathiny upijo idhejuŋw gwalo, i gwa kwiji; abi nyi gwati gwathidheje gwidom gwiny no. 4 A nyi gwati gwiliŋidhi dhuŋuna dhetipo gi gwidom gwiny no; abi nyi gwati gwimutu no, abi Kweleny gwiro gwina gwathinyidheje. 5 A minoŋ athathanya akimiyo kwereny nanaŋ lamun la Kweleny lati lidhi no, nyabi dhuna di ma Kweleny ila, gwina gwaji gwuriye ŋida ganu ŋina ŋigilibicinu ŋa girim, a ŋwaŋiye bupuŋw gwa dugor; a Kalo gaji gorthadha kwijo gweta gweta.
6 Abi dhuŋun ibidha, limega lai, dhurliny galo duŋwuro ŋinena dhiny a dha Abulluus gwan nyaŋa; danya alimini daguri athathanya ireye je galo gwoinyadhanu gi dhuŋun dhina dhulinu, dathathi gweta dagalo aldhijo kwijo ganu gwiter no. 7 Gwiro ŋinena ei gwaŋa geta gwiŋiranu gi kwiji gwiter? a kwoŋ gwuŋa gwiraŋ gwina gwati gwimaŋa apai no? Abi ada gwimaŋa apai, kworaŋ ŋabi are ŋamilai, gwiro ŋinena gwati gwimaŋa apai no? 8 Ŋinena nyaŋa limapa a nyaŋa lati libupo manaŋ no, nyaŋa limuthi ŋida ŋoinyadho, a nyaŋa limaro leleny cucun; a nyi titiganu gwibupo danyaro leleny, danaro leleny nyaŋa lai. 9 Nyi gwaŋudhi darnu Kalo gimiji obaja ter gidon anaŋa lina lukejinu, liro ŋinena anaŋa lukiminu ai gwai; ŋinena manaro aŋini di gidhila, a malaayka, a liji. 10 Anaŋa liro jirila gwan al Masiiẖ, abi nyaŋa liro liji lina libebra gi al Masiiẖ; anaŋa limulo nono, abi nyaŋa libur nono; nyaŋa luthi nejuŋw, a anaŋa lati luthi nejuŋw no. 11 Di saaⓐa ibija jamu jathijeny, a odha yathijeny, a anaŋa lijalo ŋwumirinya, a anaŋa lathipini, a anaŋa lati luthi kaloŋa gadhije no; 12 anaŋa lathapai ŋiro gwuleny doi dai duri; athijil lo, anabi barikiye; athijil irini, anabi mutha dugore; 13 athijina abiŋadhe ganu, athanalbi othaije galo gwuligwuleny diliŋir dugore; anaŋa limaro ŋinena ŋirle ŋa gidhila; a ŋirle ŋa ŋidi peth di ŋinena.
Dhuŋun dhiro ŋinena dhina dhathidhai babo abiŋaijo ŋare ŋuŋun dhina dhiŋir dhan ŋeda dhadhapai a ola
14 Nyi gwati gwulo dhuŋuna ibidha dajapie dhara no, abi daji ola gwiro ŋinena keleŋa gina guminyilo. 15 Ada nyaŋa limuthi lijo lina lathalimiye di al Masiiẖ ⓐashara alaaf, abi nyaŋa lati luthi baboŋaije loinyadho no; gi al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ nyi gwiliŋidhaje Dhuŋun dhai dhina Dhiŋir. 16 A minoŋ nyi gwathajothaije galo danya ro ŋinena nyi. 17 Gi dhuŋun ibidha nyi gwukejo Tiimuuthaawusuŋw dagalo gwina gwiro ŋari ŋina ŋuminyiny a ŋina ŋiŋir di Kweleny, gwina gwaji aŋidhaniye dai da midhe gwiny di al Masiiẖ, gwiro ŋinena athinyin alimiye gi kalo peth gi kanaayis peth. 18 A liji coŋ alo alaŋ, gwiro ŋinena nyi gwati gwila dagalo no. 19 Abi nyi gwaji gwila dagalo, ada Kweleny gwimuminyi, a nyi gwati gwaji gwaliŋa dhuŋuna dha liji lina ludhi alaŋ no, abi nyi gwaliŋa ŋoma. 20 Abi gidhila ga Kalo gati giro gi dhuŋun no, ŋwubiro gi ŋoma. 21 Nyaŋa libupo aŋa? Nyila dagalo lura lai, i gi uminyi, a gi Dhigirim dha gwina gwirujinu gwitiny?