Living by the Power of God's Spirit
1 If you belong to Christ Jesus, you won't be punished. 2 The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death. 3 The Law of Moses cannot do this, because our selfish desires make the Law weak. But God set you free when he sent his own Son to be like us sinners and to be a sacrifice for our sin. God used Christ's body to condemn sin. 4 He did this, so that we would do what the Law commands by obeying the Spirit instead of our own desires.
5 People who are ruled by their desires think only of themselves. Everyone who is ruled by the Holy Spirit thinks about spiritual things. 6 If our minds are ruled by our desires, we will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace. 7 Our desires fight against God, because they do not and cannot obey God's laws. 8 If we follow our desires, we cannot please God.
9 You are no longer ruled by your desires, but by God's Spirit, who lives in you. People who don't have the Spirit of Christ in them don't belong to him. 10 But Christ lives in you. So you are alive because God has accepted you, even though your bodies must die because of your sins. 11 Yet God raised Jesus to life! God's Spirit now lives in you, and he will raise you to life by his Spirit.
12 My dear friends, we must not live to satisfy our desires. 13 If you do, you will die. But you will live, if by the help of God's Spirit you say “No” to your desires. 14 Only those people who are led by God's Spirit are his children. 15 God's Spirit doesn't make us slaves who are afraid of him. Instead, we become his children and call him our Father. 16 God's Spirit makes us sure that we are his children. 17 His Spirit lets us know that together with Christ we will be given what God has promised. We will also share in the glory of Christ, because we have suffered with him.
A Wonderful Future for God's People
18 I am sure what we are suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us. 19 In fact, all creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are. 20 Meanwhile, creation is confused, but not because it wants to be confused. God made it this way in the hope 21 that creation would be set free from decay and would share in the glorious freedom of his children. 22 We know that all creation is still groaning and is in pain, like a woman about to give birth.
23 The Spirit makes us sure about what we will be in the future. But now we groan silently, while we wait for God to show that we are his children. This means that our bodies will also be set free. 24 And this hope is what saves us. But if we already have what we hope for, there is no need to keep on hoping. 25 However, we hope for something we have not yet seen, and we patiently wait for it.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.-2
26 In certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit is here to help us. For example, when we don't know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words. 27 All of our thoughts are known to God. He can understand what is in the mind of the Spirit, as the Spirit prays for God's people. 28 We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose, 29 and he has always known who his chosen ones would be. He had decided to let them become like his own Son, so his Son would be the first of many children. 30 God then accepted the people he had already decided to choose, and he has shared his glory with them.
God's Love
31 What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us? 32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won't he freely give us everything else? 33 If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them? 34 Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now he is at God's right side, speaking to him for us. 35 Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? 36 It is exactly as the Scriptures say,

“For you we face death
all day long.
We are like sheep
on their way
to be butchered.”

37 In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39 and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Midhe gi Dhigirim
1 A minoŋ ẖukm gwati gwaje degen lina lo di al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ, lina lati lathelila gi dhuŋun dha aŋinu no, abi gi dhuŋun dha Dhigirim. 2 Ŋinena naamuus gwa Dhigirim dhina dhimidho di al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ gwiminyi guda galo gi naamuus gwa ŋidi ŋina ŋike a ai. 3 Ŋinena gwina gwati gwuthi ŋoma di naamuus apai no, ŋinena muluŋw nono aŋinu yai, a Kalo gina gukejo Ŋare ŋuŋun gwiro ŋinena s̱uura gwa aŋinu ina yuthi ŋida ŋina ŋike, yan ŋidi ŋina ŋike, ŋwakimiye ŋida ŋina ŋike kaŋinu. 4 Di dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir dha naamuus meajini dega, lina lati lathelila gi dhuŋun dha aŋinu no, abi gi dhuŋun dha Dhigirim. 5 Ŋinena lina lo gi dhuŋun dha aŋinu lathigeta afkaar gwegen gi ŋidi ŋa aŋinu; abi lina lo gi dhuŋun dha Dhigirim lathigeta afkaar gwegen gi ŋidi ŋa Dhigirim. 6 Ŋinena ireye je galo gwa aŋinu gwiro ai; abi ireye je galo gwa Dhigirim gwiro midhe a audhaijiye galo. 7 Ŋinena fikr gwa aŋinu gwikiilo Kalo gai; ŋinena athuŋw uthejo naamuus gwa Kalo kuni no, a minoŋ ko gwati gwuthi ŋoma no. 8 A minoŋ lina lo gi aŋinu lati luthi ŋoma liŋiriye Kaloŋa dhugore no. 9 Abi nyaŋa lati lo gi aŋinu no, abi gi Dhigirim, ada Dhigirim dha Kalo dhimaje dagalo ganu. Abi ada kwiji gweta gwati gwimuthi Dhigirima dha al Masiiẖ, ŋeda gwati gwiro gwuŋun no. 10 A ada al Masiiẖ gwimaje dagalo ganu, a aŋinu imai gi dhuŋun dha ŋidi ŋina ŋike; abi dhigirim dhimidho gi dhuŋun dha dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir. 11 Abi ada Dhigirim dha ŋeda gwina gwidireyo Yasuuⓐuŋw dai dhimaje dagalo ganu, a ŋeda gwina gwidireyo al Masiiẖuŋw dai gwaji gwamidhiye aŋina yalo ina yaio ko Dhigirim dhai dhuŋun dhina dhathije dagalo ganu. 12 A minoŋ, limega lai, alŋa luthi gamja, gati giro ga aŋinu, dilmidhe gi dhuŋun dha aŋinu no, 13 abi ada nyaŋa limamidhe gi dhuŋun dha aŋinu, nyaŋa laji lai; abi ada nyaŋa limarinya ŋiro ŋa aŋinu Dhigirim dhai, nyaŋa laji lai; abi ada nyaŋa limarinya ŋiro ŋa aŋinu Dhigirim dhai, nyaŋa laji lamidhe.
Keleŋa ga Kalo
14 Ŋinena peth lina ludhunu Dhigirim dhai dha Kalo, ŋediŋa liro keleŋa ga Kalo. 15 Ŋinena athanya apo dhigirima dha gukini manaŋ gi ŋidheny no; abi nyaŋa limapai Dhigirima danyaro keleŋa guŋun, a gi dhuŋun ibidha anure gwula, anarnu, Babo gwai, a Babo. 16 A Dhigirim ko dhiro shaahid gwan dhigirim dega, darnu alŋa liro keleŋa ga Kalo. 17 A ada alŋa limaro keleŋa, a minoŋ alŋa luthi ŋelenya ko Kalo ŋalai, dilapai ŋelenya al Masiiẖ ŋalai; ada alŋa limaicaijiye ŋeda ŋalai gi ŋwuredeny ŋwuŋun, dilmajidhini ko ŋeda ŋalai.
Majdh gwina gwaji gwaje
18 Ŋinena nyi gwadhura darnu ŋwuredeny ŋwa ŋwamun ibiŋwa ŋwati ŋwaudhi dilubiye gi majdh gwina gwaji gwaŋini dega ganu no. 19 Ŋinena dhunijo gwina gwuthi uminyi gwa ŋidi ŋina ŋigitinu gwathidhunijo aŋinuŋw gwa keleŋa ga Kalo. 20 Ŋinena ŋidi ŋina ŋigitinu ŋimagitini ŋwora ganu ŋwa ŋidi ŋina ŋiro tur, ŋati gi dhuŋun dhina dhibupilo no, ŋwubiro gi dhuŋun dha ŋeda gwina gwimalgitijo ŋwora ganu ŋwegen dhunijo gwai. 21 Ŋinena ŋidi ŋina ŋigitinu ko ŋaji ŋagududhini galo gi gukini gwa ŋidi ŋina ŋidigiro gi ẖurriiya gwina gwuthi majdh gwa keleŋa ga Kalo. 22 Alŋa liliŋidhi darnu ŋidi peth ŋina ŋigitinu ŋathare alumi ŋiya ŋwuredeny ŋwai di a ŋinena. 23 A ŋati ŋiro minoŋ degen dogo no, abi alŋa ko lina luthi fruuta gwina gwiro kwerkwereny gwa Dhigirim, a alŋa ko lathare gi lidom lega dildhunijo dilro keleŋa ga Kalo, gwina gwiro bibre gwa aŋinu yega. 24 Ŋinena dhunijo gwai gwega alŋa limagilaŋini; abi dhunijo gwina gwaŋinu gwati gwiro dhunijo no; ŋinena akwai kwiji gweda gwuthi ŋoma duŋw dhunijo ŋida ŋina ŋathuŋwul aŋa ŋinena? 25 Abi ada alŋa limadhunijo ŋida ŋina ŋati ŋimalaŋa no, a minoŋ alŋa ladhunijo ŋida ibiŋa mutha gwai dugore. 26 A minoŋ Dhigirim ko dhathigathaje muluŋw nono gwega uwa; ŋinena athana liŋidhi dabiŋaijo Kaloŋa gwiro ŋinena gwina gwaudhi dilabiŋaijo Kaloŋa no; abi Dhigirim dhiro dhina dhathabiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa dega gwai are gwai gwina gwati gwuthi ŋoma duŋwabiŋini no. 27 A gwina gwathi bupini galo gi dugor ganu gwiliŋidhi aŋ gwiro fikr gwa Dhigirim, ŋinena athuŋw abiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa gwan liji lina liŋir didirel gi dhuŋun dhina dhibupo Kalo. 28 A alŋa liliŋidhi darnu ŋidi peth ŋathapaijiye ŋiro ŋina ŋiŋir degen lina luminyu Kaloŋa, a degen lina lurninu gi dhuŋun dhina dhibupuŋw. 29 Ŋinena lina luminyuŋwulo kwereny, ŋwulgegata dilro ŋinena s̱uura gwa Ŋari ŋuŋun, duŋwuro lira gi limega ganu loinyadho. 30 A lina limuŋwulgeta kwerkwereny, ŋwulurniye ko; a lina limuŋwul urniye, ŋwuliŋiriye ko; a lina limuŋwuliŋiriye, ŋwulmajidhe ko.
Uminyi gwa Kalo
31 A minoŋ alŋa larakwai gi dhuŋun ibidha? Ada Kalo gimalije, ei gwuthi ŋoma duŋwuro dhuwan dhega? 32 Gwina gwati gwidoinyo dijidhedha Ŋare ŋuŋun no, ŋwubuminyi dijidhedha Ŋare ŋuŋun ŋan alŋa peth, akwai gwati gwijidhedha ŋida peth tur ŋeda ŋalai no. 33 Ei gwuthi ŋoma dapai ẖukm gweda gi liji lina luthinilo Kalo ganu? Kalo giro gina gathiŋiriye. 34 Ei gwiro gwina gwathakimiye? Al Masiiẖ gwiro gwina gwaio, abi gwoinyadhanu gwimadire ko, gwina gwo ko gi dhoi dhina dhiro dhiŋir dha Kalo, gwina gwathabiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa gwan alŋa ko. 35 Ei gwuthi ŋoma dijiguda ganu gi uminyi gwa al Masiiẖ? Dhuŋun dhina dhibur, i ŋwuredeny, i irini, i jamu, i dije galo ŋwumirinya, i dije kalo gina gike, i kalala? 36 Gwiro ŋinena ulinuŋwna, Anaŋa gwan ŋa lathirinyini saaⓐa peth ja aŋin; alŋa limadhuredhini liro ŋinena jaŋal jadhi rinyini. 37 Abi gi ŋidi ibiŋa peth alŋa luthi ŋoma dibiŋiye dhinyuŋw gwega ŋeda gwai gwina gwuminyije. 38 A ŋinena nyi gwuminyu darnu ai, i midhe, i malaayka, i liji lina luthi ŋelenya, i ŋoma, i ŋidi ŋina ŋo ŋinena, i ŋina ŋaji ŋila gidon, 39 i olalaŋ, i ŋidi ŋina ŋolaŋ ganu, i ŋidi ŋiter ŋina ŋigitinu ŋati ŋuthi ŋoma dijiguda ganu di uminyi gwa Kalo, gwina gwo di al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ gwina gwiro Kweleny gwega no.