True Humility
1 Christ encourages you, and his love comforts you. God's Spirit unites you, and you are concerned for others. 2 Now make me completely happy! Live in harmony by showing love for each other. Be united in what you think, as if you were only one person. 3 Don't be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves. 4 Care about them as much as you care about yourselves 5 and think the same way that Christ Jesus thought:

6 Christ was truly God.
But he did not try to remain
equal with God.
7 Instead he gave up everything
and became a slave,
when he became
like one of us.

8 Christ was humble.
He obeyed God and even died
on a cross.
9 Then God gave Christ
the highest place
and honored his name
above all others.

10 So at the name of Jesus
everyone will bow down,
those in heaven, on earth,
and under the earth.
11 And to the glory
of God the Father
everyone will openly agree,
“Jesus Christ is Lord!”
Lights in the World
12 My dear friends, you always obeyed when I was with you. Now that I am away, you should obey even more. So work with fear and trembling to discover what it really means to be saved. 13 God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him.
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing. 15 Then you will be the pure and innocent children of God. You live among people who are crooked and evil, but you must not do anything they can say is wrong. Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, 16 as you hold firmly to the message that gives life. Then on the day when Christ returns, I can take pride in you. I can also know that my work and efforts were not useless.
17 Your faith in the Lord and your service are like a sacrifice offered to him. And my own blood may have to be poured out with the sacrifice. If this happens, I will be glad and rejoice with you. 18 In the same way, you should be glad and rejoice with me.
Timothy and Epaphroditus
19 I want to be encouraged by news about you. So I hope the Lord Jesus will soon let me send Timothy to you. 20 I don't have anyone else who cares about you as much as he does. 21 The others think only about what interests them and not about what concerns Christ Jesus. 22 But you know what kind of person Timothy is. He has worked with me like a son in spreading the good news. 23 I hope to send him to you, as soon as I find out what is going to happen to me. 24 And I feel sure the Lord will also let me come soon.
25 I think I ought to send my dear friend Epaphroditus back to you. He is a follower and a worker and a soldier of the Lord, just as I am. You sent him to look after me, 26 but now he is eager to see you. He is worried, because you heard he was sick. 27 In fact, he was very sick and almost died. But God was kind to him, and also to me, and he kept me from being burdened down with sorrow.
28 Now I am more eager than ever to send Epaphroditus back again. You will be glad to see him, and I won't have to worry any longer. 29 Be sure to give him a cheerful welcome, just as people who serve the Lord deserve. 30 He almost died working for Christ, and he risked his own life to do for me what you could not.
Gwibupo lijo dilro letipo
1 Minoŋ ada gathaje uwa gwimaje, ŋwuje di al Masiiẖ; ada dhuŋun dhimaje dha dhiŋiriye kwijo dhugore gi uminyi, ada aicaijiye gwimaje gwa Dhigirim, ada ina gwimaje gwina gwiŋir, 2 meajul iŋiruŋw dhugore gwiny, danya uthi fikr gwetipo, a nyuthi uminyuŋw gwetipo, a nyirijo ŋida ŋetipo je galo.
A dilrujini litilitiny
3 Athanya apo dhuŋuna dheda guginadhini gwai ganu i dhuŋun dhai dha dhare ŋamilai dhina dhiro tur no; abi ruini gwai gwitiny gi ŋadigireny ŋalo nyalabrico liter aliŋirani dagalo. 4 Athanya irijo ŋida je galo ŋina ŋuthanyalo no, abi abricul gweta gweta dagalo ganu ŋwirijo ŋida je galo ŋa liji liter ko.
Dhuŋun dhina dhuthi Yasuuⓐ dha rujini gwitiny a ai gwuŋun gwan anaŋa
5 Abricul fikr ibigwa ŋwuje dagalo gwina gwijo di al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ ko, 6 gwina gwiro ŋinena s̱uura gwa Kalo, athuŋwbi dhuredhi aŋinu yuŋun darnu lubio Kalo gai no, 7 ŋwubiruje gwidom gwuŋun gwitiny, ŋwapai s̱uura gwa gine, gwiliŋinu gwiro ŋinena liji; 8 a ŋwubujini gwiro ŋinena kwiji, ŋwuruje gwidom gwuŋun gwitiny, ŋwuthejo Kaloŋa kuni duŋwai, ai gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu. 9 A minoŋ gwima Kalo alije alaŋ ko, ŋwudhedha jiriny jina jibuthanu gi jiriny peth, 10 di ŋidi peth ŋina ŋo Sama, a ŋina ŋo kwiyaŋ, a ŋina ŋo kwiyaŋ galiny idijo jiriny ja Yasuuⓐ ŋwurko ŋwai, 11 a diŋila peth dateje galo darnu Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwiro Kweleny, di majdh gwa Kalo gina giro Babo.
Dhuŋun dhan meaje gilaŋuŋw gi midhe gwuri
12 A minoŋ, liji lai lina luminyinyilo, gwiro ŋinena uthejanyana dhuŋuna dhiny nyuni ŋwamun peth, gwati gwiro ŋinena nyinje dagalo ganu no, abi ŋinena gwoinyadhanu gwuleny ada nyi gwati gwimaje dagalo ganu no, meajul gilaŋuŋw gwalo ŋidheny ŋai a ubi gwai galo. 13 Ŋinena Kalo giro gina gapo ŋiro dagalo ganu danya uminyi danyapai dhuŋuna dhina dhibupuŋw gwan iŋir dhugore gwuŋun. 14 Apul dhuŋuna peth athanya romajo diman galo no, athanya upejiyo dhuŋuna alaŋ no, 15 dathanya uthi lom no, nyaro ŋinena keleŋa gina gitigitiny ga Kalo gina gati guthi dhara keligeny ganu gi liji lina lapo ganu a lina like no, degen ganu nyaŋa limaŋini liro ŋinena fure gi kidhila. 16 Muthadhul dhuŋuna dhadhi midhe; dathiny aro ŋamilai gi lamun la al Masiiẖ darnu nyi gwati gwiginadho tur no, i nyi gwati gwapo ŋiro tur no. 17 Abi ada ŋin ŋiny ŋimabulujini ko gi loboŋ ladhi garini gwan ŋiro ŋa imaan gwalo, nyi gwiŋir dhugore, a nyi gwiŋir dhugore nyaŋa ŋalai peth. 18 Gi dhuŋun ibidha iŋiriyul dugore ko, iŋiriyul dugore nyi ŋalai.
19 Abi nyi gwuthi dhunijuŋw di Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ diny ukeja Tiimuuthaawusuŋw dagalo gwaji gwitiny, diny iŋir ganu ada nyi gwimaliŋa dhuŋuna dhalo. 20 Ŋinena athiny uthi kwijo gwiter gwiro ŋinena ŋeda gwina gwathi gitijo dhuŋuna je momaŋ dhina dhuthanya no. 21 Ŋinena liji peth lathibupe ŋida ŋegen ŋina ŋuthilo, a lati lathibupe ŋida ŋa Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ no. 22 Abi nyaŋa liliŋidhi dhuŋuna dhina dhuthuŋw darnu, gwiro ŋinena ŋari ŋina ŋupijo babuŋw gwuŋun ŋiro, gwimanagwai apai ŋiro gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir. 23 A nyi gwuminyu diny ukeja ŋeduŋw dagalo babraŋ maji minyi liŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhaji dhila diginy. 24 Abi nyi gwuthi uminyuŋw di Kweleny darnu nyi ko gwila dagalo gwaji gwitiny.
25 Abi nyi gwarnu aram nyi gwukeja maguri dagalo gwina gwan Abafruuditus, gwina gwapanagwai ŋiro ŋadhi ejigur gwina gwukejanya, gwina gwathiny upijo ŋiro ŋina ŋathinyil bupe. 26 Ŋeda gwuminyu dajaŋa peth; gwithi dhugor ganu ŋinena diŋinanya darnu ŋeda gwuma. 27 Titiganu ŋeda gwuma kwereny di ŋwuje githo dai, abi gwima Kalo ina, a gwati gwinudhi Kalo cucun no, abi anaŋa ram ko, dathiny uthi kuŋw dhugore ŋwamun ganu ram no. 28 A minoŋ gwiny ukeja dagalo dhuŋun dhai dhina dhijo momaŋ di, ada gwimanya aŋa manaŋ nyiŋir dugore ko, a nyi gwati gwake dhugore gwuleny no. 29 A minoŋ uminyul gi Kweleny iŋir gwai dugore peth; a neyilo lina liro minoŋ dagalo. 30 Ŋinena gwan ŋiro ŋa al Masiiẖ gwijo githo dai, ŋwuje kalo gina guthi dhuŋuna dhina dhibur gi gwidom gwuŋun, duŋw meaje ŋiro ŋalo ŋina ŋamiratho diginy.