Treasure in Clay Jars
1 God has been kind enough to trust us with this work. This is why we never give up. 2 We don't do shameful things that must be kept secret. And we don't try to fool anyone or twist God's message around. God is our witness that we speak only the truth, so others will be sure we can be trusted. 3 If there is anything hidden about our message, it is hidden only to someone who is lost.
4 The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like. 5 We are not preaching about ourselves. Our message is that Jesus Christ is Lord. He also sent us to be your servants. 6 The Scriptures say, “God commanded light to shine in the dark.” Now God is shining in our hearts to let you know that his glory is seen in Jesus Christ.
7 We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from God and not from us. 8 We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. 9 In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again. 10-11 We face death every day because of Jesus. Our bodies show what his death was like, so his life can also be seen in us. 12 This means that death is working in us, but life is working in you.
13 In the Scriptures it says, “I spoke because I had faith.” We have this same kind of faith. So we speak 14 because we know that God raised the Lord Jesus to life. And just as God raised Jesus, he will also raise us to life. Then he will bring us into his presence together with you. 15 All of this has been done for you, so more and more people will know how kind God is and will praise and honor him.
Faith in the Lord
16 We never give up. Our bodies are gradually dying, but we ourselves are being made stronger each day. 17 These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing. 18 Things that are seen don't last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. This is why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen.
Dhuŋun dha dhabiŋaijo lijo dhugor dhai dhina dhiŋir a bur gwai nono
1 Gi dhuŋun ibidha ŋinena uthana ŋiro ibiŋa, gwiro ŋinena uthanana inaŋw, athana mulo nono no; 2 abi anaŋa limadoinya ŋida ŋina ŋigilibicinu ŋa dharo, athana idhidhi ŋwujimi ŋai, i athana ukinejo dhuŋuna ganu dha Kalo no; athanabi aŋiye dhuŋuna dhina dhiro titiganu ana dhedha lidom luri shahaada gi dugor da liji peth gi je ganu ja Kalo. 3 Abi ada Dhuŋun dhega dhina Dhiŋir dhimagilibicini, a dhigilibicinu gi liji lina lerna. 4 Lina lijina kalo ganu ga gidhila ibiga gina gimarimeye ŋadigirenya ganu ŋa liji lina lati luminyu no, dathil fure orajo galo gwa Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dha majdh gwa al Masiiẖ, gwina gwiro s̱uura gwa Kalo no. 5 Abi ŋinena anaŋa lati lathajabiŋaijo lidom lai luri no, abi Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwai gwina gwiro Kweleny; abi gi lidom luri anaŋa liro jine jalo gwan Yasuuⓐ. 6 Ŋinena ro Kalo gina garnu, A fure ora galo gi kirim, ŋeda gwiro gwina gworadho galo gi dugor ganu duri, dorajo liŋuŋw galo gwa majdh gwa Kalo gi je ganu ja Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ.
Mule nono gwa Buulus a ŋoma ŋa Kalo
7 Abi anaŋa luthi ŋida ibiŋa ŋina ŋauwadhinu gi nyidhe nyina nyiro ŋaijo, di iŋir gwuleny gwa ŋoma ibiŋa ro ŋa Kalo, athil rui ŋega no. 8 Dhuŋun dhina dhibur dho dhurejije galo ŋwimera peth, abi anaŋa lati lubo galo no; anaŋa lo like dugore, athanabi mulo nono no; 9 anaŋa lo lirininu, athanabi guthinunu no; anaŋa lo lipinu, athanabi rinyinu no; 10 athilapai kaŋinu yega ŋwamun peth aiuŋw gwa Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ, di midhe gwa Yasuuⓐ aŋini ko gi aŋinu yega. 11 Ŋinena anaŋa lina limidho aldhedha aŋina yega aiuŋw ŋwamun peth gwan dhuŋun dha Yasuuⓐ, di midhe gwa Yasuuⓐ aŋini ko gi aŋinu yega ina yaio. 12 A minoŋ ai gwathapai ŋiro daguri ganu, abi midhe gwo dagalo ganu. 13 Ŋinena uthana dhigirima dha imaan gwetipo gwiro ŋinena ulinuŋwna, Nyi gwimuminyi, a minoŋ nyi gwabiŋu; anaŋa ko luminyu, a minoŋ anabiŋi; 14 liŋidhul darnu gwina gwidireyo Kwelenya gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ gwuthi ŋoma gwijidireye alŋa ko Yasuuⓐ gwai, a gwijapai nyaŋa ŋalai. 15 Ŋinena ŋidi peth ibiŋa ŋan nyaŋa, di niⓐma je a gwimoinyadhe gwoinyadhanu a shukr gwima ginyadhani gi majdh gwa Kalo.
Dhuŋun dha ŋwuredeny ŋwina ŋwo ŋinena dogo, abi majdh gwathije gwortal
16 Gi dhuŋun ibidha athil mulo nono no; abi ada kwiji gwega gwa por gwimerna, abi gwa kiru gwaro gwiyaŋ lamun leta gi lamun liter. 17 Ŋinena dhuŋun dhega dhina dhibur dhiro dhowraŋ dhina dho ŋinena dogo, dhathijupijo gwoinyadho gwoinyadhanu wazan gwa majdh gwina gwathije gwortal; 18 abi anaŋa lati lidatiŋudhi ŋida ŋina ŋaŋinu no, albi datiŋa ŋida ŋina ŋati ŋaŋinu no; ŋinena ro ŋidi ŋina ŋaŋinu ŋa ŋinena kaija ibiga dogo; abi ŋina ŋati ŋaŋinu no ŋathije gwortal.