Victory over the World
1 If we believe Jesus is truly Christ, we are God's children. Everyone who loves the Father will also love his children. 2 If we love and obey God, we know we will love his children. 3 We show our love for God by obeying his commandments, and they are not hard to follow.
4 Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. 5 No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.
Who Jesus Is
6 Water and blood came out from the side of Jesus Christ. It wasn't just water, but water and blood. The Spirit tells about this, because the Spirit is truthful. 7 In fact, there are three who tell about it. 8 They are the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and they all agree.
9 We believe what people tell us. But we can trust what God says even more, and God is the one who has spoken about his Son. 10 If we have faith in God's Son, we have believed what God has said. But if we don't believe what God has said about his Son, it is the same as calling God a liar. 11 God has also said he gave us eternal life and this life comes to us from his Son. 12 And so, if we have God's Son, we have this life. But if we don't have the Son, we don't have this life.
Knowing about Eternal Life
13 All of you have faith in the Son of God, and I have written to let you know you have eternal life. 14 We are certain God will hear our prayers when we ask for what pleases him. 15 And if we know God listens when we pray, we are sure our prayers have already been answered.
16 Suppose you see one of our people commit a sin that isn't a deadly sin. You can pray, and this person will be given eternal life. But the sin must not be one that is deadly. 17 Everything that is wrong is sin, but not all sins are deadly.
18 We are sure God's children do not keep on sinning. God's own Son protects them, and the devil cannot harm them.
19 We are certain we come from God and the rest of the world is under the power of the devil.
20 We know that Jesus Christ the Son of God has come and has shown us the true God. And because of Jesus, we now belong to the true God who gives eternal life.
21 Children, you must stay away from idols.
Imaan gwa Masiiẖi
1 Gwina gwuminyu darnu Yasuuⓐ gwiro al Masiiẖ gwiliŋinu di Kalo; a gwina gwuminyu ŋeduŋw gwina gwiliŋidhi gwuminyu ŋeduŋw ko gwina gwiliŋinu dugun. 2 Gi dhuŋun ibidha alŋa liliŋidhi darnu alŋa luminyi keleŋa ga Kalo, ada alŋa limathuminyi Kaloŋa, athil muthadha awaamir gwuŋun. 3 A uminyi gwa Kalo gwiro ibigwa, dathil muthadha awaamir gwuŋun; a awaamir gwuŋun gwati gwinaŋ no. 4 Gwina gwiliŋinu di Kalo gwadhinyi gidhileo; a dhinyi gwiro ibigwa gwina gwanagwai dhinyi gidhileo, imaan gwega. 5 Ei gwiro gwina gwadhinyi gidhileo, abi gwina gwuminyi darnu Yasuuⓐ gwiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo? 6 Gwiro ibigwa gwina gwidhi ŋau ŋai a ŋin ŋai, ŋeda gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ; gwati gwa ŋau dogo no, ŋwubiro ŋau a ŋin; a Dhigirim dhiro dhina dhitejo galo, ŋinena ruŋw Dhigirim dhina dhiro titiganu. 7 A lina litejo galo gi Sama liro thiril, Babo, a Dhuŋun, a Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir; ŋediŋa thiril liro letipo. 8 A lina litejo galo kidhila liro thiril, Dhigirim, a ŋau, a ŋin; a ibila thiril liro letipo. 9 Ada alŋa limuminyi shaahid gwa liji, abi shaahid gwa Kalo gwinunu; a shaahid gwa Kalo gwiro ibigwa gwina gwimatejini galo gi Ŋari ŋuŋun. 10 Gwina gwuminyu Ŋare ŋa Kalo gwuthi shaahid gi gwidom gwuŋun; gwina gwati gwuminyu Kaloŋa no girujuŋw gwidhuŋun; ŋinena athuŋw uminyu darnu Kalo gati gidhedhije Ŋare ŋuŋun no. 11 A dhuŋun dha shaahid dhiro ibidha darnu, Kalo gidhedhije midhuŋw gwina gwathije gwortal, a midhe ibigwa gwo gi Ŋari ŋuŋun. 12 Gwina gwuthi Ŋare gwuthi midhuŋw; a gwina gwati gwuthi Ŋare ŋa Kalo no, gwati gwuthi midhuŋw no.
Dhuŋun dhina dhimirudhi
13 Nyi gwulijaje dhuŋuna ibidha, nyaŋa lina luminyu jiriny ja Ŋari ŋa Kalo; danyaliŋa darnu nyaŋa luthi midhuŋw gwina gwathije gwortal, a danya uminyi jiriny ja Ŋari ŋa Kalo. 14 A alŋa luthi uminyuŋw titiganu dugun, darnu, ada gwimalothaije galo ŋidi ŋai ŋeda gi dhuŋun dhina dhathuŋw uminyi, ŋeda gwijideŋinaijo. 15 A ada alŋa limaliŋa darnu ŋidi peth ŋina ŋathilibupe gwijideŋinaijo, a alŋa laliŋa darnu alŋa luthi ŋida ŋina ŋibupilo dugun.
16 Ada kwiji gweta gwimaŋa megen dapai ŋida ŋina ŋike, abi ŋidi ŋina ŋike ŋati ŋiro ŋadhai no, gwaji gwuŋw othaije galo, a gwaji gwuŋw dhedha midhuŋw gwan ŋediŋa lina lati lapo ŋida ŋina ŋike ŋadhai no. Ŋidi ŋike ŋo ŋadhai. Nyi gwati gwarnu ŋadhanyan abiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa no. 17 Dhuŋun peth dhina dhike dhiro ŋidi ŋina ŋike; a ŋidi ŋo ŋina ŋike ŋina ŋati ŋadhai no. 18 Alŋa liliŋidhi darnu gwina gwiliŋinu di Kalo gwati gwathapai ŋida ŋina ŋike no; abi gwina gwiliŋinu di Kalo gwathethadhe gwidom gwuŋun, a gwina gwike gwati gwuŋwmini no. 19 Alŋa liliŋidhi darnu alŋa la Kalo liro, a gidhila peth gathije ŋidi ganu ŋina ŋike. 20 Alliŋa darnu Ŋari ŋa Kalo ŋimila, a jidhedha aŋauŋw diliŋa ŋeduŋw gwina gwiro titiganu, a alŋa lo gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro titiganu a gi Ŋari ŋuŋun ŋina ŋan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ. Kalo giro ibiga gina giro titiganu, ŋwuro midhe gwina gwathije gwortal.
21 Keleŋa gai gina gitigitiny, ethadhul lidom lalo gi ŋwoboŋ. Amiin.