Right with God
1 Now that we have been put right with God through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 He has brought us by faith into this experience of God's grace, in which we now live. And so we boast of the hope we have of sharing God's glory! 3 We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, 4 endurance brings God's approval, and his approval creates hope. 5 This hope does not disappoint us, for God has poured out his love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to us.
6 For when we were still helpless, Christ died for the wicked at the time that God chose. 7 It is a difficult thing for someone to die for a righteous person. It may even be that someone might dare to die for a good person. 8 But God has shown us how much he loves us—it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us! 9 By his blood we are now put right with God; how much more, then, will we be saved by him from God's anger! 10 We were God's enemies, but he made us his friends through the death of his Son. Now that we are God's friends, how much more will we be saved by Christ's life! 11 But that is not all; we rejoice because of what God has done through our Lord Jesus Christ, who has now made us God's friends.
Adam and Christ
12 Sin came into the world through one man, and his sin brought death with it. As a result, death has spread to the whole human race because everyone has sinned. 13 There was sin in the world before the Law was given; but where there is no law, no account is kept of sins. 14 But from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, death ruled over all human beings, even over those who did not sin in the same way that Adam did when he disobeyed God's command.
Adam was a figure of the one who was to come. 15 But the two are not the same, because God's free gift is not like Adam's sin. It is true that many people died because of the sin of that one man. But God's grace is much greater, and so is his free gift to so many people through the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ. 16 And there is a difference between God's gift and the sin of one man. After the one sin, came the judgment of “Guilty”; but after so many sins, comes the undeserved gift of “Not guilty!” 17 It is true that through the sin of one man death began to rule because of that one man. But how much greater is the result of what was done by the one man, Jesus Christ! All who receive God's abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ.
18 So then, as the one sin condemned all people, in the same way the one righteous act sets all people free and gives them life. 19 And just as all people were made sinners as the result of the disobedience of one man, in the same way they will all be put right with God as the result of the obedience of the one man.
20 Law was introduced in order to increase wrongdoing; but where sin increased, God's grace increased much more. 21 So then, just as sin ruled by means of death, so also God's grace rules by means of righteousness, leading us to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Đəd̶urwaṯa eŋen Rəmwara
1 Ŋen ŋanṯa ləgid̶ənr ləgəd̶urwaṯr eŋen i-Rəmwa d̶wonaṯad̶a, ləgerṯr d̶ëuṯaralo Rəmwara eg-Eləŋ igëndr Yesu Almasiya. 2 I-Yesu com ləgaɽwad̶aṯar ləgəbënṯiar eŋen ŋəd̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶ə-Rəmwa d̶wonaṯad̶a. Ləgad̶urr eŋen ŋəd̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶ə-Rəmwa, na ləgaŋərar nano ŋen ŋanṯa ləgaṯurṯiar ṯa ləgid̶r aləɽəbəd̶r eŋaɽrwa ŋə-Rəmwa. 3 Na gerṯe ŋen iŋi ikərəŋ. Ləgaŋərar nano com ŋen ŋanṯa ləgəneinr ŋen ŋubwa ŋeicia, ŋen ŋanṯa ləgələŋeṯr ṯa ŋen ŋubwa ŋeicia ŋamama d̶əɽiñaṯa ŋen, 4 na d̶əɽiñaṯa ŋen d̶amama d̶əŋënṯia, na d̶əŋënṯia d̶amama d̶əṯurṯia eŋen, 5 na d̶əṯurṯia eŋen d̶aber d̶əndid̶iar ləgirəwarano, ŋen ŋanṯa Rəmwa raraico d̶əbwa d̶əlëɽəŋu enare inëndr ṯa anunḏəjeini Usilaga Gətəɽe igi gəneinəndr.
6 Ŋen ŋanṯa ndə ləgəfr ləgəɽr led̶a lëbia eŋen məldin, Rəmwa rëɽu liga ɽrəjad̶aṯo ṯa, Almasiya gaiyo ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a ildi laijəba Rəmwa. 7 Aŋgaica ed̶a gero gənəŋ gəbiya ŋen ŋanṯa ed̶a gərto igi gəd̶urwaṯo eŋen, orn aŋgaica ed̶a gonto gaber gəd̶əñialo ṯa gabaiya ŋen ŋanṯa ed̶a gəŋəra. 8 Orn Rəmwa rërrəŋaid̶u ŋen ṯa rënəŋu rəbwandriya ŋen ŋanṯa Almasiya gaiyəṯəndr liga ləgəfr ləgəbəd̶iar ŋen ŋeicia məldin. 9 Nṯia ndə ləgəfr ləgid̶ənr ləgəd̶urwaṯr eŋen Rəmwa nëiñua ŋəfəniŋa ŋə-Yesu, ŋen ŋaŋəra ŋaməñaṯo orəba igi ṯa ləgid̶r alëbərnr id̶eiciano d̶ə-Rəmwa gënəŋuga! 10 Nëndr ləgafr ləgaɽr led̶a ləgeiyo Rəmwa orn ləgəbəɽəd̶ənr eŋen ŋen ŋanṯa ŋəɽaiñ ŋ-Id̶ia gəlëɽəŋu, ŋen ŋaŋəra ŋaməñaṯo orəba igi ṯa ləgid̶r alëbərnr d̶əməṯiad̶a d̶əlëɽəŋu ŋen ŋanṯa ləgafr ləguɽəbeinr Rəmwa nano! 11 Na gerṯe ŋen iŋi ikərəŋ. Orn aləŋəreṯr nano i-Rəmwa ŋen ŋanṯa Eləŋ igëndr Yesu Almasiya gënəŋu igi goɽəbaicəndr Rəmwa nano.
Ad̶əm garno ŋəɽaiñ orn Almasiya garno d̶əməṯia
12 Nṯia ŋen ŋeicia ŋenṯu alo ŋenŋa ŋed̶a gonto, na ŋəɽaiñ eŋen ŋeicia, nṯia ŋəɽaiñ ŋëndu led̶a pred̶ ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a pred̶ lid̶u ŋen ŋeicia. 13 Đeṯəm ŋen ŋeicia ŋafo alo liga Alganun yineid̶ənu, orn ŋen ŋeicia ŋaber ŋuməd̶einṯia led̶a ndə Alganun yero. 14 Orn ŋəɽaiñ ŋafo ŋerṯo ŋələŋe liga l-Ad̶əm nəŋarəmaṯe iliga lə-Musa məldin, ŋafo ŋerṯo ŋələŋe eled̶a com ildi lero ləbəd̶ia ŋen ŋeicia garno ŋen ŋ-Ad̶əm d̶urri. Ŋen ŋ-Ad̶əm ŋandërrəŋaiciar ŋen ŋed̶a gərto igi gëni geṯo nḏurṯu.
15 Orn d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶ə-Rəmwa gerṯe d̶arno ŋen iŋi Ad̶əni gid̶u iŋi ŋəfo mənna. Ndə led̶a lwaiña laiyo ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋeicia ŋed̶a gonto, ŋen d̶eṯəm ŋaməñaṯo orəba igi ṯa d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶ə-Rəmwa na d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶əd̶əbwa d̶əlëɽəŋu d̶əɽəjeinu nḏəməñaṯe ndëuwər ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a lwaiña eŋen ŋed̶a gonto, gënəŋu Yesu Almasiya. 16 Na d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ gerṯe d̶arno ŋen iŋi ŋətud̶ia ŋen ŋeicia ŋed̶a gonto kwai kwai. Na d̶əskid̶ia d̶akəl d̶eṯo ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋeicia ŋed̶a gonto na d̶arno d̶akəmia. Orn d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶eṯo ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋeicia ŋəled̶a lwaiña, na d̶arno ŋen ŋəd̶urwaṯo. 17 Ndə ŋəɽaiñ ŋerṯo ŋələŋe ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋeicia ŋed̶a gonto, orn ŋen d̶eṯəm iŋi ŋoɽra ŋaməñaṯo orəba ṯa led̶a ildi lənaneinia d̶əbwa d̶əlëɽəŋu id̶i d̶waiña na d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ id̶i d̶əɽo d̶əd̶urwaṯa eŋen Rəmwa nëiñua, lënəŋulu lid̶i alerṯe ŋələŋe ed̶əməṯia d̶urri eŋen ŋed̶a gonto fəŋu Yesu Almasiya.
18 Nṯia, garno led̶a pred̶ ləfo lakəmənu ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋeicia ŋed̶a gonto, nṯia com led̶a pred̶ laɽwad̶aṯa ləbəd̶ənia ləd̶urwaṯo eŋen Rəmwa nëiñua ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋəd̶urwaṯo ŋed̶a gonto, na ŋen iŋi ŋalnanaica d̶əməṯia. 19 Ŋen ŋanṯa garno led̶a pred̶ lid̶ənu ṯa lid̶u ŋen ŋeicia ŋen ŋanṯa ed̶a gonto gero gənna ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa, nṯia com led̶a pred̶ laɽwad̶aṯa ləbəd̶ənia ləd̶urwaṯo eŋen Rəmwa nëiñua ŋen ŋanṯa ed̶a gonto gəno ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa.
20 Na com Alganun yënṯu ṯa ŋen ŋeicia aŋəɽəjeini. Ŋen ŋeicia ŋaɽəjeinu orn d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶ə-Rəmwa d̶aɽəjeinu d̶əməñaṯo ŋen ŋeicia na d̶əɽəjeinu kaiñ, 21 ṯa ŋen ŋarno ŋen ŋeicia ŋəfo ŋerṯo ŋələŋe eŋəɽaiñ, nṯia com d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶ə-Rəmwa d̶id̶i ad̶erṯe ŋələŋe id̶əd̶urwaṯa eŋen Rəmwa nëiñua. Na d̶əd̶urwaṯa eŋen d̶ananaid̶ia d̶əməṯia d̶əbəɽəbəte Eləŋga igëndr Yesu Almasiya.