1-2 From the apostle Paul and from all the Lord's followers with me.
I was chosen to be an apostle by Jesus Christ and by God the Father, who raised him from death. No mere human chose or appointed me to this work.
To the churches in Galatia:
3 I pray that God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace! 4 Christ obeyed God our Father and gave himself as a sacrifice for our sins to rescue us from this evil world. 5 God will be given glory forever and ever. Amen.
The Only True Message
6 I am shocked that you have so quickly turned from God, who chose you with his gift of undeserved grace. You have believed another message, 7 when there is really only one true message. But some people are causing you trouble and want to make you turn away from the good news about Christ. 8 I pray that God will punish anyone who preaches anything different from our message to you! It doesn't matter if that person is one of us or an angel from heaven. 9 I have said it before, and I will say it again. I hope God will punish anyone who preaches anything different from what you have already believed.
10 I am not trying to please people. I want to please God. Do you think I am trying to please people? If I were doing that, I would not be a servant of Christ.
How Paul Became an Apostle
11 My friends, I want you to know that no one made up the message I preach. 12 It wasn't given or taught to me by some mere human. My message came directly from Jesus Christ when he appeared to me.
13 You know how I used to live as a Jew. I was cruel to God's church and even tried to destroy it. 14 I was a much better Jew than anyone else my own age, and I obeyed every law our ancestors had given us. 15 But even before I was born, God had chosen me by his gift of undeserved grace and had decided 16 to show me his Son, so I would announce his message to the Gentiles. I didn't talk this over with anyone. 17 I didn't say a word, not even to the men in Jerusalem who were apostles before I was. Instead, I went at once to Arabia, and afterwards I returned to Damascus.
18 Three years later I went to visit Peter in Jerusalem and stayed with him for 15 days. 19 The only other apostle I saw was James, the Lord's brother. 20 And in the presence of God I swear I am telling the truth.
21 Later, I went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22 But no one who belonged to Christ's churches in Judea had ever seen me in person. 23 They had only heard that the one who had been cruel to them was now preaching the message that he had once tried to destroy. 24 And because of me, they praised God.
1 Buulus, gwina gwukejinu, (gwati gwiro gwa liji, i kwiji gwai no, abi Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwai, a Kalo gina giro Babo, gina gidireyo dai;) 2 a limega peth lina lijanalai, gi kanaayis ga Qalaaṯiiya. 3 Niⓐma dagalo a audhaijiye galo di Kalo gina giro Babo, a di Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, 4 gwina gwidhedhi gwidom gwuŋun gwan ŋidi ŋega ŋina ŋike, dijubire gi gidhila ibiga gina gike, gwiro ŋinena gi dhuŋun dhina dhibupo Kalo a Babo gwega; 5 gina guthi majdh gwortal a gwortal. Amiin.
Buulus gwuthi kuŋw dhugore gi dhuŋun dha liji la Qalaaṯiiya
6 Nyi gwalidhi galo dir ŋinena manya urle galo babraŋ dugun gwina gwimajurniye gi niⓐma gwa al Masiiẖ di Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dhiter; 7 dhina dhati dhiro dhuŋun dhiter no; abi coŋ lathajikiye dugore, aluminyi dilurle Dhuŋuna galo dhina Dhiŋir dha al Masiiẖ. 8 Abi ada anaŋa, i malaak gweta gwa Sama, limajabiŋaijo dhuŋuna dhiter dhina dhati dhiro dhuŋun dhina dhimajilabiŋaijo no, abricul ŋwuluini. 9 Gwiro ŋinena abiŋaijajina kwereny, a minoŋ nyin abiŋi ŋinena ko, ada kwiji gweda gwimaji abiŋaijo dhuŋuna dhiter gi dhuŋun dhina dhimanya uminyi, abricul ŋwuluini. 10 Nyi gwara gwanuje lijo ŋinena, i Kalo? I nyibupe diny iŋiriye lijo dugore? Abi ada nyi gwimaje diŋiriye lijo dugore, a nyi gwati gwaro gadham ga al Masiiẖ no.
Dhuŋun dha Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dhidhi dugun di al Masiiẖ a dhati dhidhi gi liji no
11 Abi nyi gwajiliŋidhiye, limega lai, gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dhina dhabiŋinydhai dhati dhiro dha kwiji no. 12 Ŋinena athinyi apo di kwiji, i athinyi aliminu no, abi dhina dhaŋinu di Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ. 13 Ŋinena manya diŋini dhuŋuna dha midhe gwiny gi ŋwamun ŋwina ŋwimerna gi dhuŋun dha dhuminyi Kaloŋa dhina dhuthi Yahuud, akwai nyi gwathije dirini kaniisa ga Kalo dhuŋun dhai dhina dhike gwuleny, nyidheje dinyirniye. 14 Nyi gwiliŋidhi dhuŋuna dha dhuminyi Kaloŋa dhina dhuthi Yahuud dhoinyadhanu gi loma lina lijanalai gi liji liny, nyuminyi gwuleny dhuŋuna dhina dhathi baboŋa liny apai. 15 Abi ma Kalo iŋir dhugore, gina girujiny ter ro kari ganu ga nana gwiny, nyurniye niⓐma gwai gwuŋun, 16 dinyaŋiye Ŋare ŋuŋun, dinyiŋabiŋi gi Liumam ganu; athinyin abiŋadhaijo lijo ganu gi dhuŋun ibidha no, 17 i athinyi idhi gi Urushaliim degen lina lukejinu lina lijo kwereny diginy no; nyibela babraŋ gi Ⓐarabiiya, nyaura ko gi Dimishga.
18 Maji ma jidhila thiril erna, nyibela gi Urushaliim daŋa Buṯrusuŋw, anagwijalo ŋwamun die‐a‐thudhina. 19 Athinyil baŋudhi liter lina lukejinu no, abi Yaⓐguub dogo, gwina gwiro megen gwa Kweleny. 20 Dhuŋun dhina dhulijaje dhiro titiganu, a gi je ganu ja Kalo nyi gwati gwiro gwidhuŋun no. 21 Nyibaji nyela kalo geta geta ga Suuriiya a Kiiliikiiya. 22 Abi nyi gwati gwiliŋinu gi je ganu ja liji la kanaayis ga Yahuudiiya gina go di al Masiiẖ no, 23 abi ŋediŋa lidiŋinu kwereny dogo darnu, gwina gwathijirini kwereny gi ŋwamun ŋwina ŋwimerna ŋinena gwathabiŋaijo lijo dhuŋuna dha imaan gwina gwathuŋw dhagirini kwereny. 24 Almajidhe Kaloŋa diginy.