A Large Crowd of Witnesses
1 Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us. 2 We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew later on he would be glad he did. Now he is seated at the right side of God's throne! 3 So keep your mind on Jesus, who put up with many insults from sinners. Then you won't get discouraged and give up.
4 None of you have yet been hurt in your battle against sin. 5 But you have forgotten that the Scriptures say to God's children,

“When the Lord punishes you,
don't make light of it,
and when he corrects you,
don't be discouraged.
6 The Lord corrects the people
he loves
and disciplines those
he calls his own.”

7 Be patient when you are being corrected! This is how God treats his children. Don't all parents correct their children? 8 God corrects all his children, and if he doesn't correct you, then you don't really belong to him. 9 Our earthly fathers correct us, and we still respect them. Isn't it even better to be given true life by letting our spiritual Father correct us?
10 Our human fathers correct us for a short time, and they do it as they think best. But God corrects us for our own good, because he wants us to be holy, as he is. 11 It is never fun to be corrected. In fact, at the time it is always painful. But if we learn to obey by being corrected, we will do right and live at peace.
12 Now stand up straight! Stop your knees from shaking 13 and walk a straight path. Then lame people will be healed, instead of getting worse.
Warning against Turning from God
14 Try to live at peace with everyone! Live a clean life. If you don't, you will never see the Lord. 15 Make sure no one misses out on God's wonderful kindness. Don't let anyone become bitter and cause trouble for the rest of you. 16 Watch out for immoral and ungodly people like Esau, who sold his future blessing for only one meal. 17 You know how he later wanted it back. But there was nothing he could do to change things, even though he begged his father and cried.
18 You have not come to a place like Mount Sinai that can be seen and touched. There is no flaming fire or dark cloud or storm 19 or trumpet sound. The people of Israel heard a voice speak. But they begged it to stop, 20 because they could not obey its commands. They were even told to kill any animal that touched the mountain. 21 The sight was so frightening that Moses said he shook with fear.
22 You have now come to Mount Zion and to the heavenly Jerusalem. This is the city of the living God, where thousands and thousands of angels have come to celebrate. 23 Here you will find all of God's dearest children, whose names are written in heaven. And you will find God himself, who judges everyone. Here also are the spirits of those good people who have been made perfect. 24 And Jesus is here! He is the one who makes God's new agreement with us, and his sprinkled blood says much better things than the blood of Abel.
25 Make sure you obey the one who speaks to you. The people did not escape, when they refused to obey the one who spoke to them at Mount Sinai. Do you think you can possibly escape, if you refuse to obey the one who speaks to you from heaven? 26 When God spoke the first time, his voice shook only the earth. This time he has promised to shake the earth once again, and heaven too.
27 The words “once again” mean that these created things will someday be shaken and removed. Then what cannot be shaken will last. 28 We should be grateful we were given a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And in this kingdom we please God by worshiping him and by showing him great honor and respect. 29 Our God is like a destructive fire!
Allah wir Papa kwǝri.
1 Nǝ ŋǝri tǝ, kaka nirikǝthi-nyji gwɔ dɔŋwlɔ lɔppa rikkak lǝthi shuhuuḏ, ǝɽir kǝniny ǝri urṯunǝlɔ wur kwomne-gi ŋgwa tatap kwǝṯi-nyji irrǝci keereny-gi, nǝ ŋikiya tok ŋǝṯi-nyji nyindaŋṯi naana tetter, mindaŋ ǝri avri rerrem likalmiṯathɔ ṯɔgwɔrmɔṯanna-thi ki-ṯiɽinya-la kitha ṯuɽucǝr-nyji. 2 Ǝri ecce Yǝcu-ŋw ŋoṯ-ŋoṯ, kwir ṯuwǝ ṯǝthi ṯǝmminǝ ṯǝri ṯǝṯɔŋw ruusi min-min. Nɔŋw indinyanni ŋwuuɽu naana ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi ṯaamana kitha ṯǝkkicǝ ŋunduŋw kizǝn keererny-gi. Nɔŋwseere kettice ŋeere yǝy mac ŋǝthi fǝthiyǝ kwǝthi ŋiɽany ki-ŋwuuɽi-lǝ, nǝ kirem tǝ nɔŋw naanalɔ ki-ṯuɽumǝ ṯǝthi mɔni ṯǝthi kwɔrsi kwǝthi Allah.
3 Aarir-ṯi fǝkirǝ ŋgwa kwindinyanna ŋuwǝzǝ naana ŋǝthi lizi ligii! E-ta ere mɔɔli nǝ etheere ajli tok mac. 4 Kinaŋw nɔthɔgthɔ-ŋa ŋikiya-ŋǝli, niŋeere kinnǝni bɔbli mac mindaŋ nǝrŋǝsi ere ɽeenye mac. 5 Nǝ ŋaaŋa limǝ mǝnyjǝ ṯɔɔthɔna ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋa ŋir ṯifirlla naana ŋandica-ŋǝsi Allah kaka nyɔɔrɔ nyuuŋwun nyir nyoŋwor-a? Naarɔ-ŋgwɔŋw:
“Tɔr tiinyi ǝṯisi kettice yǝy mǝŋǝ Kweeleny tatti,
nǝ mɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋaaŋwɔ jiizǝ tǝ, ǝṯeere appi kworo mac.
6 Kaka nǝṯi-gwɔ Kweeleny tatti ŋgwa kwǝṯɔŋw amɽi,
nǝ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ kwette nyithak jiizǝ kwǝṯɔŋw ruusi tɔr
7 Ŋǝni-pǝ ṯirǝttinǝ ṯǝvŋicǝ-ŋǝsi ethisi indinyanni naana. Allah wuŋuusǝ-ŋǝsi kaka nyɔr nyuuŋwun. Tɔr tindǝr tǝndu teere titi tǝṯi ṯǝrnyin tatti mac? 8 Mǝrŋǝsi ere tatti kaka nyɔɔrɔ mac ṯitatta-thi kitha ṯɔɽɔmattir-gwɔ-na tatap tǝ, noro lɔrɔthɔn-pa, liti lir nyɔr nyǝthi dɔɔnɔŋw mac. 9 Kerreny nǝrǝthi papa-ŋwsi lir lizigwunǝŋ lǝṯi-nyji tatti nǝ ǝṯirsi iiɽinǝ. E-ta ǝreere kǝniny iinyici Papa-ŋw naana kwǝthi rigɽim rǝri mindaŋ ethi miithi-a? 10 Ǝṯi-nyji papa-ŋa lǝri tatti kwokwo cuk domony, kaka ŋǝṯirsi ese ŋundu-ŋǝ ŋɔvthannicasi; laakin Allah tǝ, ǝṯɔŋwsi ǝrri ŋa ŋisaaw ŋɔthannica-nyji, mindaŋ mǝr ɔɽɔmaṯṯi ki-ṯirllinǝlɔ-nǝ ter ṯuuŋwun. 11 Mǝniyji tatti ǝṯireere aamina mac, ǝṯir ronyine. Kwaathan tǝ, ǝṯi kila limǝ tǝttini jiizǝ-gi ǝṯir ǝgini ɔjra wǝthi ŋiiɽǝnnǝ ŋǝthi ŋimiitha ŋirilalɔ.
Ṯa@liim-ŋa ṯiirǝcǝ-thi.
12 Allizar rii-la raalɔ rimɔɔlɔ, nǝ a firllasi ŋwɔrgwɔ-la ŋwaalɔ ŋwajla. 13 Nḏir dɔṯṯɔk ki-raay-la rirllalɔ tittir, mindaŋ mǝ kaaga keere kir likki ere orllona mac, laakin ŋwɔ kǝniny saawi. 14 Ṯǝccǝr ethoro liiɽǝnnǝ lizi naana tatap, nǝ a ṯǝcci tok ethi nanni ŋethre ŋirillinǝlɔ ter, nǝ mireere ŋɔ mac tǝ, a kwizi ere kweere mac kwǝthi ŋɔma etheese Kweelenyi. 15 Aŋrathir mindaŋ mɔŋweeŋe kweere mac kwɔrlacci ne@ma ŋwɔdoŋw kwǝthi Allah. Ǝṯɔŋw rɔɔthɔ kweere mac kaka taaɽi tiɽii cer-cer tǝṯi peŋe mindaŋ ǝṯɔŋw ǝnyji ṯurvǝ ṯuuru ŋiya-ŋi ŋuuŋun. 16 Aŋrathir mindaŋ etheere oro liijin mac, ya etheere Allah-na mac kaka @iisu-ŋwɔ kwɔmǝ uppi ŋɔɔrɔ-na ŋuuŋun ŋɔrɔŋ-ŋi nda, ethne-yi wɔtɔpɔt dak domony. 17 Ŋilŋithi-ŋǝsi rac mɔŋgwɔ naŋni ṯǝrnyin ethi ǝccǝ baarika; laakin nǝr dirnacci kaka niti mɔŋw kaṯṯasi ṯaay mac ethi urlǝ ṯɔgwor-lɔ, a-naŋnaŋwsi-va kinnǝni tok ŋwal-ŋi yǝy-yi.
18 Ŋaaŋa liti limǝ dɔŋgwatha kinnǝni ŋgwa naana mac kwǝṯir mɔmmi naana, naanɔ-gwɔ Ayin wǝni Siinaa iigǝ-yi wuuŋwun wɔfɔɔdɔ, nǝ kirim-ŋǝ ǝzir-yi wuumǝlǝ, nǝ kirǝjin, 19 nǝ ŋwal ŋwɔthi buruz, nǝ kwuurunnǝ kwǝthi ṯogɽo. Na mǝ lizi neŋne ṯogɽo, nǝr tuurǝthǝlɔ etheere neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋeere kwokwony mac, 20 kaka niti nǝthir-gwɔ ŋɔma mac ethi neŋne waamira waarɔŋw, “Mǝ kinnǝni haywaan oro wɔmɔmmɔ ayinɔ, laazim ǝri accathalɔ yall-yi.” 21 Aw rerrem, nǝ ǝzir ṯiŋatha ŋirinyǝlɔ ŋigii ṯiga-ṯiga, mindaŋ na Muusǝ aarɔŋw, “Nyii-ŋgwɔ kwɔnḏɔthɔ kwɔthiinya!” 22 Laakin ŋaaŋa tǝ, nǝ iila naanɔ-gwɔ Ayin wǝni Sihyɔɔn, nǝ ki-mǝḏiinǝ-nǝ kwǝthi Allah wɔmiithɔ, Urshaliim kwǝthi ki-leere-nɔgw, nǝ limeleka lir aalaaf linaanɔ ki-luuvǝ-nǝ lǝthi Siibir. 23 Ŋaaŋa limiila ki-lɔdɔŋw-na laamina lǝthi nyɔr nyir nyoŋwoŋ nyir ŋwɔɽa nyǝthi Allah, nyilɔɔthɔna yiriny yeeŋen ki-leere-na. Ŋaaŋa limiila naanɔ-gwɔ Allah wǝṯi haakimi lizigwunǝŋi. Niila naanɔ-gwɔ rigɽim rǝthi kila lirllalɔ lir min-min. 24 Ŋaaŋa limiila naanɔ-gwɔ Yǝcu-ŋgwa kwuɽuthu wa@ḏa wiyaŋ, nǝ niila naanɔ-gwɔ ŋin ŋiricinnǝlɔ ŋǝṯi andasi ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi wa@ḏ wǝthi kwomne kwuthǝmthi-lǝ ethi ŋin-lǝ ŋǝthi Haabiil.
25 Ǝɽir kǝniny aŋratha mindaŋ meere derne mac ethi niŋnaci ŋgwa kwandisa. Kila limǝ derne ethi niŋnaci ŋgwa kwandisa ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi Allah kanaŋw kwurǝyu-lu, nǝreere kilaaw mac. E-ta ǝrimǝ kilaaw nyiiŋǝ aŋgwɔrɔ mǝr dirnacci ŋgwa kwandisa ki-leere-na! 26 Ki-lɔɔmɔr-la kila nǝ ṯogɽo ṯuuŋwun riigi wurǝyuŋi laakin kirem tǝ, nɔŋwuuɽu wa@ḏa nɔŋwaarɔŋw, “Nyii Witi kwinḏi kwokwony ethi riigi wurǝyuŋi ṯɔɽɔk mac, laakin leereya tok.” 27 Ŋiɽaŋal ŋǝniŋw, “Kwokwony” nǝr andisalɔ por-por ethaarɔŋw ŋgwa kwugittina kwinḏi ethi riiginni na ǝri ǝvri kithaay, mindaŋ mǝ kwomne ŋgwa kwiti kwǝthi ŋɔma ethi riiŋinnǝlɔ mac, ŋwɔ naani ŋundu. 28 Ŋwɔṯaŋw ǝri aari shukran kaka mǝr-gwɔ aavi ŋeelenyi ŋa ŋiti ŋǝthi ŋɔma mac ethi riiginnǝlɔ. Ǝri aari shukran lɔgwɔcca Allah-la niizaam-gi kwǝthi-gi ǝmi ŋunduŋw-nǝ wuniyǝr-nǝ nǝ wiiɽǝrnǝ tok; 29 kaka nɔrɔ-gwɔ Allah wǝri iigǝ wǝṯi minǝŋ-lɔ minǝk-minǝk.