Jesus Is Taken to Pilate
(Mark 15.1Luke 23.1Luke 2John 18.28-32)
1 Early the next morning all the chief priests and the nation's leaders met and decided that Jesus should be put to death. 2 They tied him up and led him away to Pilate the governor.
The Death of Judas
(Acts 1.18Acts 19)
3 Judas had betrayed Jesus, but when he learned that Jesus had been sentenced to death, he was sorry for what he had done. He returned the 30 silver coins to the chief priests and leaders 4 and said, “I have sinned by betraying a man who has never done anything wrong.”
“So what? That's your problem,” they replied. 5 Judas threw the money into the temple and then went out and hanged himself.
6 The chief priests picked up the money and said, “This money was paid to have a man killed. We can't put it in the temple treasury.” 7 Then they had a meeting and decided to buy a field that belonged to someone who made clay pots. They wanted to use it as a graveyard for foreigners. 8 This is why people still call that place “Field of Blood.” 9 So the words of the prophet Jeremiah came true,

“They took
the thirty silver coins,
the price of a person
among the people of Israel.
10 They paid it
for a potter's field,
as the Lord
had commanded me.”
Pilate Questions Jesus
(Mark 15.2-5Luke 23.3-5John 18.33-38)
11 Jesus was brought before Pilate the governor, who asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
“Those are your words!” Jesus answered. 12 And when the chief priests and leaders brought their charges against him, he did not say a thing.
13 Pilate asked him, “Don't you hear what crimes they say you have done?” 14 But Jesus did not say anything, and the governor was greatly amazed.
The Death Sentence
(Mark 15.6-15Luke 23.13-26John 18.39—19.16)
15 During Passover the governor always freed a prisoner chosen by the people. 16 At that time a well-known terrorist named Jesus Barabbas was in jail. 17 So when the crowd came together, Pilate asked them, “Which prisoner do you want me to set free? Do you want Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Messiah?” 18 Pilate knew the leaders had brought Jesus to him because they were jealous.
19 While Pilate was judging the case, his wife sent him a message. It said, “Don't have anything to do with that innocent man. I have had nightmares because of him.”
20 But the chief priests and the leaders convinced the crowds to ask for Barabbas to be set free and for Jesus to be killed. 21 Pilate asked the crowd again, “Which of these two men do you want me to set free?”
“Barabbas!” they shouted.
22 Pilate asked them, “What am I to do with Jesus, who is called the Messiah?”
They all yelled, “Nail him to a cross!”
23 Pilate answered, “But what crime has he done?”
“Nail him to a cross!” they yelled even louder.
24 Pilate saw that there was nothing he could do and that the people were starting to riot. So he took some water and washed his hands in front of them and said, “I won't have anything to do with killing this man. You are the ones doing it!”
25 Everyone answered, “We and our own families will take the blame for his death!”
26 Pilate set Barabbas free. Then he ordered his soldiers to beat Jesus with a whip and nail him to a cross.
Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus
(Mark 15.16-21John 19.2John 3)
27 The governor's soldiers led Jesus into the fortress and brought together the rest of the troops. 28 They stripped off Jesus' clothes and put a scarlet robe on him. 29 They made a crown out of thorn branches and placed it on his head, and they put a stick in his right hand. The soldiers knelt down and pretended to worship him. They made fun of him and shouted, “Hey, you king of the Jews!” 30 Then they spit on him. They took the stick from him and beat him on the head with it.
Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross
(Mark 15.22-32Luke 23.27-43John 19.17-27)
31 When the soldiers had finished making fun of Jesus, they took off the robe. They put his own clothes back on him and led him off to be nailed to a cross. 32 On the way they met a man named Simon who was from Cyrene, and they forced him to carry Jesus' cross.
33 They came to a place named Golgotha, which means “Place of a Skull.” 34 There they gave Jesus some wine mixed with a drug to ease the pain. But when Jesus tasted what it was, he refused to drink it.
35 The soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross and gambled to see who would get his clothes. 36 Then they sat down to guard him. 37 Above his head they put a sign that told why he was nailed there. It read, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” 38 The soldiers also nailed two criminals on crosses, one to the right of Jesus and the other to his left.
39 People who passed by said terrible things about Jesus. They shook their heads and 40 shouted, “So you're the one who claimed you could tear down the temple and build it again in three days! If you are God's Son, save yourself and come down from the cross!”
41 The chief priests, the leaders, and the teachers of the Law of Moses also made fun of Jesus. They said, 42 “He saved others, but he can't save himself. If he is the king of Israel, he should come down from the cross! Then we will believe him. 43 He trusted God, so let God save him, if he wants to. He even said he was God's Son.” 44 The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus.
The Death of Jesus
(Mark 15.33-41Luke 23.44-49John 19.28-30)
45 At noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until three o'clock. 46 Then about that time Jesus shouted, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?”
47 Some of the people standing there heard Jesus and said, “He's calling for Elijah.” 48 One of them at once ran and grabbed a sponge. He soaked it in wine, then put it on a stick and held it up to Jesus.
49 Others said, “Wait! Let's see if Elijah will come and save him.” 50 Once again Jesus shouted, and then he died.
51 At once the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, and rocks split apart. 52 Graves opened, and many of God's people were raised to life. 53 They left their graves, and after Jesus had risen to life, they went into the holy city, where they were seen by many people.
54 The officer and the soldiers guarding Jesus felt the earthquake and saw everything else that happened. They were frightened and said, “This man really was God's Son!”
55 Many women had come with Jesus from Galilee to be of help to him, and they were there, looking on at a distance. 56 Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John were some of these women.
Jesus Is Buried
(Mark 15.42-47Luke 23.50-56John 19.38-42)
57 That evening a rich disciple named Joseph from the town of Arimathea 58 went and asked for Jesus' body. Pilate gave orders for it to be given to Joseph, 59 who took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth. 60 Then Joseph put the body in his own tomb that had been cut into solid rock and had never been used. He rolled a big stone against the entrance to the tomb and went away.
61 All this time Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting across from the tomb.
62 On the next day, which was a Sabbath, the chief priests and the Pharisees went together to Pilate. 63 They said, “Sir, we remember what this liar said while he was still alive. He claimed in three days he would come back from death. 64 So please order the tomb to be carefully guarded for three days. If you don't, his disciples may come and steal his body. They will tell the people he has been raised to life, and this last lie will be worse than the first one.”
65 Pilate said to them, “All right, take some of your soldiers and guard the tomb as well as you know how.” 66 So they sealed it tight and placed soldiers there to guard it.
Yasuuⓐ gwijo gi je ganu ja Biilaaṯus, gwina gwiro mudiir gwa Ruumiya
1 A dina ma kalo ro bigunu a leleny peth la gusus a leleny liter la liji abiŋaijiye liduŋw di Yasuuⓐ, alari gwalrinya. 2 A dina malguke dhoi alodhadha di Biilaaṯus al Bunṯi gwina gwiro mudiir.
Ai gwa Yahuudha
3 A Yahuudha, gwina gwugejiyina, dina muŋw aŋa Yasuuⓐ dakimini, ŋwugejini, ŋwuwure gwarush dhure‐a‐die gwina gwiro faḏḏa, ŋwudhedha lelenya la gusus a liji lina lurun. 4 Ŋwulaici, Nyi gwimapai ŋida ŋina ŋike ŋinena ugejiny kwiji gwina gwiŋir. Albi abiŋaijo, alaici, Anaŋa luthaŋa? Dhuŋun dhuŋa dhiro. 5 Ŋwugeta faḏḏa galo gi hekal, ŋwutu por, ŋwela gwurinyini dhar dhai. 6 A leleny la gusus apai faḏḏa, alarnu, Gwati gwiŋir digeta kalo ga dhauwadhini gwarush gwa hekal no, ŋinena ruŋw luro la ŋin. 7 Alabiŋaijiye, alelaŋ dhiruiny dha liji lina lathigarije dha dhigwurce lirina. 8 Minoŋ a dhiruiny ibidhe uthi jiriny jan dhiruiny dha ŋin, di gi lamun ibila. 9 A dhuŋun uthi je ganu dhina dhabiŋu nebi Irmiya, ŋwarnu, Alapai faḏḏa dhure‐a‐die, luro la ŋeda lina lurinu, gwina gwima keleŋa ga Israayiil getijo luro. 10 Aldhedha delia dhiruiny dha liji lina lathigarije, gwiro ŋinena aŋaijina Kweleny.
Yasuuⓐ gwijo gi je ganu ja Biilaaṯus
11 A Yasuuⓐ dhuna gi je ganu ja mudiir; ŋwothaije galo, ŋwaici, Ŋa gwiro Malik gwa Yahuud a? A Yasuuⓐ aicinu, Ŋa gwarna momaŋ. 12 Abi ma leleny la gusus a liji lina lurun dhagirini dugun, ŋwugugide. 13 A Biilaaṯus abiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Ŋa gwati gwidiŋinu dhuŋuna dhoinyadho dhina dhugejil dhai duguŋa na? 14 Athuŋw babiŋaijo dhuŋuna dhetipo gatur no; di a mudiir ali galo dir gwuleny. 15 Gi lamun la ŋidwa ibiŋe mudiir gwathi gudajo lijo maẖbuus galo gweta gwina gwathil bupe. 16 Aluthi maẖbuus gweta gwina gwike, gwan Baaraabaas. 17 A dina mal auradha liduŋw, al Biilaaṯus abiŋaijo, ŋwulaici, Ei gwiro gwina gwibupanya daji gudejo galo, Baaraabaas, i Yasuuⓐ, gwina gwan al Masiiẖ? 18 Gwiliŋidhi darnu gwikijilo dugore, albodhadha dugun. 19 A dina nanaŋ jaluŋw kursi alaŋ ga maẖkama, a kwa gwuŋun ukejiye dugun, ŋwaici, Athena ŋa gwapai dhuŋuna dheda kwiji ibigwe gwina gwiŋir no; gi lamun ibila dhiŋidi dhenyaijiny dhuŋuna dhoinyadho dugun gwai. 20 Abi leleny la gusus a liji lina lurun lelinyaje lijo alari lothaijo mudiiruŋw galo Baaraabaas gwai, albi rinya Yasuuⓐuŋw. 21 Albi mudiir abiŋaijo, ŋwulaici, Ei gwiro gweta gwa liji ibila ram gwina gwuminyanyanya dari gwaji gudujo galo? Alarnu, Baaraabaas. 22 Al Biilaaṯus aici, Abi nyi gwure Yasuuⓐuŋw akwai, gwina gwidhedhanya jiriny jan al Masiiẖ? Alare peth nu, Abrico ŋwai gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu. 23 A mudiir arnu, Kworaŋ abi dhuŋun dhiro dhaŋ dhina dhapuŋw dhike? Albauruni gwula gwuleny, alaici, Abrico ŋwai gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu. 24 Dina ma Biilaaṯus aŋa darnu gwati gwareje dhuŋuna dheda no, abi liji laguje ganu, ŋwapa ŋau, ŋwuye doi duŋun gi je ganu ja liji, ŋwarnu, Nyi gwijuro doi ŋin ŋa kwiji ibigwa gwina gwiŋir. Daŋadhul nyaŋa. 25 A liji peth abiŋaijo, alaici, Abrico ŋina ŋuŋun alje daguri a keleŋa guri. 26 Ŋwubi guda Baaraabaasuŋw galo; a muŋw pi Yasuuⓐuŋw, ŋwudhiŋa dalalije gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu.
Rinyini gwa Yasuuⓐ gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu
27 A ejigur ya mudiir odha Yasuuⓐuŋw gi Daar al Waaliya, a orṯa peth auradha liduŋw. 28 Al wala ciraŋa juŋun, alguke jallaabiiya jina jure ditaŋ. 29 A dina mal kwoiya cugi nyuda, aliguke gi lira alaŋ, alguke karo gina giro gidhudho gi dhoi dhuŋun dhina dhiro dhiŋir. Alidijo ŋwurko ŋwai, al urnini ganu, alaici, Salaam, Malik gwai gwa Yahuud. 30 Algwogenya ŋwoiny nono, alpi dhimoiny dhai gi lira alaŋ. 31 A dina man urnini ganu, alwala jallaabiiya, alguke ciraŋa juŋun, alodhadha dirinya gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu. 32 A dina idhilo, alaŋa kwijo gweta gwan Simⓐaan, gwina gwiro Gerawaani; alelinyaije dapai lure luŋun lina limaliganu. 33 A dina malela kalo gina gan Juljutha, gwina gwiro kalo ga guna, 34 aldhedha khall gilagadho ganu murr gwai gwa dhiye; a dina muŋw ŋile, athuŋw iyo no. 35 A malalije gi lure lina limaliganu, alguginudhe ciraŋa juŋun, aljidhuriye; a dhuŋun uthi je ganu dhina dhabiŋu nebi, ŋwarnu, Liguginudho ciraŋa jiny, aldhuriye jallaabiiya jai jiny. 36 Aljalo mine alidaŋa. 37 Alule dhuŋuna gi lira alaŋ luŋun dhina dharil dhai gwike, alarnu, yasuuⓐ gwiro ibigwa gwina gwiro malik gwa yahuud . 38 Alalije luram lai ram, ŋeda ŋalai gi lure lina limaliganu, a gweta jadha gi dhoi dhina dhiro dhiŋir, a gweta gi dhour. 39 A liji lina lathimadhina galo alilo, athil aice ŋwura ŋwegen bulibuli. 40 Alarnu, Kwiji gwai gwina gwatharnu gwakeye hekal ŋari ŋodhadha manaŋ ŋwamun ganu thiril, gududhinu galo ada ŋa gwimaro Ŋari ŋa Kalo, uladha galo gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu. 41 An leleny la gusus dhagirini minoŋ ko, a jathib a liji lina lurun, alaici, 42 Gwina gwathigilaŋiye lijo liter; athuŋw buthi ŋoma gwagilaŋini gwiren no. Ada ŋa gwimaro Malik gwa Israayiil, abrico ŋinena ŋwuladha galo gi lure alaŋ lina limaliganu, anuminyi. 43 Gwathi dhra Kalo; abricul a Kalo gilaŋiye ŋinena ada gimuŋw uthi, ŋinena aruŋwnu, Nyi gwiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo. 44 A luram lina lijilai ŋwure alaŋ ŋwina ŋwimaliganu alilo minoŋ ko.
Ai gwa Yasuuⓐ
45 A kalo rimi ganu kalo peth ro saaⓐa die‐a‐ram di a saaⓐa ro thiril. 46 A gi saaⓐa thiril a Yasuuⓐ ure gwula gwuleny, ŋwarnu, Iloi, Iloi, lama sabakhtani? gwina gwiro Kalo giny, Kalo giny, kworaŋ nyibi gathani? 47 A liji coŋ lina lijo mine dina mal diŋini, alarnu, Kwiji ibigwa gwa gwurnio Iliiyaŋw. 48 An kwiji gweta ortadhadha ganu, ŋwapa safinja, ŋwun buluje khall, ŋwunije gi dhimoiny, ŋwudhedha, ŋwiye. 49 A liji liter arnu, Abricul alaŋa ada Iliiya gwimila, ŋwugilaŋiye. 50 A Yasuuⓐ ure gwula gwuleny manaŋ, ŋwudhiŋa dhigirima dhuŋun. 51 A kiraŋ ga hekal dhireyadhini ganu ram ro agwilaŋ di ŋwubaije galo galiny; a kwiyaŋ ube galo, a nyol upe ganu. 52 A del igiini; a aŋinu yoinyadho ya liji lina lina liŋir lina limai dire, 53 altuya gi del maji muŋw dire dai, alela gi mediina gwina gwiŋir didirel, alaŋini gi liji loinyadho. 54 A dina ma zabith a liji lina lijilai aŋa Yasuuⓐuŋw, a dina malaŋa kwiyaŋu dube galo, a ŋidi peth ŋina ŋupinu, aldhenya gwuleny, alarnu, Titiganu kwiji ibigwa gwiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo. 55 A la loinyadho lijo mine lina lidhunudhi romine, alaŋa lina lathi gwudhiye Yasuuⓐ ŋalai Jaliil, athil upijo ŋiro. 56 Gweta degen gwan Maryam al Majdaliiya, a Maryam, gwina gwiro nana gwa Yaⓐguubŋa a Yuusi, a nana gwa keleŋa ga Zabadi.
Gwurcini gwa Yasuuⓐ
57 A ma kalo ro ŋibilbil a kwiji gweta ila gwina gwuthi ŋida ŋoinyadho, gwan Yuusuf gwa Ar Raama, gwina gwiro thilmiz dha Yasuuⓐ. 58 A kwiji ibigwe ela di Biilaaṯus, ŋwothaije galo aŋinu yai ya Yasuuⓐ; a Biilaaṯus abiŋaijo ŋwari gwela aldhedha. 59 A dina ma Yuusuf apai aŋina, ŋwumiri nono kiraŋ gai gina giro tiil. 60 Ŋwudhire kimu ganu gina gikuruŋw kol ganu; ŋwudhadhire kolya gwugiluthe our ya dhel, ŋwela. 61 A Maryam al Majdaliiya je mine, a Maryam gwiter, allije galo aldhuni dhel ganu. 62 A gi lamun lina ligwodhaijo lamun la dhijarimani, a leleny la gusus a Farriisiyiin auradhe liduŋw di Biilaaṯus. 63 Alabiŋaijo, alaici, Kweleny gwai, anaŋa limaŋidhani dhuŋuna dha kwiji ibigwa gwina gwathukinejo lijo ganu dina nanaŋ midhuŋw, ŋwarnu, Maji minyai, a nyi gwaje ŋwamun thiril, a nyi gwadire manaŋ. 64 Abiŋu amr a dhel ethadhini di a ŋwamun ro thiril, i calmiz juŋun jaji jila gile, alapai ŋwuramai, alaici lijo nu, Ŋeda gwimadire dai; a gulta ga gidon gaji gakani gulta ga kwereny. 65 Al Biilaaṯus aicinu, Nyaŋa luthi dhedhiban; idhul, nyare dhuŋuna dhina dhanya dhuthi ŋoma. 66 Alela, alethadhe kaloŋa gina gidhirna aŋina yuŋun, alkhathimiye kolya, aldhuneje dhedhiban.