Saul Becomes a Follower of the Lord
(Acts 22.6-16Acts 26.12-18)
1 Saul kept on threatening to kill the Lord's followers. He even went to the high priest 2 and asked for letters to the leaders of the synagogues in Damascus. He did this because he wanted to arrest and take to Jerusalem any man or woman who had accepted the Lord's Way. 3 When Saul had almost reached Damascus, a bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, “Saul! Saul! Why are you so cruel to me?”
5 “Who are you?” Saul asked.
“I am Jesus,” the Lord answered. “I am the one you are so cruel to. 6 Now get up and go into the city, where you will be told what to do.”
7 The men with Saul stood there speechless. They had heard the voice, but they had not seen anyone. 8 Saul got up from the ground, and when he opened his eyes, he could not see a thing. Someone then led him by the hand to Damascus, 9 and for three days he was blind and did not eat or drink.
10 A follower named Ananias lived in Damascus, and the Lord spoke to him in a vision. Ananias answered, “Lord, here I am.”
11 The Lord said to him, “Get up and go to the house of Judas on Straight Street. When you get there, you will find a man named Saul from the city of Tarsus. Saul is praying, 12 and he has seen a vision. He saw a man named Ananias coming to him and putting his hands on him, so he could see again.”
13 Ananias replied, “Lord, a lot of people have told me about the terrible things this man has done to your followers in Jerusalem. 14 Now the chief priests have given him the power to come here and arrest anyone who worships in your name.”
15 The Lord said to Ananias, “Go! I have chosen him to tell foreigners, kings, and the people of Israel about me. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for worshiping in my name.”
17 Ananias left and went into the house where Saul was staying. Ananias placed his hands on him and said, “Saul, the Lord Jesus has sent me. He is the same one who appeared to you along the road. He wants you to be able to see and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
18 Suddenly something like fish scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see. He got up and was baptized. 19 Then he ate and felt much better.
Saul Preaches in Damascus
For several days Saul stayed with the Lord's followers in Damascus. 20 Soon he went to the synagogues and started telling people that Jesus is the Son of God. 21 Everyone who heard Saul was amazed and said, “Isn't this the man who caused so much trouble for those people in Jerusalem who worship in the name of Jesus? Didn't he come here to arrest them and take them to the chief priests?”
22 Saul preached with such power that he completely confused the Jewish people in Damascus, as he tried to show them that Jesus is the Messiah.
23 Later some of them made plans to kill Saul, 24 but he found out about it. He learned that they were guarding the gates of the city day and night in order to kill him. 25 Then one night his followers let him down over the city wall in a large basket.
Saul in Jerusalem
26 When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to join the followers. But they were all afraid of him, because they did not believe he was a true follower. 27 Then Barnabas helped him by taking him to the apostles. He explained how Saul had seen the Lord and how the Lord had spoken to him. Barnabas also said when Saul was in Damascus, he had spoken bravely in the name of Jesus.
28 Saul moved about freely with the followers in Jerusalem and told everyone about the Lord. 29 He was always arguing with the Jews who spoke Greek, and so they tried to kill him. 30 But the followers found out about this and took Saul to Caesarea. From there they sent him to the city of Tarsus.
31 The church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria now had a time of peace and kept on worshiping the Lord. The church became stronger, as the Holy Spirit encouraged it and helped it grow.
Peter Heals Aeneas
32 While Peter was traveling from place to place, he visited the Lord's followers who lived in the town of Lydda. 33 There he met a man named Aeneas, who for eight years had been sick in bed and could not move. 34 Peter said to Aeneas, “Jesus Christ has healed you! Get up and make up your bed.” At once he stood up.
35 Many people in the towns of Lydda and Sharon saw Aeneas and became followers of the Lord.
Peter Brings Dorcas Back to Life
36 In Joppa there was a follower named Tabitha. Her Greek name was Dorcas, which means “deer.” She was always doing good things for people and had given much to the poor. 37 But she got sick and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room. 38 Joppa wasn't far from Lydda, and the followers heard that Peter was there. They sent two men to say to him, “Please come with us as quickly as you can!” 39 At once, Peter went with them.
The men took Peter upstairs into the room. Many widows were there crying. They showed him the coats and clothes that Dorcas had made while she was still alive.
40 After Peter had sent everyone out of the room, he knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the body of Dorcas and said, “Tabitha, get up!” The woman opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up. 41 He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet.
Peter called in the widows and the other followers and showed them that Dorcas had been raised from death. 42 Everyone in Joppa heard what had happened, and many of them put their faith in the Lord. 43 Peter stayed on for a while in Joppa in the house of a man named Simon, who made leather.
Urle dhugore galo gwa Shaawul
1 Athibi Shaawul abiŋa gi calmiz ja Kweleny dhuŋuna dhadhice ŋidhenyo a dhadhirinya, ŋwela di kweleny gwa gusus. 2 Ŋwothaije galo jawaabaat jai ja majaamiⓐ gwa Dimishga, di ada gwimabuje lijo la Dhai ibidha, lina liro loma i lina liro la, ŋwulguke ŋwulodhadha gi Urushaliim. 3 A dina idhuŋw, ŋwudoga githo Dimishga, an fure uladha ganu dugun gwina gwulo gi Sama. 4 Ŋwide kwiyaŋ, ŋwudiŋini ŋwal ŋwina ŋwaicinu, Shaawul gwai, Shaawul gwai, kworaŋ athinyinbi dhagirini? 5 Ŋwubarnu, Kweleny gwai, au gwun ei? A Kweleny arnu, Nyi gwan Yasuuⓐ, gwina gwathaŋan dhagirini. Dhuŋun dhibur duguŋa daŋa upe doloŋa. 6 Ŋwubigalo ŋwali galo dir, ŋwarnu, Kweleny gwai, Ŋa gwibupo dinyapaŋa? Abi Kweleny aicinu, Diro ŋuni gi mediina, a laŋa abiŋaijo aŋ gwina gwiŋir daŋa apai. 7 Abi liji lina lidhil lai dhuna jigwoiny, aldiŋini ŋwal athilbaŋudhi gweda no. 8 A Shaawul direlaŋ kwiyaŋ; a je juŋun jiginu, athuŋw buthi ŋoma daŋa kwijo gweda no. Albodha gi dhoi dhuŋun, algwuni gi Dimishga. 9 Ŋwuje ŋwamun thiril athuŋw daŋudhi galo, i athuŋw ithi i athuŋw iyo no.
Shaawul gi Dimishga
10 A thilmiz dheta dhijo Dimishga dhina dhan H̱anaaniiya, a Kweleny abiŋaijo gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro ŋinena dhiŋidi ŋwaici, H̱anaaniiya gwai. Ŋwarnu, Nyi gwo mina, Kweleny gwai. 11 A Kweleny aicinu, Diro ŋela gi dhai dhina dhan Gwidhunu galo, a ŋuthe galo gi dunu gwa Yahuudha kwiji gwai gweta gwina gwiro gwa Ṯarsuus gwina gwan Shaawul. Aŋadhi, gwa gwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa. 12 A ŋwaŋa gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro ŋinena dhiŋidi kwijo gweta gwina gwan H̱anaaniiya dudha, ŋwungeta dhoi alaŋ dhuŋun duŋwure je ganu. 13 Abi H̱anaaniiya aicinu, Kweleny gwai, nyi gwidiŋinu dhuŋuna gi liji loinyadho dhan kwiji ibigwa, dhina dhathuŋw apai dhina dhike gi liji luŋa lina liŋir didirel gi Urushaliim. 14 A mina gwuthi ŋelenya gi leleny la gusus duŋwguke ŋediŋaije peth lina lathurnie jiriny juŋa. 15 Abi Kweleny aicinu, Idhibai, gwiro gweta gwina gwibupiny duŋwapai jiriny jiny gi je ganu ja Liumam a maluuk a keleŋa ga Israayiil. 16 Gwaji gwinyaŋajo ŋida ŋoinyadho ŋina ŋadhumeye ŋeduŋw ŋiya gi dhuŋun dha jiriny jiny. 17 A H̱anaaniiya ela, ŋwuni gi dunu; ŋwungeta doi alaŋ duŋun, ŋwaici, Mega gwai gwina gwan Shaawul, Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ, gwina gwaŋinijaŋa gi dhai dhina dhidhaŋana gwukejiny, daŋa uriye je ganu a ŋoinyadhe Dhigirim dhai dhina Dhiŋir. 18 A kaija ibige a ŋidi ide gi je ganu juŋun ŋina ŋiro ŋinena jibiriŋur ŋwudaŋa galo babraŋ. Ŋwudire, ŋwuⓐamidhini. 19 A dina muŋw eny, ŋwubur nono. A Shaawulŋa jalo calmiz jai jina jijo gi Dimishga ŋwamun coŋ. 20 Ŋwunabiŋadhaijo lijo ganu gi majaamiⓐ dhuŋuna dha al Masiiẖ, darnu ŋeda gwiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo. 21 Abi liji peth ali galo dir lina lidiŋinu, alarnu, Gwati gwiro ibigwa gwina gwathirinya lijo gi Urushaliim lina lathurnie jiriny jai ibija na? A gwimila mina gi dhuŋun ibidha, duŋwulguke ŋwulodhadha gi leleny la gusus. 22 Abi Shaawul burani nono, athuŋw alije Yahuud galo dir lina lathije gi Dimishga, athuŋwulaicinu titiganu ibigwa gwiro al Masiiẖ. 23 A dina ma ŋwamun ŋwoinyadho erna, a Yahuud abiŋaijiye dilrinya, 24 abi Shaawul liŋa dhuŋuna dhegen, athil ethadhe our ninaŋin a gigilo, alari gwalrinya. 25 Abi calmiz odha gile, algeta ŋuni ganu aluleje galo kwaribainy alaŋ.
Shaawul gi Urushaliim a Ṯarsuus
26 A dina ma Shaawul ela gi Urushaliim, ŋwubupe dilje calmiz jai; albidhenya peth, athiluminyu darnu gwiro thilmiz no. 27 Abi Barnaaba apa gi liji lina lukejinu, ŋuwlabiŋaijo ŋwulaŋajo darnu akwai Shaawul gwaŋadhi Kwelenya dina idhuŋw gi dhai a Kweleny abiŋaijo, a darnu akwai ŋeda gwabiŋaijo lijo gi Dimishga gi jiriny ja Yasuuⓐ re gwai ganu. 28 Athilje ŋediŋa lai athiluni a altu gi Urushaliim, 29 athuŋw abiŋaijo lijo gi jiriny ja Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ ŋwure ganu. Athil abiŋaijiye Yuunaaniyiin ŋalai; athil bari gwalrinya. 30 A dina ma limega liŋa dhuŋuna ibidha, alodhadha gi Ges̱ariiya, alukeje gi Ṯarsuus. 31 Athibi kanaayis peth ga Yahuudiiya a ga Jaliil a ga Saamira uthi audhaijiyuŋw galo athuŋw biŋa, a athuŋw elila gi ŋidheny ŋa Kweleny, a gi gathaje uwa gwa Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir, athuŋw oinyadhe.
Buṯrus gwiŋiriyo lijo nono gi Ludda
32 A dina idhi Buṯrus kalo peth, ŋwule ko gi liji lina liŋir didirel lina lathije gi Ludda. 33 Ŋwubuje kwijo gweta mine gwina gwan Iniyaas, gwina gwidhiro galo gi lagram alaŋ jidhileo dubaŋ, gwaio aŋina nono. 34 A Buṯrus abiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Iniyaas gwai, Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwaŋa iŋiriye nono; diro, ŋa gilce lagram luŋa. Ŋwundira ganu. 35 A liji peth la Ludda a la Saaruun aŋa, alaura di Kweleny.
36 A thilmiz dheta je gi Yaafa dhina dhan Ṯaabiitha, gwina gwan Qazaala. A kwa ibigwa gwuthi ŋiro ŋina ŋiŋir ŋoinyadho athuŋw dhedha lijo ŋida tur. 37 A ŋwamun ibiŋwe ŋwumi, ŋwai; a dina maluye, aldhiriye galo gi dunu gwina gwathije agwilaŋ. 38 A Ludda gwijo githo gi Yaafa, a calmiz diŋini darnu Buṯrus gwo mine, alukeje lijo ram dugun, alari gwaneladha ganu degen. 39 A Buṯrus dire alela ŋeda ŋalai. A dina muŋw obani, alodha algwalo gi dunu gwina gwathije agwilaŋ; a linina dhunejo galo peth alare, alaŋajo ŋwuga a ciraŋ jina jigegitilo Ṯaabiitha dina jil lai. 40 Abi Buṯrus teye peth por, ŋwujalo ŋwurko ŋwai, ŋwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa; ŋwubaji ŋwurla gi aŋinu ŋwarnu, Ṯaabiitha gwai, diro. A ŋeda igiye je juŋun, a dina muŋw aŋa Buṯrusuŋw ŋwudire ŋwujalo. 41 A ŋeda mutha gi dhoi ŋwidirejalaŋ. Ŋwuburnie lijo lina liŋir didirel a linina, ŋwulwurijo gwimidho. 42 A dhuŋun ibidha liŋini gi Yaafa peth; a liji loinyadho uminyi Kwelenya. 43 A Buṯrus jalo ŋwamun ŋwoinyadho gi Yaafa gi dunu gwa Simⓐaan gwina gwathapai ŋiro ŋadhideye jurna.