The Seventh Seal Is Opened
1 When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 I noticed that the seven angels who stood before God were each given a trumpet.
3 Another angel, who had a gold container for incense, came and stood at the altar. This one was given a lot of incense to offer with the prayers of God's people on the gold altar in front of the throne. 4 Then the smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God's people, went up to God from the hand of the angel.
5 After this, the angel filled the incense container with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the earth shook.
The Trumpets
6 The seven angels now got ready to blow their trumpets.
7 When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail and fire mixed with blood were thrown down on the earth. A third of the earth, a third of the trees, and a third of all green plants were burned.
8 When the second angel blew his trumpet, something like a great fiery mountain was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
10 When the third angel blew his trumpet, a great star fell from heaven. It was burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on a third of the springs of water. 11 The name of the star was Bitter, and a third of the water turned bitter. Many people died because the water was so bitter.
12 When the fourth angel blew his trumpet, a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were struck. They each lost a third of their light. So during a third of the day there was no light, and a third of the night was also without light.
13 Then I looked and saw a lone eagle flying across the sky. It was shouting, “Trouble, trouble, trouble to everyone who lives on earth! The other three angels are now going to blow their trumpets.”
Khaaṯim kir nimrǝ dɔvokwɔɽony.
1 Mǝ Tirany kiṯṯi khaaṯima kir nimrǝ dɔvokwɔɽony, nǝ kizǝn ayithalɔ ki-leere-na ciɽiŋill, kaka nus saa@ min-min. 2 E-ta ninyeese limeleka dɔvokwɔɽony lirlɔ kiyǝnǝ yǝthi Allah, mindaŋ nǝrsi inḏǝthǝ yibooɽonya dɔvokwɔɽony. 3 Nǝ meleka iila kwɔthaathɔ nɔŋw rilli kiyǝnǝ yǝthi ŋwɔthgwun taɽinyɔ-ri tir ḏahab; nǝr inḏǝthǝ kwɔthɽɔla kwittǝzir ethi kiɽǝzǝsi ṯaara kiiriny naana ṯǝthi lizi lǝthi Allah, ethi kette ki-ŋwɔthgwun-lǝ ŋwir ḏahab, ŋwɔnaanɔ kiyǝnǝ yǝthi kwɔrsi kwǝthi ŋeeleny. 4 Nǝ kwuulu kwǝthi kwɔthɽɔl dallitha leereya ṯaara-thi kiyiiriny ṯǝthi lizi lǝthi Allah, ṯuruuthu ki-rii-na rǝthi meleka-ŋgwa kwirlɔ kiyǝnǝ yǝthi Allah. 5 E-ta nǝ meleka dimmǝ taɽinyɔ mindaŋ nɔŋw urǝzi iigǝ-ŋi-nǝ deddep wǝthi ŋwɔthgwun, mindaŋ nɔŋw-mǝ kaṯṯa ki-ṯurmun-nǝ. E-ta nǝ kwuurunnǝ kettene kwɔppa, nǝ ŋweere ɔppɔthina, nǝ rimen iithithi kǝkǝny-kǝkǝny, mindaŋ nǝ wurǝyu riiginni.
Limeleka mǝr-gwɔ ǝrii yibooɽonya yeeŋen.
6 Ŋwɔṯaŋw mindaŋ nǝ limeleka lir dɔvokwɔɽony lɔppa yibooɽonya dɔvokwɔɽony, nǝr naani cɔgwo-cɔgwop ethisi ǝrii.
7 Nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ kwette ǝrii kibooɽonya kuuŋun, mindaŋ nǝ ŋwɔɔrɔm-ŋa iigǝ-yi ŋwɔlagthina ŋin-ŋi iidǝthǝ ki-ṯurmun-lǝ. Mindaŋ nǝ ṯurmun dɔnnathi kithritha kette kǝthi ṯoɽol, mindaŋ nǝ yaaɽi dɔnnathi kithritha kette kǝthi ṯoɽol, mindaŋ nǝ karaaw tatap kiglǝ uɽǝthi kithaay wǝr.
8 Nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ kwuɽǝn ǝrii kibooɽonya kuuŋun. Mindaŋ nǝ kwomne kwette kwir kaka aayin wɔppa wufɔɔdɔ iigǝŋi, nɔŋw kǝṯṯini ki-bahar-na, 9 mindaŋ nǝ kithrith kette kǝthi bahar kir ṯoɽol reethe nɔŋworo ŋin, nǝ kithrith kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kǝthi kwomne kwɔmiithɔ kwǝthi bahar-na ai, mindaŋ nǝ kithrith kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kiirathalɔ kǝthi limɔrkǝb.
10 E-ta nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ ṯoɽol ǝrii kibooɽonya kuuŋun. Mindaŋ nǝ ṯɔɔrɔm ṯɔppa iidǝ ki-leere-na, ṯɔfɔɔdɔ kaka iigǝ nɔŋw iidǝthǝ kithrith-la kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kǝthi libahar lokwɔɽony, nǝ ki-ruwǝ-lǝ rǝthi ŋaaw tok. 11 Nǝ yiriny yǝthi ṯɔɔrɔm ǝniŋw, “ɽee cer-cer”. Nǝ kithrith kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kǝthi ŋaaw orlle nǝr ɽee cer-cer, mindaŋ mǝ lizi ii ŋaaw nǝr ai littǝzir, kaka mǝr-gwɔ orlle mǝr-gwɔ ɽee cer-cer.
12 E-ta nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ kwaɽiŋan ǝrii kibooɽonya kuuŋun. Mindaŋ nǝ kithrith kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kǝthi aaŋwɔn pinni, nǝ ŋga kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kǝthi ǝwǝ pinni, nǝ ŋga kette kǝthi ṯoɽol kǝthi rɔɔrɔm pinni tok, mindaŋ nǝ fɔɔri kweeŋen kwǝthi yithrith yeeŋen yir ṯoɽol irṯasi erṯeŋw-lɔ kweeŋen; mindaŋ nǝ fɔɔri ere naani mac ki-lɔɔmɔr-la lǝthi kithrith kir ṯoɽol kǝthi kaaŋwɔn-naŋw, nǝ ki-lɔɔmɔr-la lǝthi kithrith kir ṯoɽol kǝthi kilkǝluŋw tok.
13 Ṯaŋw mǝny dimmi yǝy tǝ, nenyii neŋne ṯogɽo ṯɔppa ṯǝthi lifirṯaŋ lidiiɽu ki-leere puc-puc laarɔŋw, “Ǝyǝwǝy ǝnnǝ ṯurvǝ, ǝyǝwǝy ǝnnǝ ṯurvǝ, ayaway anna ṯurvǝ ṯǝthi kila linannɔ ki-ṯurmun-na, mǝ ṯogɽo ṯǝthi yibooɽony iila, kiya yinḏisi ethisi limeleka ǝrii kila lir ṯoɽol!”