1 From Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus.
God chose me to be an apostle, and he appointed me to preach the good news 2 that he promised long ago by what his prophets said in the holy Scriptures. 3-4 This good news is about his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! As a human, he was from the family of David. But the Holy Spirit proved that Jesus is the powerful Son of God, because he was raised from death.
5 Jesus was kind to me and chose me to be an apostle, so that people of all nations would obey and have faith. 6 You are some of those people chosen by Jesus Christ.
7 This letter is to all of you in Rome. God loves you and has chosen you to be his very own people.
I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!
A Prayer of Thanks
8 First, I thank God in the name of Jesus Christ for all of you. I do this because people everywhere in the world are talking about your faith. 9 God has seen how I never stop praying for you, while I serve him with all my heart and tell the good news about his Son.
10 In all my prayers, I ask God to make it possible for me to visit you. 11 I want to see you and share with you the same blessings that God's Spirit has given me. Then you will grow stronger in your faith. 12 What I am saying is that we can encourage each other by the faith that is ours.
13 My friends, I want you to know that I have often planned to come for a visit. But something has always kept me from doing it. I want to win followers to Christ in Rome, as I have done in many other places. 14-15 It doesn't matter if people are civilized and educated, or if they are uncivilized and uneducated. I must tell the good news to everyone. That's why I am eager to visit all of you in Rome.
The Power of the Good News
16 I am proud of the good news! It is God's powerful way of saving all people who have faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. 17 The good news tells how God accepts everyone who has faith, but only those who have faith. It is just as the Scriptures say, “The people God accepts because of their faith will live.”
Everyone Is Guilty
18 From heaven God shows how angry he is with all the wicked and evil things that sinful people do to crush the truth. 19 They know everything that can be known about God, because God has shown it all to them. 20 God's eternal power and character cannot be seen. But from the beginning of creation, God has shown what these are like by all he has made. That's why those people don't have any excuse. 21 They know about God, but they don't honor him or even thank him. Their thoughts are useless, and their stupid minds are in the dark. 22 They claim to be wise, but they are fools. 23 They don't worship the glorious and eternal God. Instead, they worship idols that are made to look like humans who cannot live forever, and like birds, animals, and reptiles.
24 So God let these people go their own way. They did what they wanted to do, and their filthy thoughts made them do shameful things with their bodies. 25 They gave up the truth about God for a lie, and they worshiped God's creation instead of God, who will be praised forever. Amen.
26 God let them follow their own evil desires. Women no longer wanted to have sex in a natural way, and they did things with each other that were not natural. 27 Men behaved in the same way. They stopped wanting to have sex with women and had strong desires for sex with other men. They did shameful things with each other, and what has happened to them is punishment for their foolish deeds.
28 Since these people refused even to think about God, he let their useless minds rule over them. That's why they do all sorts of indecent things. 29 They are evil, wicked, and greedy, as well as mean in every possible way. They want what others have, and they murder, argue, cheat, and are hard to get along with. They gossip, 30 say cruel things about others, and hate God. They are proud, conceited, and boastful, always thinking up new ways to do evil.
These people don't respect their parents. 31 They are stupid, unreliable, and don't have any love or pity for others. 32 They know God has said that anyone who acts this way deserves to die. But they keep on doing evil things, and they even encourage others to do them.
1 Buulus, gwina gwiro gine ga Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, gwina gwurninu duŋwuro gweta gwina gwukejinu, duŋwrujini ter dabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir dha Kalo. 2 (Dhina dhabiŋaijuŋw dhai nebiŋaije luŋun ro kwerkwereny gi jitham jina jiŋir didirel,) 3 dhan Ŋari ŋuŋun ŋina ŋiliŋinu gi lulaŋ la Daawud gi dhuŋun dha aŋinu; 4 ŋwubiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo ŋoma ŋai, gi dhuŋun dha Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir didirel, dire gwai dai, Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, gwina gwiro Kweleny gwega. 5 Ŋeda gwai jiriny jai juŋun anaŋa limapai niⓐma, anaro lina lukejinu, utheje gwai nyuni gwa imaan gi liji peth lina liro Liumam. 6 Degen ganu nyaŋa ko liro lina lurninu di Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ. 7 Gi liji peth lina lo Ruumiya, lina luminyinu di Kalo, a lurninu dilro lina liŋir didirel. Niⓐma dagalo a audhaijiye galo di Kalo gina giro Babo gwega, a Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ.
Buulus gwibupo dela Ruumiya
8 Kwereny, nyi gwaici Kaloŋa giny shukran Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwai gwan nyaŋa peth, di imaan gwalo abiŋini gi kidhila peth. 9 Ŋinena Kalo, gina gathinyi upijo ŋiro dhigirim dhai dhiny gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dha Ŋari ŋuŋun, giro shaahid gwiny akwai nyi gwathaji madhineye gi abiŋaije Kaloŋa gwiny ŋwamun peth, athinyi dhunudhi lamun letipo no. 10 Nyi gwathothaije Kaloŋa galo ŋwamun peth gi abiŋaije Kaloŋa gwiny dinyela dagalo dhuŋun dhai dhina dhiŋir ada Kalo gimuminyi. 11 Ŋinena nyi gwathibupe gwuleny dari nyi gwajaŋa, daji dhedha dhedhaŋw gweda tur gwa Dhigirim, danya muthini galo. 12 Ibidha dhiro minoŋ, dinyi buje gathajuŋw uwa nyaŋa lai imaan gwai gwina gwijo dega peth, imaan gwalo a gwiny. 13 Abi nyi gwati gwibupo danya dhimetha, limega lai, dinyuthi dhuŋuna ŋwamun ŋwoinyadho dari gwila dagalo, (abi di ŋinena liminyi ekajo,) dinyuthi fruuta gweda dagalo ko, gwiro ŋinena nyinuthi gi liji liter lina liro Liumam. 14 Nyi gwuthi gamja gi liji lina liro Yuunaaniyiin, a lina lo por; gi liji lina laliminu, a lina lati laliminu no. 15 A minoŋ, ŋoma ŋai ŋiny, nyi gwaje momaŋ dabiŋaijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir nyaŋa lina lo Ruumiya ko.
Dhuŋun dhina dhuthi Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir
16 Ŋinena nyi gwati gwuthi dhara gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dha al Masiiẖ no; ŋinena ruŋw ŋoma ŋa Kalo di gilaŋ gi liji peth lina luminyu; Yahuud kwereny, a Yuunaaniyiin ko. 17 Gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir dha Kalo dhimaŋini imaan gwai gi imaan; gwiro ŋinena ulinuŋwna, A gwina gwiŋir gwamidhe imaan gwai.
Dhuŋun dhina dhike dha Liumam
18 Ŋinena kadhugore gwa Kalo gwimaŋini gi Sama gi liji peth lina lati luminyu dhuŋuna dha Kalo no a gi dhuŋun dhegen dhina dhike lina lathimutha dhuŋuna dhina dhiro titiganu dhuŋun dhai dhina dhati dhiŋir no; 19 ŋinena dhina dhimaliŋini dhan Kalo dhimaŋini degen; ŋinena limal Kalo aŋinijo. 20 Ŋinena ŋidi ŋina ŋati ŋaŋinu ŋan ŋeda ro dina gitinina gidhila no ŋimaŋini momaŋ, a ŋimaliŋini ŋidi ŋai ŋina ŋigitinu, ŋina ŋiro ŋoma ŋuŋun ŋina ŋathije gwortal a dhuŋun dhina dhuthuŋw; a minoŋ ŋediŋa lati luthi dhuŋuna dha dhabiŋi no. 21 Ŋinena dina mal liŋa Kaloŋa athilbi majidho Kaloŋa giro ŋinena Kalo gegen no, i athilaico shukran no; albijalo tur gi afkaar gwegen, a dugor degen dina diro jirila dina dirima ganu. 22 Alarnu laliminu gi dugor ganu degen, albi ro jirila, 23 alupeye majdh ganu gwa Kalo gina gathije gwortal gi s̱uura gwa kwiji gwina gwaji gwerna, a nyira, a dhola, a ŋidi ŋina ŋathelila galo nyare nyai. 24 A minoŋ al Kalo abrico ko gi dhuŋun dhina dhathamira dugore degen gi ŋirle, dathil neyo aŋina yegen degen ganu no. 25 Lina lupeyo dhuŋuna ganu dhina dhiro titiganu dha Kalo gi ŋidhuŋun, aluminyi alidijo ŋida ŋina ŋigetilo Kalo ŋwurko ŋwai, athilupijo ŋeduŋw ŋiro gwina gwigeto ŋida peth no, gwina gwiro mubaarak gwortal gwortal. Amiin. 26 Gi dhuŋun ibidha al Kalo abrico gi uminyi gwina gwike gwuleny; ŋinena ma la legen upeye dhuŋuna ganu dhina dhuthilo gi dhuŋun dhina dhati dhiŋiradho gi dhuŋun dhina dhuthilo no. 27 A minoŋ a loma ko gathani dhuŋuna dha dhidhreye laio gi dhuŋun dhina dhuthilo, aldunini iga yai dhuŋun dhai dhegen dhina dhike degen ganu gweta gweta; alapai dhuŋuna dhina dhuthi dhara; athi lomaŋa dhre loma lai liter, alapa jiza gi lidom legen gwina gwaudhi gwan dhuŋun dhegen dhina dhike. 28 Gwiro ŋinena manidoinya diŋirani gwitiny diluminyi Kaloŋa gi liŋa gwegen, al Kalo abrico gi ŋadigireny ŋina ŋidunyinu, dilapai ŋida ibiŋa ŋina ŋati ŋaudhi no; 29 aloinyadhini dhuŋun dhai peth dhina dhati dhiŋir no, ŋidhir, a ŋidi ŋina ŋike, a dhuŋun dhadhi obadhe galo, a ŋijigor; aloinyadhini ŋiduiny ŋai, a dhuŋun dhadhi rinyie dhimar, a kaijiye gi je, a dhuŋun dhina dhuthi ŋwujimiya ganu, a dhuŋun dha dhapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike gi liji liter, a dhuŋun dha dhabiŋi dhuŋuna nyim. 30 A diluŋini gi liji liter, a dilirini Kaloŋa, a diluthi diŋila dina dathabiŋi buiny, alelila ŋamilai, alruje lidom legen lipilipa, algegita ŋida ŋina ŋike ŋitiŋiter, aldoinya dhuŋuna dhadhildhai uthejo baboŋaije nana ŋalai legen nyuni. 31 Athilbi liŋidhi no, alkiye dhuŋuna dhina dhidiminu, athiluthi uminyuŋw gwina gwuthi liji lina liŋir no, athiluthi ŋimira no, athiluthi inaŋw no. 32 Lina liliŋidhi ẖukm gwa Kalo darnu lina lathapai dhuŋuna dhina dhiro minoŋ laudhi dai, athilapo dhuŋuna ibidha dogo no, abi lathiŋir dugore ko gi liji lina lathapai dhuŋuna ibidha.