1 The promise to enter the place of rest is still good, and we must take care that none of you miss out. 2 We have heard the message, just as they did. But they failed to believe what they heard, and the message did not do them any good. 3 Only people who have faith will enter the place of rest. It is just as the Scriptures say,

“God became angry
and told the people,
‘You will never enter
my place of rest!’ ”

God said this, even though everything has been ready from the time of creation. 4 In fact, somewhere the Scriptures say that by the seventh day, God had finished his work, and so he rested. 5 We also read that he later said, “You people will never enter my place of rest!” 6 This means that the promise to enter is still good, because those who first heard about it disobeyed and did not enter. 7 Much later God told David to make the promise again, just as I have already said,

“If you hear his voice today,
don't be stubborn!”

8 If Joshua had really given the people rest, there would not be any need for God to talk about another day of rest. 9 But God has promised us a Sabbath when we will rest, even though it has not yet come. 10 On that day God's people will rest from their work, just as God rested from his work.
11 We should do our best to enter the place of rest, so none of us will disobey and miss going there, as they did. 12 God's word is alive and powerful! It is sharper than any double-edged sword. His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts. 13 Nothing is hidden from God! He sees through everything, and we will have to tell him the truth.
Jesus Is the Great High Priest
14 We have a great high priest, who has gone into heaven, and he is Jesus the Son of God. This is why we must hold on to what we have said about him. 15 Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! 16 So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.
Yasuuⓐ gwina gwiro kweleny gwa gusus gwina gwinaŋ gwinunu di H̱aruun
1 A minoŋ ŋinena uthilo dhuŋuna dhina dharuŋwdhai dha dhuni gi gatho uwa gwuŋun, abricije anadhenya, di dathi dhuŋun ibidha aŋinijo gweta dagalo ganu darnu gwati gwimobani gi dhuŋun dhina dharuŋwdhai no. 2 Titiganu anaŋa limadiŋini Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir, gwiro ŋinena diŋinina ŋediŋa ko; abi dhuŋun dhina dhabiŋinu dhati dhuthi je ganu degen no, ŋinena athuŋw lagudhinu ganu imaan gwai gi liji lina lidiŋinu no. 3 Anaŋa lina limuminyi liro lina luni di gatho uwa ibigwe, gwiro ŋinena aruŋwna, Nyi gwalifiyo gi kadhugore gwiny nyarnu, Ŋediŋa lati luni gi gatho uwa gwiny no, ŋinena meajuŋw ŋiro ŋuŋun ro dina gitinina dhugul dha gidhila. 4 Dina abiŋuŋw kalo geta gi dhuŋun dha lamun lina liro nimra kworoŋo‐thiril ŋwarnu, Kalo giguthi uwa gi lamun lina liro kworoŋo‐thiril gi ŋiro ŋuŋun peth. 5 A gi kalo ibiga ko gi dhuŋun dhina dhulinu ŋwarnu, Lati luni gi gatho uwa gwiny no. 6 A minoŋ ŋinena adhi liji coŋ uthi ŋoma dinuni ganu, abi lina lidiŋinu Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir kwereny lati luni no ŋinena gi dhuŋun dha ure nyuni ganu gwegen; 7 a gwigeto lamun leta momaŋ ko, ŋwarnu gi dhuŋun dha Daawud dhina dhulinu dina ma jidhila joinyadho erna; gwiro ŋinena aruŋwunu, Ŋinenaŋina, ada nyaŋa limadiŋini gwula gwuŋun, athanya biriyo dugore dalo no. 8 Ŋinena ada lati limal Yashuuⓐ dhedha gathuŋw uwa, Kalo gati guthi ŋoma dabiŋi manaŋ dhuŋuna dhan lamun liter no. 9 A minoŋ gatho uwa gwa Sabith gwoma gwathije gwan liji la Kalo. 10 Ŋinena gwina gwuni gi gatho uwa gwa Kalo, ŋeda ko gwigatho uwa gi ŋiro ŋuŋun, gwiro ŋinena athin Kalo gatho uwa gi ŋiro ŋuŋun.
11 A minoŋ abricije anapai ŋiro momaŋ dugor dai duri peth diluni gi gatho uwa ibigwe, dathi kwiji gweda ido gi dhuŋun dha ure nyuni ganu gwina gwuthi liji lina lido gi leba no. 12 Ŋinena midho dhuŋun dha Kalo, a dhathapai ŋiro momaŋ, dhuthi ŋin ŋina ŋetadhanu gi kalala gina guthi ŋin ŋwimera ram, a dhathuni ŋwubeye dhuŋuna galo dha dhugor a ŋwubeye dhuŋuna galo dha dhigirim, ŋwubeye ŋwurthu galo ŋwa ŋwui a ŋwuni gi duja ganu, a dhuthi ŋoma diliŋa afkaar gwa dhugor a dhuŋun peth dhina dhuthuŋw. 13 A ŋidi ŋati ŋeda ŋina ŋigetuŋwulo ŋina ŋati ŋaŋinu momaŋ gi je ganu juŋun no; abi ŋidi peth ŋijo galo ŋwumirinya a ŋuŋinu momaŋ gi je ganu juŋun gwina gwuthi dhuŋuna dhega peth gi dhoi dhuŋun.
14 A ŋinena uthana kwelenya gwa gusus gwina gwinaŋ, gwina gwimuni gi Samawaat, Yasuuⓐ gwina gwiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo, abricije almuthedha dhuŋuna momaŋ dhina dhuthana dhuŋun. 15 Ŋinena athana uthi kwelenya gwa gusus gwina gwati gwuthi ŋoma dijigathaje uwa gi mule nono gwuri no; abi gwidhejinu gi ŋidi peth gwiro ŋinena anaŋa, abi gwati gwuthi ŋida ŋina ŋike no. 16 A minoŋ abricije alila lire ganu gi kursi ga niⓐma, dilapai inaŋw, a albuje niⓐma gi lamun lina libupanalai gathajuŋw uwa.