The Meeting at Jerusalem
1 Some men came from Judea to Antioch and started teaching the believers, “You cannot be saved unless you are circumcised as the Law of Moses requires.” 2 Paul and Barnabas got into a fierce argument with them about this, so it was decided that Paul and Barnabas and some of the others in Antioch should go to Jerusalem and see the apostles and elders about this matter.
3 They were sent on their way by the church; and as they went through Phoenicia and Samaria, they reported how the Gentiles had turned to God; this news brought great joy to all the believers. 4 When they arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church, the apostles, and the elders, to whom they told all that God had done through them. 5 But some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and told to obey the Law of Moses.”
6 The apostles and the elders met together to consider this question. 7 After a long debate Peter stood up and said, “My friends, you know that a long time ago God chose me from among you to preach the Good News to the Gentiles, so that they could hear and believe. 8 And God, who knows the thoughts of everyone, showed his approval of the Gentiles by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he had to us. 9 He made no difference between us and them; he forgave their sins because they believed. 10 So then, why do you now want to put God to the test by laying a load on the backs of the believers which neither our ancestors nor we ourselves were able to carry? 11 No! We believe and are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they are.”
12 The whole group was silent as they heard Barnabas and Paul report all the miracles and wonders that God had performed through them among the Gentiles. 13 When they had finished speaking, James spoke up: “Listen to me, my friends! 14 Simon has just explained how God first showed his care for the Gentiles by taking from among them a people to belong to him. 15 The words of the prophets agree completely with this. As the scripture says,
16 ‘After this I will return, says the Lord,
and restore the kingdom of David.
I will rebuild its ruins
and make it strong again.
17 And so all the rest of the human race will come to me,
all the Gentiles whom I have called to be my own.
18 So says the Lord, who made this known long ago.’
19 “It is my opinion,” James went on, “that we should not trouble the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead, we should write a letter telling them not to eat any food that is ritually unclean because it has been offered to idols; to keep themselves from sexual immorality; and not to eat any animal that has been strangled, or any blood. 21 For the Law of Moses has been read for a very long time in the synagogues every Sabbath, and his words are preached in every town.”
The Letter to the Gentile Believers
22 Then the apostles and the elders, together with the whole church, decided to choose some men from the group and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose two men who were highly respected by the believers, Judas, called Barsabbas, and Silas, 23 and they sent the following letter by them:
“We, the apostles and the elders, your brothers, send greetings to all our brothers of Gentile birth who live in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia. 24 We have heard that some who went from our group have troubled and upset you by what they said; they had not, however, received any instruction from us. 25 And so we have met together and have all agreed to choose some messengers and send them to you. They will go with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul, 26 who have risked their lives in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We send you, then, Judas and Silas, who will tell you in person the same things we are writing. 28 The Holy Spirit and we have agreed not to put any other burden on you besides these necessary rules: 29 eat no food that has been offered to idols; eat no blood; eat no animal that has been strangled; and keep yourselves from sexual immorality. You will do well if you take care not to do these things. With our best wishes.”
30 The messengers were sent off and went to Antioch, where they gathered the whole group of believers and gave them the letter. 31 When the people read it, they were filled with joy by the message of encouragement. 32 Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength. 33 After spending some time there, they were sent off in peace by the believers and went back to those who had sent them.
35 Paul and Barnabas spent some time in Antioch, and together with many others they taught and preached the word of the Lord.
Paul and Barnabas Separate
36 Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in every town where we preached the word of the Lord, and let us find out how they are getting along.” 37 Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them, 38 but Paul did not think it was right to take him, because he had not stayed with them to the end of their mission, but had turned back and left them in Pamphylia. 39 There was a sharp argument, and they separated: Barnabas took Mark and sailed off for Cyprus, 40 while Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the care of the Lord's grace. 41 He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
Ŋen ŋalmajlis alo yi-Ursalim
1 Orn led̶a ləmaṯan leṯo alo Yuḏiya ṯalërrəŋaicu led̶a ŋen ldaṯa, “Ndə ñagero ñaguɽəd̶ənia garno ŋen ŋəpənde ŋə-Musa, ñagaber ñagəɽwad̶aṯa ñagëbərnia.” 2 Na ndə Bulus na Barnaba lukuɽəbijəd̶əṯu led̶ala olia kaiñ, Bulus na Barnaba na led̶a ləmaṯan ləd̶weinu alo yi-Ursalim ŋen ŋanṯa aɽrraid̶e led̶ala ləd̶wemu na nələŋəna nəkanisa eŋen iŋi.
3 Ndə alkanisa yed̶watəlo ldəməñe alo yi-Finigiya na alo yi-Saməra ldəlwaɽəṯi led̶a ŋen pred̶ ləkanisa tu ṯa led̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ lared̶eṯo Rəmwa nano. Na ndə ləno ŋen iŋi ldəŋəreṯe nano kaiñ. 4 Ndə Bulusanda lərəmaṯo alo yi-Ursalim led̶a ləkanisa tu led̶ala ləd̶weinu na nələŋanda nəkanisa laməlo ed̶ad̶ ldələŋërti nano. Na Bulusanda lalwaɽəṯəlo ŋen pred̶ Rəmwa rid̶əliya. 5 Orn led̶a ləmaṯan ildi lëndu ŋen ləɽo Alfarisiyin, latwod̶o ldaṯa, “Ŋen d̶eṯəm led̶a ildi aluɽəd̶əni na alërrəŋeini ŋen ṯa aɽrəmoṯe ŋen ŋ-Alganun yi-Musa.”
6 Na led̶a ləd̶weinu na nələŋ nəkanisa larraid̶o ldəɽo ṯa alinḏeici ŋen iŋi. 7 Na ndə ləɽwataid̶o liga lwalano Buṯrus nəŋətwod̶e nəŋəleiṯi ṯa, “Lorldaiñ, ñagaləŋeṯo Rəmwa rundəd̶iñi bətegəluŋ eñaŋ ṯa led̶a gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ lid̶i alne ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ëiñuaya ilëɽəñi na alëndi. 8 Na Rəmwa irri rələŋeṯo nara nəled̶a raɽo d̶aməd̶aṯa ed̶en, ranaicəlo Usila Gətəɽe gəlëɽəŋu ŋen ŋarno rənaicəndr, 9 na rero rəndənaicar ŋen ɽetəɽeteo, ranaicəndr ŋen ŋonto, orn rwasəlo enare d̶wonaṯad̶a. 10 Na ŋen ŋafəṯia ñagabinḏeicia Rəmwa ed̶a? Ñaganaica ṯaləmis isi ŋen ŋinia bapanda ildëndr lero ləɽwad̶aṯia na nëndr com ləgerr ləgaɽwad̶aṯiar? 11 Orn ləgëndr ŋen ṯa ləgid̶r alëbərnr d̶ənaicad̶a d̶-Eləŋ Yesu, ŋen ŋarno ŋulu.”
12 Na led̶a pred̶ ṯaləbwaiño ŋəma ṯalnaṯo Barnaba na Bulus eŋen ləɽwatiṯialo na aŋwara yoɽra isi Rəmwa rid̶u eled̶a gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ. 13 Ndə ləɽwato d̶əge Yagub nəŋaṯa, “Lorldaiñ naṯiñr! 14 Siman galwaɽəṯəndr ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ndə rəbəɽo led̶a nano gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ ŋen ŋəɽənda na ndrlwoṯe ləmaṯan ṯa aləɽeṯe led̶a əllëɽəŋu. 15 Na ŋen iŋi ñagəno d̶əñid̶i na ŋen iŋi ŋalanəbiya yepənde ŋaɽo ŋonto ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋawërd̶ənu egad̶am gə-Rəmwa ṯa, 16 Rəmwa ralwaɽo ṯa,
‘Orn igid̶i yoɽəbəd̶ia
na igid̶i ywad̶e eɽa gə-Ḏawuḏ təŋ, igi giɽu,
igid̶i yeṯoɽaṯe laŋge əllëɽəŋu ildi liɽu yiltud̶i,
17 igid̶i yid̶i ṯia ṯa led̶a ildi ləṯënu aləpwaiñe Eləŋ Rəmwa,
na ildi pred̶ gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ alurndəd̶i irəŋga gəlëɽəñi.
18 Rəmwa ralwaɽo ŋen iŋi ŋələŋeinu pənde’.
19 “Egalwaɽo ṯa ləgaber ləgəcwariar led̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuci ildi lëndu ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa, 20 orn aldənaicr ad̶am ṯa aləŋgiṯi laŋge ildi lətaŋa ildi led̶a ldukwud̶əñiṯialo, na ŋen pred̶ iŋi ŋətaŋa ŋaŋəno, na laŋge pred̶ ildi laiyo məɽəməɽeñ ŋəfəni ŋero ŋirəwa, walla ŋəfəni ŋəmən təŋ. 21 Ŋen ŋanṯa Alganun yi-Musa yafo alo pred̶ nṯəlia pred̶ ŋen ŋanṯa yauɽwatənia emajma Ñoman pred̶ ñəd̶əmiñəniano.”
Ŋen ŋad̶am gəd̶weinṯu led̶a gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ ildi lëndu ŋen ŋ-Almasiya
22 Led̶a ləd̶weinu na nələŋ nəkanisa na led̶a pred̶ ləkanisa laṯa ṯa, “Ŋen ŋame ləgwoṯar led̶a egworəb ləɽijan inëndr aldəd̶waṯr Bulusala na Barnaba alo y-Anṯakiya.” Orn ldwoṯe Yaud̶a gënəjənu Barsaba na Sila, ildi loɽra eŋen eled̶a lalkanisa. 23 Lad̶waṯəlo ad̶amga igi gaṯa,
“Fənanda led̶a ləd̶weinu na nələŋ nəkanisa ñəŋgi lorldaiñ, ñageɽəd̶o lorldaiñ eled̶a gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ, ildi ləfo alo y-Anṯakiya na alo yi-Suriya na alo yi-Kilikiya. 24 Ñagano ŋen ṯa led̶a ləmaṯan enanda lid̶ənde ñagətësənia ŋenŋa eŋen nəŋəndəjəbinṯi, ñagero ñagələd̶waṯa ŋenŋa iŋi, 25 na ŋen ŋafəṯia nəñarraid̶e emajlis esaiñ na nəñaŋënṯi ŋen ṯa ñwoṯe led̶a enanda ləmaṯan ṯa ñandələd̶weiti Barnabaga na Bulus ildi ñagəbwaliya. 26 Ildi lənaid̶o d̶əməṯia ed̶en iŋəmëɽria ŋen ŋanṯa Eləŋ igëndr Yesu Almasiya. 27 Na nanda ñagad̶waṯo Yaud̶a na Sila, na lënəŋulu lid̶i aləndəlwaɽəṯi ŋen iŋi ëiñuaya d̶urri iŋi ñagəwërd̶i. 28 Ŋen ŋanṯa Usila Gətəɽe na nanda ñagaṯa ṯa ŋen ŋaŋəra ñagaber ñagandəcwaria ŋenŋa ŋwaiña. 29 Illi ñagwonaṯa ṯa ñaŋ ñerṯe ñagəsa id̶əɽəd̶ənia d̶əlaŋge ləpiano ildi led̶a ldukwud̶əñiṯialo walla ŋəfəni walla d̶wala id̶i d̶aiyo məɽəməɽeñ na ṯa ñaŋgiṯi ŋen ŋeicia ŋaŋəno, ndə ñagaṯad̶a ŋen iŋi pred̶ ñagëbəd̶ia ŋen ŋəŋəra. A, Rəmwa arndefeṯe.”
30 Ndə ləd̶weinu d̶əge ldabəṯa alo y-Anṯakiya, ldərreid̶i led̶a ldəlnaice ad̶am. 31 Ndə led̶a lëgəri ad̶am ldəŋəreṯe nano kaiñ eŋen iŋi ŋəɽo d̶aməd̶aṯa. 32 Na Yaud̶a na Sila, ildi ləɽo anəbiya d̶urri, lërrəŋaicu lorəba ŋen ŋopia d̶urri liga lwalano na ldaməd̶aṯe kaiñ. 33 Na ndə ləɽaŋo alo y-Anṯakiya ñoman ñəmaṯan na lorəba ldəloɽəbaice ed̶ad̶ d̶əŋərad̶a nano təŋ eled̶a ildi ləd̶waṯəlo. [ 34 Orn Sila nəŋëɽi ŋen ṯa gaɽaŋa tu.] 35 Orn Bulus na Barnaba ldəɽaŋe alo y-Anṯakiya ldërrəŋaici led̶a ŋen ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu led̶ala lwomən com.
Ŋen Bulus na Barnaba ləndəd̶iano
36 Ndə ñoman ñəŋgaṯo ñəmaṯan Bulus geiṯu Barnaba ṯa, “Aɽe alnwane lordëləŋ ildi ləgërrəŋaicəlo ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ikanisa təmətəm, gaɽe lafo ṯau.” 37 Na Barnaba gwonaṯa Yuanna igi gəbërnia Margus ṯa alɽəlda, 38 orn Bulus gaṯa, gəbanṯa ləgaŋgiṯia Yuanna igi gəṯad̶ənde alo yi-Bamfiliya na gero gəndaməd̶aṯa iŋəmëɽria iŋi ŋə-Rəmwa. 39 Na d̶eiciano nḏətwod̶e nḏəlandəd̶iano, ldəbapërəd̶əniano ɽetəɽeteo. Barnaba garno Margus ldënṯi id̶əpundr ld̶aməña alo yibërnia Gubrus. 40 Orn Bulus nəŋəme Sila ldabəla, na lorəba ləkanisa ldənaid̶e ed̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶-Eləŋ Rəmwa. 41 Lënəŋulu ldəməñe ed̶ad̶ d̶alo yi-Suriya na alo yi-Kilikiya ṯalonḏəco kanisa pred̶.