How To Pray
1 First of all, I ask you to pray for everyone. Ask God to help and bless them all, and tell God how thankful you are for each of them. 2 Pray for kings and others in power, so we may live quiet and peaceful lives as we worship and honor God. 3 This kind of prayer is good, and it pleases God our Savior. 4 God wants everyone to be saved and to know the whole truth, which is,

5 There is only one God,
and Christ Jesus
is the only one
who can bring us
to God.
Jesus was truly human,
and he gave himself
to rescue all of us.
6 God showed us this
at the right time.

7 This is why God chose me to be a preacher and an apostle of the good news. I am telling the truth. I am not lying. God sent me to teach the Gentiles about faith and truth.
8 I want everyone everywhere to lift innocent hands toward heaven and pray, without being angry or arguing with each other.
9 I would like for women to wear modest and sensible clothes. They should not have fancy hairdos, or wear expensive clothes, or put on jewelry made of gold or pearls. 10 Women who claim to love God should do helpful things for others, 11 and they should learn by being quiet and paying attention. 12 They should be silent and not be allowed to teach or to tell men what to do. 13 After all, Adam was created before Eve, 14 and the man Adam wasn't the one who was fooled. It was the woman Eve who was completely fooled and sinned. 15 But women will be saved by having children, if they stay faithful, loving, holy, and modest.
Dhuŋun dhiŋir dhadhi gwuje gi dhuŋun dhadhorthadha Kaloŋa gi kaniisa
1 A nyi gwibupo kwerkwereny gi ŋidi peth dhuŋun dhadhothaije Kaloŋa galo, a dhadhabiŋaijo Kaloŋa, a dhadhabiŋaijo Kaloŋa gwan liji liter, a dhadhaici shukran duŋwuje gi liji peth; 2 gwan maluuk, a liji peth lina luthi ŋelenya; danamidhe audhaijiye gwai galo midhe gwai gwaicaijiyo galo gi dhuŋun peth dha Kalo dhina dhiŋir, ana ireye je galo momaŋ. 3 Ibidha dhiŋir a dhuminyinu gi je ganu ja Kalo gina giro Mukhallis̱ gwega; 4 gina gibupo darnu liji peth lagilaŋini, a diledha diliŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhiro titiganu. 5 Ŋinena ro Kalo getipo, a ŋwuro gwetipo gwina gwo keligeny ganu di Kalo a liji, gwiro kwiji gwina gwan al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ; 6 gwina gwidhedhi gwidom gwuŋun digilaŋiye lijo peth dapai shahaada gi ŋwamun ŋwuŋun ŋwina ŋwiro ter. 7 Dhina dhiminyidhai Kalo ruje gweta gwina gwathabiŋaijo lijo dhuŋuna dhuŋun, a gweta gwina gwukejinu, (nyi gwabiŋu dhuŋuna dhina dhiro titiganu gi al Masiiẖ, a nyi gwati gwabiŋu ŋidhuŋinaŋa no;) a gweta gwina gwathalimiye Liumam gi imaan a dhuŋun dhina dhiro titiganu.
8 A minoŋ nyi gwibupo loma dil abiŋaijo Kaloŋa kalo peth, alalije doi alaŋ dina diŋir didirel, athil kii dugore, athil anato no. 9 A minoŋ di la gena ciraŋa jina jibudho degen, athiluthi lom no, aluthi ŋadigirenya ŋina ŋiŋir; athathil midhi uru yegen no, i athil geno dahab, i lulu, i ciraŋ jina juthi gwarush gwoinyadho no. 10 (Albigena ŋida ŋina ŋiŋir gi la lina luminyu dhuŋuna dha Kalo) ŋiro ŋai ŋina ŋiŋir. 11 Abrico kwaio dalimiye jigwoiny, ŋwuthejo dhuŋuna peth kuni. 12 Abi nyi gwati gwuminyu kwaio dalimiye, i athuŋw uthi ŋelenya di kwoma no, ŋwubi jalo jigwoiny. 13 Ŋinena gitinu Adam kwereny, a Hauwa gidon. 14 A Adam gwati gwukinejinu ganu no, abi kwa gwiro gwina gwukinejinu ganu, ŋwapai ŋida ŋina ŋike ŋwujimi ŋai. 15 Abi ŋeda gwaji gwagilaŋini liŋini gwai gwa keleŋa, ada ŋediŋa limaje gi imaan a uminyi a iŋir didirel ŋadigireny ŋai ŋina ŋiŋir.