Obey Rulers
1 Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power. 2 People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished. 3 Rulers are a threat to evil people, not to good people. There is no need to be afraid of the authorities. Just do right, and they will praise you for it. 4 After all, they are God's servants, and it is their duty to help you.
If you do something wrong, you ought to be afraid, because these rulers have the right to punish you. They are God's servants who punish criminals to show how angry God is. 5 But you should obey the rulers because you know it is the right thing to do, and not just because of God's anger.
6 You must also pay your taxes. The authorities are God's servants, and it is their duty to take care of these matters. 7 Pay all that you owe, whether it is taxes and fees or respect and honor.
8 Let love be your only debt! If you love others, you have done all that the Law demands. 9 In the Law there are many commands, such as, “Be faithful in marriage. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not want what belongs to others.” But all of these are summed up in the command that says, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” 10 No one who loves others will harm them. So love is all that the Law demands.
The Day When Christ Returns
11 You know what sort of times we live in, and so you should live properly. It is time to wake up. You know that the day when we will be saved is nearer now than when we first put our faith in the Lord. 12 Night is almost over, and day will soon appear. We must stop behaving as people do in the dark and be ready to live in the light. 13 So behave properly, as people do in the day. Don't go to wild parties or get drunk or be vulgar or indecent. Don't quarrel or be jealous. 14 Let the Lord Jesus Christ be as near to you as the clothes you wear. Then you won't try to satisfy your selfish desires.
Ṯiinyicǝ hakwɔɔma naana.
1 Ethi lizi tatap iinyici lizi naana kila lǝthi sɔlṯa kwǝthi hakwɔɔma. Kaka nǝṯi-gwɔ sɔlṯa iila tatap naanɔ-gwɔ Allah, nǝ kila limthi kire-kirem-ŋgwɔ nǝ Allah oro winḏǝthǝsi. 2 Ŋwɔṯaŋw mɔŋw dirnacci kweere kila limthi sɔlṯa tǝ, nɔŋwɔni kwɔdirnathalɔ ŋgwa kwǝlli Allah-na, nɔŋwɔni kwɔvthannica hɔkwɔma. 3 Kaka niti nǝṯi-gwɔ kila lisaaw ere ṯeenye lisɔlṯaana mac, laakin nǝroro kila ligii lǝṯi ṯeenye. A kwɔnaŋna etheere ṯeenye ŋgwa kwumthi sɔlṯa mac-a? Nǝ ǝrrǝsi-mǝ ŋa ŋisaaw, mindaŋ mɔŋw aamina ŋaaŋgi, 4 kaka nɔrɔ-ŋgwɔ khaḏaam kǝthi ŋothɽor ŋǝthi Allah ŋisaaw ŋǝni ŋɔɔŋa. Laakin mǝsi ǝrri ŋigii tǝ, a ṯeenye, kaka niti nǝṯɔ-ŋgwɔ appi kaalala-lɔ domony mac; kaka nɔrɔ-ŋgwɔ khaḏaam kǝthi Allah, ǝṯɔŋwsi ǝccǝ kila haakima ŋirŋasa-ŋi ŋǝthi Allah kila lǝṯisi ǝrri ŋigii. 5 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝr ɔvthanni ethi iinyici sɔlṯa naana, nǝreere ǝniŋw ethi kilatha ŋirŋasa ŋǝthi Allah ṯɔɽɔk mac, laakin nǝroro ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor tok. 6 Nǝ nǝrṯoro ŋǝthi sǝbǝbǝ ŋgwɔ ethi kwette kette ṯɔlba tok, kaka nɔrɔ-gwɔ lisɔlṯaan yaḏaam yǝthi Allah, kaka nǝṯir-gwɔ ṯǝ ǝrri ŋothɽor ŋɔ. 7 Ǝṯisi inḏǝthǝ tatap ŋgwa kweeŋen kwɔnaŋnar, ɔrɔ-gwɔ ṯɔlba, ǝsi inḏǝthǝ kila lǝthi ṯɔlba ŋa, nǝ tok ṯǝthi kwomne kwaalɔ wɔɽe-wɔɽeny, ǝṯi iiɽinǝ ŋgwa kwɔvthannica ṯiiɽǝ-nǝ, nǝ ǝṯi nii-naǝ ŋgwa kwɔvthannica ṯiniyǝnǝ.
Ṯimǝccithisǝ-nǝ wɔɽe-wɔɽeny.
8 Ǝṯi-gi ǝthi kweere kǝmzu mac, illi ethi amɽathisina wɔɽe-wɔɽeny, mɔŋw amɽi kweere jaara kwuuŋwun nɔŋwɔni kwiinyicǝ Sherii@a naana. 9 Nǝ waamir wǝṯaarɔŋw, “Ǝṯeere oro kwiijin mac, eṯeere kette ḏimmi mac, ǝṯeere nyiimi mac, ǝṯi-ŋa ŋɔwaay ere yatha mac.”
Wɔ tatap nǝ wir ter tok, nɔŋw ɔɽɔmaṯṯi tatap ethi wɔ-la wǝni-ŋwɔ, “Ǝṯamɽi jaara kwɔɔŋa kaka nǝṯi-gwɔ amɽi rogɽo rɔɔŋwa.” 10 Ṯamɽa ṯiti ṯǝti ǝrrici jaara kwuuŋwun ŋiɽaŋali ŋigii mac, ŋwɔṯaŋw ǝṯi ṯamɽa ǝni ṯǝṯi ṯimmasi waamira kworo.
11 Nǝ ŋɔ tatap nǝsi elŋe ŋǝthi lɔɔmɔr kala, kaka mǝgwɔ lɔɔmɔr laalɔ ṯimmayini ethi kiɽiṯa ki-ŋwaarɔ-na. Kaka mǝnyji-gwɔ ŋiglǝthǝ naanasi keṯṯok kirem ethi kerreny-ŋwɔla kinaŋw nǝmminǝr-gwɔ. 12 Kulu kimaadithi ethi ṯamthɔ, nǝ aaŋwɔn aadithi ethi allitha. Ǝri urṯunǝlɔ ŋothɽor-ŋi ŋa wur ŋǝthi kirim, mindaŋ mǝr kenne kwomne kwǝthi fɔɔri. 13 Ǝri aami eleŋw kaka lizi lǝṯi iirǝrǝlɔ ki-fɔɔri-na kwǝthi aaŋwɔn, etheere athvayini wala ethi urlǝli mac, wala ŋeere ŋir ŋǝrṯǝmbǝl, wala ŋudur, wala ŋurrǝthǝ, wala ethi kee ŋiɽany. 14 Laakin a kenne Kweelenyi kwǝni Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ-ŋw, mindaŋ ǝsi-ṯǝ rilliŋw ŋa ŋǝṯisi aŋna naŋni ethi ṯimmaci sɔɔrɔma kwuuŋwun kworo.