In Thessalonica
1 Paul and Silas traveled on through Amphipolis and Apollonia and came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue. 2 According to his usual habit Paul went to the synagogue. There during three Sabbaths he held discussions with the people, quoting 3 and explaining the Scriptures, and proving from them that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from death. “This Jesus whom I announce to you,” Paul said, “is the Messiah.” 4 Some of them were convinced and joined Paul and Silas; so did many of the leading women and a large group of Greeks who worshiped God.
5 But some Jews were jealous and gathered worthless loafers from the streets and formed a mob. They set the whole city in an uproar and attacked the home of a man named Jason, in an attempt to find Paul and Silas and bring them out to the people. 6 But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city authorities and shouted, “These men have caused trouble everywhere! Now they have come to our city, 7 and Jason has kept them in his house. They are all breaking the laws of the Emperor, saying that there is another king, whose name is Jesus.” 8 With these words they threw the crowd and the city authorities in an uproar. 9 The authorities made Jason and the others pay the required amount of money to be released, and then let them go.
In Berea
10 As soon as night came, the believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea. When they arrived, they went to the synagogue. 11 The people there were more open-minded than the people in Thessalonica. They listened to the message with great eagerness, and every day they studied the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was really true. 12 Many of them believed; and many Greek women of high social standing and many Greek men also believed. 13 But when the Jews in Thessalonica heard that Paul had preached the word of God in Berea also, they came there and started exciting and stirring up the mobs. 14 At once the believers sent Paul away to the coast; but both Silas and Timothy stayed in Berea. 15 The men who were taking Paul went with him as far as Athens and then returned to Berea with instructions from Paul that Silas and Timothy should join him as soon as possible.
In Athens
16 While Paul was waiting in Athens for Silas and Timothy, he was greatly upset when he noticed how full of idols the city was. 17 So he held discussions in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentiles who worshiped God, and also in the public square every day with the people who happened to come by. 18 Certain Epicurean and Stoic teachers also debated with him. Some of them asked, “What is this ignorant show-off trying to say?”
Others answered, “He seems to be talking about foreign gods.” They said this because Paul was preaching about Jesus and the resurrection. 19 So they took Paul, brought him before the city council, the Areopagus, and said, “We would like to know what this new teaching is that you are talking about. 20 Some of the things we hear you say sound strange to us, and we would like to know what they mean.” ( 21 For all the citizens of Athens and the foreigners who lived there liked to spend all their time telling and hearing the latest new thing.)
22 Paul stood up in front of the city council and said, “I see that in every way you Athenians are very religious. 23 For as I walked through your city and looked at the places where you worship, I found an altar on which is written, ‘To an Unknown God.’ That which you worship, then, even though you do not know it, is what I now proclaim to you. 24 God, who made the world and everything in it, is Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands. 25 Nor does he need anything that we can supply by working for him, since it is he himself who gives life and breath and everything else to everyone. 26 From one human being he created all races of people and made them live throughout the whole earth. He himself fixed beforehand the exact times and the limits of the places where they would live. 27 He did this so that they would look for him, and perhaps find him as they felt around for him. Yet God is actually not far from any one of us; 28 as someone has said,
‘In him we live and move and exist.’
It is as some of your poets have said,
‘We too are his children.’
29 Since we are God's children, we should not suppose that his nature is anything like an image of gold or silver or stone, shaped by human art and skill. 30 God has overlooked the times when people did not know him, but now he commands all of them everywhere to turn away from their evil ways. 31 For he has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death!”
32 When they heard Paul speak about a raising from death, some of them made fun of him, but others said, “We want to hear you speak about this again.” 33 And so Paul left the meeting. 34 Some men joined him and believed, among whom was Dionysius, a member of the council; there was also a woman named Damaris, and some other people.
Ŋen ləfo alo yi-Ṯasəluniki
1 Orn ndə ləməño alo y-Amfibulis na alo y-Abuluniya ldərəmaṯe alo yi-Ṯasəluniki, alo isi yerṯo majmano y-Alyawuḏ. 2 Na Bulus nəŋënṯi emajma ŋen ŋarno gəbəd̶ia jaica jaica, ldukuɽəbijəd̶əṯi led̶ala eŋen ŋegad̶am gə-Rəmwa usbwo iɽijin, 3 nəŋəlërrəŋaici ŋen ŋopia ṯa d̶eṯəm Almasiya gid̶i aŋəneini ŋen ŋubwa na gid̶i aŋətwod̶e eŋəɽaiñ, nəŋaṯa ṯa, “Yesu fəŋu igi igəndërrəŋaicia ŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu, fəŋu gəɽo Almasiya d̶eṯəm.” 4 Na led̶a ləmaṯan iŋulu lanaṯəma na lënṯu id̶ərreid̶ia eŋen Bulusala na Sila, na led̶a lwaiña ləɽo Yunaniyin com, ildi ləbuŋṯia Rəmwa, na lwaiña əɽəlda com ildi loɽra eŋen. 5 Orn Alyawuḏ negiyace Bulusanda eŋen ldəme led̶a ildi leicia eled̶a lero ŋəɽwa ldəbwaid̶e led̶a, na led̶a pred̶ lirnuŋ ldətwod̶e ldəciṯano na labəṯa eɽa gəmaje gəbërnia Yasun ŋen ŋanṯa aŋələmiñiṯi Bulusanda. 6 Orn ndə lero ldəfid̶a ld̶əbərlded̶e Yasun na lorəba ləmaṯan com ləkanisa nələŋ nano nimuŋ, ldaṯa, “Led̶a ildi larid̶u led̶a lalo pred̶ isiano leṯo ëli com, 7 na Yasun gaŋënṯəlo. Lënəŋulu pred̶ lageiyo ŋen ŋeləŋ goɽra gə-Roma, ldaṯa ṯa eləŋ gëni gwomən gəbërnia Yesu.” 8 Led̶a na nələŋanda ldirəwano ndə ləno ŋen iŋi. 9 Na ndə Yasunanda lənaico nələŋ gərus ṯa anəlëbəri.
Ŋen ləfo alo yi-Bariya
10 Na taltal led̶a ildi lëndu ŋen ldəd̶waṯe Bulus na Sila alo yi-Bariya uləŋgi, na ndə lərəmaṯo d̶əge ldënṯi emajma y-Alyawuḏ. 11 Na Alyawuḏ yalo isi yeŋəra eŋen yaməñaṯo isi yalo yi-Ṯasəluniki ŋen ŋanṯa yaŋënṯu ŋen araga gonto, ṯaləgagwondəd̶o enad̶am nə-Rəmwa ñoman pred̶ ŋen ŋanṯa ṯaləseicu gaɽe d̶ërrəŋaid̶ia d̶ə-Bulus na Sila d̶aɽo d̶eṯəm. 12 Na lwaiña iŋulu ldëndi ŋen, ildi əɽəlda loɽra eŋen ləɽo Yunaniyin na lwaiña lərrwa com. 13 Orn ndə Alyawuḏ yalo yi-Ṯasəluniki yaləŋeṯo ṯa Bulus gəbërrəŋaicia led̶a ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa alo yi-Bariya com, yënəŋulu niyeṯa alo yakəl com ldətud̶i nara nəled̶a lwaiña. 14 Na taltal lorəba ləkanisa ldəd̶waṯe Bulus ed̶ad̶ id̶i d̶əməña nḏəbarlda orn Sila na Ṯiməd̶awus ldəṯëni alo yi-Bariya. 15 Na led̶a ildi lëɽeicu Bulus ldarəmaṯəlda alo y-Ad̶ina orn Bulus nəŋəlëd̶iṯi ṯa, “Mbər ñalwaɽəṯi Sila na Ṯiməd̶awus alela taltal,” oro labəla.
Ŋen ləfo alo y-Ad̶ina
16 Na ŋen Bulus gəlṯurṯia alo y-Ad̶ina girəwano kaiñ ŋen ŋanṯa gaseicia alo yunḏeinu laŋgela ləpiano ildi led̶a ldukwud̶əñiṯialo. 17 Nṯia ñoman pred̶ gukuɽəbijəd̶ətu eŋen Alyawuḏya na led̶ala ləŋəra eŋen emajma, na alo yəsuk com led̶ala ildi ləbərldeṯa nəsuk. 18 Na ləmaṯan com lə-Bikuriyin, na ləmaṯan lə-Ruwagiyin, led̶a ildi lerṯo d̶ələŋeṯa ŋen nəsi d̶alo d̶waiña laɽwataid̶ia eŋen ŋəd̶əməṯia d̶əled̶a, lënəŋulu ldopəd̶aid̶e Bulusala, na ləmaṯan laṯa, “Maje igi gwaiña ŋeniano gwonaṯa gəndəlwaɽəṯia ŋen ŋanṯau?” Na ləmaṯan laṯa ṯa, “Aŋgaica gerṯo d̶ërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋimwa yerto.” Lalwaɽo ṯia, ŋen ŋanṯa gabërrəŋaicia led̶a ŋen ŋə-Yesu na ŋəd̶ətwod̶a eŋəɽaiñ. 19 Na ldəmëndi ldəmaiyeɽe alo yibërnia Ariyubagus, yaɽo alo yalmajlis yoɽra, ldaṯa “Ñagwonaṯa ñaŋanaṯa ŋen iŋi ŋəmaijən agabërrəŋaicia led̶a. 20 Ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋəmaṯan ñagano nəŋəndəjəbinṯi na ñagwonaṯa ñagələŋeṯa ŋen iŋi ŋafo ṯau.” 21 (Led̶a pred̶ lalo y-Ad̶ina na led̶a ildi lərto ləfo alo y-Ad̶ina, lero ləbəd̶ia ŋen ŋənəŋ illi lararraid̶ia jaica ṯaləkëɽu ŋen, walla alne ŋen ŋənəŋ ŋəmaijən.)
Ŋen iŋi Bulus gəlwaɽo imajlis isi ibërnia Ariyubagus
22 Nṯia Bulus gad̶əru iligano alo y-Ariyubagus nəŋəleiṯi ṯa, “Led̶a lalo y-Ad̶ina igandəseicia ñagəɽo led̶a ləd̶əñia Rəmwa eŋen pred̶. 23 Ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen egəberlda irnuŋ egalo, igaseicu laŋge lwaiña ildi ñagəlukwud̶əñiṯialo, na igaseicu ad̶una com na ŋen ŋəwërd̶einu nano ṯa, ‘Rəmwa irri raijəbənu’. Fəŋu irri ñagəbuŋṯia ñagaijəba, firri igəndërrəŋaicia ŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu d̶əñid̶i. 24 Rəmwa irri rid̶u alo na laŋge pred̶ ləfau, irri rəɽo Eləŋ relo na ralo, rero rəfia elaŋge lid̶ənu rəŋəra rəled̶a, 25 na com raber rəbəd̶ənṯia ŋəmëɽria rəŋəra rəled̶a ŋen ŋarno ṯa rwonaṯa wagənəŋ, ŋen ŋanṯa fəŋu rënəŋu ranaica led̶a pred̶ d̶əməṯia na ufud̶a enare, na laŋge pred̶. 26 Na rënəŋu rid̶u led̶a pred̶ eged̶a gonto lalo pred̶ ṯa alɽaŋe alo, orn rëɽu liga ananoŋ ləled̶a pred̶ na rëɽu alo com yeled̶a ɽetəɽeteo, 27 ṯa aləpwaiñe Rəmwa na aŋgaica alnini aləfid̶i. Orn Rəmwa rero rəfia nwaldaŋ, rafəndr ṯwaiñ, lëndr pred̶. 28 Ŋen ŋanṯa
‘Lagerṯr d̶əməṯia iŋu na ləgabərldar na ləgafr iŋu’, garno ŋen iŋi ŋəled̶a ləmaṯan eldalo ildi ləɽo nələŋa, ldaṯa ṯa,
‘Ñagaɽo ñere ñəlëɽəŋu’.
29 Ŋen ñagəɽo ñere ñə-Rəmwa ŋen ŋafo mənna ndə ñagəbaṯa ṯa rəmwa irri rarno ḏaəb walla faḏḏa walla ŋwandra walla laŋge lid̶ənu rəŋəra na ŋəṯəɽaŋa ŋəled̶a. 30 Liga lakəl led̶a laijəba ŋen, Rəmwa raŋgiṯu d̶əge, orn d̶əñid̶i ralwaɽəṯia led̶a pred̶ alo pred̶ ṯa alṯad̶e ŋen eŋen ŋeicia aloɽəbaṯe nano. 31 Ŋen ŋanṯa Rəmwa rerṯo liga ṯa nd̶i arwakəme alo ŋenŋa ŋəd̶urwaṯo ed̶aga gənəŋ igi Rəmwa rwoṯəma. Rënəŋu rërrəŋaicu led̶a pred̶ ṯa ŋen iŋi ŋad̶eṯəm ndə rətud̶ima eŋəɽaiñ.” 32 Ndə ləno ŋen ŋəd̶ətwod̶a eŋəɽaiñ ləmṯan ldaṯa ṯa, “Ŋen ŋapiano”, na ləmaṯan ldaṯa ṯa, “Ñagid̶i ñaŋanaṯe ŋen iŋi təŋ.” 33 Nṯia Bulus nəŋəloməñe. 34 Orn led̶a lərrwa ləmaṯan lano ŋen ŋə-Bulus ldëndi, maje gənəŋ gəbërnia Điwinisiwus gəled̶a lalmajlis y-Ariyubagus na wuji gəɽəbwa gəbërnia Ḏamaris na ləmaṯan təŋ.