The Woman and the Dragon
1 Then a great and mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a woman, whose dress was the sun and who had the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was soon to give birth, and the pains and suffering of childbirth made her cry out.
3 Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads. 4 With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born. 5 Then she gave birth to a son, who will rule over all nations with an iron rod. But the child was snatched away and taken to God and his throne. 6 The woman fled to the desert, to a place God had prepared for her, where she will be taken care of for 1,260 days.
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, who fought back with his angels; 8 but the dragon was defeated, and he and his angels were not allowed to stay in heaven any longer. 9 The huge dragon was thrown out—that ancient serpent, named the Devil, or Satan, that deceived the whole world. He was thrown down to earth, and all his angels with him.
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “Now God's salvation has come! Now God has shown his power as King! Now his Messiah has shown his authority! For the one who stood before our God and accused believers day and night has been thrown out of heaven. 11 They won the victory over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the truth which they proclaimed; and they were willing to give up their lives and die. 12 And so be glad, you heavens, and all you that live there! But how terrible for the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you, and he is filled with rage, because he knows that he has only a little time left.”
13 When the dragon realized that he had been thrown down to the earth, he began to pursue the woman who had given birth to the boy. 14 She was given the two wings of a large eagle in order to fly to her place in the desert, where she will be taken care of for three and a half years, safe from the dragon's attack. 15 And then from his mouth the dragon poured out a flood of water after the woman, so that it would carry her away. 16 But the earth helped the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the water that had come from the dragon's mouth. 17 The dragon was furious with the woman and went off to fight against the rest of her descendants, all those who obey God's commandments and are faithful to the truth revealed by Jesus. 18 And the dragon stood on the seashore.
Ŋen ŋəwuji gəɽəbwa na ṯannin
1 Na ŋaməla ŋoɽra kaiñ ŋəseinu elo. Fəwuji gəɽəbwa gëɽənu ëd̶əñina nano, na gënəŋu gerṯo ubwa erəmanəŋ na ropa red̶ ndrəməñe rəɽijan rəɽo ṯaj yenenda əllëɽəŋu. 2 Gënəŋu gwonḏaico ṯaŋaro eŋen ŋauɽiña ṯa aŋələŋe ŋere ŋəlëɽəŋu. 3 Na ŋaməla ŋwomən ŋəseinu elo. Fəŋu waŋge garno d̶wala d̶ed̶əñwa igi gore goɽra kaiñ gəbërnia ṯannin igi gerṯo ŋəɽwa d̶enəŋ nəŋəməñe ŋəɽijan na rlde red̶ na gerṯo ṯaj d̶enəŋ neməñe eɽijan nəŋəɽwa d̶enəŋ nəŋəməñe ŋəɽijan ŋəlëɽəŋu. 4 Na ləper əllëɽəŋu ldəbuɽi d̶opa elorəb liɽijin eropa pred̶ relo ldəlauwəṯi alo. Na ṯannin ṯaiyiṯurwaṯo wuji nano igi gwonaṯa gələŋa ŋere, ṯa aiyəse ŋere taltal ndə ŋələŋənu. 5 Wuji nəŋələŋe ŋere ŋəɽona iŋi ŋid̶i aŋəɽeṯe eləŋ gəled̶a ləŋələŋe pred̶ na iŋi ŋid̶i aŋəɽrəmoṯe ləfrala ləd̶əpeinia. Na ŋere ŋəwuji ŋapənu taltal nəŋiɽini Rəmwa nano na kursi yeŋələŋe nano ilëɽəŋu. 6 Na wuji nəŋobəd̶aṯe ed̶əñwa alo yenəŋ isi Rəmwa rëɽəṯəma isi gënəŋu gid̶i aŋomicini nṯəlia niɽijin na nus.
7 Na d̶əbwaiñəd̶ia d̶atwod̶o elo. Makaiyil na malaiyəka ilëɽəŋu lapəd̶u ṯanninya. Ṯannin na malaiyəka ilëɽəŋu lagerd̶o, 8 orn ṯannin na malaiyəka ilëɽəŋu lad̶amənu, na alo niyerṯe elo ŋen ŋanṯa ŋulu. 9 Na ṯannin yoɽra yawujənu alo. Fərəmwa reicia rəpənde rəbërnia Iblis na Seṯan, irri rid̶u led̶a lalo ŋad̶əna. Yënəŋu yawujənu alo na malaiyəka ilëɽəŋu yawujənəlda. 10 Na egano olia goɽra elo igi gaṯa, “Đəñid̶i d̶ëbəria d̶eṯo na ŋabəɽa na ŋələŋe ŋə-Rəmwa irëndr leṯo pred̶ na ŋələŋe ŋ-Almasiya gəlëɽəŋu ŋeṯo com. Ŋen ŋanṯa ed̶a igi gasəkia lorldaiñ gënəŋu gəwujənu alo, gënəŋu igi gəlasəkia Rəmwa nano irëndr ëd̶əñëd̶əñin na uləŋgələŋ. 11 Led̶a ildi lad̶amo Seṯan ŋəfəniŋa ŋə-Ɽruma na ŋenŋa ŋəd̶aməd̶aṯa ed̶en, ŋen ŋanṯa lero lubwa d̶əməṯiad̶a ed̶en nṯia com laɽiñənu. 12 Ŋen ŋafəṯia ya elo ŋəreṯo nano na led̶a pred̶ ñəŋgi ñagəfo elo ŋəreṯr nano com. Orn wëi ŋəbwato ya d̶ud̶a na ya albar ñagid̶i ñaneini ŋen ŋubwa ŋen ŋanṯa Seṯan yirəwuṯənde nano na yënəŋu yeiciano kaiñ ŋen ŋanṯa yaləŋeṯo ṯa liga əllëɽəŋu lobəlano.”
13 Ndə ṯannin yiseicu ṯa yawujənu alo ṯaiyəlëldiñu wuji gəɽəbwa igi gələŋo ŋere ŋəɽorra. 14 Orn wuji ganeinu nəlde nəɽijan noɽra nocəl ṯa aŋəliyabworṯe alo ilëɽəŋu ed̶əñwa ṯa gënəŋu ṯaŋərəmujənu irəmwa reicia nṯəlia niɽijin na nus. 15 Na rəmwa reicia ndrəraice ŋawa alo igëiñua ŋarno d̶əbarlda ṯa aŋape wuji. 16 Orn d̶ud̶a d̶aməd̶aṯo wuji nḏəgagid̶i ëiñua ilëɽəŋu nḏəme d̶əbarlda id̶i ṯannin yəraicalo igëiñua ilëɽəŋu. 17 Na ṯannin yafo yeicəṯu wuji ano kaiñ neɽe ṯa aiyəbwaiñəd̶e ñereña ñəwuji ñəṯënu, fəled̶a ildi ɽrəmoṯwa ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa na lerṯo d̶aməd̶aṯa d̶ə-Yesu. Na yënəŋu yad̶əru nëbia albar nano.